<br />FRFP..AY\IF \T 4N"Q _"UAL OFTHF FINANCE CHARC F:: Ftr n th,mgh 1 do not I:et:• 1wrc Th.m disc rrewm scheduled mnnthft It Intent I haler the right
<br />toprepav the whole amotl'mt au in e to you in full at :mtv time or In pan Iron Tillie to time h the Icndille ;n.tnunnu.n h.utk that I'll- ntv contract computes the finance charge
<br />dmly. I know my finance char : i % i i I he less it I make an early pa%mein, and i t trill he higher I I I 1)n Late. I :list) le ,gll n hat anv ncce -art adjusmt•,enr t( sus Total Ililoricc
<br />charge will be «fleeted in env nrtal hill: I Also knot% that the amount ;hewn on the reverse side for the Finance Charge. l otai of Pavments. and the Total Sole f rice are esti-
<br />mates bused on the assumption that you will recco e each of the payments e\acrlx on its due date. and 1 know Itial there w ill he no retun =d It I prepay h cause there Is nothing
<br />to» efund if I am charecd on a daily basis. If the iending Institution or ban6: dues not compute the finance charge dark. and a I prepax the whole amount. vnu will refund -
<br />u? nu the unearned }xtrtion of the finance charge t htterrsn hp the Accounting procedure known as the actuanal method: and the amount of my rebate wit! he figured on the
<br />scheduled elates and amount of m\ numthly payment and not on the actual date, and amount ,,t the prepayments thin i par to you I know that a refund or less than 51 (10
<br />w -ill not he made.
<br />h ?Ihi+.rt a 'ideza the par <le ll) +ARI1 \ill 1 :1) WARR A\TY� wn„r ,`made. s tnanrr�ln•�.- ma: l csnLons the eondmons and etrculn tancrs
<br />rn Which I he mantlr'ptucer Dnauci a.0: hc_,patreat rlep!a,C.1 Ilakr nnticitit!tic lnit I%n,n,I,, l,hl T.1..3 III •. ,110 ;raJ;n1..rltre,.,tgnI?, that and l mill led wari'aln4A h+Ch
<br />appir tnUtc _ia Ta —+snf\ as hsn_.:, wen:uttt or.Art,c; renitact
<br />ha%e rc..i. It) dot_ d. the scp I:ac ..L I%II1TD I \V1 At.I.. ATIo\ R A Rk,d \l.l_. n h,; `,, ,f nl.w, .:,=vn IT evpla,n. the conditions and rii-
<br />s,Insrances m whic)i the Instal a ,00 „! thc•.,dm_ 'I I I Ix redone I take nonce of The hmnlatwn, .,o •he is arrsu . a,:d I oar T Ala -it iv,oenl,e ilex arse Imphedwtvrenty wnwh
<br />Appirv.lothe mstallallom: Z one-. tom: al the u :ITaIIT\ ornrr,,. onmia :
<br />%KCIAL-ORDER (:GODS: I knoe that t.a: Cat c ntrawrd m•. hou,. And,;, opcmm — that sou ,an ma,s the m odua, in :it m, rtamcularhousr 1 rake none- that She
<br />_oil-, Thai Are nvmrtacturrd Rt nit ipvnli, house probabh will nol ni .m% other 6uuses anti under stwf. ,mdoton, I i.nvv Ilia! i ,annul canccl the , :onirae; at any time
<br />atiertheprnodaftmteyt \ttsintt +r.h\titw.otnn,ch!. anccl Otter thatir,'a,Isrrt„aot: :nee Ikro " Ilia! 1ha,cTh,r•hnc ti ntr,{T:n}onn,runtheamountowed-
<br />ORLIGATION'S PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSURANCE. AND V) REAL ESTATF; + 1 1•ro,ts,.e t, ctp'm house r. _; c d r :pan anti rn krrp ;t mwrrd sit:
<br />a �
<br />t asl 80"i of ris r, rpI is ToCIU ,clue hs toty 1111 a rrc• and e I-v rru c In urancr p„I t, t '1 n, tit Aar., s .n�...rt mu: hr aopmved )n .au and the Itt,he'. mitt hat -c
<br />a hrme..t:tan clause at;ch sass That %ow are to be paid IT Iher.• . := h rite ulsu.:mcc , ompa,l, •t+u•I a rcr !flat ,i 1! r.,t , 11,cl mt nolicx wuhau: ',rsl Ic11tm= juu. I .,I+
<br />thou. :r the ;nsuralr,e e(Impanv i„ par s its Juo'll\ ;or am ins. ) oat ;.ul L 1 o.r to ,Ise Ili,, nT•uran.e Itarme..v ,,. e,•hu :rn, . :mom I. 1 -,•we -,nu or r„ man rm house
<br />t'aate .tic apa.�r.s t , ++t•.irr. roprr<•. rrurnn.. thr,+ugh.m c•,.tln,_ ;,till t , ti.,,„ igh., o;,;,;', . _,ts..h.r!, o.;.rnr. u,..; :ad ., h\ nr t also praaty tract 1 w dl mar
<br />a%4rw ;ones +Ile rSsr !a, place' : tit ?can. nn .e -i'al e. :air a ith,•ul \nun ,xrtllCt lK• : :,n,.,nn ! t'n.nll.t• n, p..• U ! stn:ni.: nu tither .tar :rte tin tit's real rda1C w'hrn
