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<br /> <br />84 -006629 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />6. If be/Sbe fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant. provided for in this mortpce, the MortpgIM. at <br />its option, may payor perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principalllllDl <br />owing on the above note, shall be secured hereby. and shall bear interest until paid at the rate pro.ided <br />for in the priDcipal indebtedneu. <br /> <br />7. Upon request of the Mortgagee. Mortgagor shaU execute and deliver a supplemental note:, <br />for the sum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for thealteratioD; modernization, or ~ <br />the Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of;saidpremises, or for tax.. ora.I_~. <br />same, and for any other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note..or notes..... <br />hereby on a parity with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were i!ldudedia <br />described above. Said supplemental note or notel shall bear intereatat therateprcnidedfOrc <br />cipal indebtedness and shall be payable in approximately equal monthly pa)'IIleJlta for nch <br />be qreed upon by the Mortgagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on th~ ~turity, the <br />01' sums so advanced shall be due and payable thirty (30) days after demalld by the M <br />event shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first deeeribed abOve..;;;i,. <br /> <br />8. Helme hereby liII5iIm, transfers and seta oyerto the MOl'ttPIIee. to be applied.......thepllJlJ ,~lt"., <br />the note and all sums secu red hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the tenms asut~ <br />tions of this mortgage or the said note. all the rents, revenues and income to be derivedtrem.the~ <br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid: ancI the JI~ <br />shall have power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of renting the _ami... <br />lecting the rents. revenues and income, and it may payout of said incomes all neceIIIl&I"Y oomm;.... Uld <br />expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals the1'efrom: the baJaace <br />remaining, if any, to be applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedneus. <br /> <br />9. Helme will continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such type or types . tIIIlOIiBdI. <br />Mortgagee may from time to time require, on the improvementa now or hClftlllfter 00 said pi..... <br />except when payment for 1111 such premiums hllll theretofore been made under fe) of pet"" 2""'" <br />will pay promptly when due .!IM. premiulDI therefor. Upon default thereof, M~ .., pIIJ tIae-. <br />All '~'Jj ~... m companies approved by the MOl'ttPIIee and tIae poticieI . r~_.. <br />-. . ;_;;,_vMo.~e-and-hlt\'e-attaehed-t.~loet-pltyllb1adauMLiD..lauN.'._~M... <br />form r_...~. In event of loss Mortpgor will give immediate notice by IUiI to the <br />MOI'1;ppe,wbo may !Due proof of loss if not made promptly by MortNor. and eech inIurmce C'I1 lll~ <br />concemed i3 hereby lWthorized and directed to make payment for such loss directly to the MOI1IqIl <br />instead of to the Mort;pCor and the Mortgagee jointly, and the insurance proc:eeda, or lID)' ~ ~ <br />may be applied by the Mortpcee at ita option either to the reduction of the iIldebtedDeIs beIeby ...... <br />or to tile restoration or repaU of the property damaged. In event of foreclosure of dais mo~. or other <br />tran&fer of title to the mortpled property in extinguishment of the indebtednee& secured beIeby, . <br />ritht. title and interest of the Monpgor in and to any insurance policies then in force sbalI pall to tIae <br />purchaser or~. <br /> <br />10. As addit wnal and (ollateral security for the payment of the note rles{Tibed. and all sums to become <br />due under this mortgage. t 11<' Mortgagor hereby assigns to the Mortgagee all lease bonuses, profits, re~"e- <br />nues. royalties. rightll, and other henefits accruing to the Mortgagor under An~' and all oil and gas Iease8 <br />now. or durin!