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<br />84 - 006623 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />I.e,""'r', wnll,n agreement or applkable IlIw. Borrower shall pay the amount of 1111 mortJllJC insurllnce premiums in the <br />manrn:r pr<widcJ under pllrllgraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amollnts dishurstd by ten,ler pul1lUlInt 10 Ihis parqraph 7. with interest thereon. shall beCome IIlIcIla-I <br />indehl\.'Cfness of 8<>rrower secured by 1his Monp:ap. Unl_ Borrower and lender a8flO to.Other terms of,.,........ <br />amollnts shall he pllyable lIJK'n notice from lender to Borrower requnting payment thofeof. aad shallbHr interest,,",,,,'" <br />date of llishur_nt at lhe rale payable from lime to lime on OUC$tandin, principel umfer.... Note __ ,..,.....of' <br />interest at such rale would be contrary to applic:altle law. in which event such amoullClllha1l .....intenllt at..........{'...', <br />permissible under applicable lllw. Nothing contained in Ihis parqraph 7 shall requil'll Lender ,to iMv_____'IIf!~' <br />any action hereunder. . ..,nw.:, <br />.. I...'u...... I.ender may make or cause to be made reasonable entriell upon andi~iIoM or... <br />Ihllt tender shallgi\'c Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifyinl -ute cause t1meforrelated <br />intere<;t in lhe Property. <br />9. Ceade..ftlIdmt. The l>focceds of IIny award or claim for dama~. direcl or comequcntial. intotll..... <br />eondemnlllN," or other laking of lhe Property. or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of concIemnation. are ~~ <br />;1n,I shall be paid 10 T .ender. <br />In lhe e~nt of A lotallllking of lhe Property. the proceeds sball be applied to lhe _ secund .,...."I!~J: <br />"ilh (lie l'l.:e<~ if any. pai,l '" Rom'wer. fn Ihe event of a partial taking of lhe Property. tmTIss '8OrrilwtIr' ...i'~. <br />,'lhC'rwisc allree in ",rilinll' Ihere shall be applied to the sums sectln'd by this Mortpte wt:h ptvjlCNt_of'....~' <br />as is equal to that rroportion which the alll()tJnt of Ibe sums sec:ured by this MOI'tJIIIC ImtMcIiateIy prior to ........<< <br />lalnllJ he.,r. 10 the fair market value l'f the Property immediately prior 10 the daIC: of tatins. with the bailmwof.1M....... <br />f'llid 1'\ Bormv.'Cr. <br />H lhe Pr"perlY is abandoned Iw BMrower. or if. after notice hy tender 10 Borrower that die co..-...or otren to.... <br />.,"award I'r ,elllC' a claim for damages. Borrower fails 10 respond 10 tendeT within 10 days after the date ... iIOIiilII'. <br />ma,led. lender is autborized 10 collect and apply the proceeds. at l.ender's optiO\t, either to ,csbXatlcm or 1WpIirof dill <br />Propert,. or II' the sums secured loy Ihis Mon!lap. <br />Vok" Icnder and Borrower olherwi~ 1ICffi: in wrilin,. any such application of proceeds to principal shall not ullnll . <br />or J'O'lpooe rhe due dale of the monlhly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 heteof or chaftte the .-mt of <br />such inslallments. <br />HI. llermwff Nnt RdeMed. Ellension of lhe lime for pavment or modification of amortizalion of the IUftIS IIC1lI'lIII <br />hy Ih.. Mort!lage granled by Lender 10 any successor in inlerest of Borrower shall not operaIC: to rele3se. in lIftY -, <br />lhe liahililY or Ihe original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interesl. Lender shan not be required to (4 lUlU ce <br />:,~""--rl,-~ .,.~~i"c' cu('h CIl("("PUIU nr ~~f..~...!!!