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85--006173 ADDITIONAL TERMS <br />PREPAY\IENT'k, ),4*!lRIiAL THF: F INA \CE CHARGE: though I do not hate to pay more if:an the Iegulancheduled lilonthlc payment. I h;oe the right <br />to prepa the whole amount nwmg to n�ti in full at any time of in part Imo lime io lit e If the lending u„u [ill ou of hank that hu„ my contract compute, the ! mange charge <br />daily, I know, my finance charge will he less it 1 make an early pacn,cnt.:md it „dl he higher it I pay laic: I also Te,oenve that .i.' ts nogg „an adfu,unem to my toed tinance <br />charge Hill he reflected in nn Tinal bill: I also know- that !he amounts show n an the re, er,e side for the Hnance Charge, Total o poa% menu, and [he Total Sale Price aree,h- <br />nlales based on the assumption that _cow will receive each of the pa) rent, exacih on tt, due date. and 1 know than there will tx no refund it I prepay bcc,use there is nothing <br />to refuted if 1 am charged on a daih hasi,. If the lending institution or hank doe, not compute the finance charge daih. and if I prepay the whole anwunt. you will refund <br />to me the unearned portion of the finance charge (interest I by the accounting ptnccdure known a, the actuarial method. and the amount of mp rebate will h figured on the <br />scheduled datesand amount, of my monthly payment not on the actual date, and amount, of the prepayrilenl, that I pay' Ill y'ou. I know that a refund tit le„ than 51 (P) <br />will not he made. <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />(a) We as SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />BILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR - <br />WSHES BUYER "WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />tt+ llh; fcettad.+ ndetad. thesrpara! r” lit•1 "14AKLl \tl "rLD \ \'ARRANII "' winch.,ump :mte,thi.:nntrart flexplam ,.thecondawn, and arcunr,tan.e, <br />in" Inch the manufactured products will be repaired or replaced. I take• nonce of 1110 hnotaoon, on the w arrant.. and I yarn. ul :oh Ie-writze that anv implied warranty w h+ch <br />applies Io the gas, , a,t dots ;n lone a, the warrant or ,e•n ice contract <br />IcI I have read, in detail, the ," I.1 %JITIA) INSTALI -A rli)V `KARRAVI1 " w tin h, if made. e,crnnpame, this c.nnract It explain, the condition, and cir- <br />cumstance, in which the installation,(! the sidine u ill he redone I take notice of the Innnanom on life werrum ..tuJ I p.uutuLuly recnemi0 that ans +atpitedwa rant which <br />applies to the installation :lsh,7 s as lone as the warrant, oven ice n +ntri: f <br />SPECIAL -ORDER GOODS: I know That , „u hate measured my house and it, ,,pen n •a Thal sou,:ni m:.kc the pm lurts lot ton„ p ;uncular ho ::,: I take noucc• that the <br />gtxd, that are manufactured for nn ,preen: hou,e proham% , ill not fit an: other hou,r,. end under such condo .vi,. I know that Ilannot :anct! lifts contract at all, little <br />after the pent dot time given it, me.bylaw.itohich It, eutcel After ihaileea ipenod oil time. Ikn„a timiIrix. c file ohhea uon lot pas sou in lull the amounio:ied <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY IVSI'RANCP %ND %i} REAL ESTATE: I 1 pn an „c to lee It nr. hot:,e to good reluir: nth to keep If itnured for <br />A least Will of tt, replacement value b% huxntg a fire an(f extended co,crwge insurance polwN rile m,uranc..ompam must he appro: c l h: u•u, and 8.r p life, mu,t h4,e <br />a henefi: tars :tau,c which says that yoc atc to he p:uti it [here i, a los, The insuruice comp.: ny mu,r I tec !hat if w dl not cm),,cI ms poly: u ufuut first tclhng •. rn: 1 au. <br />ttxrive the imurance :anysam u, pas you dneah Iar am lo„ } nu :an : boo,e it, use this m,meace pavnirn: ,r 0nher ic•pas am annum, I owe t ou tit to repan rite hou,c <br />I have the option tit providing ptopeny Insurance through an emstine polio or through a !x,h,t in.Ic•pcn k-mik ohi.tined and paid lnr I,% nor I also pmnn,e !hat i u ii! n. :; <br />allow among else to place am licns on nn rcul estate k, of houl pour written perm” „ton :. I pronusc n, pat all talcs..