85-- 0054' C
<br />Ii Lender required nxrtgage insurance as a condition of slaking The Iran secured hN fins set' kn,1111n1C111.
<br />Borrower ,hail pay the premiums required to nlafntaul the msur :nice ill effect unnl ,uch lime :t, llle requirement for file
<br />insurance tcrlllnlates In accordance with Bornmer's and Lender', written agreement or apphcablC lank
<br />H. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonahle entries upon and Inspections of file Propel Ienilcr
<br />,hall g,\ c Burrower notice a f t he time of or prior to an inspection specif} ing reasonable cause for the inspection
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of anc award or Maim for damages. direct or consequential. In Cnnnecil,ln uih
<br />any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Prnprrfy or for con\eyancc it lieu III enndenTlal loll. arC hcreh.
<br />a„IgIle'd and shall he paid to Lender
<br />In the C\Cllt of it Total Talking of rile Properly, Illc pmCecds ,hall be ipp11Cd 1,1 the ,urn, secured 1,y till, sc urM�
<br />ln,lnunent, whether or not then due, wmh any excess paid to florouer In the Clem 1st a parnal Iskrng (11 the I'Trprr'!v.
<br />little„ Borrower and Lender othCr%%isc agree ill \arcing, the ,um, secured he flits 1 lvcurity Insli times! ,hall he rC I:. ed h\
<br />the amount of the proceeds nullliplied by the follnwnlg fraction (a) the lout amoMnl "t file ,um, ,ecurrll Inirncdlal,.i1
<br />before the takmi-,. dr\ Ided he lh) The fair market .clue of the Property mmieL ;,icly hcfi,rc file taking. Xm h :,l.ul._ '•hall! l-
<br />paid to Borrower
<br />If the Property IN abandoned be Borrower, or If• aflrr nolj,:c h} I entice In Bon,n\Cr Slim tic condenur;,r 1,tier, 11,
<br />make an award or settle ri claim for damage,. Borrower lads to respond It 1 cndCr 1\ 1111111 30 11\s :Iflc- I hC d :ne , he
<br />e',n Cll. LCI1dCr 1, ;,111110r1 /Cd to c„ lleel and :,ppl\ rile plo,:eed,. al its option, e101C'1 11` ,1 rep:,ll- 1 `I i ill' Pr; ` cl II
<br />it) thesumssecuredh%thi,Sr'eunn Instrument. abriber„rnisithendue
<br />Lilt Lender and Borrower othemisc agree 1m wnntig, any application of ptocccd, to pnnClpai ,hall
<br />postpone the due date of the monilik payments referred t„ fn paragraphs I and -' r,I ; ilange III,- :!Iloun: ,1f ,il,h ra} mCnf,
<br />10. Borrower Not Released: Forbearance By Lender Not a %Naiver. I`xfr!ilwt' . f lite
<br />moditicanon of amot -Watson of the suns secured h} this Security II1,IrmllC:111
<br />intere,t of Borrower shall not operate I(, release the llahrlll) of the r.rlgmal Borrower or
<br />Lender shall not he required to commence proceedings against July successor Ill uuC r,l •Ir I-Cl ltile it, :;roc
<br />payment or otherwise modify amoill "allon of lhc,um, secured by Ihls ScCUr1T'. .ln,, d! 11J11 m :t,!t
<br />hg the original Borrower or Burr,,ller' ,successors nl Interest- Any lorhearanee by I ndur In . x� rl,ing.ur, rl�in , . ICrnai.
<br />,hall not he a walaer of or preclude The cxcicisc ,,fan\ right or rimed\
<br />11. Successors and Assigns Bourt Joint and Several Liability: Co- signer',. [tic :1,1 cnanl, .,n ; agrrrn :ellf. '!
<br />this Securite InsirumenT ,hill[ hind and henetit thc,uceev.or, and as„gn, 1'I Lender and 13, +rr, `vvc ^. ,ui,;cct !, ! hC peel 1, :, fr -.
<br />al paragraph l? Borrower', cnvCnants and igicellit „hall he pinu ,11111 acvcr:tl AI•. B,1rT11u rr :v111 :. - s1Cr1, 11711 �C.l lr.
<br />Instrument hilt does not execute file \ore till is i„ -,1 11!nL' Ill!, 1'r,!\ : .,.;lrrgaer. _'allf M /,i ,rlr.".
