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55- -005844. <br />h. Prior McIngages and Deeds of Trust, Charges; Lien.. Borrower ,hall periorni all of Bormwrr*% obligation, under any prior <br />deed of trust and any other prior liens. Borrower shall pa} all taxes, assessment, and other charges, fine, and impositions attributable to <br />the Ptnpeny which may have or attain a pnonh• rnerthts Dced of Tnni. and lute hold payments inr ground rents, if am, in the manner set <br />out to paragraph 23 {Escrow Funds list Talcs and Insurance) or, if not required to he paid in such manner, bx Borrower making payment <br />when due, directly u, the payte thereof. Despite the foregoing, Borrower shall not he required to make payments otherwise required by <br />this paragraph if Borrower, after notice h, Lender. shall to good faith contest such obligation boos or defend enforcement of such obligation <br />in, legal proceedings which operate to prL%vni the enforcement of the obligation or forfeiture of the Property or any part then. -of. only <br />upon Bomiwer making all such contested payments and other payments its ordered by the court to the registn of the court in which such <br />pnxeedings are filed. <br />property Insurance- Borrower shall keep the improvements no, existing or herrcaller erected on the Property insured against <br />loss by fire or hazard, included within the terns "extended coverage" in an amount at least equal al the lesser of ( I ) the insurable value of <br />the Property „r 12) an amount sufficient u, )cry the runts secured by this Ihcd of Trust as well as ant\ prior encumbrances on the Proper <br />All of the foregoing shall he known as'•Propeny Insurance <br />The insurance career providing the Insurance shall he qualitied roll ,.rile Pn,perty In,uraanca• In Colorado and shall he chosen fix <br />Borrower subject to lender, right to reject the chosen career for reasonable cause All msuranac ju,liLmi, and renewals ifiereof shall <br />inclu<k a standard mortgage clause In taws ol- Lender, and shall provide that the insurance carrier shall not f\ lxnder at !cast ten! lot days <br />bdone cancellation, icri-ninaa ion or any material change of coverage insurance pill is ics,hall he tumi,!ted is, Lender at ur bet, re closrne. <br />Ixrl .hail halt the right to hold the policies and renewals thereof. <br />In the event of loss. BatTO,CT Shall give prompt notice to the Insurance carrier and Lcnder L ndci roan make proof of loss d not <br />irsade promptly by Born —or <br />Insurance proceeds .hall lac• :applied to re%ioratior, 'lr repast of the Properly da)nagcd, prrntded such re'lomtl,m ur repair )s <br />°onrnnically feasible and the ,ecuntx of lilts Dccd of 'Tout is not thcrehy unpaired 11 such rc•,h,ration or repair is not economtcalh <br />ie uiblc or rf the secunta it the, ihecf of Trust would be Impaired. the Insurance proceed, shall be spphed tc, the sums secured by this <br />Deed of Trust, with the excess. it am. paid to Borrower. if the i''roprrty is abandoned he Br,tr,wrr. or it Borroucr fail, to respond to <br />lxnder within 30 stays trom the date notice is gtxen in accordance wth paragraph if, I Notice l by I.endci In Borrower that the Insurance <br />catrierof fors lo,allle a claim l:,r Insurance henelits, Under i, authorized to a,llect and apply the m,m :mcc proceeds. at Lcnder option. <br />either In restoration cot repair „t the Property or io the lain, secured h\ IN, Deed of ')rust <br />Any such apph<auon of pntcceds to principal shall not extend or p )ntponc the duc date of the m,tallitoc•nts rcietred to to paragraphs d <br />Wa}mant of Principal and interest) and '? IE,cvow Fund, for - -axe, and In,uiancci oI <han_,v the amount 'l! such installments <br />Ncomithstandine anvd -ng herein to the <onuan. !f under paragraph Iti , Acceler iiun, F-orcclo,urc. tither RcineJus) the