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<br />r <br /> <br />! <br />! <br />i <br />f <br />I <br />I <br />f <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />84- 006492 <br /> <br />If Lender requIred mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security lnstrmnent, <br />Borrower shall pay Ihe premiums required to maintain Ihe insurance in eirect UIltil such time liS the ~iremeJJt f<< the <br />insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement OJ' appjicablelaw. <br />8. 1llSpl.lCtioll, Lender or ils agenl ma\' make l'ealiOllllb1e entries upon and i~,oflhel'1'~'.~ <br />shall jive Borrower JItltice aHBe time of OJ'priOTi0111l'iIlSPOOtitm~_i 1Hitik~..._ tl If .','.U,)"l;tj" <br />9. CoIMIemuatioll. The proceeds of any aWII\ d or claim for damages. diTllClor.COIIlIClqlilllmiai.m ~~ <br />any condemnation or ather taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyancejn lieu of~,_,~ <br />a.'lSiBDed and shall be paid 10 Lender. .. . <br />In the e\'ent of a IOlal taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be IIpplied to the sums ~I!y "'ms~ <br />Instrument. whether or nor then due. with IIny excess paid to Borrower. In the event of IlpartillI.takil;@:ofthe~, <br />unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing. the sums secured by this Security Imtrument sftallbe~" <br />the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total amollllt of the sums secured .imft~ <br />before the takmg. dl\'lded h\ I b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking.AflY balimcesftall 'be <br />paid to Borrower <br />If rhe Propeny IS abandoned by Borrower, or if, after nOlice by Lender to Borrower tftattBe 00IIdemn0r oI'ers to <br />make an award or senle a claim fnr damages. Borrower fails 10 resJX'nd to l.emier within 30 days after the4ate themltice is <br />gIven. Lender is authonzed 10 wllecl and apply the proceeds. at its option, either to restoration OJ'replliTofthePmperty<< <br />to the sums secured by this Secunty Instrument, whether or not then due, <br />unless Lender and Borrower agree in writing,lIDY application of pmceeds 10 principal skal'Inot ~<< <br />postpone the duc date of the mcmthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or cha. theamountof!illCih JIlIYmeats. <br />10. Borrower 'lit ReleMed; FortJeanmce By Lender Not a Waiver. ExtCDliion of the lime fOJ'.~ << <br />modification of amorttzatlon of the sums secured by' Ihls Security lnstrumenr granted hy Lender to any .SlICCeSIIliII'm <br />Interesl of Borrower shall nor operale to release the Iiahiilly oflhe original Borrower or Borrower's sucCei!lOl'S,m~ <br />Lender shall not he required W commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to eltteJJd lime fur <br />payment or olhen...", modify amortizatIOn of Ihe sums secured by 1 his Security Instrument by reason of anyclemand made <br />by the onginal 8orrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in el\erci5ing any right 'OJ'TemCliily <br />'.