<br />
<br />UNIFOlI.N ~t:::;1JR~.iJe~aa Lender covenant anq apee lIS follows:
<br />. I. .... _ 11ltereIt. Borrower shall p~pllY pay.when due the princip:al of and inleresl on the
<br />iadebI~ .; ..... lbe Note. prcpaymeDI and lale charps as provided in lhe Note. and the principal of and intenIat
<br />Oft any P'ucure Advam:c:s scc:ured by this Morllaac.
<br />42. ,... for T_ _ __, Subjccl to applicable law or to a wriuen waiver by Lender,
<br />r 10 tender on lhe diay I1IOIlthly installmenls of principal and inlerc:st are payable under lhe Note, until the
<br />a aum (hcn:in "Funds") equal 10 one-Iwelfth of the yearly laxes and use_II which _y aIIain
<br />Mort..... and sround ;ents on lbe Property, if any. plU$ one-~fth of yqrIy premium itme'tt1e-ror... ... . ....~
<br />plus one.twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortS. i_ance. if lIIlY. aft .. relIIOftlliIIt........... : .:.'.
<br />lime 10 u- by lender Oft the basis of _nts and bills and reasonable cstimatea dlInIof.< > " ......
<br />TIle Funds shall be held in an iRllilUlion lhe deposits or llCCOUltls of which are insured or .............,.
<br />stalC apnc;y (includinsLender if lender is auc:h an i:lS1iIUlion). L.ender sha!lapp\y the Funds to pay."" ..
<br />iRSUI'IIQc;C premiums and pound reM!. lender may not charse for 50 boldine and applyiasthe F...... ......
<br />or ycofyinsand compiJine said --.... and bills. unlcsa l.ettdcr paYIO Borrower intereal Oft the "....
<br />permits Lender to make mdl a charse. Borrower and Lender may asree in writiltS at the time of
<br />Mortp.. that interest on the Funds lihall bo paid to Borrower. and ooIcsa such aar-At is Made 01'
<br />rcquira tudt iRtcmc to be paid, L.ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any iRtCresl or eami8p on .N.III;; ..
<br />lihaII sive to Borr_r, without chafF, an annual at:t:OUAtins of the Fundi showina credib and dtlbillto"'~_;'"
<br />JlUfIlOM for which uc;h deIlillo the.Funds wu made. TIle Funds are pIodpd as additional aecuritY for .........lUtJlll.
<br />by this Monpp. . . . .... < ....;
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. tosether with the fucure monthly installmeRta of PumI& ,.,....pdttt...
<br />the due clates of lUes, lWCSItl1Cltts. inaurance premiums and Sround rents, shall exc:cod IlIe amount rcquiRtt to pay uid.-.
<br />_nu. insurance premiums and sround renls as lhey fall due. such eltccss shill be. al Borrower's opcien. ...
<br />prompdy repaid to B<<ro_ or credited to Borrower on I1IOIllhly instaUments of Funds. If the ~ of.........
<br />heW by Lender shill not be sullcieat to pay laxes. _ments. insuranc:c premi_ and ....... ..... ...,,....
<br />Borrower shill pay to Lender any amount neccsury to make up the delkicnc;y within 30 clays from Iba dale ..... ialltllihil
<br />by Lndcr to Borrower requestiaJ payment thereof.
<br />Upon pa)'RlCRt in full of aU sums scc:ured by Ihis MonS., lender shill promptly refund to Borrower aft)' ~
<br />held by Leader. If under parapaplIlll bereol the Propcny is sold or the Propcny ilothcrwilc acquired by LenIIw. LenIIw
<br />sbalIapply, no IalCr tlwl immediAtely prior 10 Ihe .ale uf lhe Propeny or its acquisition by Lender. any Funck ..... ..,
<br />l.ettdcr at the lIme of application as a credit asainsl Ihe sums scc:ured by this Mortsage.
<br />3. ......1..., r.,--. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all paymentlO received by Lender ..... the
<br />Note and pal'alrap\ls I and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lndcr .., 80mJwIr
<br />under panarapll 2 hereof. lhen 10 interest P.~Y.!bIe_\ln l!Ie Nll!e~JMI! to the principal nf tM Note. and tM!!!!.' interel!ed-
<br />-~---~-_.._--._.pnm;lpatOftiriy-FiitiR-~-~-- u. ....
