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<br />84_006492
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<br />NO!\;.U"ilFOltM CO\'E"iA!\;TS Borrower andl..enQe; funha covenmt and agree as folk>ws:
<br />19. ~IIII; ~. I..etNIm- slid .;We ~ le ~ prior le ~ ~ h,_'5
<br />tnadlllf..y ~ ..IIII~ m dIiIi~' bdto 1.1.1!IIt".priorle~---_""""'" UlIIIMI 17
<br />... JlllPlie'" law ~ ~._I, ne .... IIIhaU ~-: (a) dae ~ <it} dae.... ~ _ ~ dae
<br />defullt; ~cl II 4a1e., aIIt Jea ... 30 lays fmnI dae da1edae .... is P- _ h.&_.1ty 1ItddI die iIfuk IIIIIIii lie ~
<br />_ {41 ...f8iIuR le aIR die ~_ .. Weredae tiMe specified m dae......" I'eIIlIlt iIl~ll' rIlfdle_
<br />___'it)' dIis Security bdto_1I elll"" wie 8f dae ~'. The ~1IIhaU furdIeI' iIIfenII ......_ .., die'" to
<br />~ after ~1I11 _ dae rit!IIIt le hriIIca ~ .lIdimI_1IIilSIlI1 dae.~ ela iIfuk_., ,.....
<br />dllfeR8e8f-..n--. ~___ ..lfdle.... is1Hlt Clll'd0ll<< WlIIredle........._...............,. I,.,..
<br />at its __ _'~ i-. Jill .~. M 8f d _.___ "" dIis ~ .._AIl........~~
<br />dema1ad.. ma)' ... dae..-- 8fwie....".... ~_ 1 ilu' "" J.. i .....u.,l.aIdIirfilld lie I'! I~
<br />cdect aft l!llliJIC'DftII ~ .. ..--ms dae ~ ~ ill dIiIi .............. 19. io" 1 -L. Ilut .........ti.,.
<br />rl.r~~We~'~_NIIilIvl1ide~
<br />If dae.~ . wie is ~ TI1IIIIee !did ~ a ~M'" ill ClIldJ.... iIIUidI...,.....~~
<br />~'is ~ 1IIId!dld mIIiI C8J1ies.IifIdl....illdIe_pn.~,iW"" Wl'lditu._~~~!-
<br />em- ~JIf~ it)' BlllltiC'" Jaw. MEr dae tiaIe requinld.lty. ~!- .' ;~ _, T~!dId P peIIIe~'"
<br />wie te dae ~.... m dte _ ,._iIecIit)' UC -.. u.. T~ ...........- ..."........JilIIiIl~~
<br />~. at puWic audilmm die ~tIidIdec'atdle __lIIIdpluelllld___dle-.. ft 'L -I j.-'IIIIIlkl1l\lllf~jj
<br />_ w _ perceI:s IIIId m _~. onIer TnIIUle MetJllilwlL T~IU!' ~wie"'d_.." ..........
<br />puWic .-lllmrcllKllt at die time _ 'piece ef..,. ,.....~' ....! I L.d 1IIlIIe. Leader _ iIs~..,
<br />~'III_Y.ae.. .
<br />UpIIII receipt IlfJlll~ M the ~ IBIl TnIIUle'" ~ tel die _~ 1'nJIitee's'" -._i.;-
<br />~'. The I"C!citals ill the Tf1IStee's.... !did he prima flllcie ~ Ilfdle__ sf die I ..... II .... I
<br />TI'IIIIIee IIWI ap;dydle pntCeCIIIl.dlewie. die ~OI'Ollr:(alled~eldle...r I ...-..JIL.",
<br />ta. TI'IIIIIee'$~lIS ..........it)' I.... ~ Jaw ad. lltllUlllie ~tws;.lltl_d___"'dIis~
<br />jMt'rllllllllt;... kl aay eX_1QdleperH&_~,~ ~tIlit.
