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<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the <<:ondemnor oWers to
<br />make an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days afler the oate the notice is
<br />gIven. Lender is authorized 10 collect and apply Ihe proceeds, at ics ortion, either to restoration or repairofthe Propertr or
<br />to the sums secured by this Security Instrument. whether or not then due.
<br />Vnless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any application of proceeds to principa1s~!.\lOl.
<br />postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in parasraphs I and. 2 or change the a~t.prs~h
<br />10. Borrower ~ot Released; Forilearance By Leader Not I Wai,er. Extension Ofth<lJiJJ1e.[m:
<br />modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to<JUly .
<br />interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br />Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interritorrefuset(l.~
<br />pa yment or ot herwise modify amortization of the sums secut<<! by this Security Instrument by rcasonof JUly
<br />by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising aayriifK
<br />shall nOI be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br />11. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Sneral Liability; Co-signers. The covenants and
<br />thiS Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subjeCt to the
<br />of paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joinr and several. Any Borrower who co-.$
<br />[nsHument bur does nor execute rhe Note: (a) is co-sign in. this Security Instrument on1yto mortPP,lflltll
<br />that Borro~~' .jJJ..1he.1'~.J.U;lder the tenns of this Security Instrument: (b) is not perionally
<br />the sums . ,:'ddlll".Jtfy !l\ltftl'hent: and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borro_~l' ..:
<br />modify. for . or m.~ac~atlons with regard to the tenns of this Securiry Instrument or rhe .N~~ho\it
<br />lhat Borro.~f;.~='.:'~".!~,.: :'i.'~,.:;
<br />12. LOlIn Charges. If the loan secured by this Secunty Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum .loan
<br />charges. and that law is finally mterpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be colteckdin
<br />conneclloll wllh the loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall he reduced by the amout
<br />necessary to reduce the charge to the pennitted Iim1l; and Ib) any sums already collected from Borro,,"'er which ~
<br />pennitted limits Will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose 10 make this refund by reducing the principal ~
<br />under !h~ Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower If a refund reduces principal. the reduction will be treated asa
<br />pamal prepayment Without any prepayment charge under the "Iote.
<br />13. Legislation ^lreeting Lender's Rights. If enactment or exptr:ltIon of applicable laws has the etrect of
<br />rcndenng an~' proviSion of the Note or this Secunty Instrumen! unenforceable according 10 liS tenns. lender. at its option,
<br />11JJl.~~ir.e immffl;ar" r~enLinJ:u.U.J1LaJ.!2J!ms secured by this Secuntv Instrument and mal invoke any remedies
<br />pcrmllled by paragraph 19. If lender exercIses Ihls opllon. Lender shall.take the steps speclfletfln tlie5eCOnd (iara&.
<br />paragraph I"
<br />1~. 'otiees. Any notice to Borrower prOVIded for in thIS SecUTlly Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br />mallLnI? ,t hy hr';( class mail unless appitcable law reqUIres use of another method. The noltce shall be directed to the
<br />Property Addres', or any other address Borrower deslgmues by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by
<br />tirsl class mall to Lender's address scaled herem or an~. other address Lender deslgnal~ by nOllet" to Borrower. Any notice
<br />rrovmded for 10 thIS Secunty l:JsTrument shall be deemed to have been gIven IC Borrowt'r or Lender when given as provided
<br />:n thiS paragraph
<br />15. GOYCrJling Law; Severability. This Secunty Instrument shall be gov.emed by federalla\\' and the law of lhe
<br />junsdlC!lon In whIch the Property is located. In the even I that any proVISIon or clause of tIllS Secuncy Instrument or the
<br />Note conflicls "Imh applicable law. such conflict shall not affect other prrW1SIl1nS of tIllS Sccunty Instrument or the Note
<br />which can be given eWect w1lhout the: conflicting prov.lslon To thiS end che: proVIsIOns of thiS Sel:urity Instrument and the
<br />NOIe are declared to be severable.
<br />16. Socrowc:r's Cop)'. Borrower shall be glv.en one conformed copy of the 'me and of this Secunty Instrument.
<br />17. Transfer of the Pro,ert,. or a Beneficial Internt in Borrower. If all or any part of Ihe Property or any
<br />,"lerest 10 l! I~ sold or transferred lor If a benenclalIOtert"\1111 Borrower IS sold (If tr:mslcrred and Borrower is nor a naturlll
<br />per!\Onl Wllhout Lender's rnor wnttcn (,1O'len!. Lender may, 3t liS option, requIre nnmedlate payment!n fuil of all sums
<br />secured bv tlllS Secunty Instrument However. thIS orll1on shall nOI be e.\erclsed hy Lender If exerclsc IS rrohlblled bv
<br />federalla"" as ofrhe date ofthrs Secunty Instrumel1l,
<br />If tender c.'erclscs thiS opticn. Lender shail g1'o'e Borrower nOllce of accekrallpn The nOllce shali provide a period
<br />of no. lelis than 30 tlay~ from .he date the nOllce l~ dehvered or mailed wllhin ""Inch B,'rrower must pay aU sums sel:urn! bv
<br />lhlS Secumy Instrument If Borrower flUls 10 pay these sums pnor to the explrallon Ill' fIllS period. Lender may tllVOKC JIl:,
<br />remellhn perrm!led by chIS Secunty Instrument wllhout fun her nOllce or demand on Borrower.
