177-- �LT�i7a'7. `i .1.
<br />L`*tiTC»ttit CM70's NTS Sorrow- and:.Lender;ovenant and acre, a, follows
<br />1. ` *vnwwt auftiwcipai ati lnter+est Prepaymem xml :L a t3harRes Barroue. shaik n <tmnth % when dll
<br />the pnncrpal of and interest an the debt evidenced ny the Note and am nrepaynt_nt and late chat _e clue undo. titr' \ote
<br />'Funds fatTattesaad'Irwaeanee Sul?te Tic,aPPli ib:c isu in r a iv nren waitL ht Lender. Bo—em hail pat
<br />to ,under on the day monthly Payments are due 'under Iht 'sole. un-rl tit Nme is Paid ill full. a ,urn C Fond, c(ju a t.
<br />wte=twdith of ia) nearly takes and.as&msmems which nim attain pit array over this Security ]n;rrumz.nt: rbn Marl"
<br />i asehold ,payments or ground rrntc on the :Proper¢. %. if ""Y' W) yrariy hazard insurance .Premiums: and tdi .earl%
<br />mcnrigalte iacurartie;Premiums, ifam These items are called - escrow item%." , Lender mac rsumute the Fund, elite on the
<br />tasisol7curmtt . data and reasonaiilr stamatesoffuttae Nl-To*, items.
<br />MueFunds_shall 6e- held in_ an institution The deposits or aCCnuna of which are insured or.2uaranieed b% a federal m
<br />stale,ateacy fincludini;1ender if xtuler_issuch an institution). Lrilder shall aPPh the: Fund% tag � titr AOHSZroA nzn :,
<br />Leader may not r harge'forrholding and altphing the—Funds. analyzing the accaunt aI verifying the L -wrou items. Lurie.,,
<br />:Lrnder,pay` Burrower interest ow the applicable law permit, Lender to make such a imrgc Horner and
<br />_Lender :may agrre :in writing that interesnshall he paid an the'Funds Unless an agreement is made or apphcabk• lac
<br />requiem interest it, bepaid. Lender shall not he rcquirec; to lrry 'Borrower an% )mere t or earning, on The Funds Iend;vr
<br />seallgive'to :Borrower.'whhoul charge an annual accTiunting of the'Funds siiouvi retnt, anc dew, in liteFund, zind the
<br />purpose, far which each-debit to IheFunds was made The 'Funds are plecite:l a, ads nicirral e . :mart fees ?he,ar. :,secure :', h%
<br />this StruriTy'Instrument.
<br />]f The amount of the Funds held hN :Lender, together with the future nuanthl% ;.aymetiis afFund, payatale pmir r;,
<br />the -due dates of the escrow items, shall exceed the amount required to riay the escrou Item, when due. the , :,; r s ,hall h,.
<br />at=Bcrrrower's caption. either prnmptlr repaid to Borrower ar Credited tv Borroter on monthly p:rymems of 'Funds If the
<br />amount ofthe`Funds held bv' Under is.noi sufficient to pay ill--- escrow item: when due. Harrower ;hall piny it, I ender any
<br />amount neces%an eta make up the deficiencv in one car more payrrrrms a_, required by Lender.
<br />Upon payment in !till ..f all sums sin' ured h} this 5e-: unit lnar umt.-m. Lender hall prtmp0% refund =.r: Bormuc=
<br />any ;Funds field fay Lender- If tinder paragraP'r. !R the Proper!% is sold c)r acquired by Ixntier. Lender ;hall apni%• at• later
<br />than immediately Prior to the sale of the Proper¢% or its acquisition by Lender. an} Funds held h% 'L nder r: -he time rat
<br />aP170"tiornasa credit again vibe :;umss uredh% thicSecurtrt Instrument
<br />3• AWicM#km•ofP&.vmeats. Unless applicable iaw pr<ivides nherwise, all payments recensed by LeudeT under
<br />paragraphs i and? shall he applied. first, to lot charges due under the �z tee sec.aicd. T, prtpaymcnt Jrar_,e, toe under tier
<br />?vote: third. tc amounts payable under paragraph _: fourth, tr, mterewt due: and last. tit princtpai due
<br />4. ": Liens. &irrowcrsha2l Pay all taxes, assessments. charstes, one, and imposit:or.., aTtniautatalr rr :ire
<br />Property which may attain pnont% over this Security Instrument. and lracehnld payments ar ground rent,. it ate%
<br />Borrower shall pay these obitganons in the manner provided in paragraph 1 or it not Paid in that manner. Bcarmwer shall
<br />Pay them on time directly to the person owed payment_ Borrower shall promptly furnish to.Lendcr all noucr, cal amounts
<br />to he Paid raider this paragraph If`Borroucr make, these pacments direC:ly. Ilorrnwrr shall p:ompih turrr;h i:a Iende:
<br />receipts evidencing tier payments
<br />Brarrtruer shall promptly° discharge any lien which has priority m ct :hi, lecunty instrument unie s Borrower at
<br />agrees in writing to The paymrrnt of the obligation soured by the hen an a manner ace eptahle t„ i.cnder: i b; contests In _trod
<br />.frith the hen hv. air defends against enforcement of Ikit it en ire. feral Proceedings which in Inc Letuicr�s opmio:a .operate rc
<br />prevent the eninrsxTrienr of the hen or forfeiture of anti Pan ofthe liropert%_ ter tit sezure-, from the holder of the lien an
<br />agreement satisfactory to Lendersubardinaime the hc.r rn this Sccurtty Instrument 1f I :-nave determines ihat an. par: it
<br />The Property is subtect u, a hers which may attain larroruv o%sT this Necurli% Instrument. 1 cruicr mat nL Bc)rrz,uer
<br />noncic identifying the lien. &rrrower shall satisfy the lien or take one cir more of €h action., se! tsa ?h oho:; wnnm it` da%,
<br />of the giving of mauve.
