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60-0050.6 <br />UNIPORNI0Wr IVAyIS- Borrower.indl_eudercmenantand., rcc,!,I',iL,vv, <br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest, Prepayment and late Charges. limn,\ +,: ,h:Ill nl,,n!hII\ pies <br />the principal of and fit Icrest on the dehl c•\ulenced by the Notc.aid any nrcpay nlcnt and I;uc il,.0 ".!r, duc une;ri !hc \::I: <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Suhlrcl tnapphiablc I;n\ „r l0a \,r! urn \\:inert•. L'cndv :. 13, +rr: \\r. ,h.," <br />to Lender on the dac monthly p;gment arc duc under the Now. 1111111 Ihc S„ It, I, nand M full.:, ,till' 1 1 1,11,1, ", , :;u.,l. : <br />oe- I\velfth of: (a) yearly taxes and axcssntcnt which m:t\ attlim nrwru De <br />\ er rill. St Ir <br />1111\ ,,r mien!" Ih! <br />lneasehold payments or ground rent, on the Property. It ally, (:i ),•ail\ ha /ard nluu ll,c pit :nuum'. w;; "t <br />mortgage insurance premiums, If;uly. These item, :n'e called ••c•siio\+ arm, * I rndcr ma_\ r,tnn.uc Ihr f "and, dtic :, , !!!r <br />bash, of current data and rrasttnahle eslinuue, elf future curow items. <br />The Fund, shall he held in art institution the deposits or aciru ITT „d\%h, :h are nl,ured :,r : u;!r.wIcc,; <br />state agency (including Lender f]' Lender is such an insutulforr) ( rndcr ,hall apply The Fund, I„ pa\ Ihr ,ri „',+ !tell]' <br />Lender may not charge for holding and applving the Funds, analy ring the :lccollnt or \cnfwig the e•,rnm ucm,. ureic„ <br />Lender pays Burrower interest (Ill [lie Funds and applicahl'. law permit, Lender to make such a - h.oLC. Fit,nnv+cr ;u](] <br />Lender may agree fit w "riling that interest shall he paid 011 the FI rid, I Ills„ an A1!IeCtllellt I, nl,ide of apph :;,lo C ia\\ <br />requires interest to be paid. Lender ,hall not he require•.! u, nav Bnrnnver .11111 11tic•ic,t .,r eannm�„ :'a1 life Fund, 1 en,1.r <br />%hall give ill Borrower, without Chargc.:ill Annual acc0unung 01:01C Fllllds,h „vvIIIL I ll dal, and &h :l, It,, The I ur:i- .Iasi ;h: <br />purpose for \,hlch each dehlt to Ihc Funt]s +ra% made• "i he• Fund, are nledgcd as :,dd :u„n;,i ,warn\ for ill,: ,um, ,r: :;,'•.i l,\ <br />Illi%Securft instrument. <br />if the ;um,unl of the Fund, held hy” Lender, together v11th the lufurc monthly Fund, <br />payments ,!f n,�..,hle nm•T !, <br />the due dates of the escrow nests. ,hall exceed the :unount required Io pay the cscrn \\ nrnl, \\hen due. Ills •.7\:,„ ,ilal; list,. <br />at Borrower's option, either pnttnplly repaid to Borrower or credited lo, :,rl iolmilik ; ay tnr!'.t, !,t I :, ;,!. 1; 'he <br />amount ufthr 1 und, held by Lender I, not sufli. lent to sae the Cscro\\" sari, w licit due. Borer, wrr'h.,ll !,:I% I:'. I . r,icr ur. <br />:!mount necessal\ In slake ill, the detfciency lit one or morn naymrnr ; s requlrrd by I- C!1dri <br />Upon payment !n full )f all sums,ccurecl by this Scrum iltsll'IITI1CI11. i.cndrr ,h:!Il nr;,trinli\ <br />MIN Ponds held by LCllller lit under paragraph 11) the Proplem is solid or acqurrcd in Lender. I :!Id,-T ,h:!l! ;I!, i. <br />than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or It acquMINill il\ l.endrr.:!M I ",Ind, <br />'this <br />application as a Credit against the 1111111 WCnred h% Seiurl!