<br />Lzndc: niivs Bc7rr-vvt7 in-c-tsl D7 _. and applicat-d'e- law ti,_=..3zs 1-tMOCT "C' 'MaLt 11.1,Zh Z Z-I37Zf, 501-Ou- and
<br />L-cnit- :rl An-ung ha: 7'n-'e-Cs. �,nL. ry nal-I an F---nz's t,J s 4r ag-,te:meni .nave or apphczbie 1aw
<br />-equ.,Tes inTe-es, 4i 1,e paid, Lz-,der stia" ricli oe 7
<br />� tqwred 1.)D pal' Bort-awer ink innericsi -sT ewml n s m he Funds- Lender
<br />shah give To &ITTCwer. Without charge, ar ahnua accczurtt gig _.f the Funds showitir credits and de-lb.-s to the Funds and the
<br />purpose f %% h;ct, t=h dernt to he Fund, was made. The Funds art pledged as ZZICiAlonal _41CCUMV or The &111M secured t,
<br />-.his Secunti Insirurnien,
<br />If the arrount: of the Funds ,eid 1-v Lender. together with the futurt monthly payments IT&FUnds PaVatile PnLr lo
<br />the dun date-, of Tilt escrcitw items, s!iall Eizera -.In- zanount ZeQuurd lo pay Itle tScT_nvvl1=ns when 37ie, nte excess shlill t
<br />at Barmwcr's opnon, either pT-,T-.:)tl ' v repaid to Borrow= or crearez to Borrower an monthly payments of Funds If the
<br />amount if the F u rid's held 1v Lender is nore sufficient to pay the escrow items when dive_ Borr,-Avi-_ sh" pal- w Lender any
<br />amount necritsar% to make up the deficiency in one or move payments asrequired by Leader-
<br />L ' -pon rieviriew in full of all sums secured by this Security Lender Shall Piiomptiv refund to Borrower
<br />anN Funds ntIL:i n,, Lend .-r. If under para g raph 19 the Property is said or aczuirw by Lender. Lender shall shall apply, no Iaitva
<br />than inimediatci_l Prior to :he swe of,, he Pro=-TV or as acquisition by any Funds held b Lender W The imle of
<br />application as a credirzzainsi the sums secured by this Securin instrumenT T.
<br />3. Aipplication of Paymevits. Unless applicable law provide_ nihet-wise. all pays its re: rived b% Lzrc--T unce-7
<br />paragraphs I and : shah he applied first.. to line zhwges due under the Nuie-1 secorid-w prrpiz-,imen . charges due under tiic
<br />Note: third. to arriounrI, pavabit under paragraph :, founh, to interest clue, anci I as". to Drincl* due.
<br />4- Ch2r-,t-- Liem Borri:,vc- seal pay all taxes, assessments. .harzes, nn-ts and imposlnDrs ai-rit-Tultable 10 the
<br />PraprrII which rriil!, attain pi-,o_t over this security Instrument. and lewsrnhaid pay-mcnis I.z z-aund Tents. if and
<br />5,ir7ower .,hail riak nese aohzations in the manner p7avided inparagraPh _1 oi if no* paid in that -riann-c' BorrvU•7 stizLi
<br />..wn rlivern an rime d1:-t!Ctjv ,C, the per-,-)-) 'wed 7)?vM='., B=ower sna rpMmpth "Urrish io Ltm.dtr all Tianzes or aznount;
<br />to tie paid .:ndc. r.. -parazra-,h. H t7 rnaktfs lh-_s_- BOrio%C7 shall prompti-• futmi-b to Limoc-
<br />receipts o-,-IJLn_- in. E z he na ymer-'s
<br />B=,,wrr shaLl ;)--)Mpt!t ali Tien whiCh has pno,71Tti -i% t:- This Seziin,, inst-ru -ner-, 35= zweT, a l
<br />ai;Tees In W-ITIZ he Payment Df ht �,62zati-)n secured bi, !let. ;r z rianneit in gciad
<br />faith ofthe hen ;n, n
<br />of the ;ten. .)T foi-L-lui-e of any part ai the P-opern, 7-- -h- at,
<br />p1rrveTIT :"I-, zctne: !Tir hc)ide�
<br />rr-. na� -u-6 . :D�� -lT
<br />aztermerit taiisiacton Ltiridt7 ,unor:�matirlz the Lien 1CIThis SeClIT1T-, In.517UMCM1
<br />Me P-M-1-_7T, :S Ubitf-C', Ti) --- 'Aen which ma-, attain pric)TITN CVtT SeCLIMIA onSITIUMeTIT, Lfl- MIZ% Blo
<br />notice iclen"ri,"Tliz the Icn BCi!-T,),AeT ra:! siatnsf• the lien or take _17"If Or -,nc)7-,- D4 the azzi,)ns se: arl�t W,n days
<br />Os the rivinzofnotice.
