I the P701X-7-1-, IS a cia�n Jiintd n, Sor—, over, c,r ta, after nc-t�„-, i-V 1—t-,de- -,,,7 R0,`T:)We7 the condemnor 3 ers. TO
<br />nakran awarci or a zizrn f-ij cU1M2Lz-_ Borrower a i �ziD day,, after The date -he notice is
<br />�-n cn- _,-,nZ, !: :iU'11'1071_7ez 13 ar!4Z! 3a. -he prac tzs. al ,s :�TIion_ t:ncr '0 7tS1OTz:I0r, Or :-e=r --if-he Property Or
<br />-.i me surns secured rn This 9e—c1;ri:i 7n5ui;ment, whether o—ricit -her. due.
<br />Unless Lender aria': Borrove,- otherwise agree in writing. any apphcatiLm if -prncceds to principal shall not extend or
<br />r1cs,rT%.mc The clue date of the moriTniv =vmcmts referred Zo in paragraphs : and Or Zhan2e the 2111,C)UT11, of Such payrnerim
<br />10. Borrower Not Reicaset; Forbearance By Lander Not z Warver. r-Mension of The Tune for payment or
<br />DI .h- sums secured this Secumv. Instrument zranted Leader to an% succ sor in
<br />interest JJ k=ox%ez- shall not operaze to 7eie
<br />a ase ha611;zy O' the Driipnai Borrowcr,�r BxTower's suczm,�A_Ts it. zn:z7eSz.
<br />nzt be T-equized -0 zammenze proceedings agair-m am, ziczesscir ,r interest or reffuse w exiend time for
<br />pay m
<br />j , en, x aizierwisemodifi, amorzizanon of the -Secured by this Secuniv Ins-rament bv reasons ,)fanv demand mace
<br />the ong; nal Bcrr-,owcr.cr BorrOwer -3 suzzessors in :nu -nest- Ary forruea.-znCr b% Lender in exercising any nimil or remedy
<br />Shall noz TIC a Waiver OF OT precilu'dir The CxcrCLW of any Trhl or remeav
<br />11. Successors and Assigns Joint and Several I-iz.bilirvi Cisigners. The zovenanis and agreements of
<br />shall rnmz and bench: thesuccesscirs an a&siz-.s -�Lencier and Sor7ower. subject toili.- provisions
<br />. ?fpaZ-Z,7TZpn .Di C-nantisand' --greemenis &hall ix 10ir-1 .inc 'e%eniu- A-rn Bori-owc- lkNho zo-smas This Securir%
<br />!MST-U.Tnent _,, noes T,,,)T execu:e the Note- {a) is �-52giiing -tus Ne_cx-n onh to rno-2a2e, gram and convey
<br />Tiia: Ro'-oue--smie7es: in th,-P-v�ncmi
<br />,he _,urn.s securer -his SeZL7:-.% InSIT1177ne-,11: and -r;a, Ltnrie7 and arl% Other ROrTOWCr Mai, agree m ex-,end-.
<br />n ,4a, �L r5e-a7 .i, n a an tzaiz ic' :ht -er -,,f �, Security' I n sT um en t or -he Nate without
<br />hz, Bci ir _-, -a e -, S Z: onscrn
<br />1:. Loan Clutimes- Y-I-t ;c ^, sezure,4 ...ic S-Cilr-N T:iS, 7,jT._ _n - 1� ^j - 1 -I 0 - ja V Which sets T 5 u, r lo n
<br />,S. '712- _n e-ed s, :na, in,- om _-na72es collected Or :3 be collected -r.
<br />�7" H rtc
<br />nnLc-i�m ht _A
<br />�Oan f"Zittz e -lerinmed �arnis. hzn� zzi an,� �uch loan �:harze sha, �_*C uc--d S-,- -he amozin.
