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6 <br />lt' =1 slider Tequired mortgage insurance is a condttion of making Yhr loan secured in 'this Sec hire 7tt5uumenl. <br />Borrower shall, pas =tits ;premmnrrequired -to maintain the.msurance m- effect. until such nmc -ail the ecluntement!tor_ the <br />insuratter w=ith Behr %�wcr'+ and Lender's warirt.en.agir.Lmenf Or.appitcable law - <br />3w gieetiae. Loader -or its agent ;mitt' :male Tzasoviable mttriet, iupon zrid ,ingpections of.zhe P.ropert[ - LcndeT <br />`' s'htsll=gwefAttrrtrwierin€rt ice :atthr�time- crf',nr;pt+ seer: to. antirtgprc: ticmcpccifar' ttt£ �rsascmtihies :atttiel'trr<i'hcin�cntion. <br />7` eproceeds,ol`any. award or,c:laim`fortamaers.•dirert or :consequential. :i i connection with <br />and condemnation .or other -taking ,part •.of the Prgpertt. or'for corrveVance to :lieu of Zcrndetnnution..are hCreizc <br />assiettcd and paul'to Lender. <br />In `.tier <event •of :a Zota1 tossing cif the lPrgperty-, :thc ;proceeds shall "he applied to the sums tiecured'hti this Security <br />lnstrantent. :whether or.not when •due,, excess paid io Borrower- In the event of a partial :taictng cd'thc PrfPenc. <br />un►rs Morrtrwerandl.ender. otherwise ;agrrein writi[eg, the,umsSecured'b%' thtsSecurn.k Instrument shall ' he -rcduc:d'bv <br />,the amount of :the proceeds :muittplied ht `thc':fnlinwinr fraction.: iul the xotal .amount 0f the curio Sctcurcd tmmedtak'h <br />biefom rite ilika g. divided hy fb) the`iair market value cif rhe.Propert_c unmediarcl_t before the-taking. :Anti hala rice , shut I he <br />;paid to,'Ror.rower <br />If'thc Properrt is uhandnned b3 Bmower. ter if, after notice h} LCrider to Barrowerthat the ondemnor offer, tc, <br />:nJakran :award or settle a.dfatm for•darnages. Borrowcr fai ks to Tespond'i o Lender within 30 days after'the n nttct• is <br />given, L ender is auiharizedtn collect.andupPh thc; proceeds. 1)t its.npt 011. Clrher to restoranton orrenair aft he Propene% ar <br />to:theSttms secured by thiscurir3 Instrtatnrnt, wihciher.nrnm fitrn dtu. <br />:Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise.agrtx :m writtrig. and .appl ication of prncecdS :t o prinapal shall not cr-tend or <br />postpone'the due•dute of themonthlc payments rrf rred'aphc'1 and2 fir clianeethe.amount of such navments. <br />30. 'Kremer Not Relimsed: 1+orbew=" 'ky 1.entler Not a 'Ra'9ive r. 'Extension of the time for pay inem or <br />modification of.amortization of the sums secured by this Securtrt Instrument grained h% 'Lender to am successor in <br />interest of Borrower shall not operatic to release the liability of:t1w ortgirwi Borrower or BClrrOwer- :, Sw:crssnr, to interest. <br />Lender shall not he required to commence proceedings.agaitist ant successor to interest ar refuse to extend time for <br />ptrment or otfe8rw'iu modify amortization :ofthc sums-secured b% this'Securir% Instrument ht cason of any demand made <br />b} the orietnai'.Aorrowcr nrBntrowcr3Successors in interest. Any :forhearanc a by Lender ,n txercrsittg anv right orremcdy <br />Shall,, notir.a waiver of or preclude the exercise ofany Tight or rznncd%. <br />11. -Smxemmm and Arai igm SoundJoint :mW Swwtml 1:ia6ility; Co- signers. Thu covcuant, arid aureement, Of <br />this St--urm insirumem shall hind and benefit the successors and assigns ofLendt't and'Borrower, subject to the provisions <br />of paragraph . 