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<br />84 - 0066:,9
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<br />To HAVE AND To HOLD the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided. MortgilgOr represents to,
<br />and covenants with, the Mortgagee, that the MOl'tgagur has good right to sell and convey said premises:
<br />that they are free from encumbrance, except as hereinotherwise recilt:d: that the Mortgacor wiH~t
<br />and defend the same against the lawful claima of all persons whomsoever. Mortpcor henlbJ' .
<br />all rights of homestead, all marital rights, either in Jaw or in equity, and aU other conti....t.'
<br />theHortp.pr in and to the above-dueribed premises.
<br />PIoYl1lBD ALWAYS, and these presents are executed and delivered tI".
<br />d: .. ......
<br />
<br />Mortgagur agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or order, the aforuaid principal aum with
<br />at the rate of Twelve per centum ( 12 %) perannumOllthe~
<br />The said principal and interest shall be payable at the offlce of Super lor Mortaaa-J . .~.~
<br />in Grand Island, NE 68801 ,oratlluchotherplaceasthehoWerofthenote
<br />wl'iting delivered or mailed to the Mortgagur, in monthly installments of S Ix Hundred FUt
<br />Dollars ($ 658.89 ). commencing on the first day of February .1,8S ,
<br />the first day of each month thereafter until said note is fully paid, except that, if DOt !IOtIl8r
<br />payment of principal and interest shall be due and payable on the first day of January, 2000
<br />according to the terms of a certain promissory note of even date herewith executed by the Mid
<br />
<br />The Mortgagor further agrees:
<br />
<br />1. He/she will pay the indebtedn_, as hereinbefore provided. Pritilece is ftlIlIIftd to PI'IPII,'f-"'"
<br />time, without premium or fee, the entire indebtedn_ or any part thereof not leII1IIa the ......ef_
<br />installment, or one hundred dollars ($100.00). whidlever is 1_. Prepayment in fuR" be ClIIIldIIelI.er.
<br />date received. Partial prepayment, other than on an installment due date, need not tie adW....
<br />next following installment due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is ......
<br />
<br />2. Together with. and in addition to, the monthly payments of principal and interest ~ 1IIIder
<br />the terms of the note secured hereby, Mortgagor will pay to Mortgagee, as trustee, (uDderthP __eftihR
<br />truat as hereinafter stated) on the first day of each month until said note is ftlDy paid:
<br />
<br />(a) ASIlI!1-':'9.!1.llLt.lJ..!J~~ound rents. if am:..l1ext dill', plm. th.. pmmj.u~-Win-DeB___'"
<br />.uand payable on policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mort. .... PUll....:"'.
<br />plus taxes and assessments next due on the mortgaged property (all as estimated by the JIct.
<br />gagee. and of which the Mortgagor is notified) less all sums already paid therefor ctivi4eli by
<br />the numlx>r of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when IHICh ~ ..-tII.
<br />premiums. taxes and assessments will lx>come delinquent. such suma to be beJd by )(~
<br />in trust to pay said ground rents, premiums. taxes and special aNeSSments.
<br />(b) The aggregate of the amounts payable pursuant to subparagraph (a) and those payable 011 the
<br />note secured her('b~', shall be paid in a single payment each month, to be applied to the follow-
<br />ing items in the order statffi :
<br />(!) ground rents, taxes. assessments. lire and other hazard insurance premiwna:
<br />(II) intert.st on the note secured hereby; and
<br />(no amortbtation of the principal of said note.
<br />Any deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate monthly payment shall, unleea made iood
<br />by till' Mort~al{or prior to the due !late of the next such payment, constitute an event of default
<br />under this mortgage. At Mortgagee's option. Mortgagor will pay a "late charge" not exceed-
<br />ing fOllr per ("'lItum (4';) of any install ment when paid more than fifteen (16) daya after the
<br />due dat{. tlwn.of 10 COVH the extra ,'xpt.'nse involved in handling delillQuent payments, but such
<br />"late charge" shall not Ix> payab!,. nut of the pr<)C('eds of /lny sale made to satisfy the indebted-
<br />nellll secured IH'reby, unlcss slIch proceeds are sutlkient to di!\Charge the entire indebtedneu and
<br />all proper COlItlS and expenses securell thereby.
<br />
<br />3. If the totaJ of the payments made by the Mortpgo:r under (a) of parqraph 2 preeediftC shall
<br />exceed the amount of payments actually made by the Mortgagee, as trustee. for ground rents, taxes and
<br />IIl1<<1el1fments or insurance premiums, as the case may be, such excess shall be credited by the M~
<br />on lMlseql:lellt payments to be made by the Mortgagor for such items or, at Mortgagee's option, lU truatee.
<br />sNUi be refunded to Mort.l(aCor. If, however. such monthly paymenu shall not be sumcient to pay such
<br />itmus wha1 the same shall become due and payable. then the Mortgagor mall pay to the Mortgagt't', as
<br />~, any amount necesllSry to make up the deficiency within thirty (30) days aftN' written notice from
<br />the Mortgagee stating the amount of the deficiency, which notice may be given by mail. If at an>' time
<br />the Mor1<<acor shall tender to the Mort~, in accordance with the provillioM of the note securl'd
<br />~, full payment of the entire indebtedneM repM'llt>lltt'd th(.n'by. the Mortpgef!. as trustee, shall.
<br />in oomputiq the amount of luch indt!btednesa, credit to the account of the Mortgagor any credit balance
<br />accumulated under the provisions of (a.) of parqTaph 2 hereof. If there Mall be a default under any
<br />of the provisions of this mortgage resultinr in a public lIale of the premillt'S covered hereby, or if the
<br />Mortppe aequinllll the property othenvile after default, thl' Mortgagee, as trulltt>e, shall Apply, lit the
<br />time of the ~ncemeflt of such proceedinp, or at the time the property ill othtJonvile acquired, the
<br />~t then rtlmAiniq to c~it the Mortgagor under (a) of parlllfl"aph 2 precOOinK, IUI a credit on the
<br />Intlmillllt KeMMd and unpaid !lnd th... ~IAnCt' to th... principal th('n I'l'maining unpaid on Mid note.
<br />
<br />4. 1'tHllien of thill inmltnmlent m:llall remAin ill flll1 fON'e And ..ffl'<'t during Any pOltponl''ml'tlt I)r l'xten.
<br />~lOO of th~ timt' of payment of the Imll'btl'dneAA Ill' IUlIi flIut therl'of llt'<.~url'd hl'reby.
<br />
<br />I). He/she willI pay .lI!1 llft)l.md nmtll. Iaxa, ~liIfltll. water l'lIltfi. and other govemmmLal or
<br />mamKipal cl111f11'l!$. fillfi. Oil' impositiON. ~ upon IlI.id pmo_ and that he/!lhe will pay all taxeslt'Vioo
<br />\4~ tAi.I m~, ,w t;h(! Mbt lM'Cured thereby. t<,.ther With MY othllr Well or ~meflw whic.'h may
<br />bill! ~ \.I.... UlIt! lns OIf Nl'brasfia ~!lt the M~. or thl' I~al holder of sll1d prilwlpal noli>. on
<br />1IfX'~ of lib" im~nt_, el!l('lIpt wboo I'lIIymcmt. for II1l such Itttmll hIM thenlt4;lfW1" L~ I1UWI' \lnu...r 1111
<br />of J~.' 2: hl!!1'I,'of. and ht'/,hll will Jlfomptly (~liv..r thl' offklllJ f(""''''.ptll Uw~'~dw Mbrtil:!II(t'(. III
<br />,.radt ~of thc~ M(~ nUl)' PIlY Uw IIIIDII:'.
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