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85-- 006356 <br />MORTGAGE This form is used in connection <br />m <br />with ortgages insured under the <br />one- to four - family provisions of <br />the National Housing Act. <br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 23rd day of December A.D. <br />19 85 , by and between Joseph G. Anderson and Kimberly M. Anderson, Husband and Wife <br />of the County of Hall . and State of Nebraska. party of the first pan, hereinafter called <br />the Mougagor, am Superior Mortgage, Inc. <br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nebraska <br />party of the second part. hereinafter called the Mortgagee. <br />WfTNESSETH: That the said Mc+rigagor, for and in consideration ,.t the sum of Forty Five Thousand <br />One Hundred Fifty .and No /100ths --- WIlars t5 45, i5�0.00 ), paid by the Mort- <br />gagee, the receipt of which is herehy acknowledged. has Granted and Sold and i y t ese presents does Grant, Bar- <br />pin, Sell. Convep and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the following- described <br />real estate. situated in the County of Hall ..and State <br />of Nebraska, to wit: <br />Lot Eleven (11), Blbck Six (6), in College Addition to West lawn, City of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian. conlaining In all acre,. according to Go,cin- <br />tnertt survcv: <br />T(f HAVE A`dD TO Htil D the premises ah,ne drsathed. with all the app urienances therrumo belonging and including <br />all heating. plumhing and lighting fixu.ircS and cyutp1T1cnt row or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate <br />unto the Mortgagee, and to it, ,ucce,,or, :,nd assigns_ forever 1-he Mortgageu represetn, lo. and covenants with. the Mortga- <br />gee. that the Mortgagor has govid right to ,ell and conveti .aid premise,: that the% are free from encumbrance: and that the <br />Morigagor will warrant and defend the ,wlie against the 1,iv tul :1,um, of ali person, w homsocver. and the said Mortgagor here- <br />by relinquishes all right, of homestead, and all martial rights. either in law or in egmty. znd :dl other contingent interests of the <br />kiortgagor in and to the ahore- descrihvd premi,es. the intcnuon being io con•. c% hereto an ah,olule title. in fee simple. includ- <br />ing all rights of homestead, and other right; and mtcre,ts a, afore,aid <br />PROV 1DED ALWAYS. and the,e present, are executed and delivered un „n Nee follow ing condition,, to -,kit: <br />The Mortgagor agrees to pat to the Mortgagee. or order. the principal ,tins of Forty Five Thousand <br />One Hunered Fifty and No /100ths D t” tr' t` 45,150.00 r <br />with interest from date al lIle Tale of Twelve Iel .rnnilu t 12.0 i per amn in on <br />the unpaid halance until paid The Said principal and interesl ,hall he pay ahle at the office of <br />Superior Mortgage, Inc. <br />in Grand Island, NE 68802 or at such other place aS the holder of <br />the rime may designate in writing. in monthly installment, of Four Hundred Sixty Four and 42 /100ths ---- <br />Ik111ars 6 464 42 commencing on the first day of <br />February 86. and Sin the first da% kit each month thereafter until the principal and in- <br />terts��cfully paid. except That the final payment of principal and iniere,t. if not s,x+ner paid. shall N, due and <br />pacablt on the first day of January 2016 —ill according to the term, of a certain promis- <br />Strry rwrte of "en date herewith executed by the Said Mortgagor <br />The Mrrig Igor in order more full% to protect the securut of this Morigage.:,i:ree, <br />I That he will pay the indehiedneaS. its hereiribefote provided f'afJlwlt7tiixmal RrlxRM jgKXkdd=3MAVj X <br />loltxit�uadotxwxfhalit�axft�xrExnxrtxw�hrx <br />1t71> Ni1ACf�% tlldlgtlh011tf�altxoler }lttbMtkN+Mrk�ltkx <br />Privilege i. _reserved pay the debt, in whole or in part, on any <br />inr�allta il. due date." <br />hat. let thet Myth. and m atldtt till nor ii anti interest pav;ahle under the terms of tfte <br />nose wk:urc1 herebN. the U(irtgagnr w lira} to the Morig.aace. on the first day of cash month until the ,,io note is Tull% p:,ld, the <br />iolk,M °ttaft ,tank <br />GO Amnura !'l'W1clvnt t„ lyt.,vide Oil, holdet firlo' u;lh lunch t„ tidy till nz t ow!l gc tttsui,tn:r I,aermutt; if tilt, <br />A"Trtuuent a,:cl the woe se, mcd het In ;Ire tn,kilvd . = f; t llihl, ch si_ c ,ni Ir, it .'J ,: <br />mf"?.f, t; tlws a;" hoot klN tl,I. St"!CT'4s'y - `ll,�tltasiy:. anal t'tha= <br />.r, h"; .,_ azest . "4e ,d s•csn 'i'ilc lnd thu ""c ..w" ,i .� _i ,i„is. ., u. 1 i +v <br />cyst Its it slz; "�dlfi l`tvai If. ,llsin,e A( all .;L. ml ��11t v. ... i. .i:,t i a, *ri <br />Yt.w.e iw (4,f is •:Y `.9o-F.. a lix.� <br />19 <br />