<br />:-ezuce :ne Ch
<br />..27ze -� -.nt nerrnmtd limlt. Zlnd� s1 Zn1 SUM IS all7e3d% 01n BC Wer W lCh titC
<br />-!CC' ?Ti -)rr,, . h Ceded
<br />,7C=1 I T I td 11e 7tn1n-fez -D Ror_Dwer Lender in--% zncic 5e -c, Make _IMS -tFlUnd 'M 7--CUCIT12 prinzi2✓.c :`wec
<br />llnae-z -nt No!t makirr a direct 7aviren, to Borrower- if a 7-21'Xid :-7.-,al. :he -vatic -ion w.:! t)e ::-ea-td S a
<br />2771al n7ZcQVMenT WITIlouiam rteraxmeni c arze undrrTne Ncie_
<br />13. Legislation Affecting Lender's Rights. If enac,mell.l -,r 01 - ;_-Ws -as me tffec: :1;,
<br />an'. N,-
<br />-tqU17f :n 'JE _-,T aL IL:`MS SdCc7tC n_1 1312S �CcUr::" Ins-zirric-, .end 7r.a.% _r:1.",i ar% 7--menles
<br />7i:__ZZ7aVT- Z 1 Lt:n'Qf7 t7t-Zlse- :his pnon. tria., :ci r the -ne se nz riarazi-arin
<br />14. Nfaices. 3T n.. in 1111, Sez-i.7:-% .s. -_. ._n: shall z en in crl7lertnz i, �r r-i.
<br />_zn Je 7L ts ust
<br />P7D,pe:7,. aT:,. _itne:� J--1,:zrz,_- I Dv nc.iL ,- 1-- -.z Len de. ziai; tre 7-itr
<br />n7s: ma;i � zmct:, s ad&�tS� sl:a1to ne7e4n )T a;7% -)tner azdrtsi I-enaer deSiPr,2ix n% :lam zjzr
<br />07 M 'n �CCU72'; 17'5:71.lrnen 11 _ae_Me— ze'
<br />in .n:s 7araz-a:)n
<br />Go%ernine Law'; Sevemliflit-, Tni4 SeC-Un:', _1%4 --n-- _,7.t �2,A 7.`� t
<br />-"t P77,nery :S _)Ca-'t T, nt f% en. :ni:, am- L,7 ::Zi IiSt 17
<br />.uzn _--onnic: 71'D: afjt�:,_ '.ne
<br />�n,i:r an ^rC ,_t e?ez- The 7 7S�1 1111 5:. 7 un TnT7:1-:ne-- zinc
<br />ot�ia' rtz *.1 - 7T Sel Z!,27) ie
<br />16. Borrr)wt-,-s C GPY. t7 i%n:i 1. J. g2 cr )nt Dn . ,7--,nrz N7t ._n_-
<br />1-. Transfer of the Properri or 2 Beneficial Interest an Borrower. 1; al: _`7 27,s 7c- 0; . :17
<br />_Ic '7 f7 7t:; 11 a -Itntnz:ai initiresi m B... ,Aht! 111 1.. '7Z.nSlf7--!_C :17-1Z BC77.1u-_7> 71,rll a nZL:'_'7a,
<br />;--,F7 ;4-i."tcr z_ins,_-n_,, Lencer maY. :it 7tfz:";7t =jTnti:;L21t -a.%mcni :7-. S„ms
<br />t:Ntr_!_SeZ '7
<br />71 nr.,37tz :,'
<br />,tc
<br />Lti-. t.,x�z.,S�_ �-.:s -1crioe-. SnaE p-, Boi-7,1A e n0l iCt J.:Ct!e7ZA!Ci il rit7:0,C
<br />TI, n a r. a da`t t -01ICt :S Ot��e7e_- :)7 -died rl; r: A e:.. Jet :)X ILITnS 1,-.:U7td
<br />.nj5 SCZU_
<br />I,, :_477i;rnt7,, 5, . rowe- ,:;11� vz* ,hrse SUMS 27 rtVf -- '.he If .nZs ner:,)`. Lfnavv- -_L,b i; _iie
<br />.,;s 51.' :_u.'7', 17,S_47UMCTII Altn!)U' :'Ur'MC77!01..fDT J-MaTIZ I1. 5-1-7^VtT
<br />18. Borrower's Rizht to Reinstate. If3or-,owei- -nrrts zcnam I�J�! `^e _79n: 1, 1 :il:-
<br />ZIM *!Me -�!"1CT 1C, lftrix htr )f I.- Z J... �:nr- z_
<br />'J'A m2 � .. _,.._,at:'•Tiem- titr0re sale ' 1ht 71.17,11an! cra -10WC7 Jt �;ajt: in :hl,