~~nd tim~ (or navment or otherwise modify amortization of the ..... <br />secu,ed "y this MortgaJC hy reason of any demand made by Ihe original Borrower and Borrower's SUCcellOl'l in ~. <br />11. f'orIInnMe by l~"" Not a WlIiYer. Any forbearance by Lender in elercisinl any right or remc1I)' 1_6..Mer. or <br />otherwise aft'MlIed bv applicable law. shall not be a waiver of or preclude lhe elCrcise of any such ri.... or ~. <br />1M pl"ocuremeot of insurance or Ibe paymenl of lases or olher liens or charges hy lender shan not be a waiver of LemIIr'I <br />ri,hf 10 accekrale lbe maturilv of Ihe ;ndchledness -ccurcd by Ihis Morl!!age. <br />n. R~ Cumulatln. "" remedies provided in Ihis Mortgllge are distinct and cumul.tive to any other riaht or <br />remedy under Ihis MOrlgagc or aft'Mdcd hy IlIw or e'luity. and may he e\erc"cd concurrently. independently or sll<<Ctlively. <br />U. StKnuon I11III "....m; Bollnd: .rom. and Snera! UabIIlty: ClfI'IIons. 1M covenants and al'C\'meats henin <br />containc,1 shalll>ind. and Ihe rillhls herellnder shall inure 10. lhe respecllve succasors and _illOl of lendeT and 1Iortowcr. <br />mblCCt I.' 'he provisions of paragnlph 17 hereof All covenanls and agreemenls of Borrower shall be joint and scqraJ. <br />11le capllons and headings of lhe paragraphs of Ihis Mortgage are for mnvenience only and are not to be lnee! to <br />Interpret or define lhe prOVISion' hereof. <br />r.. SoIke. Elcept for any nollee reqllired under applieahle law 10 be liven in another marmer. (a) any nntic:c to <br />"'"rower prOVIded for 10 this Morlgage _hall he Itlven hv mailing _lIeh notice by certified mail addreucd 10 IIortowcr at <br />tbe Property i\ddress or al sucb other .lddress as Borrower m"v deSlgnale by notice to tenMr .5 provided hcreift. and <br />(b) any notl<e 10 I.ender shall he Il' V,'" hv certifiC'd mall. relllrn rece'rl rC'quesled. 10 I.ender's addrea stated herein or to <br />slleh other addre'~ ", lender 01:". designale hv 110liee 'I' Borrow,'r as I'"wlded herein. ."ny notice provided for in this <br />MortllaJC shall he deemed 10 ha\e heen given 10 Borrower or I ender when l,ven in the manner dosiInated herein. <br />15. U""- !\fortClIIle: Go-rrnitlc r....; Sr.rrallllity. Thi, form "f mort,alle combines unif_ COftnallts for national <br />use and oon.uniform covenants "ith limiled variah"", hy jurisdlClion 10 conslllUle . unifOfm security iltSlrument coveriq <br />real properlv. Thi\ MOrlga!!e ,hall he l!<werncd hy the law. ,\f lhe jurisdiction ill whlch lhe Propetty is located. In the <br />event Ihal an~. "rovislon or clall'\4: or thll Mongalll: nr Ihe Nore conniels wilh applicable law. such eonftlc:t shan not a<<ect <br />other I'ftw"ions of th" Mortgage or ,he NNc whIch can he SIVen cITe" withaut tbe conftictill& provision. and to thfa <br />Cfld lhe provisions (If rhe MortgaJC and lhe "','te are declared 10 he severable. <br />16. Ienown', C..,y. Borrower shall he fmn"hed a ,on formed copy of lhe Note and of Ihis MortalllC at the time <br />of esocution or after recordalion herrof <br />17. TI'lIIIIIf" 01 ttM Property; "IIAWl>It'tt... If all '" any rart of Ihe Properly or an inteteSI thenin is sold or transferred <br />by Borrt''''cr ...ilhout tender's pl"tO, wrillen c,\O",n1. excluding (al ,lie uC'alion of a lien or encumbr.nce subordinate to <br />I"" MorfBaJC. 'hi lhe .real inn of " pm.:hase m"ney 'eomil\ ,nlere" fN h""schold appliances. (e) II transfer by devise. <br />dncmt nr by l>peralltln .., Iii" llpon 111C' dealh of a IOtnl lenanl or (~IIII. 1"'11 If a.) 