W= 004087
<br />If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by !iris Security Instrument.
<br />Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for the
<br />insurance terminates Ili accordance with Borrow'er's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law
<br />8. inspection. Lender or its agent nlay make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender
<br />shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause fort lie inspection.
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with
<br />any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereb%
<br />assigned and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Properly. the proceeds ,hall be apphed to the sums secured b% this Security
<br />Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid it) Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property.
<br />unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sum, secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced hx'
<br />the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (?1 the total amount of the sums secured immediately
<br />before the taking. dltrded by tbi the fair market value of the Property Immediately before the taking. Any balance -,hall he
<br />paid to Borrower
<br />If the Property is abandoned by &irrower, or If, after notice by Lender u) Borrower that the condemnor offer, to
<br />make an award or Bettie a claim for damages, Borrower fail to respond to Lender wnhin 30 days after the date the notice is
<br />given. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at its option, either to restoration or repair of the Property or
<br />to the sums secured bs :his Securu% Instrument, whether or not then due.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any applicauon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br />postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments
<br />10. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By !.ender Not a «aiscr. Extension of the time for payment or
<br />modification of amortization of the sums secured h% this Security Instrument granted he Lender to any successor In
<br />imerem of Borrower shall not operate to release the hahthly of the originai Borrower or Borrower's successors In interest.
<br />Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings agalmt any successor 111 interest or refuse to extend time for
<br />payment or otherwise modify amortization of the unls secured b% till, Security instrument by reason of any demand made
<br />by the original Borrower or Borrower's successor, 111 interest. NIL)", forhearance by Lender In cxcrrt,ulg any right or remedy
<br />,hail not be a waver ofor preclude the exercise of any right or remedy
<br />11. Successors and assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co- signers. The :mtnants and agreements of
<br />this Secunty Instrument shall hind and henetit the successors, and assigns of i -ender and Horrower. subject to the prottsums
<br />of paragraph 17 &grower's co,enants and agreements shall he loin[ and sc,rral Arty Borrower r, ho co -,lens the, Security
<br />Instrument but does not cl"uk he Note. (a) is alt- sn:mlig this 5ecuritx ln,lrumcnt orili ill mortgage, grant and coal \e\
<br />that Borrower's lnterc•.t ill the Property under the terns of Ills Security Instrument: (h1 is I),)! I,ersonalh ohhgated to pay
<br />the sums secured by this Security Instrument. and (c) agrees th.,! I ceder and am other illun,.ttr Irtay a.rec• 10 extend.
<br />modify. forbear or make any aceommodations %till regard to the terms ,f this Sccun!� hi,uumc•nt or (he Notc %tlitout
<br />that B(irro%er s t:(nscni
<br />12. Loan Charges. if tilt loan secured by till, Sv,:unt% Instrument is subject t„ it law %hl: it sets nlaxtlnuni lo:ul
<br />ch:lrgc',, and thin yaw I, finally Interpreted so that the in!ci f 1,r other loan :har_c, .011C:ted "I I` he .nllc:!ed u!
<br />:onneetton with the loan cxcccd the permitted 1111111,, then (a) :Ivy ,11:)1 10,111 cher::e ,hall he redllced ),% the ininulil
<br />ncctssary to reduce the charge to the perni!ted limit: and (b) any suns aircad% coollet !rtl front llorio%er %hick exceeded
<br />permitted limas will he refunded to Borrinstr Lender ma-, ,_h:,,nc I:, make !ht, refund h% reducln;t the principal raed
<br />under tilt Note ur by making:, direct payment to Hofrnwet If:l rotund reduce, prnlctpai, the reduction \ylil hr trt:dcd a, :,
<br />partial prepayment without any prepa%rrlent charge under the \late
<br />13. Legislation Affecting Lender's Rights. If enn,Irticnl rf c\prr:mon ,f :tpphcaNC la%, has the vffeo of
<br />rendering any prollsion of the Note or this Securin in,(rttment unenforce:I),ie.l,c „rtilnc t'., 1!, term,. I ender, a! It, 1:pilon.
<br />may require Immediate payment In full of ali sums ,e•:urrd h, Oils srrnu} Instrument end rn ;Iy Ilnokt -mi.\ rcnledtts
<br />pernlnted by paragraph 11; If Lender txerrlst, this r:pt ..,n, I eader ,hall !Ac the ,! cps ,pt.nied ul pile second paragraph o!
<br />paragraph t'
<br />14. Notices. Ally noil:e I-, Borro%rr pr —iticd h,r :_ ;)n, sr, urt\ In,Ir unteut ,Fall be gl\etl by dch,tr112 It or h\
<br />rrlailmg it by fir,! :l:,, n:ul unless applicable )a% lequ:rc, use .'d :ttothel me•ihod 1 hc• luaire ,hail be directed to the
<br />Properly Address or ;tilt other addteNs BUrrowci de,ignalc, hs IH I!I: t' to I ender An!, noll,c Ili Lti1dC!'flall he _vlI en by
<br />first class mail to Lender's address Stated herc•lii -.IT anti t`ille'r address Lcilder designates hN lil,llt:c Io llorloli c't Ant collll'
<br />provided form tilt, Security Instrument shall he deemed u, hat e been g;%cii I,, Hori,:%er or i.cnilei \, hen rn%vn I, pint ided
<br />in this paragraph.
