<br />payment of more interest than the law permits, then you will onlv have the rigRt in col!rct from me the amount of m[eresi which the law allows. you to collect.
<br />COMPt.F.TF.NESS OFTHiS CONTRACT: This contract can oniv he changed if both you and I agree in writing.
<br />The following notice hrmpg to nn attention the rights than I have even when this contract is sold tit a financial institution or a bank, and 1 should notice that the impor-
<br />tameof this provision is stressed by its appearance in ten point, hold face type:
<br />NOTICE 85—_ 004832
<br />This credit contract finances a purchase. All legal rights which the Buyer has against the Seller arising
<br />out of this transaction, including all claims and defenses, are also valid against any holder of this contract.
<br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision Is limited to the amount paid by the buyer
<br />under this contract.
<br />A claim is a legally valid mason for suing the Seller. A defense Is a legally valid reason for not paying
<br />the Seller. A holler Is anyone trying to collect for the purchase.
<br />11"URANCE CANCELLATION: If f have requested insurance in this purchase. I rnav cancel such request for insurance for any reason within fifteen (15) days from the
<br />dW of this contract by notifying you or the holder of this contract in writing, i know thai the cancellation of my coverage wilf ire arranged with ft insurance carrier(s) and
<br />a full refund of my premiums) together with applicable finance charge will be credited to this contract.
<br />PLEASF. MOTE: If t have requested insurance in this {purchase. t will receive within thin 1301 days a certificate of insurance more fully, describing the insurance coverage.
<br />i know that if there is all) connut in the coverage or the language of the certificate or insurance and the following Notice of Proposed Insurance that i am covered only to
<br />the extent stated in the fnll ow•ing Notice of Proposed lnsuram :e Ials o know that Iluoc insurance coverage onl yitlhave been charged forit.
<br />I take nonce that either Credir 1-de or Credit .Accident and Health Insurance. or both. will be applicable to this Sales Contract on the reverse side only if 1 have chosen
<br />it by signing the request for such insurance. This insurance will only cover the person signing the request at the cost for each type of insurance shown. Subject to ec epta
<br />by the insurance company, fix insurance will be effective as of uxtay and will continue only tier the number of months after the effective date equal to the number f
<br />monthly payrnenty. 1 understand that this particular insurance may not provide coverage for my last few pacments, and that during that period of time 1 will not have any
<br />insurance coverage .411 benefits and proceeds of the insurance will he Laid to you or to a financial institution or a hank if it purchases five Sales Contract to the extent of to
<br />interests and any halance will be payable to me. The initial amount of Credit life Insurance is the amount required to reppay, the Total of Payments: thereafter. the insurance
<br />decreases by the amount of each monthly pay ment on a scheduled 30 day h sis. If I am loindy obligate, on the Sales Qmtraci with a Co- Buyer, and we have bath signed
<br />the mqueu for Credit Life Insurance, death benefits will he payable onh w ith respect to the first one of us to die. Subject to exclusions, eliminations or waiting period stated
<br />in the insurance policy or certificate. Credit Accident and Health Insurance is for the benefit amount of I � 30th of each month's payment foreach day that I am totally disabled
<br />due to an injury or sickness while 1 owe ,my payment to you: however. 1 understand that I have to be resented from working due to such total disability for more than four-
<br />teen t 14) consecutive days before the insurance benefit is paid back to the tint day nt my total disabilm . 1 also know that I cannot obtain any insurance from you if I
<br />stn orer fi years rtf age today, and I also ktaw that the insurance coverage prnvfrkd to me may runtain a maximum amtwnt of rnverttge whkh will ta!t paT in angle
<br />lases, tAe entire rtmtraM that [owe sou. Due to the maximum artwuut of coyerro stated in the insurance policy. 1 know that any unpa d amount in excess of the insurance
<br />,overage will still have to t>e 1paid. If the Satre Contract is prepaid to lull pnnr to the last pay, ntrrt date, am unearned insurance premiums will t+e refunded to me in the man-
<br />ner prescribed by law. Within thirty iii) days, !will receive the certitieatr r+f insurance nwre fully dcecnMnc my insurance coverage. if the insurance is not :acttpied by
<br />die ,, nurance axnpart ,iwilt rec eivearefundof the insurance premiums I hale pat,
<br />NUVER: The next iwoparagraphs contain warranties relative to this .ale go to by us to the financ al insutunon or hank to order for it io buy this contract.
<br />FOR FALFF RECEIVED. Seller hereby w1k, asst ms. conveys. transfers and delivers t +�' - --
<br />( Assignee) all of its rights, title and interest in and to the installment Sales Contract and Mortgage. together with all hams ex sting to secure s paymen and the pmperty
<br />encumbered hembi Assignee a hereby subsu[utnl as Mongagee under the % ort);agc pnnvsions - t this contract. Seller warrants and repro es: (1 fit has the right to make
<br />this assignment: i r) .411 statements and figure, in this- contra: i and ;n the Huyer's statement arc matrrtalIN true and rorrcct, (3) This contract arose from the bona fide sale
<br />of the goads and sery ices described hrrem. id) The soh downpayvent shown in thus contract was actua!1\ paid by Buyer and no pan of said downpayrnent was loaned di-
<br />roctiv:a imlirecih t+y Sic 11C.- to Boger. i 5, E:a:h Huvei is legall y cemprtent to contra,, (6r ('his cc n,raa is not and will not be subject to any claim, defense, demand or right
<br />of offset: 17, The -el •, oo n cif thas cont r& t and tlx: unduly rig ales trausac urn pi ,me n se thercu. did mm v ifikim amv federal or state law, directive. rule or regulation now
<br />in effect, 1R) In the riem that this a.Mra t or the under!) ref sates trans tin n is suhie t it % .. right a: reacts. ion ;,r ,ancellauon M the Buver.such rescission or caocella•
<br />! icnpen< xlhasexpirrdanatnrt :hrrthe.alcro.rdu ,,. ova : :y�asfseenaancrll,d,.rrescm,ed THIS CONTRACT IS SOLD BY SELLER WITHOUTRECOURSE.
<br />IN 11 -,S iIM4 IN R HI RE.Of`. rite undi,m06 Jyl,�y.su ih riled rcpr • . c ,,t the Sail :r and has signed he w :,n hnalf of the Seller tin this
<br />dav of
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