'UIlIt I. ..Ilflll ., IlIr..").... .r 1_ <br />R"" 1 . Ill' 1ft J" 1r P II' tl'nder may. 01 [cnder., "1'11..n. dedare alllhe 'ums secured hy. this Mortllap to be <br />.mmedtlllcly. dlle .nd payahle I e"der ,hall ha,'e .~ .med "och "pllOO I" a,,'elerale if. prior In Ihe sale nr transfer. lenMr <br />and lhe """..'" '0 wh"m ,he Property" '0 he \{lId or IransferrC'd readl agreement .n wrihn, thaI Ihe credil of sueh pel1lOfl <br />it tahsf..."".,. 10 f encler and Ihal lhe inlerell pay"ble on lhe \I'm_ _."ured h~ this Mortgage shall he al slIch rate as tender <br />.U '~I If I ender has waIVIId lhe ..p'",n 10 accelC' I'rov.ded on rhi_ raragr!ph 17. and if 8orrowC'r', suceessor in <br />omt:ruc has u<<uted a wntten assumplle," agreemcnl a.:cepted in "riling hy lencler. Lender shall release Borrower from all <br />olIIilatiofls under Ihis Mort."pand the Note <br />Sf Le;nder e,er,I"'.. \1",11 "r"On 10 .ecelcrale. I c,,,!cr \hall mall R"rrower n"\Ic" of an'elcrali"n .n accordance wilh <br />~allra~ '4 hereof Such o"hce shall 1",wK.Ic a 1"',..,,1 of ""I I,'" Ihan 10 da\'< In'm Ihe dale Ihe n,'lice i~ mailed within <br />whICh Borrower may. ray the <11m. de,l~fed tI".. Ii 80rwwer f,"I_ 'I' rav "Kh ",m, pnor 10 the e.piral'oo .,f ,"eh period. <br />leAlkr _yo ""th""I further n"t,,:e "r If.emand "" ",'m'wer. ,n\.,'... aln Il'medie~ permuted hv I'arl!lraph 11\ hereof. <br /> <br />NO!'f.UNlfOll... COV'."'N IS Rml("~er aud I "ndcr further ....V..I1i1111 and iI~t".. ~s ,..110..> <br />II. 4c'~M; R._... 1':......... JHo.MmlIII p.'lIIraph 17 heno', IIpftlllomn.n'. bffat'h "' 1I11:!, "_Rant or <br />""14"'" 01 Bon_ff 1ft !lib f\.'or1ll11le. IlKlnd1"!il lhe ""Hna"l. ", p.y "Mn dlH' 1Ift~ ..._ !I<<,,",tI II:!, Ihill MCI~. <br />f~ prief to lK.....'atitMI ,Il&ft ...... _I... I" ....rr...n' all "rfl'lded III I'lIr..rllplt I" herl'of .!"'cl',.IIltI: I n 11M bftlKll: <br />In.... IK'.... ~ '0 curt' "'"''' t3111 dat... nol '"" Ihlln .U1 day. fr..m 1M rlat.. tM notic.. k mailflt to ~" <br />'" ...., _, bffat'h mllflll 1M ",,",11; IHItrI (41 'hII' 'alIllrr to l'..r.. .....h '"'......11 fin or IM'o"" 1M t'llItr "PfflfiH III tlM notkr <br />.., rnuillttt "",...hratlmr of tli<r ..._ "'Hued b. IlIk '\torlR"", 'me..k"..r.. hy IlIdkilll prtKudl"!illlntl .. of 11M ....t1y. <br />11Ie lNtke .... 'unIMr ."'0"" ...""'..... "' 11M rltlhl In ,dMI.I.. A'ler 1I.........ratllln alld Ih.. riIlhl 10 _11 In 1M f_1oon <br />".M4I"lIll1Nt _...~e <I' a ......""t fir IIny ..I....r ....'e""" fI' ".."own to ..........ratlll" a"d '".....k...",.... If 1M 1wrlKh <br />It ..... r~ _ M ""...... I.... dat.. ,,"fiftH ill ,.... n..Ii.... hntkr .1 I .n....r.. ..jOt",,, may tkdll... all fit 1M ..,_ wt"1Irr4 II. <br />!lib ~ I,,1Ie Im_~'y d.... lIftdl pII,abh ..lthunt hmM. ....m"n.. "..d _. '''rt',1IIw b, 11..11"" pn>c.ftdI"!il. I ernkr <br />........ hIt..mldoItf to '....1 i.. ....It ".......dilltllllt eo......... n' 'n,........'... 1....,Hlt"!il. h.., not III..IC.... t... ,.,...h ..I "....II_nla'. <br />........... ~,......... lif!, ......m. <br />It. ....'U...-r'1II ""h-f tn "f'6Mt.,.,.>."j"'l/4lr'I'l,I.HHtlll~ I f.'lul~,<. .1', l'lt-I,HI\ln \" dH.~ ",IIH~ q'~ IIH'd h\ nll\ Mi'ffPlitR{' <br />~~"€Y"lt'f ",tHiH h~lte Itlt" Itfthl !n tuvl:' iHIV r'r'tu'rdlfl~1j '~ltlln h\ 11'fH.1r1 1(, 1'lIfl'f\ t' dl!\ \1nr1tl<ll{t' dl\lllnhlllll'J .11 <l11\ Itlm' <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />NIl"" ij/fl4 <br /> <br />,.; ~1 V , "!4 \ 'Ill"" <br /> <br /> <br />I~l <br /> <br />.i <br />~i <br /> <br />_J <br />