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7, 7 % Is 1'1K.-, <br />e <br />$ 3 JG lam', <br />s $ <br />e e <br />Sly payment schedule Hill be: <br />QM --V U6173 <br />\unhMn <br />of P-rvm, of N't"-f, Nk h", 110, <br />Secuev: I an) uikow it sesecurity interest in: <br />ri <br />_-- <br />L,wrialed it) he days after file date <br />i <br />I the Loods, ern ices and property Mine liurchawd. and <br />Is? Pa%nient ,f the Cornpletion Certificate <br />I estate and iniprovenrents. including my <br />---- -- <br />All subsequent irwallinerrs oil the sanic tlan ol <br />cach consectifive rnonth until paid fit full <br />house, all al im dc�jgnalcdl aho%c <br />Address <br />FilinglReco rding fees $--".2 <br />------------- <br />la"waal" <br />Late Charge: It a payincill is more than ten (10) aj%, <br />Credit life inurancc and credit disability insurance are not required 10 oblaill el'Cifil, ,slid Nall <br />late, I will he charged $5.00 or 5% of the late p,%- <br />not he provided unless I sign and agree to pay the additional cost <br />nreni,. ,hichc,cr is less. <br />T'IV TO s,Vnawrc <br />--- ---- ------ <br />Pre payment: It I pay off nark. I %%dl not hj%c to pay <br />Credit 11-tic I %%all[ credit lile 1 <br />, penally. and I may he crifilled To a (0und of pan of <br />insurance. <br />the finalkC charge . <br />0 1 <br />Aill review other portions of this contract <br />for additional intonnation itiout non - payment. default. <br />Jit Accident I want credit accident <br />air% ioqurred rcpayfncru fit lull before file scheduled date. <br />Health and health insurance. <br />and rounds .nut penalties <br />e n,can, .,n estimate <br />111"froprMN insurance is requirtsfil, and I may it nhtain such insurance from anyone I wart <br />u1no i% accritlable it) sou or I may rurn,tictv it through <br />an existing policy:. If 1 ("ain this insurance through you. I will pay li, Z-�! C-i: ' . <br />for -4:-" months Of coverage. <br />CON? IENCEMENT OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: -File finance harne tinteresia is eqwunct-1 to tarl ,if <br />tin%crt the date) cwcpi in the t%cni that %ou 4priplete the installation of the goox and ervicc, ,it modic. laic. the inlarti:i: 11.agc irract"n ,,If I?Lilln t-., nil on-the <br />date that I shall ivn ;i Completion CLrzrI;cjic The amount of finance charge linter -ii may he mote or less than file ainouril Jixlosed depending on the arnounis I pay you <br />and inN timeliness making payments <br />PRFPA1-.MF%T: I maY aoluntarih, prepii% the ai-win I ot%c you- in full tit in pan. at any ante It I mai%c . ls,ai,,il prep.%nwnt. I must omunue to m:tkc m., wiild,ir IxWnwni, <br />until I haw pard all amounts owed <br />RIFQI'F-4;T FOR FULL PAYMENT: It I do not pay %,hcn title, you ran declare 41 that I mw under thl' L"T.IITJI( ;11rahlc at once I apci! 10 JM% '.oil inti or. that ajnouri: <br />x the maximum contractual rate allowed by ia" irwil the aniount I owe you is paid I also kno" that % ou can loicclosc :ht: k1oriPPe I flazt, pvi:n to -,ou <br />COLUCTION COSTS: 1* 1 am it letauh tit this contract and wit demand lull paanlvnt, I unsici%tind that wit way end it to an i!!t-rnc% tilT coiiccni n and eator;cincw <br />If you do so. I jorce it, pz\ your reasonable ;aiornc%,' fee, plus ant court cost, and cxrx•nses incurred h� you. that is if -u arc allowed to olfco och aniount, h% Itw <br />%"TGA(;F:-1 heretiv grant, bargain. sell, convtn and inoneage to you. as Mortgagee, ia» 'cal c,'talc and hou,t• located at - Add, —' dc,ignawi on the top porli i Z I <br />of this contract a., ecuni% for all amounts due to %ou'under this twallniint Sales Contract <br />REVERSE SIDE: I UNDERSTANO THAT THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT ARE A <br />PART OF TO INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT AND THAT I AM BOUND BY THEM IN THE SAME MANNER AS IF THEY WERE PRINTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS VERY <br />HISTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT. NOTICE: PROVISIONS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDITIONAL TERMS LIMITING SELLER'S WARRANTY OBLIGATION. <br />NOTICE TO BUYER < <br />1. 1 do not have to sign this contract helore I read it or it any or the ..pacts intended for the agreed terms to the e%lcnl Of then 211`21illihit' information <br />' z are kft thlank- 2. 1 am entitled to a copy of this contract A the time I sign it. 3. 1 may pit) off the full halari due under this contract at any <br />,aa litters and in �( doing I may be entitled to a rehate of the unearned finance and insurance charges of aint. 4. 1 undcr%land that this instrument <br />is based <br />or cageam= a home solicitation sale and that this instrument is not negoliahle. 5. It shall not Ile It-gal for you to enter nn premises unlarwifull% <br />breach of the peace to rrpossrss good% purchased under this contract. <br />BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL <br />I MAY CANCEL THIS AGREEMENT AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. 0 HAVE <br />READ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT.) <br />(-OPN* RECEIVED: I ackr vwlealge TCLCIPI Of .1 coulplCldz filled In copy of dl,, con Kart Aone with -,p- a•i the Nolt,c of Rl2hi in (. -.(.eel 1-ir, <br />I\ WITM SS %kIIERE0i-. this In,usillucal sale, ContrjIl and %ioriodvc 11j, heel 'Ien,.0 -irl this A�" I.,, "t <br />X I sit; lic -I 'sckr-k, <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION <br />al / 17( 1) 141 1, 1 k <br />t f <br />f1f,1111%, <br />S!'t- Nscbr—k-, <br />j-t, <br />11" L FICN.Me <br />":, <br />("uw, /�,,Azz x- q, <br />12 e, <br />—rnm—of, :,poc, <br />I <br />I Pr <br />a <br />