<br />5. ins e. Borr-we- shall kt-_r, The lrnproietn_-nts now = isnng OT 727C_-11C7:ff1e_-'er _M The ?7,-DPC77v
<br />ITISUMb aZaITISt iO&S nL _'a7araiz incluizied •imin -irle is P.A iendea zc,,tr Et" and al",V�111 IC7 7
<br />a_
<br />-4- -- - - -725
<br />,towl"C', 171SLLTan:.,_. j lrliL�T`an.,: -,hali 'n-t maintained in tnt arnoun� ;ol- :nt Z' _fn�'e7 =L17 The
<br />In, I_an:.r ZzMeT *,,)e ;nsu-anc.- shall ne chosen nN _,:!nZC7 wtnz:7 -71all Tlo-, -,)it
<br />unreiisorlabiv winn-l'Id.
<br />.Ali insui-anC.- pDiic2es uric --critwals shali ne aczzptaPje -.c,, "_,.t:nder ariC ,vial :nz;Lizie s-.an_Jarc M077za9t Z�alutle
<br />1-Cridt-r shall h2ke the 77-in" 1, h,)id The and TerleWai; 1f'_ Clad_ T 7filL;17-_-.,, jj,0r__1we. S711:11 T Z'iz :,-, L_..ZC7
<br />all TeCC:7,ts L)t_PaIC 7)TeTI aTIC renewal In the event _)f i:iss. BoT-,-'1At7 STI.U." Z!%t :1MM7)1 "it! _rsU721.1--t!
<br />van nrr and Lcncic7 L=rider ma} make proof ofloss ffnot mzaeprornpilt P__ BO,77oWe-
<br />Uni-_s. "'clildrT an--,; Borrower otherwise az-fl-_ n wniing, irisu7ance 7,,aceez. sr-al. Pe a7l-,7'it!C
<br />CIT
<br />-ht P7,�- lzrnazez, 11 oT =,alY aric: _It!nder �s Ti
<br />jessenlec
<br />-if
<br />7-_S',i7Z_'Tl0• `. 7t`.7iL1:T :i. ��nOMICZI -)7 Lrnder', securl, eSS-_T1eIZ. li-lf :7,SL!7._71tt n-,-
<br />!h,s St:_ur ITISI.711-menj, WhietheY 07 not ZLIC. with al"P, t!%ZC5, TalC :o
<br />'rit L'.. 1..:'•`. J, a"11wer within "D d2i,'s Z nutlet Ltndt!7 7r1a: *.Znt :TISU7ance ZaMIC7
<br />I'v! I it :ntnl 7nz,-, :ne :nsu-amct rmctfeds Lein:,Ltr mal use 1hr r�-)zrev5 Tfna17 7 :!t.
<br />-ht P-il-tt:71 n', s,111 NCCU-111,. wiltnney . )r not :ne:-, _-i�e 7'IC 7le-ri-•0 ui; rein
<br />wise.-, the -I r.-, I L,
<br />Lett: ti : L_-T1 jC- UrC apret it-. writinf_ant
<br />post+-K)nc he oLit aa-,- t rht -payrnents relertec To in paragraphs 1 and
<br />f CTM,1.jR,TIa2t Ti1! 'it!