<br />S. Rated Inturaxwe. Harrower shall keen the mrnra,%crienz, n(,u citstmi or hercatter cr :fed on the P :opera%
<br />insurcdagamst tins h% tire. hazards Included within the term ' extendrss ce•:e :err and ant other ha.-."rd, tit- u inch Lender
<br />rrgrnres insurance This Insurance shall tie mannamed it) me amount: anc; ii,r the l ;n,d, ti)a! Lender rrclutres Th
<br />Insurance caster providing the tnsuiance, hall tit Chc sirs ht li.i -n.uet stihtect tr l.rnd.r' anprotal wittci: ,hall no! is
<br />unreasimably withheld -
<br />All Insurance poitcies and renewals s i+ 11
<br />ea tic a0ceptahle tz? Lender and .hall :nGUdc a Standard mnrtca_e• ciaus
<br />Lendershall have the right to hold the prlizies and renewals if lender reyutres. Borrower shall ;'mmpth gt%e fro Izitdcr
<br />All recMipts of Paid premiums and renewal nol -ts. ht The went of loss. Borrower sha11 Lens Prompt inane: t, ttie iii,uran;:c'
<br />carrier and lxndrr. 'Lender teas mike proof of fins if not made Prompth by &arroucT
<br />UniCm Lender atuk Borrower otherwise agree nn writing. iirsurant:e nriceeds sh :nil ht-applied tr re- uuatrol: or repair
<br />of the Property damaged. if the restoration or repair is cvvnvmially feasible and Lenuer'% stcun!% !s not lessened t' flit,
<br />restoration or repair is not economically feasible or L.cnder's wcunt% could ex• lessened. tite insurance proceeds ,ira1! lac
<br />applied to the sums secured by this ScLuray Instrument. whether or no: rhea clue, with any excess Paid tr 3nrraurr fi
<br />$crrrtwaa abandon; the Pnalsrty, or titres not answer within ?t? day=s a notice from tender that the insurance zarncr has
<br />offered to`ettk a ciaim. tdttni lender rrra% collect the insurance Iin%ceeds Lender may usc:he Proceeds It, repair or rrsn ;,a -.
<br />the Pr(rpert) or it pay sums %ecurrd iiy this Sccunty instrun:rItt. whether iv not then due. The ?ia• is% peered will beg .n
<br />when the nr►titte is gr%cn.
<br />Unkin i rndr, and .horr iii v otherwise agree to witting. ani apphcatinn of »rtaxcti, t., pnnctpal ,hall lint extend or
<br />Ixistptme the due date of the mtxithly payments referred to in Paragraph, ; mid ; or :hance ¢tic atn+ :unt nt:hc• payment, If
<br />under larsgraPh !q the Propetty is 2cquncd h% Lender, Horrnwer "s right ti- atrt nr,urtnc r policies and pra,cxds rruiltn: <•
<br />fermi damage n, tier Prnl�ry pnor ir, the ai:Qu »tn(m shall pass to lender rt' the exterl! Cif alit: sun), sr fired ht slit, i+r: ir-ttr
<br />Instrument immrdtacrh prim to tits ac .iuisItldM➢
<br />b. Prllfe"Stiiin and 1laiwtenawee of Property: Let uileholds. il;tri +wr ,t al ! -a dL, c diner „- suh,tant;:it'.:
<br />change the Propt rt%. allou tht Pri — ': deteriorate or
<br />'ice' coninnt caste H this 4'1'1':11,.!1 lr.,.r.:m n on
<br />Narrower shall Oomph with the IMa:truora, xsi the ic- ayt_:.nd O' BnrtmAcr acquire, fist tr.tt• t,• the• I'r.,»t>.!t ties tc:.,t!jWjt, ;tt,ci
<br />fee title ;hallnot merge urrie s 1_ctrtker agrees to the mcrlier !ii wruuig
<br />'. 'PrMectiai of l.ewier'c ItiOft in lilt Property. Mortmt• Insurance P florr,.,%oz %W, tee h:
<br />ctar'etrantsand agrtviner scortianted m ills `;ecurtiy irr;t- ument. or tiro : I s :.is l i ;fin h t mill
<br />Lendet`w rights to the Pra)Pertti t;uch .i, a pu>zcrdoir nx t)anl ruptc _ , ,Jaa)r. ti . t .uicnnt,ntr r.. :•ni, .�c fait.
<br />r: uianiarev9. then Lvidei nra,t d"and prig ft,r tyhatevcr a, etc e,sart to IxoteC t !it-,, ,:iltu (i' !it !f•,:; :z• -!t un€i I emit.; . •teh!'
<br />to the Proryerr% Lend r', acntan, ma% tnLluiir pavtnF. ant ,uni •,lull t,% ., fern win t? fia, mr.rtl, ; ,, ., rh"
<br />. line;
<br />Ite;tsument.wringIii x) urt. paying Tca wnahleattotne %,'tee-rindenic'Iag•m:lit i'ropv !% „'ratan - c"dir, A
<br />Lender "rat mks aL.ii?ss iirr r rho, J-di .+Prt1+- Lende, adc,c, n,tl h act• t�' it. �
<br />J%tiy airtc,uatr, elision set lit 1 .:rider unil - tin, t at , ralth !, tl . ut , i,' ti:—iv 0 H .
<br />!iecuro, III'munuatt t'ni s Fie r.t,we• send l c tdc : ,t t.. ! „na; r• >. r, ,
<br />;,.
<br />the
<br />aloft ...... rirah z w eta : :a, a' tit %"Tl :etc ate¢; cirti' la ni;sa t_ ...,, ,. it �.a..
<br />M
<br />