<br />that Borrower', Interest Ml the Properi} under the K1al,r1t till, 'SC_M ;I\ 11111 :ur1un1 li 11, u. i,er „`I;all. - Il,;r_atcd
<br />the ,11r11s secured h\ till, Se,urll\ In,trtnnenl. MILT (e) MgI(-C, rhul i 1-.!_1Cf ..'114 !lll: lirlT1 "•err 111.1
<br />modif,, forbear or make an\ :u inunodauons Will regard I- the Irtrli,,,I I„•, tie, ,• In,ul1.1cill , 1 the \1•I. ,\1111,11 :e
<br />'
<br />That BurnlwG "', COnnenl.
<br />12. Loan Charges. If the loan ,ecurcci h\ Th1, Src;;nt Ir.,lrun;Cnt 1s ,uh!CCt '.1 .! .:n+ w bl :h x'1'1 m.lUnn lM L",in
<br />i mrge%, and that lau is f111<lll \ Il lierpt-cied No that the Inlclosi .•Ther l,lati - h.,r_e, .,-- 1ilc• :icd ,,r r.` he ..':le.'':t ..,
<br />,onnection \vlth the loan exceed the permitted Inn u, 'hen 111 \ "I Ch ,. 1 •h ell !,r r , ' ',• ..• ,.
<br />TICCCS,ary !o redux the ,charge To the: permntrd 111I)II and (. , Al ...7 .. .. 1;. -:t „! I .111 lira r .\. 7- ..! , _.,, .,
<br />per7111TICd Ilrnll, will he refunded I„ Borrower I Cn,irr M1'I :h.`.',. . ,. .,.,. ..., .: +`: n.i !,\ ! 1!lillt`_' IhC j'I Ur. li'.fi '.\.,:
<br />Miller the Anfc,ir by I1laklnL a kit rCCI pay III C111 11 e0TT „w er 1: j ICItIII d r,,luce, I'rI I; ip,tl. tic I "C'd tl C!I111, yC!li ht ,rc.:ir,! I, -:
<br />Ilarii.il prepa} men wuhiuI an\ prepa\ men ; hllrLe under I hC \oft -
<br />13. Legislation Affecting Lender', Rights. it rnarinlrn • . ; 11:1!1,`!; •,t aft hC,,hlr la \\s h:,, Ihr .!L':1 .
<br />rendering one prrnnu,n rf the Aate I,r fill, ticcunty In,vunx•nt 1.,nrinvcra,!,� ..�. ...• � I,� �,., lrnv,. I cnd.'1...1 .. •�1�1,1 ..
<br />ir1:11 rCUlll rl' imnled laid p., \ell e'lll In 11111 ,1( all ,inn, „'C IIICd h>, Ili;• sc,1111i\ Ir :,71 Il mC"1! :Ind llix. II;, -•�1' :III''. :IIL',llt,
<br />pernnned h} paragraph i`) If Lender exercise, flit, opn„li. I ender'hill! (AL the,ICp, y,rcltied n', oil. ,rr,a!;1 i'.1 �r.,ph .•I
<br />pa t :lLCap,l 17
<br />13. Notices. .'\If% nllti,c 1„ B„f'r1,w Cr pit, \Id"d 1,1T 1111111, Ntc,
<br />Itl;nlnng II by first class mall limes, applicable Ian\ ICyultc, (I,,- ,I Tl,r :111.;! rhC n1'11tt ,!,.,ii i`C
<br />Proper[v Address or' all} other address Borrower dc,lvTla(e, hx 11„11,c L, I„nCC 1.. ixild Cf ,i1a11 I,l' � ,.fl 1 -v
<br />,list class maul to lender', address sided herein I,I art} other addrC„ 1 I !,v 11„ tltc t,` Bo! 11r%t ! 111;
<br />provided hnr m the Secut'Ite Instrument ,11;111 he deemed to ha\c hccn :11,,,11 1., 81,1! „w r• . ! 1 cndrr o wit ;cn cn .I, ;; ,``.lit :.i
<br />nl Ili, paragraph.
<br />15. Governing Law: Selterabilify. fills Serum\ I11,tiumlell seal! ! ., 1, .. 1 ,Ice l! L1,\ .;r.1! ...
<br />rurfsdhclum Ili which lilt Pnlpert} Is 10-11Cd Ill file C\Cnl Ihlu .M 1. pr „\nl, n ,,, . 1,I111C 111 lids "1'1111;!\ Ie,lll :x,11111 ,,.