_\ III ,(rLIT ne 111 <br />3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable law pro\ides othcrwlsc. :!!I loaymrnl, rcir,\r.i ',\ l .n.tCr :::,,1: <br />paragraphs i and 2 shall he applied: first. In late charges duc under the 'Vole• second. T;% prep,\ nest :hark', due <br />Note. third, to amounts pay ahlc under paragraph '_: fourth, to interest duc. and last. In prinnpal ,file <br />4. Charges; liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, a,sessmcnt,, ih;trgc,, fine•, and <br />Property which ma\ allain priority over this Security hi,uumcnt. :!rid Ica,ehofd pa\nlcnl, .,r from,! r,:nf,. 11 .,n•. <br />Borrower shall pay these ohlrgallnn, ill the manner pro%uted fit paragraph _, :,r it n,,! nand In than manner. fir:; r., \, cr ,hall <br />pay them on time dlrecth fit the person owed pay "men( Borro\ccr shall prom; tic I;lrm,h !, I Alder all none., OfI,ninon!, <br />to he paid under [his paragraph If Borrower makes ihc,c payment, d!rcc!!y. Borrow "cr Omil nr.,mplly iurw,h r„ I emlCr <br />receipts evidencing the payment <br />Horrwcer shall promptly dnrfn:ugc any hen which h:n prlont o\cr Till, SC,tlr!r`. In,uument wiles- fioiromci r,I, <br />agrees fit writing to (he payment of the ohllgat inn secured h\ the hell Ill a nlanncr:!cicp rahh• I,, Lender, Ihl rnlle,I, Ill a„ud <br />faith the hen by. or deti•nds against enforcement of Ihc licit fit. legal procecdoies \\4n,IT tin Ihc I rn :fcr', ,,;,111!011 "FiCrITC i',, <br />prevenl the enforcement of the he•n or forfeiture of artv part of Ihc Property: or (c) ,e, 'a r, !runt Ihr holder :,f Mc hen at,. <br />agreement satisfactory to I_e•ndcr sohordinarng life licit In this Secuni\ ImTrm i If f vn :ire dclCrinff,e, !flat :u\ t,,,!1 .'( <br />the Property I, uhjeci to a hen which pnont ocr Ihls .Sc,mw. in,trimici!r. 1 <br />notice Identifying the Iles. Born,wrr shall rail,(\ Ihc Iles or take one nr nu,lc,,! !hr a. : :,a11 ,r! I,!Ih .,i.;.\,'u;!i,' :r. ,! , <br />of the• grving of notice. <br />5. Hazard Insurance. Borrower shall keep the nnpr,\rn,,_::;, now c\unnL :,l hcrc.,ticr erectr,i :m The 1't,, nc:l•, <br />Insured ag:unst loss by tire. hal;Ird, IIIClUded +enlilt) the Ie•rnl •'e.stcndcd:o\Cld! C AIld .In\ :,t[ICY he;.i7 i, t "„1 ski ::,':: I eIt,11'I <br />requires irtnranoc. This Insurance shall he m alwalrled Ili Ille' .i II1 Crt!n 1, and fair !fir pv!ln,!, illel I c•ndrr' !, ;Lure, Ill, <br />Insurance carrier providing the In,ur,!nce shall he chosen by Bwiowcr ,tihIcct ?„ I rndcr', ep!,r „v, :i yvfilch ,hail :, : , <br />unreasonabl\ withheld <br />All Insurance policies and renewals ,hall he aereplahlr to Lender and ,hal; <br />Lender shall ha\e the right tr hold Ihc policies and renewal, if Lrlder rcqu!res- IiorT, :wrr ,h:,li mn!I_. ; <br />1,1: !\: 1C <br />all I'MCIptaf pald prerl mans and rerle•wal notices. if, the e\,:nl „1 I, IS,. Hi,rr,\\rr ,h;111 •!! \r •il:r is <br />nr„rnt'! !i ": 'h: �!�;; i.::;, :. <br />career and Lender Lender rimy make pnxof of loss if not made promptly by liorm e, <br />Unless Lender and Bon'owcn +therwrse agl'ce fit wrung. insuranic proceed, sh;t11 hr.!l,l,hcei I:, re,Inl „r...! •,r <br />: :u r;'•, <br />of the Properly damaged. tf the restoration or repair a econurnlcalh Iea,lhlc,roll I cnlir!'