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<br />84 - 006627
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<br />Lender pays Borrower Interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and
<br />Lender may agree In wrltlng that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires 1J1lercst to be paId. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrowerany interest or earnin$S on the FUlJf!$,
<br />shall give to Borrower. without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits ancldebj15 to th~ ~~...
<br />purpose for which each dehit to the Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged as additional $CCuriIYfQn~ $14
<br />this Security Instrument.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together with the future monlhJy~~~sof
<br />the due dates of the escrow items, shall exceed the amount required to. pay the. escrl)~i~,!~}
<br />at Borrower's option. either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited tOBorrowerOll~~ ..
<br />amount of the Funds held by Lender is not sufficient 10 pay the escrow itemswhen dQC,~owCt
<br />amount necessary 10 make up Ihe deficiency in one. or more payments as required by~. .
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,ulldetsball ...
<br />any Funds held byl.ender. Ifunder paragraph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by Lencler.LcmJ.cf ..
<br />than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by Lende.r
<br />application as a credit against the sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br />3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by
<br />paragraphs I and 2 shall be applied: first, to lale charges due under the Note; second, 10 prepllyq.lent charges due.
<br />~ote: thIrd. to amounts payable under paragraph 2; fourth, to interest due; and last, to principal Cl\le.<> .i../'
<br />4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes. assessments. charges, fines and impoSitions attribl,n
<br />Properly' whICh may allam pnomy over this Secunty Instrument. and leaxhold payments or~.
<br />Borrower shall pay these obligations in rhe manner prOVIded ill paragraph 2, or ifoot paid in thacrnanaet{
<br />p.ly them on lime directly 10 Ihe person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to LendcraJI
<br />10 be paid under this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly. Borrower shall promptlyfumiSh
<br />receIpts eVidencing the payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly dIscharge any lien which has priority o~'er Ihis Security Instrument u.
<br />agrees III wTlllng to Ihe payment ('I' the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; fblcoij
<br />faith the !len by, ,Ir Jefends agamst enforcement of the hen m. legal proceedings which in Ihe Lencler's opinion
<br />pre\en! the enforcement of the hen ,Ir forfeiture oj any pari of the Property; or IC) secures from the holder of the_..
<br />,.greernent ,amfacl<lry to Lender 'ub,'rdlnal1ng the lien to thIS Secumy Instrument. If Lender determines that any part9f'
<br />Ihe I'r<'r"rty " ,ub/ecl In;) !tell whKh may a 11:.1 111 pnonty ,wcr th., Secumy Instrument. L~nder may give Borrowerll.
<br />~~~:-t;;~~lhtytn-~'h~L-f;'Car_-.H~Tff1:1"WCr-;t"~il-l"54:ffi~iffl1iC-.ilarU1-fa-Kc'-Ij"rl~--or-riiore oi'Uie acTions SCl tonn 3DOve WUhtR IUOp
<br /><If the gl\ln~ of nOllce
<br />s. Hazard Insurance. BI>rrower ,hail keep rhe lInpro\ements now e.\lstlng or hereafter erected 011 the Property
<br />'rNm:tJ ,'~;)'lhr :"" hv tire. ha/arG, lIlc.iuded wllhlflthe 1t:rm .....xtended coverage" imd any other hazards for wlUc:h Lender
<br />'<.'4U'f<" ""IH,I", crill'. i!l"iL"lCC ..hajj he mallllall1ed III Ihe amounts and for the penods that Lc:nder requires. The
<br />,,,,urallce ,.Mner rr<)"dlll~ lilt" """rance ,hail he <:h,),en by Borrower subject to Lender's appro\'al which shall not be
<br />unfi:~l""I.\rl..1hl~' wi1hhdJ
<br />.\Il'l1surallce pOIiClCS and renewals shall be acceptable :0 Lender and shall include a standard mOrlgaae clause.