<br />tn:-,, u4men! t-if,^7::mg -.his Sc.:i;-!t% In .rumen! nc -5& _:,7101111 0nsi_-t >a7
<br />(a; rzy, 11rnjti _,!- 'Um s innLn .nen- -ut unoeT -.n:l St.L;711 Insmarric-,ir ..nz -..it Noie nac -i, zil xiera,;_:
<br />Lit.. us.. 7 r, "t fa U a n 'the_ _a%� 'J � _T-^,_n,,ts ."ICU77t'"
<br />takes sUc 1 17 avlrin as Leqvdv.
<br />SUrr :�jj "1-,' 11,:11 j -�W T Zinn B��rr
<br />iiS U -
<br />mT LifTljt7 In the P7'pt--% f"A t
<br />paw 7n- Ums ;.CL:L;-td t,% n! 15'e'.-U-7"., !nS17UM,.7 na]' unzhanged Upon: 7--nilmateme
<br />,ff��L:13%e as i i !Z"
<br />im�i 1,41r 7-_-7-,j;i. Ii. JL:cr v a
<br />_ncv,
<br />NO% 1 N;T,_kPN1
<br />19. Aicceleration. Remedies. Undw shall jpvt notice to Borrower prior to acceleration fmlo"inu Borro*tr'c
<br />breach of any vnenant or agreement in this Securit) I (but not prior to acceleration under parawaphs 1.3 and I
<br />uniess applicable law provides otherwise). Tice notice shall specify: !a) the default. ,'b the action required in cure the
<br />definift (c) a dae 0 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower. b% which the default must tit curt-ii:
<br />and fd) that failure to care the default aii or before the date Miecified in the notice may result in acceleration of the aurns
<br />Secured tiv this Security Instrument and saw of ttw Pr a. The notice shall further mform Borrower of the right to
<br />L
<br />mastate after acceleration and the rigbi to bring a court action to assert the non- existence c 4 a default or an% ilthur
<br />defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale- If the defaidt is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice. Lender
<br />&I in opt"s Me? require immediate Payment it full of all sum Secured by this Security Instrument without furlhet
<br />,
<br />r_
<br />by applicable lam. Leader shall bt. minted tic
<br />demand and may invoke the power of sale and aev other rieniedift, Vermit ned ,
<br />coNitict &H expenses incurred in pariimag the remedies Kovided in this paragraph 19. including, but not limited to,
<br />rea"Mable artor"),3, fn-%;&"4 Costs of title evidence -
<br />If the pitv*er of %aie is in-aked, Trustee %hall recard a ntnict W default in va•ii 1uui� .n n 4-iAry c,t thi,
<br />P,nWr?v at loc;aw a," -.Wfll Mali Ci*oe� of%uch n4AKr ID Itif MaflneT prescribed h% appiwabif, Iaw io lio t r and t=- ',hl
<br />�=tber pervins pr_tscnoed kik Applucabit isu. kher The unit required b% apubcAbit- �:An T-LAItM %tjiii, J�L:1e i'01iii r111111t
<br />-air 1k, iN wrvnA aad 1r, It" manatr presiiribt`d h% &Vpficallit IN" lru%qev. l,IM,U ot M'.,mo 'r,
<br />