+,se„menl, aft <i „(her charges nn my real estate w hcn <br />dug. 3 ! premrsc to (wools make all p:nmeth on Im poor Io;uh ,ec;ucd ht nn re,d c,tate I also pnnr,rr Ifiai I w ill not cLtend renew or .hang: p: for loan, without sour <br />written perm „ton ;. If (do not m,t!re my house or fulfill nil other ohiy1non, In r.t rt•al r,G+te. Ihen tow .,m do n forme r, tear cant but ,au do not ha,c tni If rou do <br />pox am of these ohlt_ation, for Inc. 1 agree to pat sou hack on dem.:nd plus mere,T et the hiehe,i Ia:,I Ill, onuact rate oI mierc,i ! at ;1 I pa, sou hack. these atrn,am, w:!1 <br />1?r:uidcd to m) dept m sou which t ,(aired ifs nn teat estate and house I know th.0 a •.. uu de, iJr to hu, ut,ur.:ncr !nr Inc• that sou Jo not h:,se to oMam mts hi•meowner <br />erliahilih ithui:mcv <br />SALE OF \ll' HORSE:1 pronu,e not c� se14. !rase or cnr m, hawse t„ antonc until l h;n0 hilts rcp:ud nn JrM in i ou <br />DEFAULT: I will he in default under this contract if: <br />1. 1 don't make a payment when due: or <br />2. 1 break any promise i Trade to you in this contract: or <br />3. Somethingdxhnppens which causes you to Wiese in good faith that l do not intend to pay you as protmsed: or <br />4. 1 default on any obligations for which I am using my hoax as collateral: or <br />5. Something happens to my house w hich threatens your right-,. if any. in if. <br />IF 1 AM i_\ DEFAULT: 1 understand that you have the right to foreclose the Mortgage 1 have given to you and hate not house sold to repay any amounts 1 owe you it I <br />am in default under this contract. Before my house is sold, you will do every thine that the law requires If you hire an auoincy to assisl gnu to sell my house, or, to sue rile, <br />ar. to protect your nghts• I agree to pay you tor your reasonable attorneys' fees end for other related expense, such as court costs. title searches xrtd money you expended <br />to protect my house. d you arc allowed to collect such amounts by )a%. <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can cho use not to enforce any of the rights under this contract as often as we w and w about losing them cif, we can delay entoreing ant of the nghts <br />withow losing them. We can also use any rights now or in the future given to us by law <br />DELAYS: I know that you will use your test efforts to install the products I am purchasing on my house, but I also undersand that in some situations eou etas encounter <br />delays that arc caused by strikes, weather conditions. delays you have in obtaining inaterials, or .or other reason, that are beyond your control. 1 understand that you will <br />nixie liable for such delivs. <br />ARBITRATION: If 1 have a dispute or claim w nh you concerning the quantity. quality or performance of the products. I understand that my dispute may be sutirrtned to <br />and sailed according to the mediation- arhnranon prograin that may have developed in my :ommunny I also know that any decision made by an atbnratcr(sf would be en- <br />tered in the court having)unsdiction over me and you <br />SALVAGE VAIA F.* I know that ttn "•.mJnw, w. ,dangle. „d n_. 1,Tt. .,nJ ,giter maic r.,n ;I:.A h.r.r n hr•.f h, ,ru Irn toga. ,n. ,iL,Una hate k�,ah aCC :aloe <br />When you rcnwsc thent. y fia. c• theill lot w h.rrt Cl pulp—, . "i: •...,ni <br />SPECIAL S11TUATIONS: Due to the uniqueness of some of the products that you sell, 1 understand that in special situations that your Regional Office may have to review <br />and accept this contract. i aim) utulerstand that this sale occurred to my home and that you .end 1 may not have hell all the correct information important to this trans tion <br />at our fingertips; I give you my consent to correct any obvirtuserrors that may have occurred when the blanks in th kclmtract were completed. <br />LiYALID PROVISIMNSslf anv Dti vis+on of this contract vinlaie, the I -aw" :,M{ n PDPan.n ­.Kin .h .w., .,r ,i . ,•,, . ,....,..n d ...i,•+ a ­..,.,....r...• _. _. _.:_ <br />J } <br />111 <br />l_0000.. v <br />