<br />L<.'nder ,n,1I1 ha'e the nghr In hold the pohclcs and renewals. [f Lender requm:s. Borrower shall promptly give to Lender
<br />all ~<.'celp!s .,f jJilld jJrerrllums and renewal notIces. In rhe event of loss. Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance
<br />,;una and Lender Lender mOlY make prool 01 loss If nor made promplly by Borrower.
<br />unless Lender and Borrower otherWise agree In wnllng. Insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair
<br />"f the Propertv llarnaged. !f the re,rnratlon <If repair IS econonllcally feaslhle ~nd lender's secunly is nOllessened. (rlhe
<br />re'torallon ,'r rep.llr IS not e<:1lI1( '1Il!<:ail)' feaSible M Lender's secunly would be lessened. the insurance proceeds shall be
<br />.lpplled to (he ,um.s se<:ured hy. !IllS Se<::.lrIty Instrument. whether or not rhen due. wllh any e:\cess paid to Borrower. If
<br />Borrower abandon, the Propeny. "r does nO! answer WllhlO 30 dan a notlce from Lender lhatlhe insurance carrier has
<br />"lferd [0 sellle a dalrfl. then Lender mav <:oile<:1 the rnsuran<:e proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore
<br />the Propeny "r 10 pay 'urns ,ccured by tillS Se<:unly [m!rumenl. whelher ,Ir not then due. The 30.day' penod Will begin
<br />... hen the notICe I' gl\r:n
<br />Linles., Lcnder and Horr(\wer l'therwlsc agree In wntrng. allv ,lppil<:atloll of proceeds to pnnclpal shall not e:uend or
<br />,'''''I'<,ne the due dal~ of the 1Tt,>n1 Illv payments referred to III paragraph, I and ~ or :hange the amount of the payments. If
<br />under paragraph 14 the Propertv "acquired by. Lender. Borrower's nghtto any Insurance pollctes and proceeds resulting
<br />from damage to the Properly pr"'r I,) the acqulslllOll shall pass In lender to the e,tenl of Ihe ,urns secured by this Security.
<br />lns!rument Immedtillely pnor 10 !he ilcqulslllOn.
<br />6. Preservation and ~Iaintenance of Property; J.easeholds. Borwwer shall not destroy, damage or subsranllally
<br />:flange the Propeny. all,)w the Prorertv 10 deteriorate or cornmll "a,le. If tillS SecUnl~ Instrument IS on a leasehold.
<br />B,)rrower ,hall comply wllh llle pr<""I<HlS .)1 the lease. and If Borrower :l<:Ljulres fel~ title to rhe Propertv. the leasehold and
<br />I~e "tie shall n'.)l merge unless L~fl(ler agrees 10 the merger lfl '" nllng.
<br />,. Protection of Lender's RiRhts in the Property; :\lortRlIllC Insurance, If B,)rrower f,uls In perform the
<br />cOh'Il,lnh JIllI agreements c()lltalm~d In (IllS Se<.:umy [nstrurnenl, or there" a legal pfl)ceedlOg Ihalmay Slgnlficanlly arfect
<br />L...nder'" nghls m :he ProperlY I\u,h as a proceeding 10 bJrlkruj.llc'Y. [Imba".. for c.ondemllallon or 10 enr,m:e lil\\' <If
<br />regul::ltlOnsl. then tender may do and ray f'.lr wharever!s necessary ((' prolccl the 'alue of Ihe Property Jnd Lender'" nt:hts
<br />III the Properly Lender's aCllons mav IlKlude paylllg all\! sums ,e<:uled bv ;\ hell which has pnomy ,)ver IhlS Secu!!lv
<br />lnslrlJmclH. appeanng III <:our:. p.~..'ng [':as'lIlable allOrtlcy.S' fees and clHerlllg onlhe I'fl'perl, 10 make rep::ms. AlllllJllgh
<br />t,nder may IJke ;\.;llOnlmder!tm p.uagraph 7. Lendcr dll<:s nOI h,ne II> Jo ,,)
<br />Aoy al'lOUII!s disbursed by LClIdt'r under tlm paragraph 7 shall hecome a<1d.II<)lIal ,kbl of Borrower ,,,,,ured b\ Ih"
<br />\e,ufrty In'Hurln:nl \.;nl'ess BOff"""" ,lIId Lender allrce Co ,,,her !eflll' .,f pay llll'nl. Ihesl.'lInWUlllS sh;11l hear Imclt'" rn'ln
<br />I~.e .laic 01 JI~bursem~1lI at rhe ",'Ie r,lte .UIlJ ,hall be "a,at'k. ....lIh 11I1elt"1. "1','11 11"1','<' ft"fl1 L"tllk:. I,' n,'rr"",~,
<br />rcql,,~~rln!; paymelll.