-hnll h... ~" u.:~iv"T" of nr nN"c'lulI.;p rhe f'xt"rri\fl nf afl\'-ril!hl Of remed\' <br />11. ~ IIIICI AlISigu Beuml: Joint IIIICI Several Liability; Co-sipen. The covenants and ~~of <br />thIS SecUrtly lnstrument shall hind and benefit the successors and llJiSlgns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions <br />of paragraph I;. Borrowers covenlints and agreements shall be Joint and several. Any Borrower who co--sigIIs this SeclIrity <br />Instrumelll hut does nOl execute the Note, (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage. Vant and ccmvey <br />thaI Borrowers mten"'l In the Propeny under the terms of thIS Security Instrument: (b) is not pen;onally~topay' <br />the sums secured by Ihis Secumy InSlrumelll: and lc) agrees that Lender llnd any other Borrower may agree toexteJJd, <br />modify. forbear or make any accommodations With regard !O the terms of this Security' Instrument or the Note without <br />that Uurmwer's consent. <br />12. ~ C!Jaraa;. If the loan'-CCured by this SecUl'lly Instrument is subject to a law' which sets 101m <br />charges, and thaI law h finally Interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collectOO in <br />conneClIon Ilmh Ihe loan exceed the permilted hmits. then: (a) any' sllch hllln charge shall be reduced by the amount <br />necc:ssary to reduce the char~e to the pemllltL-d !lmit: and (h) any' sums already collected from 8orrower which elWCedcd <br />permrned iimns will be refunded ro Borrower Lender may choose to make this refund hy reducmg the I'nllCipal owed <br />under the Note Of hy makllll! a dlrecl pay'ment to Borrower If a refund reduces prinCIpal. the reduction ....'iH be tt'W'tellllS{I. <br />paTllal prepayment "'~thout any prepayment charge under the Note. <br />13, l~ AfI'ectiBll l.eader's RiPts. If enactment or eXpiration of apl'hcahle laW's has the elfi!ct of <br />rendenn!! any I'ro\'ISIOn of the NOle or Ihls SeCUl'll; Instrument unenforceable according tn Its terms. Lender. lit its option. <br />may requIre Immedlak ravmelll In lull of all sums secured 'W thiS Secunty Instrumenl and may invoke an)! romedia; <br />permmed b; paragraph I q If Lender excrcIS<:'S thIS optIOn. Lender shall take the slep" spectfled in the second paragmph of <br />pllrlljZmph I' <br />14. Noticet;, Any nol!Cl' 10 Burrower pnl\'lded for In rh" Secumy Inslrument shall be given hy de!ivenng it or hy <br />malilOjI. 11 by IirSI dbs mail lInk'Ss apphcable law r"'lulrL", uS<: of anmher method. The I!(>tice shall be direct<<llo the <br />Propeny Addre~' or am or her address Borrower deSIgnates hy nOllcc to Lender. Any notICe to Lender slulll tie givcn b}' <br />tirM cia" nUll: ll. Lenders llddreiS ,rated hercm or anv ,)ther addr"" Lender deslglllltL'S by nntice to Dormwer. AllY notice <br />proVIded for mlhlS Set'unty lnstrumenl shall be deemed 10 have beL'll given to Borrower or Lend.:r ....hen given liS proVided <br />111 thIS p;orallraph. <br />15, (~}.erniB!t Law; St!-,erability, This Seeunty Instrlllllcnl ,hall ht. federal law and !hc law oillle <br />IUrlsdlctllll1l1l which Ihe Pmpert:. IS ht.:.:ated. In thc event 1 hat any provISIOn or dause of tillS Securl1~ Instrt:mc:nt or the <br />"'Ole e,mllli.,ts wlln appilcahlc law. such conflict shail not affect other pr<WISlOIlS "I' this Seeurl1~ Instrument or the "'Olt' <br />whIch ell.!