<br />dlu l prtni!se !i• [Intri. ntskr ail 1)at nlc'P.F Nn Pll itr:ar h i, .c Ili at ht tilt R'al :•'die I .t M, put L'lll �� ilia r i'., `il yLtl :llCn,i. r..iew :+i change pR01' iOdnS wnhi+uE `:nLr
<br />wFVne?' t'X�sttn F I,"o, innnt' tit, Nla,c oT till-Ili m, 1c: ot, e.euoh, `„ ,i•, -.,a ; -date 'her "'t—an .t, , ;or •tic =: 'o" want sot xou do not ha,e Ell, ft trot, (rn
<br />} \arts sit rhtx• ; f• aunns. for ax- 1 a ^tea !,= p.,\ rat h:aei. on Ill amsl jai' ,ntcresl at ilia hlI'ti 'I iat+rtIC, mtra, I ;,ac: :n.:...i I NII 1 na•. %rat hack. riir,c antounrs A IR
<br />x a ld n?a si; ht it t rut n, :h t rd m .r-. ;e:d : stT': ,tn;1 n. +use i a ic, 1111 ! tr :n nntam st }time wnr\ ?
<br />rr 3tat,i :Ia, m'. -.
<br />tiAl .£OrF \I)Hlll`SF. :eprunus_n.•r, _.. t ,.shoo... a,t, :ncur.t
<br />DEFAULT: I w tit de in default under thmcontract if
<br />1. 1 don'; make a payment when due: ,,r
<br />I break anv pronnse I made to you m this contract: car
<br />i. Something else happen which causes you to believe tit good faith that I do trot nnend to pav you As promtscd. !ir
<br />4 1 default on any obligations for which I am using. my home as udlatcral. or
<br />5 Something happens tomy house which Threatens your rights, it an\. Ili lt
<br />IF I AM I:` DEFALI.T: I understand that you have the nch[ to f:rreciose the Mortgage I have given I,, you and have m, n:•usc ,old To mpav Anv amount; I ode you It I
<br />ant m default under thus contract. Before my house is ,old. you will do e%eryttung that the law rec�tttres t! vnu hire an Attomee u• assist ,r,u !o sell my house. ur.:o ale nw
<br />or. itoprottect voxtrrights. I agree io pav you tot yuut reasonable ano ne\s' tees and for other related etperrses such as court .ost. title scarchrs and money. xola czpended
<br />to prowct my noire, if vnu arc allowed to:olleci such amounts by taw
<br />OTAER RIGHTS: We an choose not to enforce am of the nehis under this contract a often, an we want , aNiut io—r. them ()I wc: an celav entorcing anv of the tights
<br />without losing them \\'e can also use any rights now or in the future given to us by law
<br />DELAYS: I know that you will use sour hest efforts ml Install the prr,ducts I am purchasmc or, m\ muse. hat: I aisu undo .,any :hat in some situations you may encounter
<br />delays that :re caused h% strikes, weather conditions, delays } ou have tit obtaining matenals. or ill; onccr reason- that are herond your c<mtrol I understand that you will
<br />not tie Itable for such delay.
<br />ARBITRATION: If I have A dispute or.: with you concern i; the quanim auahl% nr pertnrmance of the product. I understand that my dispute may be submitted to
<br />and settled according h> the mechation- amitrammn program that rnav have develrpcd In ms crvnmunity I also know that anv decision made by an arbittator(s) would be en-
<br />tertld m the coup havmg.lunsdiction over me and you
<br />SALVAGE YALIT: I know that The !tarn„ v >"dwnti. .,u :ni: It'x t 'w,t other nialo ,it- Ihx ha,i rn ,: f, 11 ll.! e NO at%aec ,alu:
<br />When 41,11 TenW%i' thvtn. en .an Ila,v? hem nut wt! "I"e•' , ,I \n,: Ue;,:
<br />NPWAL t31WAT10*A: Due u, the uniqueness of sortie of the produces that you sell. 1 mxierstand that in special smahons that your Regional Office orals have to rrvicu
<br />aid accept this cruet i also undermand that this wir occurred in my horse and that you and I may not have had all the ecnrwi tntornu son Important to the. trartsw.ton
<br />at oar fm cntps :l gt%v you my corucrtt to correct any obvious Linn that may have occurred when the blank. in thiscontract were completed.
<br />ttria'AC m tRIW ICC. N,:w..o si.. m of »r(. —nrr»rt v.rslmc the dnw and is unenforceable. the test of The contract will he valid If am rian of this cmr"0 requites
<br />GD;
<br />u ^.
<br />