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L <br />(; 1 nionth prior to its due dale the annual nuutgage insurance nrermurn in older to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such pleniium to the Secretary Of housing ;Old Urban Development pursuant to the <br />National housing Act, as amended, and app livable Regulations tflelrIIII&E or <br />(11) if anti so long as said note of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of housing and CP <br />Urban Development. a monthly charge (in lieu of a mortgage insurance pmnriurn/ which shall be in an <br />amount equal to one - twelfth (1/12) of one -half (1;2) per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments: 0 <br />(b) A suit equal to the ground tents, if any- next due. plus the premiums that will next beccnrte due and payable alp 0 <br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged property tall as estimated bl' the .Vortgagee) less al! sums already paid Therefor divided by the .w <br />number of months to elapse het "ore one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and t� <br />assessments will become delinquent, such sums to he held hY Moneagcc in trust to pay said ground rents, prc- .' <br />mfums. taxes and special assessments; and <br />(c) All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to he made under <br />the note secuicd hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate allIount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month m a single payment - be applied by the Mortgagee 10 the following items in the order set fords <br />(1) premfwn Charges under the contract LA lnsurancc It fill if!,- Secretary „f Housing .111,1 (than Ihvclopnlcnl, <br />or monthly charge (ire liija r,/ mortgage iilsurarrrclrrenaium :n ih(. Case mitt he, <br />(11) gerund rents, taxes, assessments. fug and other hazard insurance prennunis. <br />(11f1 wiliest on the note secured herchv; and <br />i11') aulortization of rile principal of said note. <br />Any def3cfe11cY ui the amount of an) such aggregate monthly payment shah. unless made good by the Mori - <br />gagoT prior to the due date of the next such paYnlcut - C! :r,stirule an event ;:I Maul: undea this mortgage. The <br />Mortgagee Ina), roitc0l a "late charge" not to aaceed tour tents t4t(1 !ot ;Adl doilal (5I ) 01 each Ilarnicnt i,lole <br />that; ti icon (I ! ,alai s In arrears to cover the extra expense Involved n; handling delinquent payments. <br />3. That if the total of the payments made by the MortLagor under ! ; Of para,raph Y preceding shall vxt ved <br />the amount of payment- actually made by the 1lort2agee For ground rent t.axe,­ and a­- e- -meni- or insurance pre- <br />mium. al� the ca. -e mac be. .such excess• if the loan is current, at the option of the Mortgagor. shall tic credited he <br />the Mortgagee on subsequent paymeni- io he made b5 the Mortgagor. or refunded to the Mort_agor if, houoNe•r, the <br />taeimhly payment, made by the Mortgagor under , !, % of paragraph preceding shall not 1K sufficient to pay hound <br />rent, taxes and assessmvnt- or in- urance premium -, a- the rate mat he. when the -ame -hall become due and pay- <br />able. then the lktrtgagor hall pa) it) the Mortmacgee :kilt emouni nece- -x11 tai make up the deficiency, on or before <br />the date when payment of -itch ground rents. tax0-. a-- c- -none- or In- uranvv premium- -hall Ix, due if at any <br />time the lkirtgageir shall tender to the 'Mortgagee. Ll accordance xith the pro%i -ion- of the note secured here•bv, <br />full payment of the entire indebtednv- represented ihen•hy. the 1klrigagee ,hall, in computing the amount of -uch <br />indebtetness. credit to the account of the Mortgagor all pa }inents made under the l,rovlsums of ;io of paragraph <br />hereof ufiich the Mortgagee ha- not Iwvome tiblig ued to pay tea the �e•cretary of Ilou -ing and I rhan Development <br />and :any balance remaining in the fund= accumulated tinder the provi =torts of c; ; of paragraph :a hereof If fhe•re <br />=hall be a def :.itli under any tof the pmvi -inn- of this mort_aie n•suiting in a public -ale a£ die• premise- covered <br />hereht. or if the %lortgagee acquire- the property otherksi -e after default. the 1lortgagor -hall app#, at the time of <br />the commencement of -uch pro(vvding -, or at the time the property i- others%i -e acquired. the baf:mce theft remain- <br />ing in the fund.- accumulated under I'J of paragraph -2 preceding, a- a credit avain -t the amount „f principal then <br />remaining unpaid under -aid now. and -hall properly adju -t ant pa:menf- .ehirh -flail have liven made i,zdvt A:! <br />of paragraph 2. <br />4. Thiil the klortgziew .kW net\ gronrid ti.'fll,. L.It C`.. 