<br />5-= 008698
<br />arm, wnlroul demand, shall be unrhediaNly due and WyaDle DY Trustor arm shall
<br />titer Mtareai N tfne maafmunr NltrwabN legal rate: prontled, noweye +, that at the
<br />option ot BeMfiday W TMSeO Such wins may he added to IM pnrmipai b t ance
<br />of amY NdaM- Mas sacusd Hereby arm Mall Dear Ins yarns ;overeat as wcn
<br />trtm$btaarheae andshallosWYNNe ratebly overtheAe —ing term thereot
<br />10. AmmfbllMerw «tittle. Berhatfciay than Mve the rf m.
<br />swag Hribarmkiwnoe pt IWS Trust Oeed ro collect the renfa.•waswa and awtroriy
<br />profits o1
<br />Ills hmam7lY had N any personal sraperlY IoCeted thereon with or without gkfrp
<br />p0 10n ef tie srop.rtY Jefficrod hereby, and Trustor hereby ab"uteh mind
<br />a.�.�a�'" ..hams an auto rent., issue antl profits to Beneficiary.
<br />�Ch AwAh`- Mwar «• hefaaY cOn9Onta to the Tifisitn's C011aal,w antl Attention of
<br />tllcn nwdt, isefrae arm profits as they ace ua and become payable so long e
<br />TMMar N not, at such lrnfas. in defaWt with vessel to Payment of any
<br />taaeb�earteM severed navvy in the Darfwmarme of any agreement herawdsr,
<br />upon a" quern defaum, MMfilaly tnay at any time. either in person. br agent, w M
<br />a Nobly« b be OPPW7rad by a cowl, without notice and without regard fo the
<br />aapuaCy al try 0000 y for the Indebtedness hereby SOCUMT1. cal enter upon antl
<br />WaHOgaNidrn ot 1M Property ""r thereof, and in its own name sw for w
<br />Otfrsttree CoMICt seen rMii. i Protits, irmlwing Those past due SAW
<br />rarisi4artl mswY the earns• face costs arm expeheq of uperstfon NW colleotion,
<br />an't ffoll now" taWe altwne' fqa, upon any fndeblWMSa secaled hereby, arm in
<br />alien Or'Itry tlereliCiary may gMInIM; (D) Periorm such acts of repair or
<br />praNCtiert as mry w rewagry or Proper to conserve the value of the PropfyY (c)
<br />lose the same or any part thereof for Such rental term, arm upon such coMi!rons
<br />y fps f rmaY sktNe. Unigs Trwtw any BanNlcary agree otherwlq in
<br />hereby sty nopliwtin ot rants. Naves W profna to My indebtedness secured
<br />Uer1bY alien not yaM er P"tpOM the dw date of the instatiment payments as
<br />arorral0 M yle d making hate ib change the amount of Such inetaitmens. TM
<br />tiPy ins Wang ppaeassipn of the Prnperty, the collection of such roots.
<br />Now$ and PWhe, and the application tMreol as aforesaid, shall not waive or cure
<br />MY notic . uslo ot" rues hereunder, w invalidate any act done Pursuant to
<br />each notice. Trustor Nw aganss to BsMnc.ary, as f7mMr security for the
<br />eerforresho" of the "Ilgstiary aecu ed hereby, all prepaid rents antl all monies
<br />Whih me!' he" I «may hW"fW be deposited with sold Trwtor by any lease
<br />Of the PAOPOTY, to eeduro ins payment of env rem. and upon tletauit m the
<br />Mil des tip of any of 1M wovaront he reof. Trustor agrees to deliver such rents
<br />Mil d.pteles to the BenatfcNry, Delivery of written nonce of the Benen re.ls
<br />be SUlN a the rights granted herein, to any Ienenl occupying said premises sna11
<br />no ice. tit to require qro tenant to pay sa,a renl to Ins BenehCiarY unl.l furiner
<br />f1Wiw.
<br />11.1aaeaa pieeaeaL Wmbe to My afap demaM, Trustor shall turnhh 10 Trustee
<br />a s U.* "m=iles to M tile, glflnp iprth all femaes Of Space in the Tusf
<br />NmamnY then i qr In ."P9. In tally cal. the ninrs of the la lams arm
<br />'e ai«di, • dea«Ipflorl a the aped occupied by such tenant and occuptnt, the
<br />rs11W Myebe for much apace aid much other Infomutron arm documenN with
<br />IeaieCt rosuotl Nye rid arranelq q the 7ruatq may ragwet.
