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004603 , <br />ADDITIONAL TERMS s <br />PREPAYMENT AND ACCRUAL OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: Ben though 1 do not have m pay more than the regular wheduled monthly payment. I have the right <br />to prepay the whole amount owing to y)ou in full at any time or in pan from time to tune. it the lending in+tit Linn or bank taut huys my contract computes the finance cl�rge <br />daily. I know my finance char �e will be less if I make an early payment and it will he higher it 1 pay late: I also recognize that any necessary adjustment to my total finance <br />�. charge will be reflected in my trial hill; I also know that the amounts shown on the reverse side for the Finance Charge. Total of ijayments. and the TMaI Sale Price areemi• <br />mates based on the assumption that you will receive each of the payments exactly on its due date: and 1 know that them will be no refund if 1 prepay because there is nods' <br />ut refund if 1 am charged on a daily basis. if the icoding institution or bank does not compute the finance charge daily. and if 1 prepay the whole amount. you will refund <br />to me the uneamad ponten of the finance charge (interest) by the accounting procedure known as the actuarial method; ar <br />will net M the amount of my rebate will he figured on the <br />scheduled dales and amounts of my monthly payment and mac on the actual dates and amounts of the prepayments that 1 Tray to yew. I know that a refund of less than $1 .00 <br />be made. <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />We as SELLER HEY DISCLAIM AND FITNESS FOR AAPPARTICULAR PULRPOSE ON ALL GOODS EXPRESSED <br />ND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FA- <br />NISHSa BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE, BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, iF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />(h) I have read. in dead. the separate "10-YEAR 1.1\lITED WARRANT) "' which. if madc. accompanies 11 is contract it explains thectnditiomc and circumstances <br />in which ll icmaoufuturedproduciswdlherepairedorreplaced. I take m, trceofthelionitauonson the warranty. and l particularly recognizethat anyirtprliedwtrc mwbiefi <br />applies totheg s a s onlyas long as rite w •arrantyorserriceavntracr. <br />(c) 1 have read. in detail, the separate " LIMITED INSTALLATION WARRANTY- which. if made, accompanies this contract. it explains the conditions and cir- <br />cumstances in which the; of the siding will be redone. I take notice of the limitations on the wartanty. and 1 particularly recognize that any implied Watranly which <br />applics to the installation as s cot y as long as the warranty or sort ice contract. <br />SPECIAL - ORDER GOODS: 1 know that you have measured my house and ib openings so that vim can make the products W fit my particular house. 1 take fence that the <br />goods that are manufactured for my specific house probahly will rant tit any other houses. and under such conditions. I know that Icannot cancel this cotntnd] at any time <br />afterthe period of time, gtwnto me: bylaw•.. in which tocancrl. Aferthat legal periodoftme. I know TomI have Meobligationto pay you in full the amoumowed. - <br />ORLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSURANCE AND MY RF.AI. ESTATE: I i promise to keep my [muse in good repair and to keep it insured for <br />at least #Wi of its replacement value by buying a lire and extended coscrage insurance policy. The insurantce comparn, must be a prov'td by you. and the policy oust have <br />a benefician• clause which says that your are to he paid it there is a Inss. The insurance company must agree that h will met catuef my policy without first telling you. 1 au- <br />thoxize the insurance comippaany to pay you directly for env Ioss You can chru,se 1O use this insurance payment to either repay any amounts t owe yew or to repair my house . <br />have the option of pro% Ingproperty insurara;e through an existing policy or through a policy independently obtained and paid for by' me.:. 1 alto promise that I will not <br />allow anyone else no place am hens on my real estate without y our written pcnniscion. 1 I promise to pay all day r. assessmenn and [them cfiarges on my real estate when <br />dot. 4. I promise to nmely make all pay merits on my nose loam secured by my oral estate. I also promise that I will rut extend, renew or change prior loan-a withau your <br />written permission. 5. If I do ran msurc my bourse +. r fulfill my other ohip ligation to my real estate. then you can do it for rte if you want abut you do not have to). If you do <br />nos any of these ohlig;tions for me. I agree to pay you hale on deman lus interest at the highest Idw(61 contract rate of interest. [;ntil I pay yew bade, these amounts will <br />be rdded to my dent to you which is.ucured bq my real estate and lu,use. I krx,w thxt if you decide to hey insurance for mere that toe Jn mt have to obtain any homeowner <br />of liability, insurance. <br />SALE OEM Y HOUSE: l promise not T, )n sell. lease or give my tuousc tn:uosone urhl I hays• tally repaid rm debt toyou <br />DEFAULT: i will be in default under this contract if: <br />1. 1 don't matte a payrnrm when due; or <br />2. 1 break any promise 1 made to you in this contact; or <br />3. Somefft agelse happens which causes you to believe in good faith that 1 do not intend to pay you as promised; or <br />4. 1 default on any obligations for which I am using my home as collateral: or <br />3. Something happens to my house which threatens your rights, if any, in it. <br />iF 1 AM iN DEFAULT: I understand that you have the right to I ;aeclose the Mortgage 1 have given «• you and have my house sold to repay any amours i owe you if I <br />am <br />or, to prosecit your rights. I agree to in defiailt under this contract. Before my house is sold, you will do everything that the law requires. It you hire an atuxne , to assist you to sell my house, or. to sue me. <br />ktprotact my tides If you arc allowed toio Ikct such amounts by attorneys' fees and for other related expenses such as court costs, title searches aril [honey you expended <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose riot toenforce any of The rights under this contract as often as we want without losing them. Or, we can delay enforcing say of the rights <br />withouT losing them. We can also use any tights now or in tic future given to us by law. <br />DELAYS: 1 know that you will use your best efforts to install the products I am purchasing on my house, but 1 also understand that in some situations you may encounter <br />delays that are caused by strikes. weather conditions, delays you have in obtaining materials, or for other reasons that are beyond your control. I understand that you will <br />o x be liable for sachdelays. <br />AR feltlrud �N• If kv Me to dispute or rciaim wIM you concerning the quantity, quality or performance of the products. 1 umkrsund that my dispute may be submitted to <br />[teed in the c hav�in sdiction over me and ow'gram that m have kvek>E ed in my community I also krterw that any decision made by an cMtrsror(s) wwid been. <br />g) y <br />When ur remove the: 1 know that the windows. wteter •ie rig. heir A .ukl �?i+er ni,ilrn als Thal outer :n he renx+oed by you tot Thu ni,tallallon have NO salvage value. <br />Whin you rtmnye them, y to can base them fix �tvhate,rr pure se t i n: w ant <br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Dote to the uniqueness of some of the products that your sell, b understand that inn special situations that your Regional Office may have b review <br />and accept this caatract. t also understand tfiN this sale occurred in my home and that vnu and I ins not have had all the correct information important to this transaction <br />at ouc fingertips; I give you my consent to correct any obvious errors that may have occurred when the blanks in this contract were completed. <br />iWALM PROYRHON&- If any provision of this contract vwisl s due law and 's as able. flat opt of flee crwatract suvR let valid: R cry per rN Otis crntlfact roquires <br />paymaa of nkxe iMpest thee the law perm,ts, den rou will only have the right me the [[mount of interest which the law allows <br />you w collect. <br />COMPLETENM OF TM CONTRACT: This contract can only be chanced if both you and I atree in writing. <br />