<br />4. CIIMps;...... Bc:>rrowcr sh:lll pay "II l;o~"s. asscssm"ou and other charscs. lines and impositions atlri1tuta11k 10
<br />thc Propcny which may allain a priority over this Mongase. and IcliChold paymeAts or sround rents. if any. in the __
<br />PfOYided under parqraph 2 hereof or, If not paId in such manner. by B<<r~r making payment. whco due. directly to the
<br />payee lhereol. B<<rowcr IOhall promptly furni.h 10 Lender allllotlCCS of amounts due undu Ibis parqraph, lIIld ita... ewIIIl
<br />B<<rowcr shall make payment dircclly, Borrower .hall promptly lurOlsh to Lender re.:eipts evidcacinll sueh pa~
<br />Borrower shill promplly discharse any hen which has prlorlly over Ihis MonS.; provlUcG, Ihat Borr.:nvcr shalt not be
<br />fCCIuired 10 dilc:harp any iUCh hen w long ;os Borrow.:r shall agree in "rillll' 10 the paymenl of lhe obllllation KCured by
<br />such lieD III a manner accept.bIe 10 Lender. or shall in good failh conlesl such lien by. or defllRd enlorccmcnt of auc:h .. ita,
<br />IesII proccedinp which OpcUIC 10 prevenl thc enforcement of lhe hen or forfellure of lhe Propeny or any pan lhereof.
<br />5, HannlI~, Borrower shall keep Ihe .mprovemenh now uislIns or hereafICr erccled Oft lhe Propen)' i__
<br />apiDst loss by lire. hazards included wnhin lhe lerm "extended coverage", and such other hazards as l.ender may require
<br />and 111 such _ounlS and for such periods as Lender may require; provided, Ihat lender shall DOl require thai the a_At of
<br />such cover. eltcced Ihal amount of ~o'~ra&e reqUIred 10 pay the sums ~ecured hy rhls Morllap.
<br />TIle IIIIUrllllt:C carrier providinll the insurance shall be "hosen by Borrower subjccl 10 approval by lender; PfOY~
<br />dial such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. All premIUms on in~urllnce policies shall be paid in IhI _
<br />pnmcIcG ..... paracrllph 2 hereof or. If not paid an such manner. by Borrower malllns payment, when liue. dlrec;tly to thl
<br />i_ carrier.
<br />All iDaurllltt:C polICieS and renewlls thereo' ~hall he an 'orm oIcceplllble 10 l.ender and shall include a standard I11OI'1PF
<br />a- ID favor of and on form at:ceptable 10 l.ender. Lender shall have lhe righl 10 hold the policies and n:ncwlls thereof,
<br />amllIorrower shall promptly furni5h 10 Lender all renewal nollCcs ami all reeelp" of paid premiums. In the eYCltt of loss.
<br />Borrower shall sive prompt OOlICC 10 Ihe imurance cuncr and Lender. Lender may malte prool of loss if not made promtIdy
<br />.,~.
<br />U" left4er and B<<rower otherwise alrec in wrllong, in~urance proccclh shall be applied to reslorabon or repair at
<br />the Property damapd, provided such restoratIOn or repair IS economICally fealOlble and lhe securilY of this Mor..... is
<br />DOl tIaefdty impaired. If such restoration or repair tS nOI e~onomlcaUy fUlable or II lhe 5CCur.IY of tillS MortS. wou&cI
<br />be impaared. lbe 'nsurllACC proceeds shall be applied to the mms se.;ured by Ihls Mongage. with lhe eJlCeH. il any, paid
<br />10 Borrower. If !he Property is abandoned by Borrower. or It Borrower lalli to rapond 10 L.ender Within 30 clays from the
<br />Ute AOtlI;c is maJled by Lender 10 Borrower that lhe insurancc ~amer offen 10 scull: a dalm lor onsurancc bcMfiu. lender
<br />is audlorized to collct:t and apply thl insurance proceeds al Lender"~ opllon cllher 10 rClitoralloo or repatr of lhe Propcn)'
<br />or to tlle _ scc:ured by lhis Mortpse.