<br />If tC!lIkr rcqulfed 1l1I1rcg:h~'~ III,Ull1lo.:" as a ,:olldllllln .., m"~1I11( Ine Inllll ,el.ured bv this Senmty [nstnJllll'nl.
<br />Ilorrnltcr ,hail r'liV !he premium', r"qulred t., ';';lIllllalll Ih~ Insurance III effect untri 'Ill'll lime ." Ihe rt'4\llTement f", rhl'
<br />,nMH.lHCC u;rmmllle, In .Ic,ordan.,... \\ 'Ib llo,rrll",e,\ and Lende(, wnttell a~leerfh.'l1 Of 1I1'pllcal1ic law
<br />Ii. IlIs~llnn. Lender !II i!', ill(t'f)l llIav make re,l"mahie clItne, I1pOIl and ltlSpe<:II'lIl' of lhe i'r"peny L,'lhie'r
<br />'.h;IH ~IV'" t.i<lIrower 11i1'".." .11 the II/11C d..r I'II1'r tn an 1"'lw.:r'''1l 'pe/'IIVI!I~ 11';\,,"wble ':.11I't' lor Ihe Inspec.lh1l1
<br />9. C.onlhlmnilliHIl. lire pI'H,:ed,..1 .111, ,)WlIHI "r ..:ialllll.\r .1'lflla~"'. .I'I<'ct "r :I'll\equ'rnllai. ill,.:i'rHlt"..lIun wlIb
<br /><HI~f ~otH,21i':1Tlndn(!n llf othe, L,klll~ ld Jfl'9 I!;\n '1f lht~ PHJpCrty. 1'1 t~lf ..:nfl"e~.'~1Jh.e Ifl ilt": \~t l'\~ndellllla!'l\n. ,ue herd"
<br />1";'l,I~flt'd ;ulli ."tkln b'(I' paid III I ende!
<br />In ;h.;~ F"'~'H1 !It ,~ f"1;,1 L.l~:ti~~ ,I: tht' )':-'~pertv, ~h(~ r'''(k.:t.~c-zh t,~hlill'p '!('ldH.:r..J III 1!H' .,llfl\\ '.'~\-:ir('\t b\ Ihl' "e~'urll\
<br />!n\j,~itHl1tH! .~ht:'!hrf r 1j(I' Ihtll dlW. \-\Ithl!l'v ('Il.'-.f",''l ~',lId ~I) BI'n'\\\'T~ 1:.1111' {'\I'll! ;-,1 ,I p;utl.d (.lb.l:\);~ .\~ ~\h" p!'\I'I.'i;\
<br />I ':'idt'f Ih"~'l\,l"" .lltf~r: \\I1!lflg, lilt' \UH1'-i ,,("~ UII.'II!\ :h~', '''',-1.111\\ j)!..lluttH'nl d!,t \,{' ;:',.!',II.T.; '"
<br />~~'iit)r i",; Ill':' I. ll(.,\\'tn~ llilc1Hlfl (.J) lhr' t,",:,]! \ltl,~\jll~ ,II !h'- ::111'\ '.r', 1',1 '.)lt~ ;, ),
<br />I!' '!LlIi<."(' li\i." ,'I 11" !'~;'r'I'f" ';'In,!.,:H \ 'HiI'~' \,.\ dl,l
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