\\" tIlt' life nf thill mortgage, executed on said premises, with the I"ight to receive and receipt <br />for the sam,' and applv them to llaid indebtedness as well before as after default in the conditiolUl of this <br />mortgalfl". and the MOI'Iglll(l'(' may demand. sue for and recover any such payments when due and pay- <br />abJr.. but llhallno( be !:''quirt'lI so to do. This assignment is to terminate and become null and void upon <br />reJ..'AJOt' of this mortgage. <br /> <br />11. He/she ~hall not (~ornmit or pennit wuw;and lihllll maintain the property in all good condition all at <br />pn:sent. r,,!u\ollahl('\\car and tear ('xcepted. Upon IIny failul'e to so maintain. Mortgagee. at its option, <br />mil:, caullt' I'N15onalJi,' malnl "!lance work to be performed at the (:Ollt of Mortgagor. Any amounts paid <br />tht'!' b). Ml)l'llrllgl~ shall h.,..r inter<'st at the rate Pl'ovided for in the prindpal ilH!ebtednt-_, shall <br />llll'rellpon l...n'l11t' it 1'111'1 of the illd('btedllell.'1 s{>('ureo by this instrument, ratably and on II parity with all <br />othN indebh>(hwM sPCllff.d hr'n~by. and shall lx' payable thilt)' (30) days aft.>!' r1pmlind. <br /> <br />12. If the pnonll~es. "r any part thereof. !x! condpmned under the POW(,I" of pminpnt domain, or <br />Iuqlllr<'ll for a plIbU,<: II"." llw dama~es awarded. the prtK.(' fol' till' taIling or. 01' ttl<' consi.Jr'l'lIlion for <br />sUfh acquisition. to tho .'xl"lIt ,,! Ih" fuil amollnt of the rI!lI1allling unpaid in.ll'IJlt'thwss S"uJI'pd by thilll <br />mort!l:llg", 01' h...n.b,. aSSllll!lp,1 to the Mortglll(("" and .,hall Il(> pall! f"rUnnl;' to "aid Mortglllr('f'. to bt' <br />apph".1 '.Il aCt'Olwl "I 1 Ii.. IdS! matllrilll\' ill"tallml'lIts of such indebtl'dm'ss. <br /> <br />1:\. If HIP :\lOIIR;tj.(ol" fails to mak..' illlV payml'lItl! when due. 01' 10 conform to and comply with any <br />of t!w ,01l.htIOllS "f ;If,{rI','nW!itl\ '''Iltllllwd III tins fl1ortgtlgl', OJ' till' !iol,'s IIhifh it ""ellr'I'S, Own Ihl' <br />"!lnrl.? prillupal 'lilT! al'" al"'PH',j lnt.'rI'st "hall at once ht"l:ome dUl' and payahh', at !Ill' ,'ll'l'l1on of till' <br />'\10rll\'al("(': iUlll tIn." In"rlg-dll" may tlwn'UIHln b.. fOl'pdolS.!d imml'diatdy for Ih.' wholl' oj till' iralebtt."i- <br />1"'8~ hl'rd.y s,'ull.d, ,o,It,dl"g Ih.. ,,,,,t oj "xt,'rrdirrg the ab5trad "f Uti" frolH !It., dal" of this mort- <br />gaare to It\{' tml.,..f 'oltlllH'IIllnll SIKh Mllt, a n'ailolwhh' attlll"llt.y'~ r..,." alld :IIlY 'Hills paid by th,' \'I'(('l'lIn:l <br />Admiull'ttnttion f-r1 HtnHJnt of t;u,' Jlu{H'ant~. '-)' inSlJl'HfH'(' of tilt' 11Idl,htl'dtll"",,~ .';'-'l"Url'li h~'I,'L,\.'. ail of which <br />~nali be illdlld..d lrt !h.. d.'tTf'f' of j",..'d"IIUH', <br /> <br />H. If HII' jml("hh'dn"", ~"("ur..d h..r..hy h" ~Ilara!ll"",l or '"."11,.<1 "".f,'r Till.. :lJol. 1'111,,'d S"lt..~ ("od.'. <br />OU!'!1 'riOt' IUHI H('lflrlalmrl' 1"P,IIl'.l HII'I','llTlr!t'r HfHIIll dl<".t (,"l!>,' ,Jal,' 1>""'''1 ~ltallll"\..'nl till" 1'11!hL~, dutil'" <br />;1"<<1 h"hlidjf"~ of thfi p~rt W~, and an:f pt'n'T~ljnn!4 ..1' th I~ or' . It fH'1' Ifl",1 nJtlll'flt ,ill .''\I'('lItpd in .'orHlpcthm <br />,,>ill Mid ,"deht~hl"M1'\ wldd, Iln' in('lllmi~'''',1 with 'aid Till.. ..r 1:"J:"Ii\ll"ns an' lH'rI'by '"ll"II.I<".1 ,.. <br />".ur"l'm th"r.,t". <br /> <br />'I'll" '.o"''''I!Ult' h"""1I1 (.oll'alll<'d "hidl "!till, ttlld nw b"fl,'tih alld nd\antllll'",hall '''''1'., '''. lho <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br /> <br />._J <br />