<br />IRA
<br />por XMN W
<br />'I WAN,
<br />A sum equal lo tfic grutund Tents, ii arty., 1310 due, Tlluik AC 1r.T ra than , I nrxibecome due and paxaNt oil
<br />pufiLio. A'fhc and oIrr :hazard in'UTTATILT'Covet-mg lite Inolgaged piopemv, Ins aAex.and assrssmrrits noo, Jut
<br />Din to MW,WQ PW"y III' The M(WZWU') Jess ail RUnIS UIICIIJy 17*14d IhCle,fOl j1VIdeJ by Or
<br />nurnbex off monibs tlif elupw befime trite manta Pnot Ili lite date IAahen such p-ound Trni_4, prrmirrm. iaxe,s anij
<br />assessments 1will become delinqu-mi. such sum, lo he held by Mo-ngapve m ins io p* said glovid amm jvv-
<br />miums.-lax,lio and iptimal assessments: and
<br />WJ AW All payrywrin Tnentioned in Tube vill-o preceding _sriiito icons (if this paragraph and all paynimis io he made u-Av-,
<br />the nou secured hereby shall he Lidded logethei and the LiWitp-u amouni nfien.-o*1 shall be paid 1b) Ac MoTt,prui
<br />each momb m a mugle psyTnrnl It, be Uq1I1-'LI & the MOMUM e 01 OW 141MMg UMS In AC MdM W! oil!
<br />171 INK hilia Tenl3;AMKM:Iiiiiiii is, WAS? W& 000 50061
<br />(:,r 11, XV interest (in ifit note secured heieby, and
<br />kd the of said 11C)
<br />.Uy deficiency ln tht am-uni id an,, such aggiepic U10111111) ;1J}ll1.v-I!I unicss fliljj : va'd b� Ibc MW'11-
<br />ppu pnw io At dw date of the next such pj-� nn,,, �,,ioslnlv au t-voll .1 Now unum Am MWgW. Pie
<br />MWWWV M4 CAMI a lam dww- no W rmma 5 " MS 00 0 a muh No" 0 1, 0 =A P* MW limit
<br />thus fifteen 1,15,) it ms ir anewl to Swel the extra enmW moulved W W low AWYWM NYMMS-
<br />W
<br />0 Rat if the UKW of It pymvnt- made tit the MvIrleago, under XX of paraarapfi -_1 proi-eding -hall vioceed
<br />the am mi Tof pasviimt.:- uvtuzdJ3 made k% the liorteag-ee firs round rc!nl-- taxe- and a--iment- or in- :u?-ancv pne-
<br />NUm S. an the vuee my iNw. such if the loan j, -LiTTient_ at the optuxi iii the Mongagcr. shall *It eTt-dire: :,A
<br />1bCMtW1gUgVe 40A !�Attf-4+qtll(ffll pad enema- W be 11144e,b% the ANirtL-aLK)T., CIT, refunded ut die1lori-ga-gor It homm n. dw
<br />-UMthh PUw 'MeUl- Malk M The W)7`14'
<br />,ag('T Ufldt-T fAlrif paTa4mv -cz�dmg .hail not ix- sufficlem To pay zralund
<br />, tith 2 prit.
<br />"InI. IZX*i- and utwe.Tw nt-or in-.uruncip Tyrfomitnn�. 4Tv& ibe cit,-v yntiT be when the -ame -hall b(4vom• due axid pio�-
<br />aNe t1wA the Nlong-Ag"w .hail pa% to the 11(irtga.-avi, and affiouni necv--.at't to mait• up the defiujenc� - (on or before
<br />A• &W %Am pqw-nlof sut-h snsund runt -. UIPTDenl- fit 111-urunc• premium- -hail he due ; if ai ant
<br />tiTtiv the Mtfftg��"T -;bull tender 1co the MorWagev. in zt•cordainci- with the pro%ion- of the- note ecured heroh_%.