<br />15. Governing I a%; Severability. I his St:uruy Instrument ,hell he \.tiler: 1•\ I -Irlal i:lw .ind thy' I.I \, . I the.
<br />Surisdi,,:iilnl in which the Propeit_, 1, I(K'a led In the et crll that :111•. lira, i,wn of , lathy ,II Ile!, Se, dell, I!:sirt :mcni :,r the:
<br />Nate collfl!ct, with appl,cabic law. ,u:h :onflicl ,hall rltll alfe:I .g1ter rqn,tivtni, III till, tie: imil ]List r unicni 'r ;lie N! !e
<br />which can lie g1Ltn effect wiihluii the confliiling pro \isi,nl I o tin, :nkl !ht pit, \1,11!11, :,1 till, tie, lirilI. If1sn 111it:11: alibi !!It'
<br />Nt,tc are declared to he sc%crabic
<br />16. Borrower's Copy. Wr r,,wcr ,h 'Ill he goon , Plc r 11itonnc•d 11y :,I the \,,1r .old –t rht, se.w In II;,;•!; nlrnt
<br />17. 'Transfer of the Prupert) or a Ilencticial Interest in Burrower, it ail ,Ir ,,ii,, leer( of I)u P!,Iper\ ••! .Ira.
<br />!ntctest in it is sold or tr.ansicrtetl (III ,t a hencticwi Interest In 114,rro%cr is oid or 1:.ulslcrrcd and Hill rt,uer 1, nun a neuu li
<br />person) without Lender's prior written consent. Lender Lila %. At Its optllal, rule „rc ;lnmcdt:ttr p.l%nlcrt, lit 11111 of :Ili sii!Il,
<br />,e>itred h% this stcunit Instrument fbiwcver. this option shall jw: h,. exel.ISrti n.. I ridge If
<br />federal law as of the date of tius Stcunts Instrument
<br />If Lender cxcrcisos this 1,pnon. Lendershall gee Borrox%cr n„I,:e of auelrleunn I he n<, ±lac ,llali I,t,•, Pile .: I,et 1 'i
<br />t,f rwi les`, dean nOtlas, Iroin theditic ille notice 1, dtll,eic•d 1,r rnai!ed 1, Itllm %h1.h Resit, %ei 11111,1 ;,.1\ .11,
<br />hi, 5c,urtty Instrument If liorro,ytr fails to pay the,c sums prior It, the e ypirlut n ,1I till, p•rr1,Id, t rude; rrl.n ;Tr, k, .!lit
<br />femedieslermitic,lb% 1hiswturity Irish inciil without lurthet iwtIcc•ot. dt-maridtIn Herro%ct
<br />I8, Borrower's RiKhl to Reinstate. If Hoirnwer nlcets cerlanl .i,nthu.,n,. Hur(wer sh,,H h.oc the l %,Ill 1., h.lre
<br />trlf.,rcelntrit III lhl,St:uIII% 1;„trunleril dis:oltilllied it ant little l,ilr,l III flit':':I kcf of (a) ' I.It, i. �`r'_ ,. .�' i1,11`,' 11 —!
<br />N
<br />0
<br />appll,ahic la% nlat MJ,Col, ! "t relll,talelai,:n0110"Ic side 41I the Ill t:pc'rl\ ptlf,t,.oA 1, mltI po\\t1 "I!t`, i.talli,',! :11 ill.,
<br />ssi:till171 111,1 r'Ir( \I'i, ::I thi rtl ;/t t a !Lldt'nic'nt ell! Ire !I''! 1111, ss .11!:1 !', 'Ii It li...l , \t::
<br />$
<br />lap pa ., 1,'lldi( Sol ,List. e, hl[h Oh.0 Nttl,Id he dn: O"icl Ill. \tr. .:I'1, lu'.t(,: ... ,11 I�.IrI I� �,'.ii 1'1.11) IW t, r, 1, .:t,
<br />t,.
<br />ourrUai. )bl r.Ure, a•Ft ,1:'i'J lilt It alt% '1111Cr , PtCt1.ml, :t1 .lfrt'Clnc ta, !r. ('ej .. 1 rip c. until C,1
<br />Wk,
<br />"It
<br />'V•uuu\ III -dI JTiIC1it .r,llidln� hltt n, I hltlned I,�, It,,,.,Ilahn ,t•wr.e\, Ice, .In.t 1,I- I.ci,_ `u. I•. i _, !, .., I - n,.n
<br />fe 10, I a,,i\ 1:",f 41!:' '.. .1 „•:f,' !)!,1t Olt lieu ,.I till, `a., 'W:!'. Ill,l, tll'IL.r i 1',,:c .I
<br />,.111 - ., _Ilt„I I,, till, Sc, wiI, fll'. ,,, ..t I .!Lill .. ... .... .. .. ... ..
<br />It, 1(A.
<br />