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85-- 004832 ' }1�1iTIONAL TERMS <br />PREPAYME \T AND ACCRUAL OF THE FINANCE CHARG F: E, en Though t do nnl h:oc u, p :n on,rr dun d e racular ,. hrdulyd nunuhly pa %mein I h y �i e light <br />m prepay the whole amount ow ing to ))ou in full at and liner ur in pan Irons lime to some If rile I .sod n insulin um „U hank Ih,n hay s I, Con 9 a ompute, the I monc'e. charge <br />dmly, t know my, finance chatge w ill be less if i'rake an earl% payment. and it wi!1 fir. higher it I p or Ixte: 1 .aso rccocriI a tier arty I •%sort idIu: tment to nix tom finance <br />r charge will he reflected to lily 7inal hill: 1 also know that the amounts shown (fit tine reserse side for the fmance Charge. 1 IL11 of Payment., and the Total Sale Price are esti- <br />mate, based on the assumption that you will receive each of tM: layntents evadh on 'I% due date: and I know drat there x ill be nn refund it'[ prepay because there is nothing <br />to refund if I am charged on a dail basis. If the lending institution or hank dots not Compose the f inance charge dally, and If I prepay tine whole amount. you will refund <br />III me the unearned portion of the fmance charge !interest) by the accounting procedure known as the actuarial inethodL and the amount of m% rehale will hr figured on the <br />scheduled dales and amounts of my movable pay risen( and not on the actual dams and amount, of-the prepayments that I pay to you. I know that a refund of less than $1.(N) <br />- will not be made. <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />MERCHANTA- <br />BILITY AND FITNESS FOR AEPARTI DISCLAIM <br />LAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SS SEL ERAFUR- <br />NISWES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />Uhl I have re d. in derail, the separate "It - YI :AR 1-I \111*171) WARR AN rI a loch. if nta le •,ccdmpanies this contort. It espiam%the conditions and circumstances <br />m which the manufactured pnulucl% willhe repaired orreplaced. I take noticeof rile I too itatinn s if) the ,arramy and Iparmcularf% recognize that an yimpliedwarrantywhich <br />appfiestothega sassnnlyislongs ,rheu,,rrertyorsenicec,.nuacr. <br />ic) 1 have read, in derail. [hc p r Yc -1 1mr I'm INS l ALLAI IOV \f: \RRAN'f) •.ai :rc!r. :f made. zccnntpanre, chi, comrac!. it explains the conditions and co- <br />cumstances in which the installation, the si tiny vill he red the 1 tike n soda C,rf the Innn:uions nu Ihr uananry. and 1 p:omcula[ly recognize that any implied warrant which <br />applies u, the iitsaHatimn asP nn y < I „nz a, the warrants nr ,e n ra c am,r,m <br />SPECIAI.-ORDF.R GOODS: I kit w !h a you h , e mea,urrd my If, oj,,c.,jUj I U, upennn so Thal v u ­11 n,;ik; rile I'll du,ts To Iii m% man wular house. I take notice that the <br />goods that are manufactured for mt 1 r vt hid r pu,1?ably .sail soul fa m - rh r h , in !and +ugh ; n for n:, I k t u the[ I cannot case ! This contriwt at any time <br />after the period of time given it!a,- n: •a hie hu, cant)•!. \!ICU tha !_ea!Ix rend .. ville.If•nnw dull he the oblig :,inn to pap you lit full the amount Docile <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPER 1 Y INSI R ►N(E AND 11Y REAL ES f \TE: I I rronn to keep sore housC in opal repair and to keep it insured for <br />at leas[ fHNb a (us replacement value F,s f litmp tiro .mil cvur c 1 .ter , +c rmurante pohc) T'he m,urmr, unnp.uUN sow.. be,q,prov ed by you. and the policy must base <br />a henefiriarl I tu. c. which says Ih.n t- a .r c r, tic paid it the r ..i I-, I h. n uratwc .onpain mu,I ap.rce that ;I wrf! n r - ,anu•i n , polity xifhuul lirst [elhne you. I au- <br />thorize the insurance ;nm[[oast to pat i directly I "r am I ) 'It! t1o,11v r• u. a 01-1-Trallce I ,n nx•nt Ioe•ither repay :tin aoi' is I owe you or to repair my house <br />I have tine ('[trim of prof .dine prope n n, tit sigh In x- I' .e p I , y or !b...UVh po!ict and •penile 11111 oho.used :•nd peed i,,: fy r r . '. I of a promise that f will not <br />allow anyone else Io pil r any hen, oi• nnv oral s IC w nhui ! ur vnnen pc r•m „inn 1 1 1) lose rr+pan all ten,•, .issessmrnts .u'd ndter charges on m% read estate when <br />duce 3. 