<br />\Clio conthcl, with appl,cahlC law. ,uch 1I1I11l,Ct ,Mali nil .dhCif „ Ihc1 pr,1\n1 „n, • . 'lilt, �cclu : :•. 11nul : :n..1u 1`l ;.r \, .1
<br />whieh.all he glxctl etl,',t wlth„ul the Conflicllllg pll'I. 1,j ll In lilt, Cad ITC hr., I,Irr,,`I li— \•,11111\ I1„1!'.I
<br />\,ll C•.tl'C dCCI:IrCd I„ hl' ,e\el:lhl,'
<br />16. Borrower's Copy. 11-1--1 ,h;,ll I, !-1l1l”, , Il;lnnr,i.�•hn _. A, 1. ,11,: 'I 1111. x,.11111, 1 ";nnl`1 it
<br />17. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial interest in Borrower. If ail ,`! .1:1\ pail t'l the I'11'prtl\ •,l ill,
<br />nlicte,t Hill 1„nld 1,r Iiall,f e'rrel.f Iii if 11 hoall'hClal IIIIe•R•,I 111 B„rrl lAI Cr i ,old „t I i.III•.I l'I I cal .111;1 111,111,1v,[ :, 11,1 .1 !1.,1 lIl.11
<br />Pelson? wnhnut I CntICC', prior %Ilmien "'llwilt, L,milul man_ ..11 u, 1y,Il,a,, 71,ln;l1 tnnnr,il,,T;' p.:v nucnt ro "ail 1 .Ili ,u,m
<br />ucurcd h} till, SCC'lll'lly 111ITTIM1CI11 HIMOCI. tins ipu,al ,hell n;v nc rxr:•.•.c,! I :ndrl 11 .Cl.l „- •ill!,rc,l '
<br />federal iaA a,,,t tit' dale of This sl'.Mrll\ 111,11 11111TH
<br />It Lender exCf CI,C', flits "pilllrl, Lc11LTCl,hall CI \e H,111,•\l,'I
<br />„t 11„t Icss illim {I) da\, f I "om (he 41114' 111C not)". 1, deh \el'Cd ;,t 111.IIIC,! a If hill 1\ 1111 h K it 1, \k. 1:111,1 1,.11 ,Ili "1111,,
<br />!111, SCi nClti 1fl,trnnlClli IIB„fr „u e'1' Tall, l„ 11'.11 (hl,C',Il!ll, pflit 11. The t".pir:Ill ll 1 till, ;`;'11.1,1. i !'11, 1,'I 111.1A it 1j,C !I!
<br />ICltledle,pI.-milifed tl\ rill, `l :C'I1111\ Ifl,l f11I111'lll u'llllmll fllflher ell 1,11• -,Teel l'II `It 17,111 u;'!
<br />18, Borrower's Right to Reinstate. II lh,rr 1. \ll ( •noel, .LII:II11 li •111 \, f .. 11.1!l h”" lilt hl 111 „'
<br />'
<br />C:IC IIlf "nt 1 Ihl, `;,. 11 1. 111,1c•III dl,' ,II IIlllcd ,I II\ IIt1 l ! '1 1' ,ill ! •. .. I 11 1
<br />Ilm C 1 IIfl,
<br />N
<br />L 1,1 II 11,10 tau Iflw% ,l 411.1, I C'I'I,Llll ell ell 1,cT, lilt
<br />`
<br />'le -ill I'. Irl,Ir m'.111. -I (1111 "III ,I 11 Ill,h. 11 -111 -11 11;,", hil,
<br />1 "r`d,'1 .111 '•1111{. ill, I,h 'hl'I, \\„Illll l ,. 1 I,1,'I 11 \„ t, 1' 11 1. , , . 1
<br />�'
<br />it, it •' III 1. r, It'\ I1 '1 , I 1 fit it
<br />-I`
<br />�t
<br />�,.- 11111'. III'. Ill 1'111 'I1 Il,f111, I, II II.,I 1111111 tf I 1 11•II.II .11,111 t .�. , .,
<br />LLn
<br />t "11!,' II1"l 1.t 11 ,1 1hl•, tit. ..1 ', I. ,I111•'•i I 1... - I,. ,,
<br />k11"(„ '11• I'. 'il'., I`\ llll.
<br />,.i!I ..
<br />it
<br />