• ..,,ru\ n;,! It, „roc,! Ihc <br />restoration or repair is not economically feasible nr Lender', ,ccurl!y would tic Icslcnrd. Ihc ;nsltrar!.c nr„:ccd1 11:.:11 br <br />applied ill the sums secured by this Sccurily Instrument, whether ur not Ihcn duc. with any c,cc„ !„ 13„In•wrr If <br />n:u,i <br />Borrower abandons the Property, or duc% not answer within ?O dav% a notice from I rndcr Ilia! Th.'. II1,I1rIII,. ',a, <br />Gllr11'r <br />offered to settle a claim, then Lender slay collect the Insur "alter proceeds. Lender m.o u,c Ow nn,rrrds !,. enan .n Ir11:,n <br />the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrunle•ut. MICthtr or 11„1 ihcn ,fur I hr Ian nin:,d will h,:_:!I <br />w "hcn the notice t given. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree nl wrung. arty :u+phr111,m ,,! ;,r:,,,.•d, ., , ru:, ";sash 111.,11 ,I,'I r\trn,! . : <br />posiponetheducdatcot the monthly paynleot referred to of Para }:I.Iphs ! .11:,n :hr :nn „11111 .,t hi n :nnlin!. 11 <br />under paragraph 1c) the Propene is acquired by Lender. Borrower', 1Iglu I ' .In\ nl,ul.u! ;,;•: , , , .ill,! pi---d' ,.!:,lac <br />from damage to Ihc Property prior Io Ihc acquisition shall pas, t„ I rndcr I,, r hr : v; nl d I l ,111:1, sr, ill,,I r,v sr,�ur �, :• <br />I list runlcnl inttncdiately prior t o t tic acgmsitloll <br />6. Preservation and Maintenance of Property " - Leaseholds. Hot,! „w: r ,ha!! 11:11 d,,1T:,\ 11.o,l.,c, : out „rinn.,ll\ <br />change the Property. allow life Property to deieru,r:uc or conunu waste 11 !hI, `s,. :MI\ Inlrlu!nrnl 11,1!1 , <br />Borrower shall cornpl} with Ihc provtlon, of Ihc leas, and It Borrower ,I„ (uur, Irr Ill!,. :,, Ihc Pt,,r,'TT \. tit\• I,'.I,chold <br />,ill.i <br />fee title shall sat merge little,% Lender agrees In Ihc roarer In \s none. <br />7. Protection of Lender's Rights in the Property; Mortgage insurance. If liar - „\\, r !:Iii, I., nrrl,lrm the <br />covenant and agrevinc•nl, contained Ill fill, Secllrly Irl'Irllllictil- o1 ther,•,1.1 11 ''.d ;4, ,rcdm 111"T ',.t\ ,wmli'milk ,,air,! <br />Lender% rights in file Property (-,licit as a piocec(llnv In h;ulknlpli\. pn,i,atr. : :,1 ,ondcnul,nl,n! *r 1,, enl,,rir !;o\, .,I <br />regulations), then Lender slay do and par lair \vhaw%vr I% necessary to protr, "I Ihc \.flue of Ihr I'r :yn II\ ;111,1 I rndvr'1 Ilrh! . <br />nt the Property. Lender's actions Illm lilt ludo pay lit)! any ',urn,'c,'urrd I,,. ., ales \hlih h:1, nn. u!I\ ,,\n Ih11 ties <br />Inslroment appearing Ill cool I, lm flip Ico,onahle fees <br />altorllt•1,' ;lilt] ,filet 111E on Ihr PT„In II\ 1,� rlLlkc r,•nall, 11 IT, ,!wit <br />I I.ender nt ra take 3011111 under rhos par IEr,lph '. i volley dov, t, ! ten r Ill I,, <br />Anv antuuul' dlshurscd by I ender under the. 1 u 1;•t, "!net '11,01 tier ,n, 0,1101 111.11 !, I,+ ,I It'll., \, I! ,I I , I h', <br />�•( <br />Seem ilg Insfnunrnf I'ntr•s, Borrower and I rnorl wit I:,,,Ih r tern„ ,t nivmcr l I ,, :11 .1! ! u '! :,! <br />r`t <br />_ <br />fhc dale of cbshur,cnu.'nl al Ihr ti:,IC ,air .old '.11.,11 I, 1.— 11'1, <br />�e�,� <br />rcyurshn(! papmrnl <br />