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85-- C'06429 <br />t`egn/em"W".a. 'I hr i -e d. „f a,�n . aid .,r tla:m d.vnagrs d,re,t „ + „�q•�•'�:I gal n ”- r,neclir.n ,a+th am <br />,,mdcninasirm m other taking tit �the Plot rty, or part rhtiepf. +•r tt+s c ones at,tc ­ lieu tit a onde,nnat,on, arc hereby aSS.Fnr.i <br />Mad be paced so ) -wader <br />lw She 'event of a intal taking of the property, the pr,cecd, shall 1. ,,ppi„,1 0, lhr s,a,n ,t•turied by Ih+s lyrcd Of Trust <br />with She excess, it any, paid to Patrmser In the event of a parnat t,1, ­V. .,t the Ptnpoty, unle %, Borrower and 1 ender <br />otlM- i agree In writing, lbete shall be applied to she SUMS secured by Ih,s I ieed i,l -1 "W such , tornn,on tN she proceeds <br />as At'/emf M teal proportmw which the amount of the %isms At cured t•y ,M, 1 ?rc-1 of I,u,l Immediately T4 'Of to the dare of <br />akj �eatt to the (air rnairket value of the Property Immediately prior io the dair of taking. with the halance of the prnceeds <br />rail ro lianowet <br />H din= n., I,i.r,v . ,,q:.11 r it..n,,.,, r.. or .t tfict rot tit "c by i rwl, t t.. 11: „its„ +1,,, It„ , "'Oennwo offer, In make <br />q ,lean! "an veltss -, eta +m fin .Iaaragc,. h.vrnws•, !gels 1,, retI. ml I,, I , rider w nh,n All dais pact the dare stah nottse ,, <br />wired; LSmkr is authostred I„ t:o)tect and apply the prr.ceeds. at I rnder't option. vaher 10 restoration or repair of the <br />1•reoecly or to she Sums secured by this (geed of Trost. <br />Vj7 l as Lender and Bortwtr otherwise agtte m wilting any such arpiicauan of ,:c coeds :, principal shall not extend <br />or oaytrwe the due date of the monthly installments referred to At, par3gr•l.hs t and ? here,t tar change the amount M <br />web iwpaNments- <br />1R rasOOV Its t !401 RekaDed. $x+ensson of the time for payment or mod +fxation of amenuation nf the sums soured <br />by tbie Deed of Trutt granted by I ender to any successor in interest of Borrower .hall nol operate io release. in anv manner. <br />doe iialwlity of the original Borrower and BmT stier's successors in inietni. ) ender shall not be required to commence <br />protstedimp agawM such successor of refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise mnd+fy amortization of the sums <br />srcand b)' this Deed of Trust by mason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Botrower's successors in tnierni <br />11. Pwbesesmte by I,ewiet 1401 a Waiver, Any forbearance by Lender In eterciseng anv right or remedy hereundet, or <br />nSliaysris afforded by appb ahk law" shall riot be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or iemedy <br />The procurement of insurance M the payment of taxes or other Lens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of 1- cnder's <br />sighs to atceifrare rise maturity cif the indebtedness secured by ih,s Deed of Trust <br />12. Remedial s Cwsdatlre. All remedies provided in this reed of Trust are distinct and cdmatlative 147 any other right <br />or remedy under this heed of Trust or afforded by law or equity, and may he eaercmed cnncurterstly, independently or <br />soccessively <br />13. tfsccegoem and Anigas ioussid. Joint aM Sev" lJobilloy; Captious. The o,venants and agteemanes herein <br />eommieed shall hind, and the rights here,inder shall inute In, the respeelrve su,re%%e,% a,.d assigns ,I t ender and Bortowrt <br />suble s. to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof All covenants and agreement, of Borrower shall he joint and ,eversl <br />The caption. and l,eadinp of the pars iaphs of +xis Decd of Trust are for ctmvenencc only and are rim iu to used to <br />tswerprn nr kfiiie Moe provesnsns hereo <br />1d. No*@. Except for arty, notice