> he !lIven elf eel w'nhout lhe "onfiiclIng proVISion To tlm end the proVlSlO1lS of thts SceurllY Irzslrllmentand lhe <br />"',,!t. arc declared to be sevel'lIhle. <br />1... Borrower'~ Co"y. Borrower ,hall he given onl" c'''n!c1fmed COP\ "flhc No,,' alld "I tlm Sei.'urllllll,rnm1\'n1 <br />Ii. TrlllJ8fer of tile Pmperty IIr II Bc:aeficiaJ Interrrot in Borruwer. If ail o! ,un pan "f the l'r<lpeny (J! al'.l <br />Illter~! III II IS ",ld or transfe1T~d (or Ii' a hendklll] Interest lT1 Borrowe! IS sold or tran,fi:rcl'd "nd !inrn'w", IS no! ilnalur,,1 <br />pefSO'f)) \\'UhOUI Lem:,icr'~ pnor \~'n1tcn .....ot1'-l.cnt, Lt~t1dcr ma:~, at Ii\ optIon. require.: lnHTlt~(hall' p.l1.\'mer!1 111 fuB of all "'Ufll~ <br />'-Lx:ured ~y thl:-. Se('urny In"-trumcfll. Howf:\,'cr. thJ!'o opnorJ ...Jwll nnt he t"xelns/,x:J h\ 1.t.'J},h"r It {'.I.erCht.. I' pr,_~hihllCd h~ <br />federal j"... '" of the d<lte "I' IhlS SCCUTI! \. Imlrumen! <br />If Lender t:XC:TI!-tC~ ttWl \lpIHHl, Lc.'ndc.r ~hall gt\C Borrower 11'_ )llre of ;'\lTt'k'nttl(HI. Till' noflct' l,haiJ pnn H.k ;1 pcn(ld <br />ofnnt le~~ 1hittl ,10dar.. from lh-t' d~~te lhc nollce 1~ dch\'t:red (IT maIled wnhm which BOi1'n\\l'r trnl....' PM.~. iJ!!..,um\ 'tl.:uled h.\ <br />nu~ Set:'urny InMrUrrl{~HI if Borrower h&iJ~ to pal rht:<,f.' ...arrl', pnor {c, lllt: l':\r'ln-11Hln of ltll'" pcnnd, i ('fidel fTJi.I.\ n~\..~t' ;1!n <br />rcm<:~te" fl(';rrfu!ted h~ ttll~ Secunt\ InMrurnenl without funht'f' H!)II~T qr demand on Bnrn~\\l'r <br />ll. ~tw~' iiliPt 10 R~inRat~. if U{H'T(I\\t'! !1Wt'!~> ..:enam ~:(jHdltln!l'.., TtJ!'ri~\H'r ...h..11! ha\t' dH' lll'f:l to! ha\T <br />t'nfl11'i..:eftlf:'ot of 'It!!", St>cunll, J U~tl titHeD! dl...t'\ltHmw..'.d at all\ 1 ~Hlt' pnOj l{) t fit' Co.Hllt'f ; -,j 1;1' ~ J.a.v" I Pi ',u~h .:11 ltt',; prnlld a... <br />hl't\ nH~:. "pel,.!t~ fPl rl::Hll"tiAlt'HH:nt I :--dnn:- ~ak (If the PrnptTf.\ pur"wHlf T,! ao~ pl 1\\ l'f l If \:dc lI1Tl!<1l1lcd !11 \ Iii" <br />~n%"TrUrHt~nt. ("f nil t'illr1, of iJ ,wj~lllent ~~nL.n:lnL~ ~:11" ~(XUfl!\ 11I;.,lrUftH'r';1 TtH'\I.' ,-(llld:!liln\ H-r~ !h,ll J\!\tf<'\\t'1 <br />(~1 p.tii~;., ~_endcr rod! ',unh V.hll.'tl rhCll \l!.llUid he due UIH..tcf thl'. "'-l":U;lI\ Jll'-I1"lHiH'PI ,llId :hv ......:l!t' h;h! Iii' :k~ 1'1;:1;-111;111 <br />(K~:urref!' (b, ,:un:",. .Jf~\ ..idlAu!! ilf dill, i\lh~:r ()\('1I.1tH... ':It ,if~rn'mellh (\! p~11,''''' ,dlV\jlt'll"'l.'" ilh:UrTt'd iTI Cl\f\);,-'lll~; (hI" <br />Sei:unt~ in"tHtHw:'Ol. Hh.jl1.d111~:. hill rl\lt brtlllt'd IiI !'.',u....\nwhk ~!if.\nH.''\'~. t._,?:, ,I:ld idl :,~~,t"- >'lh!' ;h'~:'li; :1" l ~'ndl'l l1~;l\ <br />,;ei!'iiijnill~l\ n:'{<iU11 d"'.U1\ ~h(1p !h(' iu..'" ;11 1hh "1~-i.Urll' Inl.,II'UnWr11. 1 :'ndc:-'- 'rhi', ~it i'~ ':-'I! \ ,1111: H,r:I"\\C'.' <br />'~h~i-J1.\(H r";;;i'. .,Hin '~\-'uJn:d f.-, (hl~' ~{'\:Ul'!ll, IUl~;!;ml_t'n: ;,hd~j ,i'n'Hi,/( 'd!kl "".~;H~_llW':! 1-.\ <br />T~Olri')>I.e' 'f;!>, ....t', ,:r,l!H~'~,l ,g';! t!W "hfq,)).t1jo:1!l'-, ',('( i.j'C liCrd"l> ',I;: b.lll <br /> <br />i ~ .,..... . <br /> <br /> <br />':dil !. I '!'ellp.!d\C i,}H.l!i Ii; l! ,.IPt"\h <br /> <br />",j' <br /> <br />~ <br />I <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~__J <br />