4 „e „1P.t'nl +... tdlt'r 1:alc',. Ind iothe, p, %ernmental or mion,ip;k! <br />:hargcs, tine,. or impo,ition, for uhuhi pf"'isum hit, not hc•en rn : :dc hcrc,nhefor• -.and m dt'fallfl thereof Ill,:Mn;tgagce meat <br />pav tht• same; and that The Mortgagor t!'If r:a:mpll', dchtty Tile otftct;at: 0e IpT fhc:efor t;, ihc Mortgagee <br />s The Mortgagor udl p;:. sip TaNC, Cinch mat f,v !c,u'd upon the %imteaeec : intcrc,i rn .alai teal e,Ldc and ullrro"C <br />menn..and which may he ic, led up<:n tilt, r!IorTLngr tar ?he dCht ,eCtired here; -, !hut onl,, to the c•Ntvnt thai ,i ;,:h is not prohahit- <br />cJ e,t tau and onlp it, the es!cnt That .1101 ukdf not rn.akr tin, loan "sumo,i lint cy0loding ,,nN income t:,n. State or heeler :a'., <br />itnri;r,ed on Mongagee and tcifl ill,: the otficiial rc v pt ,h0t Ing ouch r ::: mcm unll the Mortgagee i'porl .n,!ation of thi, under <br />taking, or if the Mo,:gag:w 1, n!ohlhned by am last ne,a or hcre1,ticr C V,Ilrlg frMTt pat inL the %thole tar halt portion of the Awe <br />:aid taac,. or upon the rendering 01 ant court decree pr,hihnmg the rat anent M the Mortgagor or any ouch t :,te -. IT if ,m b !::,k <br />or decree plot ide, that ilnc :mlouni ,n paid by the Motgagor ,ha!! he , redued nn the mortp;acc debt, rite Mortgagec ,h:av h:,, r <br />irte saFhl :a, gite ninery ai ,' uullen nr,race lo the otkncr of ihc• mortgaged prema,e,, requurng the pacmem of file morig,gc <br />do m if +ugh notice hr tale. en. the ,aid dchi shall become due. r as ahlt .:rid a,!Irvid,ir a1 the csptration,,f ,aid ninny ,lay', <br />n That should tic fall to pray any ,um or keep any < oven rot plo%ided for to the Mortgage, then the Morig agec, ;if ii, op <br />tion, may pay m perform the ,.fine. ;tnd afl ctpcnditurc, ,o rnade +hall he added to the principal +unl owing on the ahOye no1c. <br />,hall he secured hereby . and ,hall hear miciest at the lace sct forth in the ,aid 11011 until r:ua! <br />1'ltat lit herct y a„rgns. lnansfers and ,ct, ,%ct to the Morlgz,¢ec. tO he :wrlica tot and the pal, inert of the nO1c ,ind :all <br />sums sccutcd hereby in vase of if Jcfault Iri the performance of an} of the term+ ,ind — nd!hon, of ihl, Morigage „r the +:rid <br />note. all the rent., revenue, and income to he derive) from the mortgaged pTeru•.c• duritig ouch time as the mortgage in(jehicif <br />nccs ,hall remain unpaid: and the Mortgagee ,hall hate purer to appoint anti avvitl „r agent, it maY desire for file purpn,c of <br />repairing said premise, :end of renting the Name and ,oll"nng the Tcnls. tc%enuc, ,ind income. and it mat pay Out of said !n. <br />comes all expense, of fepairing said premises and necessary cornm!„1 :,n, and cspen,c, mvurtvd In rcntrng trod man;agnlp ihc <br />same anti of collecting rcniah, thcrefnian. the balance rerT %ijnling, if am to hr .lpptild IOU t,rd the 1ii10h ;,rpv oaf +;kill inortg !gc <br />trldehtedness. <br />K, That he wtll keep the impto,c•rncnt, now carsting a,, hercaftct etrcled on,hc rncartgaged pr„pertt. insured ,!, Ina% I,c <br />required from time iO time h,. the Mor'tgagcr aWn1l%1 ;oN, by Inc and other h;,r,r,l,. unuaihes and Coniingen0ic, nl NMI) <br />amount, and for such pond, ak may he leyutred by ttic Mlntgaiwc ,and till p;it piornprlt ,khen due. ally premnuns on each <br />Inautanae prarvesle•rl for payment of which has ritit been trade heretnl clorc• Ml ua,umancc ,hall he karried in 0ompame, .if- <br />proved hY the Mortgagec anef the policies and renetal, thereof shall he held ht the Mortgagee and bale attached the *ct0 !os, <br />pay.ihtc cfauwN in tutor of and in firm acceptaMc to the 'Mwtgagc•e In loon of los, Mortgagor "Ill give inritediate none h, <br />maff fo the Mortgaagoe. oho rnav make proof -It IONS if not fnadr ptornptlt ht 1lnrig:agor and oath nisuuancr catnpant con - <br />ceined is herchY authorized and directed tit make payment for ouch 10ks dlrelllt f„ ihc' Morlgayev Instead of In the Mortgago, <br />andihc Mortgagee rolatly. and ihc in,urance pfoLecds, or tiny part thcro,f. may he app!red ht The Mortgagee at It' a peon erithet <br />li the reductum of the indchtetfne,• heruhy ,c0ured !,t ti, the resti,ration nt rrrau of the emporia &Ifnaged In c%c•nl of fist:^, Io <br />sure Of This m0r1gicge 111 other transfrt of hfic !o the tnotigagc•d property in es.Inigua,hMI. ni 1 +f the iniichtednc•„ ,c. tiled hatch, <br />all ight, title and rnterc,i M the Mmixiaitor in and to any in%wat cc pohcu', then nl fort e shall t,�, to ,h1 riff, h :!,c, „f er.:mry <br />9 that sc oddiftori al and ,ollaferal ,c,mutt for the pa,, men1 of the note dt•• W'vd. rid ,,If ,tin, to hesannc line uudra tin• <br />rn.41gage !!at• V14-figaeor ttervhk ak,agll, In the :forlgagee .1j! proht,- ler,enue,, r„t.alne, right, .ind hcncht, .!trr,unc to stir <br />M,nl,jWWw ulxlef arly slid J? od and g”, h`a se,. tin "ald ptcmi'l.,, kllh The tlgh! I, C"I'r and ;ca earl het 7h, roc Inal .ir:p',. <br />fl -ln !" ,a d mderhrrdne„ a+ :•rat #,- fait: •a, ,!ftc, r,ef,,tdl ,n the, ntithhaan•.,d ;h, +!r :: �t'a.a.;t r-id the M, tlk.wvl I wr <br />?s,v aruf 'ei.s a' anti mi,.t. irn,tlie-si1, 'hl-:1 der Copt t.,t,!Wt- lint a1"ff nor h, ,,Cale ,( ,,, Ili„ i•i;'n•vv ;,::nn I <br />s.ny, tK•ca Iw r ! r • €nit ,ash prim r e.a ef`: =f 1114 r.'lry leaitr <br />M <br />