required tender applicable law to etc gi,tn +n another mannct, cal any n„tn c to <br />Sommer Provided for an Mots Deed of Trust shall be given by mailing such notice by cennfeed mail addtused to Borrower at <br />the Property Address or at such other address as Borrower may designate by nouct to I cruder as provided herein. and <br />tb) eeY watice to tesdw shall be given by certified mail, murn receipt requested, to Lender's address stated herein or to <br />seek olY sddtm as (:ender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein Any notice provided for in this <br />Deed of Truer sha)1 be drained to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein <br />13. LlwNrtm Devi of Truth Gonrwirtg iaw;Sevetsbllty, ibis fnrm of deed of irusl combines uniform covenars for <br />�¢.� sasnn with limped variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security Instrument <br />MAR "^L Dssd-,of Trust shall he governed by the law of the jurisdiction to which the Property is Incased <br />)w > ipatge�w or clause of this teed of Trust or the Note conflicts with applicable law such conflict shall <br />Deed of Trust or the Note which can he given effect without the conflicting provision. <br />re•l Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be rarmshle <br />^vsadtYi -< <br />li =- >•wawwnY snpy. rrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of ibis Deed of Truu at the rime <br />of ertrealion or aft recordslion hereof. <br />17. •T"WAlera(Mte Vngmyc AMwwlr{sw. It all or any part of the Pmperis or an interest thctrin is sold nr transferred <br />by Borrower witkoss Lender's prior written consent, excluding la) the creation of a lien or encumbrance suhnrurnare to <br />Ill.%)Deed cf Tnrve. (h) Ate ereattnn of a purchase money security ,nlerrst for household ,.rp6ancrs. I cI a transfer M .!cv,se <br />derceas or by opetsfum of hw upon the death M a 11 sint tenant or , d) the g.::n of any leasehold interest of three years x less <br />was eaaameng per option to purchase, lender may, at Lender's option. declare all the sums secured by this Deed of Trim to he <br />9 m vediasrty due and pay". lender shall have waived such o Minn to accelerate if, prior to the sae tit transfer• l ender <br />awl tube person to whom the property is so be sold or transferred teach agreement to writing that the credit of such person <br />,a saiis(ac#Mv to Leaides awd that the Interest payable on the sums secured by this Deed of Trusl shall he at such rate as <br />1.c Wes shall rr4oest. It Lender has waived the rsption to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17• and it Borrower's successor <br />in solve st has cheated a written assumption asteemrnf accepted in writing by Lender. Lender shall release Borrower front <br />all ohtiga under this Deed of Twat and the Nate. <br />It Leader exercises such option in accelerate, 1 ender shall mail Borrower notice of acceleration to accordance wish <br />pgvWgph 1d hereof. Such notice shall provide a p land of not less than JO days from the dale the notice is mailed wnhm <br />which Borrower may pay the suns declared dte f Borrow, fails to pay such sums prior to the expiration of such period, <br />L alder may wrlhous further notice or demat+d on Borrower, invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph 14 hereof. <br />Ncw+•iiwitclam 1'ovtpaawrs Borrmver and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />I& Accrkratiew: ti stardim. Eaeept at provided in Saw too 17 hereof, aims awrowees breach of may co•esum or <br />apelepm of Borrower am ado Doted of Trask, loclaillog ahe coetmemb to Pay whew due Day Saws secured by this Deed <br />of Trost. Rosser prior to shill tratiew shall SUN maske N llarrawet w previhd to ptatagroo 14 hereof speciytng- I it she <br />breseb. 