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VI-5 <br />85. <br />agree as hiffwa <br />tr y py � s dot the p of Nod Matta on the <br />htt� sr ptra.iisi'i0the fiat oral the praeigal Of tai imAMN <br />am F+Aae,!�s.�ws.,es.a. ,... Laniet. batower sMMp� <br />!`tell thin 1Ymta lYswaaa a %V&SW lwr or air a wows wove by <br />'hall itmseatest Ow Note <br />am payable taller the Noe, w" n paid to fain <br />to Lotiiw on tie say etntify iaatdlrmema tfw amid awes•sIm P away a� Priority over this <br />a wwaM� "ltwai'i �' to aas+e pen of sale. � ---SNA of'yealy prsw� �s for hazard sswTance. <br />DwititTtrA.+ tip !!rd,+a!1�sartMMe[see�r.+faol.t . <br />WM- 7 1. Iaestnw miesirmeaa tot amilpie dateastce, it any. a aftteaaaaabsy istmmiated tmtiatty and from <br />.mare t floe y tsairar the beam of aAimm m and bft atd`iesatosIO cowxasa *Afmat. <br />lu pa mif`d" be goal iw'am jFAWW Mdie &Vooft or acessmot tot yiiti:b we moored of pwtawsecd by a Federal a <br />watt Ad" icy,fiac aF tt Lonior if tmmkr a 31-11 art iwpWiaert). Lender float apply the Fwfs& to pay said taro. as�nscnn. <br />--- presmatwoa and ' veers Ltroitr +mfr nor c1 8 for so hllfing and appiyittg the Fusmis, analymt sot«! accwmt - <br />ar alai Vw I aI attrd aweeraeaas gad hilt. miens Laws t pays Vorssw.e° ioe" on the Firms and applicable law <br />�ww amsa Lsmisr a• vidit oacla tt_tfwie. strwf wi tender a" assort n wtrriirg at the tiro: of execution of Mora <br />Dui at Taal Glow iaae+t OR dot: Furls *0 be poi N benotmer, ad WAM such aireentenr is made n applicable law <br />n,tacb jiraiaatam be }sill i *40 10 In wipwd so pay' lm''Fawtr a" onatrar or tarnew an the Fwd&. tender <br />ttttait tine N iw toter. wrlierR ea+abt an among mete mtint d sloe Lrlyds sho wrtL credits and dtitas air sloe Funds awni tow <br />grotpaa Il r abieb ss eb lit so She Famb forma nmde. Tbr EtwAn as pldtad as atddiiomd ocursey for s11e turret secured <br />kr tM t a ti Ttnmw shalt she twore morality inuamments of Finds payable prior to <br />1 11 Me atowaal serf Mme Funs 11sal by Lawler. `+lm W m sari rases. <br />site aoe daaesrf ttoosa s�ntasefs. seerooce :pneo�ipns arms poammd names. shah :acted the ssaount tgtired pay <br />amestostds.;iearraatce . dntmiomm and trowi tars as tlmcy fail dies sasclt escea: chaff be. at ltxrowef's open, other <br />eapaii m bersenar as. e eaimoi an am own on mundily mesalmeoas of Fvnds. if she ass mad of the Funds <br />Wl.s 1101111100 bti+ottfd'icie 1 to parr tam asaessroaNs. imtoowcc Premium and l'atind 'eats as they Lam are. <br />ON -1001110 a11ab' p4 to t.ewiar my asoman inteeny to Make up the deficiency wieiwt 30 days from the doe mota't Is maned <br />y Loner es ianawar rMt Pagano tiareai. <br />19pam payatlratmr td d ail mesas secured by this Deem of Trust, i :ender shall prnntprty ' -fund to Borrower any Fs :..J% <br />llai by Leader. It »ado patatrali tt faneaf NnePtape:t ss said or the Property n atherwRe acquired by 1 ruder. L ender <br />shat apply, me iwer dam ismwadwaely pnsa to 1b: sale of the prop" of as acgnis,t +on by t_endeV any, Funds held b) <br />toww ae doe tiwme of at a credit affirm the sums secured by this Deed of Trust <br />>, App- UAao /It (isms aPplieahk lave proridec otherwise, all payrnenta received by Ltndcr under the <br />Has ad L 2 Ins shall be by Leader fast in pa of amounts payable o. L ceder by ih mower <br />orier poratrwp Z I - - i . diem m invest �as the Note then a the pimr.pal r ' :tu Note. and then *intents- and <br />on any Foot Mwa Loa. <br />C11nbaK bola. basower *tall fay