8orrows's•covenanis and agreements ,trall'ht• joint andsevcral .kn% lorrowrr wire o- siLrrr, rho S xurits <br />Instrument but does not execute`ncc''NOte. (a) ns C0 ilrnme .tinSecurfry Instrument onk io mort:aaPC. Grant :end comry <br />that Borrower s- tnterest In the Property under the terms cdthis Securu3 In :rrnntenn !r i ;. not personal) obhgaied to pa% <br />the sums secured by this Securm 'lnstruniciw and fc) arrees that Lender and am Cher Horrow'et rrul% u"llev to eUertd. <br />.metdif_%Jorbear Or niAv all% accommodations with regard to the terns, of rhis'Secunn 11t6trum Tit al, the Note without <br />:hat Borrower sZOnSelit. <br />1 linim�C lunges. :1f the loan Secured h% this t,.curiry :lmnrumcnt is subject t,, ai law which ,cis maximum loan <br />churgrs. and that 'law is'finully interpreted So, that the merest or otht•t loan ,har_­e, rdircted r, r„ +c rnll,.teci tit <br />connection with the loan exceed the ;permitted limits. then tai an; :sash ioarl Alarvtt slali tic reduct•d t,% the amount <br />nscessary 10rcti;iueethc charge to the-perrinrted limit. and (h) am starts alr_adv 00111 -coed front Horrnw :rt who; h xceecicc <br />permuted' limits will fir refunded to +Borrower Lender may chorne to milk chi_ - efunci t ". rt-CILIZA1111 ihr Prmctpa! „w_d <br />under the ".Nate sir "ht' rmiknrg a direct payment to Borrowc: -,Nil re,unc, rcdu e, prrnctpaL }a ,:'ducnor. will ht art tied a, e <br />partial.prepaymern :wttfunn any prepayment charge underthe'Noic <br />13. 1,ejObdimt .Affecting .Lender's Bights. If eta, men! or exPtrunan 0t atpPircnhh• law" fill, tfte rfTect OI <br />rendering an% provision ofthe'Noic artin,Seeurm '1111;1T trtertt anent,, ethic acc,,rduu lo :t, terns, I.eadcr, at its orlooil. <br />miry require mtniediatc payment Tit full: Of all Sum, Secured ht till, Securer. hrstrumeni and m11% mvcrkr am rcm::dre, <br />permitted bi paragraph 10 Ifl.cnderrxerctses this Option, Lender chali take the steps :specitwd rn the second parikgratih of <br />Paragraph 1" <br />14. NOtim. Ali -% witicr ti, �Borrower'provicied ifs Ni [rti,Securrr% inirumerit ,hail Tit' Crv('n M LiCltvcruig tt in <br />mailing it t1% first class mail unless applicable iuw requires use of amothcr melil"d The• stones shall he dnrcied it- the• <br />,rppertti Address tit any other address 'Borrower destgnateS by notice to l.encier Ann nouct w Lender "hall he _even ht <br />firm doss mail'uvLendcr', address :stated herein or ant Other address ].ender dt�aunaic, h% notice it, hor rower kv. notice <br />provided far to thtsSecurtty .instrument shall he deemed in have been Laval it, HtrrrnwCr of I.C11dL'T when Llvelj a, provided <br />in thi,paragraph <br />13. `C,overping