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85-- UUMOU <br />f 1 ) month prior to its due date tale annual mortgage insurance premium in Ardor to provide such holder <br />%%-!tit funds !o pay such prenliurrl to the Secretary of Housing and lhhan Development pursuant to rile. <br />National Housing Act. as intended, and applicable Regulations thereunder: or <br />tow, ll) If and so long as said note of even date and this mstruutent arc held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />oO5OV A Urban DOveiopntent, a monthly charge Ibt lieu rt% a mortgage insurance premium/ which shall be in an <br />�� U # amount equal to one- twelfth (111') of one -half (lit) per centunt of the average outstanding halance <br />due on the note computed without taking fill(, account delinquencies or <br />prepayctents: <br />(b) A sum equal to the ground rents, if anv, next due, plus the that become <br />prenuturis will next due and payable on <br />poliCics of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus Taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged property tall as estimated be the Afort,gagee) less all snorts already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse before one month pilot 10 the date %%lien such ground rents. prenliunts, taxes and <br />- Iit <br />assessments will became delinquent, such sums to he held fly Mortgagee in rust to pay said ground rents. <br />miums. taxes and special assessments; and <br />Ic) All payllnents mentioned in file two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payfriellts t„ be made undet <br />the note secure'! hereby shall be added togettet..ind the aggregate annum thereof shall be paid by the Morteagor <br />each month in a .mglc payment to be applied h\ the Mortgagee 11, the 111il(Fwrlg items In file order set Huth: <br />(1) premium charges under the contract of in irancv wrh the Horsily, and I'Than De%clopnlenf. <br />or nxmthly char_a tin lieu Ai nu,rteagc afs,nrmc('t,fy•tfuumr, as rllr case mat hr: <br />I11! gn,uad rents. taxes, assessments. file and (Filler hazard insurance memnmts. <br />II11) interest on the note secured herehy;and <br />(IV) amorti7atwn of'1he principal of said note. <br />Any deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate rtlonthiv payment ,hail. unless niadv good by the Mort <br />gagor prior to the due date of the next such pavntenl.:institute an cleat ,If delaull untie, this morigage. The <br />Mortgagee "late <br />may collect a charge" not to exceed I,n;l "cots (4YI tot cad! dollar (Ji) of each paN ntent 11111re <br />than fifteen ( 1 � i dal. s n, arrears a) cover the extra expense involved ill handling delinquent payments. <br />3 That if the total of the payment- made h% tile- llurtg;3,gnr under,!,! nI paraariph ° precvding -hall exceed <br />the amount of payments actually made by the \1origagee rnr _,round rent -, taxe- and a-- e- -mvnt- or in- urance pre- <br />miums. a• the case may be, web excess, it the loam) is current at the option of the Morigagor. shall he credited b% <br />the Mortgagee on - uhsequem payments to he made h% the Mortgagor. fir refunded to the Mortgagor if, houp%vr, the <br />monthly payments made by the Mortgagor under r 1 r of paragraph' preceding shalt not he sufficicnl to pay ground <br />rent. lase.