<br />19- Acceleration: Kireclo,aarc.: Other Renic-dics Except as provided in paragraph 24 aranster of the Property: Assumption).
<br />upon BorroilIvir's breach of any cownant or agreement of I Borrower In this Mcd (11 Trust. or upon any defaull in ;I prior lien upon the
<br />Property, (unless Borrouer has exercised Borrower's rights tinder paragraph (I abovel. at Lender's option, all tit the sums secured by this
<br />Deed of 1rust shall be immediaicb, due and payable tAcceleralioni. 11, exercise this option. Lender maw m%oke the lismerot sale and any
<br />other remedies permitted by law. Lender shall be cinjiled to collect all reasonable cost, and exivii,es Incurred in pursuing the remedies
<br />provided in this Wed of Trust. including, bill not limited to, reasonable anorricY', fees.
<br />If Under m%oke, The power of sale, I-ender hall giw %kritten notice it) Trustee of such election. I rustic shall we such notice to
<br />BOTTICIUCII01 8011101Ael" 1`121111 as 1, provided by lacy. Trustee shall record acopy of such notice as required by law Trustee shall ad% cruse
<br />the imate and place of i lie sale of the Property, fornot less than foul week, in a vicNspajvrof general circulatit in in each county in which the
<br />Property is situated, and ,hall mail copies of such notice of sal--- to BorloiLler and other per,,on, I% prescribed by law. After the lapse of
<br />such time is may be required by law, rru%lec. u ithoul demand on BorilvAel. hall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder
<br />for,:ashat the tine and place i%%itch may be on the Properly oi all,, flat[ Theretit as perninted h\ 1j,LN A in one 61 more parcel ;is Truslee MUN
<br />think best and in such ordera, Tru,tce may determine. I.crideror I . clider', de,ignee may pure d ww the Property at am sale 11 shall not bc
<br />obligawn Upon the purchaser at any such :lie to ee to the application A the purcha,e 111,111c.\
<br />Trustee hall apply the procced, of the safe in the following ' p order. (;I) wall rea-nahl, and the ale. mcludmg. hilt
<br />not limited it), reasonable Frustec's and anome ' i. 's tees and cost, of Title eviderwc. A b) loall 'tirn, wcmed h\ till, Decd of omit: and„ I the
<br />excess. if an\, to the livison 07 parsons leeall\ entitled ilicrcto
<br />ill BorroucT*s RiLfit it) Cure Default N%'IICTlc\cr forcclosine Is oninjenco,J ILI, Twnpa% incra It any stuns dac hereunder. time
<br />tni,victs Ill the Prvperl\ I or parties liable hereon shall be entitled to :tire lald &LILIIII, M [)X-III" all delinquent principal and Interest
<br />payments due as of the dale of cure, cosh. "litcli,cs. late chalecs. aizome\ s let-, ,and other Ices .ill tit the manner prAnided h.% Law Upon
<br />such payment. !his Deco of Int,11 and the obligation, sectucti licichN hal' icm,in tit till! lmrcc and rite' : .N lhou-01 fill Accelizi-ation had
<br />occurred. and the lortcl-ur• proceeding, shall he '11,C(lulinied
<br />20 Awenivi•ni of Rcill', AP110ITIMICIl1 All RCkMel: 11:111101 )1' 'CLIN11' hereunder. Hom)ucr hcreliN
<br />"'itzil, to Lender the T•rAl, If Ifi• Propclty. ho%%c%cT, liorr"\,cl hall. 1,11"T timict liataeiapti is tAL:Meration:
<br />h,lc,losvic. Other Rcniedic,j or abandonment of the Propem. Plate the light to Collcl l -ilill Main such lent, 0101% hcconli: title and
<br />payable
<br />Lender car the holder Ill the I:crlIlIlal0 of PUTCIIaL.c ,hall he cnlilk-d (,I !"t the Propc[T\ alter Acceleration under
<br />paragraph IS 1A,:ccicralion, For"Iurv. Other, Reni•,fic,i. and 1h;,lj ai'll hr III I-1111fl,'d ItUrIll• ',lie TAMIL "'wi-cd by forcclo,aire
<br />pr.nccdm•, and the period of redeniptwit, it Ili N. and hall tic cnink-d Thereto a, I !Ila!ICj Of It , cht III IthOW FC1_a!d 11) the 'LONcol. % Ilir
<br />aikcnct of BorroI.;.cr or tit zht: dicii Inkoci III the i't0licli�L. and "HIII'Lli regard Ill 111L la!All' :11,71c"t Such TeCLLI'Lll Ina\ be appointed h%
<br />an., Court of :ompelcill lini,diCtIon upon c,, park application and N ohotu 11,111,:c loll,c IsLing. fierebi. :Apre \ wal,cd.