121 ate otaDw redpsired So cure sick latest ; (3) a Mae, wal fns Sham 30 days from she dale pee maske is mated to <br />1lsrreiver, by wise& .Tait Meath most k ewedt pad (d) test fdbre to ewe each breach on or before the dale specified <br />Ia Rte seske may tttoaM is stcekesNsw of 1he Otwre neared by thte Herd of Trull seed sae of file Pr *pet py. The not)oe <br />sbar iwtbee i artrr Oorrsrser of tbt right to rtlrralstt after mec'tkrati" and the rlgM to bring s cswt ac'tlsa Ie area! <br />ON wrw,tmlMewce of Is defM* w awy SOW delcset Of Rwtswtr Is mcceierasbw said sale. If Ike breach M sW cared <br />on -oe Mot site dale prise" in the ,oil"- i.etrder at 1ANdet•s gnaw way decbn sR of "It $WK stewed by Stile list <br />of Term) a be itwadhasl! doe and payable wNMsl fwlbet Iesssmd prod easy irrvolit the ewer a.* ask a" may stSher rtweft <br />postal" by aillif Ile got. Sxadw "fee eaffRM So collect ail renonebk comb and expenses Ivcstrd Is 9 Mistg Met <br />eovattMes ptosldtl in kith porsgrapI )g. ftKftrlallr Isar rime willed 1s. reasonable sasruy's ka. <br />pard N�tbe dsde k 1w►slae 1. Tirson nwN Swiss a ■atkt of tk(swN fa each trawy In "Me k the PeopeNy w taws <br />ir;arrpStmNt Mptsstalbad aIIN - list As , Ahmshe Ypme instills firm w�ws�brz �b applk*W low. ruMee libum <br />/Ivt -aft aaaRro of oak M the ptesw and in Mas mawmer pros :d by appMtabk Iasi. Trsidee, vrllhmW dewasmd ve <br />Rsewiwot. close seR sbe 11 spemty Oe price ovelfaa Is sbe � blddn al the Nair wed piste pad Bader sbr Perms deslgwsoed <br />Ida /be a" d vt/e M sue W owe �!!��� sad fit Daeb ttder w Truitt way desrrrdee. Intake, may poespose sale of all <br />w <br />-0 Passed of Ibe Mln1! by }pane asenantaast al dw Roc said plat of my pmiliedy KbodaM ade- Load" or <br />t std,t a ttaalWamt r V­._ �lw+l M my aria. <br />Upon varoilpl ofpsrsnow of Ow pAee bid. Iman"deliset Is *a ptsreltiew True"*@ deed conseyhtg the Properly <br />"bL Tbr,eseflsle is dw ToWeell dot Mtge be pulses fait evWas of tbt bwlb of are paltweefs aide slast Ma. Tram" <br />affaM,/pI 1bt,tstttdO of pee Oak bs an faMsnlag Susan (a1 N an tensmabk cost and tape"" W Set oak. l sclsdirag. bW <br />arf Mrallmf tar Traw"Is fees of SUM tape. Nees % or die glom ash price. resmow,ble altwaeys free aed tour of <br />Sind tt- MisOe/ A/ to A N teens uttafered by IMs Deed of Tivoli and lc) pro epees. M sp. is 1111se permits or proses Icy, eosbitd <br />Nam" <br />It. 11040"etra MWO to Rtls om. NotwitMianidimg L.ewakir's acceleration of the sums secured by ikts Deed of Inns <br />Battswer MN leave the ttgbl m have any proceediwgs begun by fender in enforce this Dred of Trust thsronttm,ed at <br />any ton ptrw so Mio twr)ter W occw pouf (g,+) the Apth day befrxe the sale W the Property ptinvani in the power, of sae <br />so these Dead*( Irmo or 1m► Amsty of a Imeof raoieft this Deed W Trust if tali borrower pays Lender all sons wine h wonid <br />lw skew dw iwsdee rho Used eJ Uemt. the Note i and males seedling Fwufe Ad-antes. ,1 any, had no acceleration occWied <br />ibi Boftolgr cost IN bench" d any Wirer cetewsnk ou agreements of Borrower comairitd iw shat Deed of Trusts <br />k ilarrams r revs ON etsmsrtsbk Ospswees lrlft0 by Lender and Tetittee in enforcing the covenants and agreements of <br />Borrower ("Mao" iw flits 1 d of Trust and in enforcing Lender "s and Trimer It trmedirs at rr,v,ded in paragraph 11 <br />hef*,M. tvwlwd.rog, hat not 1rm.Md to tvasionable .ItM1Ky *1 feet and foil anrmrrr csle, vol h ai."im as i ruder r•, aI reis,*,ah11 <br />it*"," M "saw,, mat the I.en et #hit Mtd of T -rvw Lender's to ry 1.n the Pr rp Ind Acr.nwrr 1 obbsps, ,, u, raI <br />VI f; <br />