<br />Vol,
<br />$5..... 00nj0.
<br />,h't lrco rdcA<
<br />85- 005804
<br />MORTGAGE This form .5 used in connection
<br />with mortgages insured under the
<br />one- to four-family prov isions of
<br />the National Housing Act.
<br />Please re- record to show rider wordage,
<br />T S MORTGAGE, ma and exe • ied this 24th dal � of July A.D.
<br />19 M'andbttaecn fhotttas iwanski and Judy )L. Iwanski, Husband and Wife
<br />of the County of Hall and Slate of Nebraska. party of the first part. hereinafter called
<br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of The United States of America
<br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee.
<br />THREE TANDheO i�ltrigagor. fur and in consideration of the sum of FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND
<br />' t ww Doll;lrs ! 5 54,300.00 !. paid by the Men -
<br />gigee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. halal Granted and tiold and by these present, due, Grant. Bar -
<br />pan. Sell, Convey and Confirm untcHib Mortgagee. its su a
<br />ccessors nd ismgns. foreser, the fullouing- described
<br />real estate. situated in the County of a and State
<br />of Nebraska. to wit:
<br />Lot Three (3), Le Heights Fourth Subdivision, comprising a part of the East
<br />Half of the Northwest Quarter (E�5NWl!4) of Section Eleven (11) North, Range Ten
<br />(10), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The Addendum to the Mortgage attached hereto is incorporated herein and the
<br />covenants and agreements of the Addendum shall amend and supplement the covenants
<br />and agreements of this mortgage.
<br />The Rider to the mortgage attached hereto and exeucted of even date herewith are
<br />incorporated herein and the covenants and agreements of the rider shall amend and
<br />supplement the covenants and agreements to this mortgage.
<br />of the Sixth Principal \lcndtan. (.1,nuirrung In ;dl .icrt, according to l io.eln-
<br />nrcnt survcx
<br />C
<br />10 11 A's 'F ANI) I() Hot, 1) the prcmr,e, nhme described, with all the :,ppurtcnancc. thereunto heloneing and including
<br />all treating. plumhing and lighting fixtures and equipment n„w oI Iscreafter ate;,, hid io or used to connection with said real estate
<br />unto ahe \1 ongagcc. and to us successor, ;Ind as,lgns. Ioretcr the \t III te.leor rep rest: m, In. cast ct en;mt, with. the Mortca-
<br />gec, that the Mortgagor has cued right to sell and convey said premises. th;a ncc4 arc free from encumbrance: and that the
<br />Mortgagor will %arrant and defend the sadnc against the lawful slaters td all per ,lins whoni,ncscr.mid the ,aid Mortgagor here -
<br />hy rchoyuishes all rights of homestead. and all martial rights. either In It of In cqurtt. and all is! her conungcni interests of the
<br />Mortgagor in and ro the above- dcscrihcd pre ml,c,, the intention hentg t„ in, c•s her ehs an ab,olute title. nr fee simple. includ-
<br />ing all rights of homestead. and other right, and inlcresi, as afure,;ud is
<br />IIR( ll'1llFi1) AiAVAYS. and these present, are ex "ill cd amt it ch crell upon the fofloa mg condil!on,, Io is It
<br />The Mort ga� nr antes to pay to the Mortgagee ..r order the principal sum of FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND THREE
<br />HUNDRED AI,1D 0g/ 100 D'iflar, Iti 54, 300.00
<br />cclth interest thrill dais at the Tale ,)l NINE AND 80/100 111- ,Cillum 1 9.8 , I pct annum on
<br />the unpaid halant:e until paid The said pnncipad and interest shall he Pitt able m the office of NORWEST BANK OMAHA,
<br />In P.O. Sox 3408, Omaha, Nebraska 68103 . or ai such other place a, the holder „f
<br />the note may design;de in w riling. to nronlhly in,talhnum, of FIVE HUNDRED SIXTEEN AND b3/100
<br />Uollan r5 51(6� gg3 r. mnc'
<br />con3eing on the first day of
<br />September 11) 85. and on the first d;ty of each month thereafter trivial the pim%:ipol and in-
<br />Icresl aic fully paid, exceril that ills find paymem of princtpal .Ind micrc,r. If not sooner P,nd. shill! tic duc :,ad
<br />payable on the rust day of August 1, 2405 ,dl according to the lertns of a crS;nn piurm,
<br />ory rknc of c, en dale hercwlth cis cculcd ht the said \tnrte:tvm
<br />the %1 or gagor m order mine fully I 1 protect the scc irrn) of ,fit, \toil gaps, agrtc,
<br />1 that he wilt pay the Indchtcdnc,s, is hercinhcfort pro,uled Pnvdegc I, rc,cncd Io pa% the dchl Ili tviL,it, or Ili an
<br />arnount equal lit otte ut more nionlhly payrtienh on Idle prinup;d that ;ire nest dot I,it Inc tittle, on the lir•t d.n ,4 .In% ni, nth
<br />prior tit maturifiI Provicivit hulle,er. That wnllen mullet tit .,n nncnllnn to eves, Ise ,ucn pri,Ileve I, 571:etl .,I It-s,I the!'. I ;ill
<br />pru >r III prepavri -
<br />L rhat l"gethcr ulih. and In addition fit, the monthit [•.lament, of principil .Intl Inivic,t p,tlnlde mulct tat trn•a, III the
<br />rrt MC sc c:urra) hcrchs. Ilk• % rlc:Ignr oath pat Io the Mottg itwt un the ht,l let It :::, h nnaltn trn111 the salts note I, full, p.Ild. the
<br />tt,lll' ?Y III$! ,nor,
<br />Id) A;,, -,nt !,u!IICPt'IIt I:I I,fl,vile ter I-Idel hrrt _I'! will, funds I', I,,I, Elie I, -Al nl,nlr•ai:C ,I-Ildll .n.I.•. if .�
<br />ui,:lurnenl am! Ili,, nnlr ,.rt,,wd Iwo 1,c are ul,Ili — .I nuallhh ,_! -, rn h,11 ,r I. 1r ,,,,I
<br />n±tnr1llt thet ate f1clrl i,v for' S'tnYfty nl IdnnwU,) and I I IA II ,Icnt
<br />,IZi _r , i! 'slttn „rnl I1 „u•+ulr• A. t
<br />'. bill , . 1 I'll M01x 1M i, m�
<br />