<br />28, IAlIIder ItI ~. VpolIllC.celeJ'lltioo under r>li;~grnph ]Q or ll~t of the PTopeny, ~ (9
<br />person. try lipl or by JuGlclllliy llppoinl.ed receiveTj !obllM be enntb:ll.o enter... take j:'k~ of,_...._
<br />Properly lmd !O ",oil<<! the rellts of the Pre>;>ertY incluamlit ! h(',,: pasl due. Any ~ ~ ~. ~ or the .~
<br />shall be applied fim to paymcm ('If the .:-OS!S of ~l of the !'t-~. lUlO ~ of 1'eJJtS, .~ "mill
<br />humoo to. rOCCi"cr', fee1;. premlL<mS on recelver's honi:as lilAd ~ auomeys' f<<li, MIG tlieIJ UJthe____'bJ
<br />.\... (;:....~..._... i__".'_h
<br />
<br />
<br />n. Reeoal'r}'aDft- l.'pCI!1 payment of all sums l>eCUl'ed by thIS Security Instrument, Leader wit TeqlIe!iIl TI1IIIibC:m
<br />reconvey the Prclflefty :and ,hail surrender 11m Secunty J nstTUment l<Sd all ootc!i~lfII.debt ~ it)' - ~
<br />InSl:TUment 10 Tnmee. TruSler shall rec.otl~ the Property W1thow ",,'arranty..oo _hout c~t.o.pc::rstmorpc:nlllllS
<br />j~li> eJJtllb:110 H Such per.'"',,, m pen;.;"1ftS sluUl pay ailY rccrn-dltuoo cost1>
<br />22. SA til to< TnIIUle. Lender. l&l lUi [optIOn. mJiY flOm time to lime remj)V(' T I'lIstee _ ~ 11 ~:mHIiIlDe
<br />10 any Trustee appOinted hereunder t>y an ,motru.ment recorded m the coumy 1Il which 1ms SecW'lt). btlitrnmelll isT~
<br />Without COl'lvcy'&1lCf' nfthe f'wpeT1y. the M'CCC!i1IOr truSler shall1>1iICCCed 10 all the title. f'V"I'CT lmd .a~~ IIIpIOIl
<br />T rustet" herem and b~ "PI"!ICable law
<br />23, ~ for ~ Br'ITo""'eT req~1s that copiel> of the notICes (If deftiilt lmd sale be ~ $0 am-'s
<br />llddrem. ",!IIdlls t he Property Addrel!h "'CONT j NFED BELOW
<br />
<br />:14. RIden 10 dIis~' l~ If ORem more nders life executed ~ Borrower liad recorded ~widI
<br />l11l~ Securm I flstTumem. l he "1\emmt> lmd agreements of each such nder swll'lf' il'K'o~ed mtoand ~ ~ MIG
<br />supplement tnc <:,wenlml' .and agrecmeTlls of thl' Sc.'unty lnstrumem as If the nder'4.) ""'CTf' j! pwl of 11m. ~.
<br />Instrument ICllc;;" "Whcabk bol<.Ie>>!j
<br />:]; "';;lJustabir lU:!e R..lcr Coodauuwum R.lder = ::-4 Fa.m.ily R.idec
<br />
<br />GradUllled Payment Jhder Pl.umed emt De....elopment R.1der
<br />
<br />=:: Otbcrlsl IspectfyJ
<br />
<br />BY SK,-';I"iC; Bn ov.. Horwwer I>C(;.ept; Jind l<j1:f= 10 the terms ..00 COVefilUlt, CI~ m till. SecIiIriIty
<br />lu>ltrmnem ..nd lllll.rn rlder(s I CKOCllted In' BOIT0"'Cl" and recoTd~h 11
<br />, . / .. ~-::> .- .', r
<br />,:4',.,. .1' (, \....
<br />~~t~:S~H. ..nnH~
<br />'H::'c;;~.c,.~<,;g4~~~~~'~..lSeall
<br />Anna M. ll.oclthahn -IW_
<br />
<br />.-..--..-......--.---------- i~ _ ,.,... ~.... f", ___~,4\..._nl ..-----
<br />
<br />*!)o:r:rower furt.h~r req'..lests that .COr1ieSl ot the noti.ce of defdult and 'aotice of salt' hE-'
<br />~ent to each person ......ho ,is a i~\art~.,.. hereto ;It ~'~e address e,f such p.t'rso!: set f0'rt'h
<br />
<br />"a4:rel:n.
<br />
<br />STAn: '>l' Nlmllh!!IIil..A H.all .H.Cotmty !!MIl:
<br />
<br />On thal; ;:: t II. dlil:l" of D;;"c~k:;r , 1 9 :it,. b('{QftO me. tnt. ~iped, lli No~' PubU.~
<br />duly (_~ -0 q~ild for .wd "aunt,,', ~y ca_
<br />T>g._UJ...~~r~q!\ol;!1.<i\l1. hU.fib.g,~and ",He, , to rot' knl'm'Yl to !w- tOt'
<br />~,~ $-< ~f wi:It{of14' _r~ ~) l!i.re t.o tht- jo~~ l1.Jm.rument and ..c~.1~'Ifl1iw eu....':\!.
<br />!.ium ~ U:> I"" l: he 1 T \'oluntw-y ~et _d dNd..
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<br />.~t..
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<br />'11 Y lUIl~d -0 flotillf'Ull 'I<'@ill fit
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<br />In MlAid, -nun!:>. t h"
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