<br />UIIIIIcsa Lender and Borrower olhcrwisc alrec 10 wrlllng, any luch appllcallon of procceds 10 prloc'P'l1 5hail not eJlIOlld
<br />or pt)8CpoM tM due date of the moothly jOllallments re'elll:d to an paralraphs I and :1 hcreal. or (han. the amooat of
<br />-aIMttilments. II unci<< par'lI'aph III hereof lhe I}roperty IS acquired by tender, all "aht, tltlc and anlwal 01 Borr_
<br />io ami to any I_ance poIit:ics and in and 10 Ihe prlXeetls thereal r.:sulllns from dama. 10 lhe Propeny pnor 10 the salc
<br />CIt' ~ sltall pus to lAnder Ie the Ulenl of the lunu lecured hy this MOrlllllllC IIn",edllllely prIor h' such ule 0(
<br />~.
<br />'" ~....... M~ of 'roperty; te_......; <:r)ft4ttIlUel~ I'IanM4 UIIiI Unela'..u.... BorI'O\llWfl
<br />IIW .... 1M Propcny in sood "'pair and shall nol conlmil Wallie or permit Impamnenl or tleUUiofatlOll of tile Property
<br />ami sltall (;~ wid! the prO\'iti<:ma of any 1_ II IhlS MOrlllalllll .\ on a leasehold II tillS MOlIsallll II on II unll in II
<br />slliftduminJUm or a ~ unit dlllvcklpt'nent. Botrower \hall perform all of Borr"wer'. obhllall<ms U'lOcl lhe d<<llU'lI1lO1l
<br />or --. _...... 0'- 8OY1trni~la the condomlO,um or I'lannoo unll developmenl. the by.III"'\ and f1:lIullllions ,1( lhe
<br />(;~aiurII or ~ unit tIe'lCklpt'nenl. and ,.I>llsliluent tkxUI1Mllll. If" H'ndofllllllum or planlled 11111' ,le~c1opmMl
<br />rMlllr .. ~ by Bolrrowcr lIlld IlKorded "'I"'thcr with rhlS MOf18&iC. rhe covenants and allretlllwnh "~I such mier
<br />... lie _porateGl!at.) end ml1.11 _nd 'HI<l >ul'plernelll tile 'O~Cllanls IoU all'ccm"",, 0/ IhlS Monlllae 10& If lhe ruler
<br />... ... ~ !ImIof.
<br />1. .........., ........ 1tI<<1IritJ. If BorrOW'l!l' '11,111 10 f'l1"Ofm rhe CO'tflnllllll and IIIl'fClM1l18 .-oillainlld in tl1i~
<br />Men,., << if MY iK'*' Of 'If~ 1'1 CllmlM-.t wlll<h mllterillll)' air""" lell4lct's Inlerett ill rM Prt:Ipen,..
<br />_~ ~ rMIt ~ 10. _lMm~. .MUlvem:y. n><1e "n'<>fat_1l1. or "r~nIA or "roc_inIlA ;1I\101\1n'l II
<br />__~ lJf _~.thit!llA*t' It I..ead<<'s "pI'''", Upt>fl n<>1.<.:C '0 Iorrowel. nway mllke .u.;.h lIPf'Cara~'fi. dtabYnll SIKh
<br />5_ _ em euom MIW1I M II __". to PfOIet:1 leIlJcr'. .ntellts1. IIlCltMtIA;, bUI ,..14 Iomlted Ill, .J,.bUIMlMlll of
<br />I~ lll~" '''Ill .ad ellU'1 t.lpmt thit I"lUplllll' II. make rcplun Br lell<lcl re'1u,,~.J '1\Oltllllee IIUUlarn;ll am A
<br />(~d_ of mums Ilwl ~ ,*;lIfed by Ihll MOIIIl~, ""'Ic'''''' shall pal' Ilw p.tn"unn re'lllllCl' hi tl'Ialnlft'" l..dl
<br />.__ Itm .....1 IUIUI ~mlh UMe M 1M require_llt 1M Uk,h .,,__ telMlnftte\ III ll('~"nt"I"'e ....lh 80rl"(_r'. end
<br />
<br />