<br />_j - I r-- -, p ri �)7 - C tic a,: q LI is it lot, shall pass tc- Len ae-, ', c� :lie ;Mien! oT n It s L! in s ,c�: L, t!-- 'cl 'n:� Sv
<br />irnmedwriv -)-IL)r 10 thracUulslnorl.
<br />Borrower sh:Llll n,:Il
<br />;;hUnt !fIe P71)TWr7-,. LIDO% 1ht PT-r)T)v'!,I to difleriorate Dr Z:(TMMIT waste-
<br />BoT-oweT shall -qirripl� iwltt-1 ihc :-rovi%iini; ofthe lease. and if Eirirroutir acqL:I-t fvtw isle .C, :•t P-c'n"er!", iht itase,.II;id a%y
<br />fee title snail rk-:`1 L. tmdr- ic, itie merge,- in writing
<br />Prwwbem of Lender's RiChu in the Property; Mertgaw Insurancit. If Bor-cwe! fza.,!,. i_-Ilz?rrrl 'n-
<br />wits and ag-, eviinmis contained in this Securn-v InStrurrent. or there Is a i-cral Proceeding iha, rnzi. afTfz
<br />Lrndv,* -ign's III ;he pru,Ii frT'� ikocb as a proceeding in bUnjrUp1c1%, t1()TUjC, "OT CC)Tld-_Ti`1_d1l Dr -,T ifT'.jCJT.-r !Z'A'S I-,
<br />regulations 1. thcri LvrlarT T-.111, JCI and ;ray IDT whate•, e7 i; nezessan ic, rroie,-i -he al,ij- Plcr-, J7av 1-flIZIfT � %Z'0
<br />it) the PrrvnerRv Lvid,_r �; a�,it)ns m21 include ziavinr any sums I,, llcn whh. hai% -7-1,,7 t! i .n. Sr - 7-
<br />Inst7UTTIC-... 1Ipr-_U 7:7.F 11 pjayin? reasonable aimmeYs Feet-, and ri,tr -n :fiv
<br />L CTIOC' mac UL: rim .171,i t:7 ;hi:- fig graph -. Lender Jotfs not ; ^.Ln c t jr
<br />kTi, arv)uT;t, uishursea by Lender bo-T"
<br />Sccurli% ni,- s licr-T,"Wrr and 1-tindtir agree 10 NhCT TVT`fm (1' . . "IrSt* U'71�`a"11' S"ji.
<br />.tw diae of ai int Nair rate and shall he pwvzt+lc_ W-11t) snit,I, L.-Ion T,-l)., ;,r,!r, lt:-]Jr,- 1 lliw.-:t-
<br />rrqulesti T4,
<br />if I
<br />-cildt- required mortgage insurancr as a c7cmdnion tn"itif mir ;cmn secured Smcur-
<br />borr; ,Wvr stiall -* 1M "Tit.miums required ,,, Tnaltita'n the lrvsurancr in ;sect Urild such "I'Me As fb-
<br />Witt) Ekir?"7wrr'N unc ltndv nn-1 ar, ermew "IT arpiwahir law
<br />S. Inspection. LOTlOtf n rTll -13v "n"t -rascynatO c Upon an she iris M, 7ne pr >t enr 1
<br />,hall &F,t 41 ht tirnt 04 'IT ar, 111S',ICCIIMI clf-,lrlf rCw%oTIb1)ir C:11IIIIIr •Iilr 1I1I,,rir-,if,11
<br />07
<br />�176V •-A U111 Vafl� _�l -he PT "T f 7TI 11CL 1,d 'n,
<br />as&*ned am ,Olaill :,wJ rr ix
<br />,Tn�
<br />,T) 'tlf .1' 'ritk 'Al!tf of the 1he w
<br />IIi , 'iue W111: ail I r
<br />„ 7
<br />( AN
<br />.4"
<br />