Law: Stwerahiliry. This Securtry .Instrument ,tiaii hr • , rncd t,v !:•dents taw anti tilt law Tit ?la; <br />furtsduaton m whu:h the hroper1% Is iocat [I ']n the CNCIlt that anv protestor of ; "laws of tau, Sectarttt Lti,trt.rnrnl (It ittr <br />%,411c zonfitets weh applicable law. such conthet shall not affect 0thci pro%t,urtn 0f tilt, Sturm .Instrument fir -,fit- Vote <br />whtch.can tie given eflrct without the conftu'ting Ptt,vrslou l u tilt, elld tfrr Pro%rsiinr, )t tit:1 f,t'Cta+'tt% :in,t_runtent tut,; :Mr <br />%trtc arc declared t0 he severable <br />16. 11itnrruwet's Colin. Horrowet +:)tail he grvcn one cotrfornerd cnp, Tit stir \,,I, and ni tilt, Secu :'ti, ITistn:tnrnl <br />417. 'J!raasfer of the t'rgptirt3 or .a Atmeficial Interewi in lfnrruwer. It al, •,t at, part of ihy i'n+nt•rr, IT an% <br />interest ill a Rs.ofd Or iran;ierred fat It'll hunchcml micicsi Tit Horrowri 11 „aid (rt uienslVM'v alld Horrowe•t t, NOT it naunai <br />pvratrtrf - without Linder', prior written c-ouwttt. 1,ender may, it tt, uph,n :. restate• ;r.ttncclwtr payment in fill: of al! .unn <br />.reared by this Sec-urrty lnstrumcnt 1-lowevcr. till, OP1101) 4131; fill, he txcia,ecl tvt Lcacict d c xcr.':,r :, <br />federal law as of the date• of this liccruritt lustrument. <br />IC1..euder cxcrsises theS option. ;.ender ;hail Lrvc iinrrowcr nonce. of accrierunnt l fit nu!i.x ,hill' IV— 1)i, . t,ri-:,ic1 <br />" 0f ntrt legs than 11tdays tt0ni the dine t:he nennz is deltvcred ;,r r laliec' wntuu <br />tfu" %aunt:Inxtruntciti Vhorrowtvlails iopay'thrsc sums prior in the cxPtrati ni of taus per rod. Lcncac: ntav nr.okr ainv <br />remedic,, purtnittrd by (Ins Sccurny lastrumew without l irther nnuuc or demand Ott BOrrowct <br />".Sirrowery RWIn 'ter Reinstne:. 11 Ifitorrowci tnect, certain c0ntft11ons. iiorrowc, ,hill; halt !ht !will !•, iiir,r <br />cirftircx icni of rho, Sreunh lnstrumew chsc.0ntinurd at 1)n} tune Prrn: •t, thr rarhe, ::t rill tin,. t.,: ,iwi „ h 1),d in <br />alyrias•.ahii. la•w Ilia. vpua % ;n; rltn,pu etnt.nt -) nefirrt shit' nl tilt f sips.: �nir4u ins It an% ,w (•r .,' ,t4 , . Tl ;nn :n !nr, <br />Sec.urny lnst umrnt or rt ,.;rtn Lit 't ludi,rncn! ettfr..tttu till S.,w r% 11r,t 1111 �rn f'hr•,, .,nnl ;u: v,• ,1)t •h.n <br />(a) tsliti,, .enuhir HV ,urn, wtriol then would he dill: under till. Sc. urn% Iirvtrttttt °ni •urd if:, 1,rt: IiiiJ <br />x : :.etrrrt : -'i -', curt!, tali llrtauti of am other uovcnan,, fir aPrrctnrrt, 1, : pa:. u•,, !hr- <br />%,taste -v Irt,truricirt, rodlufltig, till: toll itntncd t;,. tttis,:naf,lc rntornr,, l(,', en,' -t: � ..,Mr 1)i, I: a• 1),u...,. , r,i,•; m,,, <br />' 1 <br />sa;asottaiirta .< :qutrc !,• n a;ire Ihai lip- her -tl thiS Su, it; Itt,trurnc•n_ I Z110c7 x:11111 n, ,.t:, f'r , ,,n, H,.- .,,,�• <br />nhJkiaitrt,h N., ;Tit•- rho ,tllli,. ,vk i rid h,, this 'u °. LET t% 11 :,t,;jtttri:' •lid!; , -, ^t: a •;.,. ,,i,�. u, it <br />St I,r = :, ill "t; rnttr5111d!11: ti.; ,1)i', •. <br />a. � .. ., .j ,. -ir'h' i,i:, t.t. ..u41i i„ .it , • .. , u.. , ., .., , <br />