Tlxgxn\ i, <br />acquired by Lender, all right. title and interest o! Borrower in and to any m,urancc 1a?Iwc, and nt :and in the pio,aad, ihcirof rc,ulttng <br />from Damage to the Propocny prior to the ,aiv or acqul,nion ,h:Ji pal, is, I ender to the extent of The ,tints secured hx this Decd of Tnni <br />immediately prior is, such sale or acquisition <br />Ali of the rehts of Borr oser anti Lender hcieundei a till rc,peci to insurance , arricr,. !n,urim c pill Icic' and Insurance pn,cccds arc <br />Suhiect to the neht, of any bottler of a poor decd of trust w th rr,pc<t to ,.rid nsurani.e , amcr,. pill :: ar, and pn?c<•v,is <br />!I Prescryauon and Maintenance tit Property tiorro"e, shall keel, the PrtlNrt% lit L"i"d rcp:ur and ,hafl not coatroom s;tsie or <br />permit impaimtent or deterioration of the Proper and shall conph ,lilt the pro\IS:,nr, , soy i a c it [ht Decd o! Trust is on a <br />leasehold Borrower shall perform ale ui Born,w'er', obligations under .n\ ,iC<ursuori'..o,cnant NN ew'. rule, Ia ,ther documents <br />governing the use- ownership or occupancy of the Pmpert\ <br />4 Protection of ],ender', Security Except when Borrc?war has c\aresncd Bnm,,%ct, nghT' ❑nder paragraph h abrna. It the <br />Born -er rash to pertilmo the <oycnants and agreements coniamc•d In thl, Dccd ;•I Jm,t. „r Ii a default ,n can Ill a prior )left, r,r It eny <br />action or proxeeding is ca,mmenccd which niateriaih :diect, Lcmict', umcrc,t n the Prr1pert\. !tic" Lcnder. ,it Lender, option. t,ah <br />nortce n, &,rr\aattr if required h} taw, inay make such appearance,. LIIShunc• wch -onls .:fill take ,u<lI action as !, ncccssan ill pn,ic,t <br />Lcnder', interest. Including. hill not loosed to. duhur,ement of reasonable allure\ lee, .and wr% upon The Probe— in make tcrpaln <br />$orr,wer hereby assiens to )strider ally iwhi Borrnm'er max have h\ rcas,m ,d ire pnnr rtcumhrsnce mi )he• Property „r hx Ia`a or <br />otherwise to cure any default under ,red prior encumbrance <br />Any atnounls disbursed bx Lender putsuanl to thl, paragraph cI_ with mgr`s thereon '11,111 hr:,mla :ehh110na! uniehrcdre•, „i <br />Bonr,wc: secured M thin Dead of Trust Suds amount, shall t+<• psi " :tble up,m moor: e loom t_cndrr to Aorruwcr nyue,tine ism rent then lit. <br />and Lender may bring suit to collect any amounts ,o th,burscd plu, nneresi spec shed n) nar,t_•raph 'B I \lose ( )ih>_r I )a,llgsuam sccu std ! <br />Nothing contained ire dos paragraph `+ •hall require Lender a, incur ant vx K11,c „ Tarr in\ m Imcundc; <br />if) h)spe,00n Lender may illakc fir caws n, he made rca,nna!,te rtin< <br />Up,-9 and �n,p, riwn rt tnc i'roja•ri\, pnn tiled if)at <br />Lander stall , a BnrToucr nntiyc print to ant such In,;xcln +n ,ia,u,n :� :,a L,,, ceu,r rfiuch,: n•i:rcd t,� 1 ender, nlete•,1 in titc <br />F'r, *pen y <br />11 Condemnation The pno ved, of en, au :ud o: damn ill[ darn,)rc,. Jatrct or .,m'cyurniisl. In ­,nncatiun with sin :on- <br />krnnanon inr other taking ,?I ;he 14oipicri,. or part then,lt. -11 1 nvcy:ul<c• :•• hcu 4 ,, .,dCnalarion. :Ie he•rrh, . —ioneJ tnJ ,IraP i <br />paid',,, Lcnder a, t)crctn proyrd :d Ilow cr..111 ill the T"111-1 Bc,rrl,wcr ind l cndci heTcuudct ,\ uh Ic,pc•ct to,ucn prn,eaJ, are 'uhic, i <br />to the right, oI em holder ill a prior decd of trust <br />In the e%eni ! a total taking =)I the Proper y. the p t,Keed, steal! tic .,pphc,J to nlc• ,tin, .e; arc,! f,s It)], 1 %ccd of l ru"I. Ill Ill c xc c,,, <br />:f any. paid Is, B- mmet In the eycilt of a pan(al takuic'lI the• Pf"11CM. the pureed, Tcrtlmsnl, anct Iakme nut any part of :IT :.,ea :d due <br />am. Error tier] holder (net award' ,half be Jr, )ded he;1AVI -n 1.: order and BlITT—C• ,n ihi ,.one rat,,, a, !!ic inlnuni tit the Burn, eLuicd hx <br />thin fked tit Trust nninediately prior io the date ill rakin _;: bean to Br,rntwc: , cytnit n) the l T, Jtct,`. unntrdiatell, prior