<br />full pa�inenl oftlit entire ifit-A-bli- Ite NlorZkLLpv -fizdl_ in tompulin-1, die Aff'oulil of =ucfi
<br />t-Ttndn vu-thic account,of Tin:
<br />,kvv*,An� bxl=w* TA-maini•g in -tim, ftind-accumuluied unik-r It ypovl-ionof
<br />y, III para-Ln-afth 2 hereof if -Jitni-
<br />-&W] he r. de.i4ttli:Lmder and ed the pmOskm- ilf uii- TmirlEazt m—uniti• Ili a Pwilfl -ale e,f the Ttlromle- vmvreti
<br />h•rvb%. in if Ow Mortj!ragee acquire- the prtjpena ober-i- after defavd-i. Mo -414j, aplih .11 lilt, time "i
<br />the commmi-C-Mvvil 4J -uch P"Weed4n r - I the top AP Pn"Try I- alum", be hjur"W son nwwn-
<br />ingm the funds auvulnuditted 2 Fes o(odinL_ a- :, 4 rf,di i ofic amount 4,t principal )ben
<br />T4.IMAJjjin,0 URPlifi,d Under -ajdrjnjk--
<br />6-0 _WM x
<br />4 That At Mwpy,t ad! pm ywnd WM Tal.r� a!,,! %1I.:, wnd �rini:7 i2CT-TTTCqIai ,,� 'nuTil'I'a:
<br />fine,. oT 111TIP0e11loR,, !or a-hich To, w-t,iin hn my hmn malt WC?C:7>hV.107, -W 171 Cla!,:U;l 11WTr,I! lf!t '1l0T1_'a_r,:
<br />pa % tfic namt. art d t hat 1A Ad vionpu It IN p W ript).% dt! i t t v T i nt: 4'ff; L IJ r Tr 4 if 1 Pt. !, nt T Tilt %J t Ir', 4agc,
<br />The Mtmppn will pwAdl WC, "Ab TO, 4 W"d TIle "WvW M WW 01 rQaW XW =Wm,
<br />amm,,. and w1notrinak for it-li-d upon AF,, LUTed hrlr^, "L13 ol'i� 1i 'hr ro.1cm li;al luiTpl, 11.11 pr, rills:
<br />•d 9% lam and Onto 10 Ar cximl AW �Mt US MIT man on non mumw" ho .V"dring dno 'm-'MW ov -oar w 1 rdv,;�
<br />Al, lindo
<br />a, Gamma - homw"ns PWIhm'd Tube "Itn'.
<br />vid taw, W "M ow rumn" W uno ami W" PANUW Me M, corm n At miwayo a W, MA ww� M 4 "a W,
<br />or arcrc plof, 16t, All! an.. aim-urn ,."Paid I-% !Ili: ',Tl4,I-t,LaL!"7 'Tvelit-d on ;Ili T:orI_a4c j.+'. he mw�!gagvt bilk' ini!, I-
<br />thr right to g,,v ninvio oa„ ,-rinoi nom v to Tilt •mi A is wvy,d mma". wumnp At in"wivi A !Q morlypt
<br />tietm 11 such no ii:x tic a)"M n 4 MW &N 20 N% WM d W Pn W& and L 0 P" nhk a! QW t 1 Pn 0 h M I d Ill TIUW" AI '
<br />5 !1, Showd by 1 wI n, pay arts "Um nr tvv p ant C, , PT I -. Id'. (I !,;I !n in' !1101 lf,•ll Or %I c IT 1 gagrL - al 11
<br />loon. lima rnl} im lvrf„rrll "111v iainv. and all v 'inondil lilt 11' Inadt -.hill, -W .d dt-,! ,hr "t lilt JPe; w rl) t •lls at Int- -611 1 v n, .