<br />Ill. Bol'1'owcr', Right to ReiMtlltt'. If Borrower meets <<:ertalR condlllOns. Borrower shall have the nlhl to have
<br />eniorcemcllI of rim Secumy Inslrument discontmued at any time pnor to the earher "r (iI) 5 days (or su.:h other pt"rlod as
<br />a~lf;:iI'bt'l: il'" mil) specIfy fnr remStillemcm) before ~a!c: of Ihe Property rllr~u.ull tn anv power of sale <'onlatneO In 11'11\
<br />SecIlITlIV II1SHllmenr: or Ibll~nrr~. of ;u JlJd~menl ~nf()fcing thiS Sc.:unty Instrumc:n! T~H"e ..:nnditlOn~ ;Ire that Borr"~<,~
<br />lal pay~ tender all $U01$ whtc!1then wnuld he due lindeI' tht~ Sc:cunt~ Insrrumenlmd the :'-lole h~d 110 .1l;ceieratl<'!1
<br />OCCUITCl:!; ,1'1) eurn 31ny defllUIt of allY other covenants or agreements. Ie) r3~S all "'.p"t1,es IIlcurred !11 enforclI1!! :Ill'
<br />Secl.lnly In~frllmt'f1t. 1n(llIdln/l. bUI nor Iimllrolo, rellsonable allornev~. f~e~: and (<I) LI~e' "Jeh :Ic,IIn" ..1\ Lender ma<
<br />f~_bly f~l&lre tn u~lIre Ihal the lien of tIllS Sccuntv h15rrumenr. L:nder\ nghh m ttle: Propeny and !k,n."'.,'.'
<br />IMtI~llIKm to pIIy lhe \um, ~ecured hy thl~ Se,:Uf1!1i In~H1Jmenl shall ,:onllflue ullc'ha"~~erl L'pon remstalemt'l1"'\
<br />&f<<"hcr. thl. Set;Uflly Inst!'u01em and the IJohgatlon' wcured herebv ,hall r<'"1;I11\ lull~ ,-,rec'lI\!: as It <10 J,.,." I<' ',II 1<'11 h"il
<br />'.JCCllfrui H<)we~er. :hl!> right to relmHltp. ,hall,,,,, applv In the c.l~e ,'f .ICl:el<,ratlnn lHllkl r:Ha~fal'h~ I.' m 1 (
<br />
<br />
<br />:-lON.UNlf'OIt.M COVEiNANTIi Borrower and Lender further covenant and :lglee a.~ fllllows
<br />I'. ~rioA; Remedies. [.elMler shall Rive notice 10 Borrower prior III acct'leralion folluwtnlJl norrower'~
<br />~ ef .)' h~l Of tll'tuMftl ilt tllla Secur\t)' IMUlllMllt nun Itot prior to act:e Itratlon under IlIU\\l1.flllllu 13 llnd I (
<br />~ Ilp~.wll Saw 1"'..... otMnriHI. TH notice s!w1 specify: Ut) tM default: (blthe action reQlmfli to ellre tll,'
<br />~ lc:) it ~"' _ tItH.lO days from tile tillite the IKItin ili liven to Borruwer, by which the defalllt mUlIt be cllred:
<br />_ c. thM flltMe to (lit" tl!Ie *'-1'1 on or ~fOffltlte date specified lAthe nutlet' 0111)' reStllt in lu~celerlltion oC till' ~Uo1\
<br />~ it, lit. Secvi<<y I~ aAd _Ie of the Property. The notlee shall furtller infurm !iorru....er of tile rh\llt tn
<br />~ ., 1W~d4m _ lh 1'1_\ to hrillJl! II cmu1 action to lL~rt the llun'el(I~It'nce of II default Ilr allv Hlhl'r
<br />.... of hfowttl' to ~IuMiM aM MM, If 1M Wult 111101 Cllrtd on Of !Mforl' tht' datil lIfXlcitied in the nlltke. lender
<br />1M IU ._ 1M' r.II" Im~at4l! P8rlMftt in full of 111 $IUM s<<uroo by this Sllt'lIfit). Instrllment "'ithollt Curthl'f
<br />~ -IMY Itmtke 1M power o(i!IlI!1t _ MY otller fem~djfll JlUmiltoo Ii). aplllicabll.' Illw. Lender ,hllll fl<' {'nllll....! Iii
<br />~1II41ed III tlll~ IMUrm III ,,,rwilll lhe reme4lfl1 pl'1nided In this p$ulUllph 19, includln!!.. hill nlll limilrd Iii.
<br />1'~liIkt 1I".~' f~ 111114 ~ oftllle t',ill_t.
<br />It file 1"1111" of gl. 18 hnnlullt.. 'rl'...~tfl' shall re,'ol'd II f'mlil.'l.' <.If IIdltlllt 111 (,Jld, "Illmt~ 111 ..h,,'" ~l" I'dtl ill 111,
<br />Pr~y il ~t4 H4 ~IMIU ~I ~~ tlf ~lI(h "olin III till! mllllntrr ,1,trtflllw:>d "v ,jl>llhrable 11IlIi' ,,, IllHr,,"cr 'jll<l III ,I".
<br />ifJ4W ~ ~h4 "" 1I1ltII~ 'aw. ,-\1'11.'1' the tlll!M ffijlllnd by IlPlllklllllt' 11I....hll\11.'1.' \halll/I'" Jlllllh.. n.'''". ,,/
<br />dll! 10 fIN ~ !tAd In ttlilr mllltM1/ 1l1'"l.'ri~d by 1I",llt'llble Ill"'. lnllit",. ..ilhuYC '~crrlJilnd "M 1I.>r,......,. ,,,,,II 'dl ,hi
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