all taxes, asaesanneMa and other charges. fines ami +rit"Awns wiTibutabte till <br />site Vingainy tuiicb may titan a purity ore dais feed of Tram, ad lea sbold payments OF ground cents. if any, in the <br />rmoasar dar w ptanttrapb 2 iowtof a, if not pad in such moaner, by Dostower staking paymcnL when due, directly <br />vs dot p� �ep�pse Ntereai. Lam owe, fwuisb to Lender an notice- of agoosmis Ate under tbit paragraph. and in the <br />saga iosrgmtor sluff wmaie psywAwA ' dy.yBormv m shall pron*dy ltrnish io Lender rempts ewdencenR payntems <br />barrewar aeon Is " 1 tfy may lien which bins Priority over this Deed oN TTust. pravidcd. that iti.rtn.srr shall not he <br />tatmited to bwckser ary arch hen w 10% as barrow" chaff agree m writing to the payment of the obisgaoon secured by <br />rich lien in a avast, racceptable to Leader. or ataaff in flood fatal contest such hest by, a defend enforcement of such Ion en <br />1411011 WA id apxase to Prevent the enfamcenettt of she lien or fdienire of the Property' or any pat, thereof <br />=gowtwse. Borrower shall Lew Mme improvements now ex stag or hereafter erected on the property insured <br />iyailtst joss by bre, baoeds metalled within she tessm ^etta nded to�taf�agee . Sod afire Other huards as Letjet rusty icqusrc <br />mad rot such smntamms and for such periods a tender May regiwre: provided. that Lender shall not mqurr that the amount 14 <br />twat Or go a smeged dae anoints of -overate requited to pay the sums secured by this lXs d of Trust <br />The agwtame ea.-net provdug the imtawrstoce shay be chosen by borrower suhtcct so apprc+al by 1 rndcr. ptnv.dc.i. <br />>iat twain aPprosd that rot be stnrenonebfy wj*nlleld All premiums on imurance policies shall be patd in the manner <br />�� ptatrapi 2 besof or. d Pot pod in winch manner, by borrower making payment. when due. directly to the <br />oslrssoeeaeeia <br />A# i o. warramte p8reaa and ttemewds ;iteteol shay be in faro xceptabk to a erukt and .flay tncitde a standard monjage <br />chase in favor of Mad in form seceptable to Lewder Lender shall have the right to hold she policies and rerrwals thereof. <br />and am own sW promptly #awnish so Leader all tesesrsl awtices and all receipts of rail prom +tons in the event of Sots. <br />Ila owes slap five Inompt mire to the nowrsateo tattler and Lender. Lender mar male proof of lot+ it oat made promptly <br />by Benawttr. <br />Units Levier old Borrower otherwise arm in wratmg, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of <br />the h+PMy dasaagd. provided such oltMTNlam o repair is economically feasible and the sec,oiiy of this teed of Tiusi i, <br />got theaby sapair wd If such reaara+on or repel' is moot economically feasible or of the security of this Deed sit Trust would <br />be tsslpated the assistance I ant - ila shay be applied to sloe sums secured by this Deed of Trust, with the caceas_ it any, paid <br />as baagwc . if sae Property is abandoned by borrower• or if Borrower fads to respond to irrider within 30 days from she <br />dace *mute is smajUd by I,mtacr to Borrower that the im swc carrier tatters to settle a tlatm for instuauc benehs+ trader <br />is oglio ved to collect and apply tb: aoerratce proceeds at Leader's option either to resfaatron of repair cd the Property <br />or so slat saran Secured by abn Da" of Trust. <br />links Leader nod iortomret otherwise aline in wins mg, any such aWscatran of proceeds in principal shall tut casend <br />or postpone the dime dace of the moably aaN- .Lserat referred so in paragraphs