<br />,;hall 1v 'lucalcd he'O", and Shal! it Ibc !olv 'Ci f,qlli In lilt laid ralli. uW11 -,"Id
<br />Tvi A Met" nvips non4cm and 0, mm w Ar %mpnv h, or Wird 0, we in P" to m o"M war una asl
<br />,urt* svctacd hcret,, in av,c it il dvlauji to lilt prijotins11Ix III am td !fiv lornm and ,nullwn, I,', in[, klo?IgJav IT 1fiv "I'lli
<br />note. all the Tent,. itrnijr, and mworrit to A dv"oJ'i,aq4the !n0r14!agVd GLI7`111;! ,DCTI!UTW 114 !ht antic filr,2,
<br />nevo, AMP "Micin uWala. and lix nidl on "Wer W omm" am MCM W ."" as M. wmr its PW•W ,I
<br />d Ll 'I w in
<br />'v-Pairl1w Saidprtivi,.r, iLmi If Toiting t�tv �;irnv and OC lt+tWCI atifq ITILAIMC, .111 1 11 �Ull nil, 11 '1 4 11
<br />ticnnv, all vx;vnsv, ol trpmng said prumw and n"co k 1"MMSWM' Wit t %pt'n't- 11'a used an ;rW111L .,Tld TM,ITIACJDc INC-
<br />'ante and ul' 6j,11Co-,1o1C yvnwk hosomo At hawmt nniamirio it am W 4 am%, Wa.A in W-Ww"4 "W mmiat
<br />midthledfir"i,
<br />X Kin lie will kwp Av imp wrivIrm, nom tar Zing a h•mho ruald = Or min ismej pl,wvvi in,wrd c., nw, li,
<br />itif4unva front tinar To tirm: I" the N1,fr74fiLzCt v", M or W "AW, h"'ato'. -ualln :,j an oo^,
<br />iw4ounls sued fort such perjo(iN a, ma, IV Ir"Urd W Hir mwowm am 00 >I, 'n' " IiLOV am p!. rMUM' "T" ';ILI'
<br />rm,unoicc Plvir"Sop fvr pavawnt cif Mbich ixa� nia Orn nwdr hrminixfoit A!! TIt jiltic =ti A,inpinic, ,;•
<br />rr-Ootidflit 01C M.0111'allilet: and the, nohov: and rcriLmak Kind NO Sw nod 4 in Min"m artOwu A"IN 5wr%j,' io-
<br />Nt'Atlk Jau,,,v, m. ft'.."i Uri and In forn itoxPlioNe I'I thc m1wigapvc "in v,vnj III I,— lol":z4ag"; 1 I•?,, rnmedial." -notl,t I,-,
<br />nuld u, lifor Morticawrt. an., tuna rnAr piwd ni W 0 m" mu& m me "
<br />W NW!a,f and h mmiwmv ,nlp.m
<br />. aUOky1`cUA WW MM=d 10 midw pnvwM hu mb A— durok v A Umg"ut nmitwo A n, Or kh,vq.p,
<br />avid do WMpp• "with =0 Or mw"mr an e,nf m al 11tt-Tv'If rill, foi ap"'Ilrd 11 fill: 1,1o11i:alvvvo! IT, opiool, vjdwl
<br />tt, I , Irduown 0 Or uw"ydw- worm "Wvd a was nywomm W ?"M"d Ilm M.Mv WWW on Wn A 0,rr v
<br />-Mr A A- nMMXqW Q AM "Whin Id Wk 0 1hV INi It tJi:aj,,t,0 pl .Ivll, Ili f '11fivul,hm" 71 At 1't00,lvjnf " 't, t hc,t t,
<br />JH?Ighl, utir end I-nIvIt'l of 01v Tvloflgagol it, arld tn,Ut�J nil t "Oh"It" ltW,� „� ' !Y il j'Z11, ji,L, T_;mjVt'
<br />w 31w a, adju.mA and ; Awwol w,wn, U St n, m", A "w ran j— wd mw A n—w Om i=" m-
<br />livie"I jl• j.Tlj I , !P r0111- !lilt" 'It 10' 1.151, !'It
<br />J•ll it"IM
<br />I&M MW MA NOW- M a QQ" Al" do"d w ny Y, I V.ltj
<br />t, p la! nd t It
<br />