1 promise to umety make all paw went, i r ), Prior 1 art tine ci by Inv real e,!ak. 1.0- prnmr,e that I ,I] roll .set sod. rcnru or Chang pre o r loans without ys,ur <br />canners pemtissien- It I do nor in urc• nn hi u . or 1111101 m, oilier oMfif u n ❑.. nn oral rsi:uc, cf :en sou -ndoil i r m ;f tow w an[ r but you do nol Hoye tni. Ii gnu da <br />)any, of these obligati ns fill life. I agree to fin t w hack nn dcuund plu, m!cre,t :n nc, hrohev 1 ovfui cot lit uveresr I. ntil I ; +ay you hark, tux er:nr?unts will <br />or lia il- i my debt it, you which r, ,r :,red ht r „t n al as na and house ! kilo, !hat d t„u decide to lint in,ur,tvs Inn me riled s nu sin u•,r hart co ohtam any hoincowner <br />orhahiDit imufaoc. <br />SALE (IF MHOUSE:I promise nor Ireself.1e; ,:urertrcuthno,eIn.,UN r;nnrIhet,lui!t',paidnr . debtI, t••a <br />DEFAULT: I will be in default under this contract if: <br />I . 1 don't make a payment when due: or <br />2. 1 break any promise I made W yew in thtscuntrac t; or <br />?. Something else happens which causes you to believe m god lash that I do not intend 10 pay you as promised, or <br />J, f default On any obligations for which I ant using illy home as collateraL or <br />5. Somelhing happens to my house which threatens your rights, if any. in or. <br />IF I AIM IN DEFAULT: I understand that you have the right to t:,redose the Morigage I hive given sot you and have my house sold w repay any amounts 1 owe you if 1 <br />am is default under this contract Before tin Muse is sold, you will do e%mthing that the law require... Ifyou hire an auurnev to assist you to sell mq house, or. W stye tire. <br />or. to prolisct your rights. 1 agree to pay you for your reasonable attorneys' fees and for other related expenses Such as Cron costs, title searches attd money you expended <br />W Pnnect my boric. if you are allowed W col;ect such antounts bylaw, <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose ma toenfixce any oa. the rights under this contract as often as we want without losing them_ ()T, wr can delay enforcing any of the rights <br />without losing them. We can alma use any tights raw or u) the future green W us by Law. <br />DELAYS: f know that you will use your test efforts it, install the products I am purrhasbtg on nn house. but I also understand that m some situations you may encounter <br />delays that are caused As• strikes. weather conditions, delays you hate in obtaining nitersid,. or for ,.liter reasons that air heyond your control. I understand that you will <br />mottle liable forsuch delays. <br />AREITRATION: It I have a dispute in charm with you concerning the quarni s, quality or perfitmtance of the pndducts. I understand that my dispute may he submitted to <br />and settled according to the medfiation- arbitration program that may have developed u) lily community 1 aho know that any decismil made by an atbitratttr(s) would be er.- <br />tested in the corset having jurisdiction uver me and you. <br />SAI.YAGE FALL F.: I know that the wrndo,, u,vkiuork. .,,I ne t 4 au,i ,.!her mater ?,l, lh.,t hesv To nc I, ,i by soli I+ r tilt•. mslahanon have NO salvage value. <br />When you renhi%c dent. you: am have them for , n ueser pup ,.,e s,v <br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Due to the uniqueness cif some of the products that you sell. I understand that in special situations that your Regional Office may haw to review <br />and accept this contract. I also understand that this sale occurred ru my Mtrnte and that you and I may not have had all the correct information impnnanf W this transaction <br />at:nu fingertips; I give you my consent to correct arty obvious errors thin nw) have occurred when the blanks m this contract were completed. <br />WVALIi1 IaRAYI.pOhc: Ifenv nrravieinm of bn< rnnda,.r v„uyr•s ahwlow wnddi nn.r.imm�yM- rile ear r,v rte.. � ..or...�o .,,lit s,. ,..6.1 If „., .,,.. „reds: . ...............:.,... <br />I <br />.i f. <br />u91 <br />4 <br />___.J <br />