Iti the date of <br />taking. Baxrotxcr's equity ill the Pt'operty mean, the 1,111 market talus of the I ,q'K'rn lcs, the .snwuni „I ,stn, ,ccured ha both thi, Deed <br />of Trust Arid all prior liens iexecpt iaxe,t Thai .tic u, Ic<ci\e am nl the award. all aI the \sine InmneJlafeit pru,r 10 Ihe• Jac• of takr)g <br />if tie 3'rol+etty :, abandored by Born-Ct- or J, aticr n,mce ht I,c•nder in Bomnycr titan the ,,,ndemnor lifter, to make ;tit award inr <br />witle a Claim tot Jantage,. BOm,wer fall, Ill re,plmd in Lender , nhm tidal, sire ihc dale ,u<h noU<c - oocn. Lander n sufhonzed to <br />COIICCI and apply the pm vvd,, at Lcnder s optu,n. cnhcl to rr,toraunn tit wpat 'lI Ihe t'ri)ivrl. inr n, ire ,inr, ,crund h\ till, Dccd of <br />Tru,t - <br />Any such appit<amon of prroed, io prncipai ,h:J I of l cx I<•nd of 1, ,,t ;>,mc the duc date ,:I ihc u),taihucni, iviciTed it. In paragraph, a <br />Tal, Inent of Principal and Inicre,t) anti _3 +}:.cons l ands IIa -axes ;red in,w:mscl 1' ,mimic ib< :)?mount .,t m<h ,nsG,lhnrms <br />12 Borrowct Nut Keicascd 1 "xlcn,ion of the nntc till pay nlcni or Inoditie atiun „l am 'lrur.tinn of the ,)sill, secured h\ this Dcv,I <br />oITrust ranicdbsl, enderioamw-L— w! nnierc, t, dBor :,,ershalim,t,gxr :,irn,rrlca,c u)emm,nmcr Ihchahlhly,dihe,,ngin;d <br />Hot tomes. %11 Borr) wcr wc<a,s„r' In m!cte,t tram tit" •mgutel tern), lit ihi, ih•cd of f rust I ,mite! ,tutee not be ivquurd In ;,.mmenaa <br />pn.+cecding, against •u<h ,uc<cssol inr r'CIIJ,c In diem,) state for pay meat inr -liners Ise modm .I =n,.n;ioin,n of the ,um, ,C,ur,,d h\ till, <br />ih:ed tit 1Rtst by tea on lit any Jtmarld made t,y ihc menial Boro,cr nor B,nT r v, , ,u<. c,,. n .n MILT -1 <br />'t t•arct+tiatan<e by l_e nddr \ot a \\,utct .1r], torhc.uan<c M i.I II&I na curr<I'IDF ,1111 twit 'lr mncd\ hcrcurtdvi. lot ,vha•r, ),a <br />afhaded hs Liw. shall nut he a ,alter is p!v,iudc The cxeit.,v of sin su,h na`hI :•r iron dt <br />W lZ redo, Cutrttdatn: teach'Cilledypi"Idc,!it) the`nixand lhl,listJ,4 lilt,t(,,h,i :n,i L•(, un)ulau,c to all other <br />right`.. inr remedies under the %ow and till, I )eed tit T rani ,•r am -idccl h, is, cyu(it_ni,i nIax he 'X, i,cJ , on, uncm!s. indclx nJrnNt <br />,it succc,suvcix <br />I� Succcs,l,r, and :1„tca, Bnmxi lomi rind seu•rai l Ise, rapt (- apeman I he ""Cif ant, and aetccnlantS hcnln u,ntrnncd 'hall <br />bond. and Iloc right, hereunder shalt mura n the ra,;x <nyc• ,tic s s „ors cud a „(t•n' of I rndri and ft,.n +,yyar. ,uh;r, I i „ihc f,nit I _I, , , .�t . <br />patagraph.S1"ItdtlUetilltheProgcrt r 1„unptl,,lrI - \]I,rnruallhandaCIcen) cut,'l Ihinrowei'11.Jlhcunntand'cyclal Ih,,,,pT)nn, <br />and t"Ing, of the paragtaph, ui th” Devil of L u'I ate list , on ycnu n« ,rill, and .tic It'll To he u'ai I, :nit pier of dctinc ins pnn, <br />hereof <br />16 N"Ine Tlu.cpt inr an< moil, c rc,IUUC <1 M Lm to tic r),cn in am-l1het n)anne. ..I I ant non: n, itoro,rr pot (ded I'lT In Ihe' <br />1 „k rdot "Irusl vital) tx m wrrti«p au,d ,hail lx: cnen and he cfhctnc u ;x,n; I! Jclorn tr, Bon,.,ar ,v i.', u).,Onati ,u, h aon,c by lose .la„ <br />i i matl.:uxitc s<•J u, 14on+,wci "n fA an ,u a ), ire „ I +I< I h<n n I i u, h „thee nJJn•” r. H ) , I na, h I1 n etc n , c t„ <br />htrukt.a: ,t slkJ`tcn•n .ulJihian :nnta,ri I nk•,hall!x (n - „( nn. , h +llhxr�., , u - 'nfs -)) I. 1 i „ct nl . -nos+ AI ". <br />,11 I t t ialllr k a il n"If t by fit,{ i 1 \ mall I l ,'ndr l addrl Icd he t< n <br />L CN IIC4 , Iolawcl a, trynJoi hcr<n lit:li tn„Id<d lot m:L.l)ccJ <br />I.c uMk!1 ,lien Vilest 11, m, n,anrsvl „ ella4a n, •a u, <br />1 (r. trhn,a. l_aw Sc rrbll iIn%m, ) "in I, .I ! I ]Ill I , -it i I <br />(n yl n rn eau a ,1 01 " D"Vd a l a i t li V It nN ( „Ill II , 1 r IL . ,) I (. <br />it l a.,tc Ic,ln,h ru Le. V,,,en vnr,Ie lot_ar(1), nI11, <br />sic tic, InIDd I Ix scree ,t ,a: <br />