<br />I poll Accieralion under paragraph IN 1A,:cvIcraiwn. Forc,:11"Lli•. ( ;zhci R,Lnictite,i or Liliandonnient cat dbc Pmportt. Lcridor. All
<br />ivTL,on. h% ;teem or h% llnfiljallt jPP01111Cd ICLCOCT. shall be 1:111111cd tl, cf,icr uplm. i,kc p-LIc-ion ,I and roanaec the f1roperv, and to
<br />"'IlciLl the Iciti, of the Iropcyit m,lAAJmL, past ill,: V! letil-011CLIOd h.N 1,C111111 or the rCkl-liCT 'Mfll "IC ;2PI'llcll. lur'l. lopat nlwnl
<br />of the cosh of pre,er%aiion and Trial c,iwnt of the Property. C,Illld. to 11,I, IIICIIJI JtIC upon prior IICII,. and thl-11 to the Itiml
<br />tit.' I)CCIJ of troll I-ColiCt and the lc,cilcr hill he liable t,, av,ouril ojill, 101 JWIC MITI LILTU,111% rCC•I`6cd
<br />'I KcIC,,C 1 pollpa1,mcrll lit W,uln, till, IIIIII 171I'ICI 1"ILIIJ'cTil:'Dccl9"l
<br />1hdHPTrldtILCII'l llAI'ICC fill. ""Ic all w't"'I r•,:,,rdalwn 11I.cridel,hall
<br />'11ACT. upirill'ITI-
<br />h% III.1!1`-II'aI Till' DCc11
<br />l%aiwrol E-wiriptions. Borii-cl .,If AIL'I't'at 'Iile' m ilic Ptohertt allcicf
<br />ic&i.d :a%t. pir,cinly "N,,onc- or fietcatict on-led
<br />I'll% Funds l0r LAW, Ill'inan, c I Ili, paiagrapti ilo! IIplI,jb 11 Funds: tic N-11"t' pJld J11111kIdill
<br />N, ., pit,,? CII'Mridnan,c Subject to applicable law 'hall pa% I,. I clidor ill C-11 'Jak ul,zailn,ciit, "I pjojcjl'.Jl ill'; nitcrc,t
<br />till'ict ttic %,tic. until the Not,: I, paid Ili lui! I am Ih,Tcm related III ,• Film!, 1. , nj a
<br />. car!% law, and a"C"Ilicria, 'lli,h III,,% altar ptlofil, ,tier -Ill, 00,:d III Irl"t, pill, rija . __ ,I ,:.Ali\ Irvillillin
<br />In,taitincrii,toT llwperh ln,wori,c. a0a.1ca-11a&IN C,lint'lle0 Inttall, jill! tIjII!!IlC II, Artie i'l I 1:lLJcT oIl rho. ha"'Itt 11" c"Incill, and
<br />bill, and ria,unnblc "umatc, lt]Cic„l. lakint' Mt" aauunt al"L I UhIl' III'! "I
<br />I 11cpFuli'lpai'll the FLITl 'hall he held Illa 'C11.11,11c a-mill 1), Ihc I Borp"'.1 and dcrio'nell in
<br />,in Institution The dvii-al, ,r nil cum, tit ,Iii,h are Inured of 0'LlalattlCtlit"L .11CLIVIA-11 I crijcT hall ppl% Till Fund, iopa%
<br />'Jidtailc'. J`LlcITICIII, and 111%111.111'C ;W11111,1111" I "11&t 111-o n,.(,hafL,c !"I I, hoi,fille,nd appi'mc !hc I und'. attak/111'. aldalc"unl
<br />tinh :1,g and C,mtptlmg ,,cad as,r „t!tenh and hell, .I,,icf h, B"'w""I All, 111 file illud,
<br />I Cider hall ,Ittwuldwls c, !tic I I_ reboil and lbcpUrr,"'e
<br />I'll 1khIIJI Call! IfLblt to the I UtIlt' N,I, Rhode I tic 11111d. ITt pledged a, .1,1,101"Iml C,Illlll is the uln, 'C'mcd b% lin, Mc,"oll I-,tI,l
<br />11 thc amilunt III the I Ain't, it, !d I", I ColkLf flail TII'l J,C 'Jillj, j"Ill h, I,.,% L"'C"1111"ll• '111" J'10111tJ111. "' lb""' 1.111 fill•,
