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8059.3 <br />,,r�w Tins form is :used in ;conrrect�an <br />OTGA —� � wnh mortgegea ..insured under the <br />l�► 1 it V one 'to :tour family prtwisums of <br />the :National Housing Act. <br />THIS "W :AGE.' ;made and c=,Lnedthis 29th dav-0f NoveY!'bpm A.D. <br />I4t$�a tw:andtletween 'Max L_ and 'Mato, f_ - Husband and Wit ,e <br />o eftcmmn of 'Hai and 'Slaw of Nehra"AW, party of tbe'•fir t hart - '.hereinafter idled <br />Mortgagor. and Sl tae'?tim, -Mott _gacfe., Inc. <br />aretrporation�or{ ionized .andrxil;tingunder the laws (if the State Dj; `Neb•ltah:.a <br />,party of thet;econdTvm. hereinafter cdlledithe'Mortgagee. <br />WITNEI.;SSETW Thai Yhe saidfWortgapor.,for and in consideration of'the sum of Sixty Tive T.ho"and Six <br />+iutar eci .2d D pp; 7 DDth3------ - - - - -- -- - - -- <br />Dollars (S 63 fi.00_.DD t.paid bit the Mim- <br />eagee. the .receipt •cif which Its `hereby acknowledged. has Granted and Sold and '1;y these presems does Csrant_ Bar- <br />gain, Sell, -Convey and Confirm .unto the Mortgagee. its successors and assilris, forever. the follow in scrihed <br />pee estate. situated inYhe CouniN of +fa.Et and State <br />-if "Nebraska . to wit: <br />Lct Eight (81. Bishop #{eiq (tt6 Thi",d Subd:i:v:iZ.,Lcm, , Haft County, NebV.L1, L <br />of the _Sixth: Principal Meridian. containing in all <br />ment sum": <br />TO HAVE HAVE. ANf) TO H011).the premises abate de,cribed. with al! the ;:ppurlenanct•s theieunto beiunging and including <br />all! heating;. piumhingand lighting fixtures and eduipment now or here iiftrr attached to nr used in ;nnnection with said real estate <br />unto the Nlortfu wee. and to its successors and assign'., forctet . The Morutagor represent, to. and covenants w nh. the "Morlp- <br />get. that the Mortgagor has good right to cell and convex said premises., that the% arc free isom encumhrance. and that the <br />Mortgagor will warrant and defend the same against the lawful ciaims of ado persons w homsoever: and the said Mortg4w here - <br />hy tefinituisftes all rights of homestead. and all martial rights. enhet in law or in eclmlt. and ali other contingent inttmestc-of the <br />Mortgagor in and to the above- describeid:piumises. the Intention tieing in Comex heret,x an absolute title. in fee simple, inciud <br />ing all rights cif homestead. and other rights and interest, a, itfuresaid <br />PROVIDFM Al `,1'.AY's. and these presents are exit c: used and delixered upon the i nliow ing condtta,n,. to u it' <br />The Mortgapor agrees to pue to the Mongtagec. tit order. the pnncipad sum ttt Si.kty Five! Thc-ribar -1 St.h <br />Hund- -teat and <br />with nttelrst ititill date at the rate o! Ten and OtiC —Hat ill pei "'multi ulti ! 7 0. >0 t per annum on <br />the unpaid balance until paid The said principal ond interest chatl he pa>ahic at the office .,t Suhe U0 z k1(. +htpauc, l lic. <br />in Gtand T :ti elnd, 'NE E$ 8 03 1 nr at such ether plaCC xis the holder Of <br />the note nt:r} dcsilmate in writing, in monthk installment, of C; Hun `C , cd =Lnd r7 ' 7 D0•iiGb - - ---« - - -- <br />_� «__ «_- -_---- :Millar. ty f 00. t!, connneuctne an the first dot of <br />Jitllttatu . Iw 5, and on *.he first dao of each momh thereafici until the principal anti in- <br />terest :ue fully puld.. except that the final payment of pnncipai and ini -viest C tilt[ .nurser plod. Shall be due and <br />payahic (in tile first day of 9ee,elr beg 1 2075 d; according u, the term, of it certain ptorm, <br />sor% none of excn date herewith executed b� r the said Mortgagor <br />The mortgagor m erdet more falh to protect the seenrttx of this Mortgage. agrer* <br />1. Tbut he will pay the inddhtedness, as heretnhtfore provided 1f�lgapClll rDdirt�IlgCAaDttOt. :IlttRkOGieadttiltMf.1T <br />ftrxftllr►�I4:�+radkit xln�t�r+e��+ x!xi+l�r +! *kV RV 4*W* etl9cftal!�r�l!�t. kli or .x rP+t <br />�raa�uarrwara��ntwod'�wt,r,�ros� _ liftp�, ` >A <br />rttltala! "'Pn.ivitepe >� - �+['X to tiara the debt, ,L+i pa22 r+a i A -C- . i rl anm <br />pr r <br />nn.l1*0 tel wr . ali In additnm t man Vilt'nnts of prmctpitl and mtetesi p<,ratily tinder the terms of !he <br />lion seturnd herehr. the'Mirrtgnm4or will Pitt n, the "Mortgugee. on the fiivt du, tit each month until the Ne:itl little IN 11111V paid. *hv <br />iolit'volig %idyls: <br />tea! ra11�. Ni�1�11�111ip/ ant � �' YY�IBIil1 }1��.'Ml*11�.��"�+IMIMiT1•�n <br />"�6MtR #��� ffRStY{ i�V +b��4�Cf,VI�W'�f✓l�t�sl8ix'l <br />b.Y t!; � �K�!�+:Nk"t � ale.?: �.1, �1EYWit !.E',9t'�'v'_+fi!k'`�'I!4p!' >?+Ir4;'�!+t ►!tC't� k+C vu?u,`K'ktC'K�f l� gEfii<+R"�'�'A �fi <br />XR", WOW, Sll�11�i:1G M�QIFIC!. KR�i1�1C9tK tt.1(Ktlt4ttCtt.tC 7 kl. klllYfY6 N IC Xik�161[l4liir <br />