- and at- cssmen1- or in- uranc'e premium -. a- Idle cat -e ma% be- ashen the -ame -hall become due and pa%- <br />able then the Mortgagor =hall pay to the Mortgagee .un amount nece - -ar% to male up the• deficient•\. on or before <br />the date- when payment of -ueh ground rent -. lax(­. a-- e- -ment- or in- uratice premium- =hall he dip If at :roc <br />time the Mortgagor -hall tender it) the Mortgagee. in accordance with the proi,i- ion - of the note - ecured herth %. <br />full payment of the entire indebtedne -- repre -tinted thereb%_ the llortgagep -hall. ill Computing the amount of -uch <br />indebtedness, credit to the account of the Mortgagor all payments made under the <br />pro%Istons of -, of paragral>to ' <br />hereof which the Mrrrigaget- ha- not become <br />nhlif:ated u, pay at the �ecreiar% of 114M-lner and I rhan Dti-clopiri <br />and an} balance remaining, in the fun(L- accumulated under the- pro%i -ion of (lf para_raph _' herertf. If there <br />-hall he a default under an% of the pro%i -ion- of thi- mortaa;Ie re- ulting in a public -ale of the prvmi -e- co%ered <br />hereby, or if the• \lortaagee acquire- the properl% othor\ti -e after default. the 11ort;_,aape -hall appl%. at the lime of <br />the commencement of -u(h pro( vedina -. or at Ihe nine The property t- (FIhpn%I -A- ac quired. the balance then remain <br />ing in the fund= accumulated under " %of para;,,raph ? precedina..I- a credit again -t till• amount of prrncip;Ii Ihpn <br />a <br />remaining unpaid under -,lid note.and -hall prnperl\ adlu -t am payment- ,(filch -hall bane been made <br />order : <br />of paragraph _'. <br />7h :t The %,[Igagor %k All p;,% grimed rem, t.,%e, .t „r „menu. ";Ater rte,.. :ni nfhet gASenunenrd Ar mrini011,ai <br />charge,. fines. fox <br />Ar !np A,uwn, Y.In i pro, own Im, nut been. made her c•I nhcl file . and it-, dcfaull thereof the \icrtgagec ma\ <br />pin Ihe same. and that the \long ;w, -1 \\ Ili rn,n lit I% lie 1,%ct tilt• tit; ul;,I rcc:vpts 1hvlefAr r„ the Mortgagee. <br />5 Itic Mertgag„, %. dl pr.% all In %c, .,hash nl;ly tic Ic\fe•ll upon the Mori ca}ct•', ulic•re,r ul sand read c,Lnc :Ind Impio%c•- <br />merits. and uhwh man he le%led upim this "iortgagc AI [tic deht sc. ][red heich% [hut oni\ IA the cx1cin [hat ,rich I, not prohibit - <br />ed by Lot and Ant% ill the c•%tenl ilmi ,1101 %,,;1 n "It nt,,ke Ihe, 4,.,n 11,11lHnt,I. hot Vx,ludutg tin% income Tax. Slate „I i eder.,f. <br />mlpo,ed ill, \lorigagvc.."Id a Ifl file tile idti0l:d retelpt 'hi- Ing ,u0h pw. rilent %%Ili; the MArtpagre. I'poll %nfaiwn if this under- <br />taking. air it the Morigtigol 1, prnhllnted h% ant 1;1" no%v 1,f hcic,Iftcr ev,ting from pa%ntg [hie %%hole or n% portion AI The afore - <br />.rid tent,. or upon the Icndenng of .on oull decree prnhlhlrng the pan Anent by nce Moripvw or any such taxes. Ar If ,uih I.,%% <br />or decree pro\ Ides that in% amount ,A ;,;lid h% the %imIgagoi ,half be credited An Ihe nortc;lge debt, the ' fArtgagec• ,hall ha%c <br />the right to gi%c ninth ,fans' written nAIICt• h, The aunet of Ihe mortgaged prcnn,c,. requiring the p;,%rnent of the In, A,lia a(• <br />debt. If %uch notice he gi%cn. file ,;od deli( %hall he%'Anu' duc. p:,%a(hlc And "'11c,ilhie tit rile expiration of sand nmet% dal%, <br />6. That should he fail to p:i% ,In% aunt Ar keep am t,nen.e t pio%ldc•d flit ill thls \lorlgage, then the Mortgagec. :,t it, op <br />teen. ma} pay or perform the ,ante. and all expendturc, •,, ni ;itiv ,hall he •,,filed to the pnnclp,ll ,11111 oumg on the ahoy c little. <br />shall he wcored herchy. and shalt hear Interest at the ,;lie ,rI fort ill In flit ,cud note owl p.tid <br />Thal he hhch\ ,, %sign,. transfer, and lets o%cr to Iftc• \lorigacce. To he apphctf h,%%:rd the pa\ rricnl of the note .mil <br />.111 <br />,ant, secured herchy lit case of a JcLudl in the performance „f :un of Ihe Iernt, .and ,ondlffen, of fill, \IArtg;,ge or file ,ald <br />note. all the rents, re%cnue, and Income to tic deri,cd froln the mortgaged picml,c, during ,nets ][file ;,, the ntfirlgage Intichtcd- <br />ne„ shall remain repaid: and the Mortgagec• ,hall flasc power u, eppoml :,rn .,gent of „pent, It nl;n de,ne for tile pupo,c if <br />repairing said prcnn,c. •and Af renting the same and %ollecirrig flit Tern,. Iescnlic, ;,rid tnomic..Ind it m,ry pan out ,I ,;oil lit <br />:nines all a \pcn %es if repairing said p renuses anti nc%c%s,,n commission, and expense, Incurred of renting and nimi,ignng The <br />carpe and of collecting rentals Ihcrefrom; the balance rent ;+mlrrg. if ;In% h, he ;tpphed Ims..rd the dt,chargc .,t ,aid nl.utgagc <br />indebtedness <br />K "that tic x911 keep rho Ifilpl NSelllrnt, "”' "'"(191•, "CICA'Cl 11rLICIT U11 rile flit'[Igtircd t,l „pen%. I11,{Iled IIW% he <br />.,, <br />required from time IA time by the \tongagec agaunt 6,,, b% tor., .cod Atilt•, hai.lyd, ,a,uallic, ,Ind unmnacnuc, In 111%h <br />amount, and for such periods I, rasa% lie rcqunred IF% the %lorlg.igcc and a III n.r, pr„mpfi%. %%hen,file. :In\ premuna, on lush <br />In,uramcc prn%l %Ion fill payment I,f 'A hleh has not hccn made ficic lthCIArt MI U1s111.11Ie1 ,half he sanded In u,nlpanlC, <br />,11, <br />proved by the Mortgagee and the policies and renewals thereof ,hall he held h,% Ihe MAllgagec and hone jmik lied theictr, h,,, <br />payable shlljws In fa%Af of ,rid m torn, acteptahle 11, the Mortgagee In r%enI of lo„ 1lnrivilgol %%Ail pore nnmrdl.,h' nAu\r h% <br />road to the Mmltpjgce, %\1t,, rasa% make proof of Ins, if Ilfit matte plwilpi!\ h\ \Iollgag(,r .,rid rash 19,nl:nar ittnl <br />p,,n% ,1,n <br />cctncd I, hcrchy aulhorited anti ifir"Ied fo "lake payment for •nets lo„ 1111C%Jl\ In Ihe• %torigagee Itntrad of Io file MArtgtigo, <br />and the %forlgafte leunlv.. and the m,nrmlcc plA\eed,. fir .inn par Ihctcol ,n„% tic• •,pr,hed 6% tie Mollg „gee :u (t, Apnon rllhcl <br />Fit the rethoolon Af the Indchtedn .• hitch% ,eeured of IA file ;e,lAremnn of It p.fil t'f the 1`I„1,crn J.nn :Al ;ed In c%cnf of f ,fc, Lt <br />'. <br />e (if ilu, rowfigage 111 I,IhI'I 1rallsfer iif !file' to life' Inorigagrd pioperi, In e%Ilflgllf, ' ll! ,,I Tilt Indio hictfll, „ ,e%Itled h\ rt h\ <br />Al ai tight. toile ;till! Interest 1,1 the Mollgag(.r no and It, till% III%IIt ;Intc IAlloc, He'll In I„1, r ,11a01 j,.l„ It' file pill, fl.,, t'r ,.I el.11ln'c <br />L <br />4 rhat'l, addl][onel .,Fill - ttlliutr.,l ,event% by file panmrnl of Ihe'Ilse IV,, Ilhed :,11,1 :dl ,u:n, IA het ... it” dill...ntfrl fill, <br />fn(gtv,'tge- Ihf' Monbtigl,r herch% ,,s %Igo, IF, live Moltgnpe•r .Ill I'ri,hl, it-,cilm., ,,,.0110, "Uhl, ,111d henrhl, I„ flit. <br />F' <br />,,,,tmn,; <br />derrK;,knr under anv !Till ill ,,d .rid pa, !rase, ,vl ..rid I'n ml,r, u "'A Ih: ,µ!ill 1 , 1,%1 11111 t "Alit f1,, •.h” l , !,+ •I,f,�, <br />them IA .aid IIldrhl ill tlr„ 1, Nell hefnf e' ,� dire def.,wl ,, ih< ..,nthll,m f 11” , u( I t ,,,I 'lit M I,I; pats. I'l,"d ant <br />ff., rid tc, nv „ash <br />IT <br />� <br />p,,,n n , +hen 1hn_ and pa%•,blc hul '41 "0 •„,1 h% ,, yn ,,, f., ,I I hl, vcnnit n1 A, o, 1, 1.1 ,I JI <br />F <br />,,mf a., I,rru i tail , nil ,,,Id I1 „1. a _ of ti,n r,ultu.ler <br />