<br />B"ri-C, '11,111 pat to I cildcT all., "111"uni Ill nLdC 1111 the LICIII !I Ill '1 11 111111. l"114% ' !11"11 Ihr 11.11L not., 1' 011"11 Ill
<br />with paragraph If, A M I "Till, 'A I" Holt-cy Icki pa"It, tit th•'w"I
<br />I pill, payilwnt Ill fill; M as ,im, - tired b, the I Ile, I o hn,a, I I nlill IL III'llf W 110ITI'LICI stn I HIAll' tilld M
<br />I.cndcr It undct paragraph IN I "t-cl,ialwn jt'Ic I iticr RLI'll"Il" I Ific I'j0jICII\ 11 Ld III the PTIII11rI1 11 1111MI IIC
<br />I criticr. I credo hLAII appk. it-, lalcr 111,11) millivIll"Ick pfwt I,IIli" la:, M the 1, ,, I, " I,, L'.I.&T
<br />X-, Fund, livId lb.,, I :Il,ivl .0 the till), .,I apph".11"ll a, a I fll!l( the "All" ' '0'-d In I'll' 1 )"' If "I 'It"
<br />Pl"11'11" "(111.110011 Ill, I,'Fil-IIIIIL' 'ILIQ' I'L 111"111 A
<br />Alit, I a w, t-111, 1h,11,11 t'a: 4 Pl,p, IT, f .car, boat I., I, it, I. 'I Ifict, can. a Ill, Allwil I,1
<br />,r I!A, All I .Ill I" lII!1 I J1110l'll fit, 'L 111 1, ", , qoll,N, I II It),. I'll .1" lit It III, J,,cl lho-1 Iill,'Iv,t ill ! :1 . . .... twill III Ill, P!"J" it, , -'I I,,, ;II:I M, 1, I'l I !,I , 1, , " -1 Ih,cc I! waf I " , '.1
<br />T ,I11
<br />'I Th, ,:•.',111 :1,11. !It, All , �, I! "L. 1 7 �-111 I,• % ,1;L 't I"\ -1, III'm AM, 11 T� , IT 'I Y , .,I Ill,
<br />ofitr„il111 t' III;jv,T ,I Ih,[ !011 :11 ILI W A tit, lyll; 1a; (Ill 11 It 1❑ Ill, ll.
<br />lidt It 'I hj!"t, :I, '11, IT-Il 1., 11, d I,1
<br />I"aAIIIII III ., I'll" J'all t". j,"
<br />Ial 111 ,urn ""'Itcd Ili!, I h,d I jj%II! shall I. WMILIfi.01 "All
<br />;hl Its Ir.113,41 ,,, ,I, alld I:L-wd I t,c I pi'l-ant ;"IIII, Ivi .w, aIlh .": It, ilal"IcIct. 'llall
<br />N jVVII)CII In IILAIC j"IlITIld a;: "I !It', B":1-cl IIIIIIVI 11111 DI'd 'It IIII'l Ml 1.11MI ":! m, ,, I,,, d tic,, b\ "fictlIct m Il.'t
<br />the tTj,tIwjj,7nj , 1. 1, A) i .wlL . owi-I - i:ranl IIIIII-C, I I", - "T'I"HaIll 'flaii fill) Nth it I. Pre,pclt, and
<br />Ivillatt, m 11111 kq,( al"!OIC, ! ii"!;; 'o"! IT, it !IjIN I tIL I Ildl A 'IILn 11 ltllIn11 I" III, dcal " th han'tc!'c 11) Ili,
<br />,jnw nianfict I, , tit, fit, Rwr-, I Ilh I'll ""d 'Up" m, "dint. ;hr' [,It, ❑li"I't A, 1111 ?,I , I It 1,11010'(11,Cd I, -,"1 I AIIIJI
<br />,Ni flan lil4'ill If, li,j if jj,j It I, 'r 111 1; 1,- ;It, At, 1, 111,1c, l,1, it], h, I,\
<br />w, -jrv,i
<br />? , A
<br />.I Ili,. ill plm" it j� r II III Thl ' I 'I 'I'" l,.,,. .,1, t', !I" 11„1„ •'f '1, 11
<br />I lan'tvf, .11.di 1:1,l I,, dc, III, I I It I et IJ, •rhi 1 ,1 4 1 �. 1. .1, .,. 1 'll, I r,h , 11. 1,, 1" 1 n41r till I, Itl
<br />I tic A 11, 1" 11k, lmd ., I"al "I
<br />I 'It'!f I I , "A'
<br />N I, A, I I!
<br />1 oullillit'll on rr,rr se 1411
<br />