t and ? hereof or change the amount of <br />swat iaNNhmmeols if Mader pmrstpraplt la hereof the Property is acquired by Lender, all right, title and snnereo of Borrower <br />in ad I* soy assurance policies aid to and to The 0 - r F I thereof rewhme from damage to the Property prior to the sate <br />at aogwiailiert shah pass to Leader to the eater of the smms secured by this Deed of Trust immedsaaely prior to such sale or <br />aa~4L suroan... and Maintenance of rsle+fl t eaoeb*W i.omdamidtm m Phood Usk Deve/apmme "- 6irTOwe <br />r. ir. <br />F <br />.*am keep The Ptopet y in goad repair and shay 'rut commit waste .ir P"Ma impaontcrn to Jcscriorau.+n of the Property <br />and doalf comply y.nh die prov»nraa of any pease if this Deed of Trust is an a leasdwld U this Deed of Trust n on s unn in a <br />cosmiosmamiam or a platlriai awn avejaprrats. Barton:' shay perform all of borrower's ohhgatsans andtr the declaration <br />sat c*wcnm m cream" or goweri inn the cots I itliuon or piammod am dow doPmrem• the by-laws and rtgublitms of the <br />a piaamsd lima d:vdapweat. and eo sladveM dotarmems. If a condominium or planned unit dc�elopmcns <br />ricer w sesetwed fry btarsgtra and seconded iotelar with this Deed of Trust. the covenants avid agreenents of such rider <br />Skill tic smoarparaald Lao ad al ill .smarm and ssppleaa W afar toyemamn amd agteemsenb of this Deed al Trost as if she rider <br />ware a Mars l ,a <br />?. P n"be of twdei�a bacatky. if timtower fails to potions the cervetass and agreements contained in this <br /> Two. in tf any masism or praeea A is centmnegosd wiacb materially affects Leader's interest m Use Property . <br />aoclo+iat.'W, aai iMmW n. Moment dnmi a. a"vemey, code enforcement. or arrangements or proceedinp involving a <br />bamkrtipI err dw"@N . sham Luau at Lsder a option, mpam stotee to Borrower. may snake such appeannca di.hurse such <br />aaq lad laic 10011111 aalitart as a nai0eamfy to lewder-; we". mcludrg, trot not Im i to. disburil!m"S M <br />wrymdis :amspo/y bas sad twtry ttpaw she �r to ante reps" if Lewder required rmoryage mwtance as a <br />vowliaon of asiisft she loss wowed *as Deal of rust. borrower shall pay the pretimmem Isparta so maintain such <br />Monona, is alkes waif srdn bane as sfte ragainaanewt for wch mwdance aernonsin in xcordsmet with bortower's and <br />Lendnri gOak sgrsolsra of ap�fiea law bamm r Null pay the anmotmI of ail moripgc sasarence premiran in the <br />wrmsrm pcmaiMd ttoder pan�rwpli I h.;. <br />soy 11mlaMS diMmMY by Leader porswass so dais Pwairaplt 7, with imcreu thereon shall become ad ouinat <br />__Amy era off o noes ttco hlr shit Decd of Trost. Unless bonawer and f ender agra to other terms of portent stu h <br />smasumssball let # I IIIt*paw twice from f.,wdet n Bartower requetiml payment nbercrN, and draft heal interest from the <br />iaaa of gk wmaommmnl as she ttnr paysble from throe to taste to owstanding ptncg*l under she None t,nlns payment of interest <br />as sme% role wsad to cows" to applicalik law, in which event such amounts shall bear .niemt at the highest role <br />PtmwioUMa trader applicable law Nothing contained us ten Paragraph 7 shalt regwre Lender to Incur any eapense or take <br />my oetian aaevossida <br />sl. kOPMtimw. f.cndcr mat make or cant to be made reasonable eiurtet rRpnn an,1 ,wre, i Mt of the P,owriy p,o —irJ <br />tars lirrrler sfssli give bfrawtr nptue Pr+ar 10 arty aweh anapctran specvf}sng nevtonahlt tame fleas- ,ceased n, I t,,Jci <br />ioretnw in the Plow v <br />1 <br />