<br />UMarad tole prior termtal OWeent of Trustq. Tmalor Mail not, directly or
<br />sea" bey. tI@ feeor h me yY linos ot solve M the deachbW pr in . whether,
<br />ply. Noy N rrsw or ir$reefNr M yMer+ce; (a) sew l W permit any prepayment,
<br />aMOaam «aar«l" N^t peyeble hn6:7: ; Ile) —1 W terminal. the some W
<br />mow anl' "rtbeseflpn, termlrytin er eurraroter "areof, W permit any swot to
<br />Oa �rdMZ MwN=tM wow tMNAAndaN Nmi1MN or Carmel an s *ti: fto
<br />faeMlq
<br />NO ease y Me b Md. the tarn tMrgf, the retrUl poyabN
<br />talmnfe eery terlewal Wo"Shm" tnsMN cwtsuheQ Id) wawa any
<br />Oe1Mtt feiMSUaser « WaaOlt ttreraof; W of" try congnt, wmiwr w approve,
<br />MWWAWW or two any other aalch In Cwneotlon lherawlM, w with ■ line"
<br />HNNret W. whin wauto few the eftect of Impmiring ins rmiw of 7gaw't IniNest
<br />Ise" eado", 00 no P/OperfY subtact thereto, of Of impstrinp the Portion o interest
<br />I 11th THN1y « OenenefMy; « M yes. ymigh. pNdga. mortgage w otherwise
<br />i &Av or
<br />of, or SnC~, Aft W4wW .. nwrartaer. M any wcn Ieeq w arty MAhM. IselreS or profile
<br />Ti oo"w"mo"H"'/o any Pat N the hapertY Nan be taken In calWSnh tion
<br />DfeieeMllfe. aY rifht ot erWrl$nt domain w mimher action, 6f Null w solo undo
<br />arm saga
<br />o"weewww"M y Olt" , d """ and Pro"SCa ere hereby assigned
<br />Proq�1ONmw^Nwt Ma T�rtm -PPtY much
<br />ga�,it My, paid o M
<br />Tom• 7rsbr will prentptfV. arm wen arm dlllpance, rsyV, atfer and rgtas ins
<br />I'll y p«t of the Trust property to its forte, cirMnin subs an nations n ins
<br />iaallft Net 1MaerM May a taeeMle card eo ma to cOMtit Wa a compieN ens usable
<br />wrH.
<br />tl Frllere Aatemmse. Upon reargt N TruNw. BOMneNry, at Beneficiary's option.
<br />T re ere ncft. w to the 7rwtW, may make future edvanCom to
<br />Tie s Der w�tiitlrr Mod by , ono Interest thereon, fMll be "Oured by this
<br />eviasrrcea by I Ag ii the notes mtsting that amid notes are
<br />sesraaa frafeby plerlsae chef tl " tlrM Ohe11 the e$eured prlMipai. future
<br />mmmalMp«eeM(ta l «Me term p"A to Whwr the aeorrlty. "cow ore
<br />mlWrru prineyral emwnts secured thereby.
<br />Itfta�b �Bte� «ryeslme ProvNed M this Trust Dow ens dNHMI no
<br />ralyy unyr Hue Trost Dees W aHerped try low w
<br />Small alt. aIMHlayMmeerolaaa alMllllifrlry, indMerregtW w sucwearery.
<br />�" Y� f P Mawr M the payment « any
<br />flew oo;; N; —dl ale"meaaee hereby lmmede AMY i t qy ,
<br />tlab theef aloha emilMi MptM«rom of stash. The Trualq Nell hew the
<br />anaaal faeAwpbTry yfae laNIt yMny the Prdperry toy sad, n
<br />aalaeMblf saiaANaNe ago~ hereby, MM Owl doom to TmNNe. a wmlNn
<br />aM11e of ae$aaA aw efietim b call" PrmamrfY to M typal, arm the Trwly In
<br />% tr ~ Avaa abai« Nslioe M ere ism, reahee by low. which Nall M aWy
<br />MW br faeela by Tfaeeee.
<br />M Misr era lye$ M am" Sae so may be severe by eve WNwing tie rydrd.
<br />aBM the M1a 1101St ef Mfauh, aw n01ie of saalun ens retloo W soma Plating
<br />Mist Isese as OR' ra by law, T"Mals. WOW atattal0 on Trust« Nall WT
<br />N WT plea PPOPOft s ammaMaand of so fit" all Prey MNfireals M eMS"tieot
<br />iaal, M pabM iYOHalI b H1/ 1 I MM MOYer, the parolee pre. payabN In
<br />tewtta Malley M all 1HMIes BIMse N the then 0 ere. the person ConeuoiMg
<br />b M=-%W
<br />a M M gMbM -MOaaw M ovine map- -• ptreleerli Np eW ft. Tune
<br />MenasINM M 0— by ^*ft aflt Nron tmown My. "ply at Poo
<br />arm ItIMM tens aeiaMlas t« ere tome; by tech porn" al He time
<br />teflfM pleas ill say HYMN the spy shag hit the MtIyNM�iei"e .lives
<br />iflefaef erlaa M film M the aeeemeM«as H1e Original nMN$ «ere.
<br />pr/Mey Moto, bWf bald ay agm ro ere Puroreaer nth Deed CoMspf y the
<br />faN$W N se D$M may ma T «w«ramy, @it—, er WOW. TM
<br />B1 arm msMbrs a legal Nall be pOMlaNw too« W the
<br />t11efM1, nary sileam. nilaanr f 0"Othiliry'. nth' pufMlge N the
<br />fri /rim TfaMee tops paraMlt N 1M psrYe - 11 eln. !M Yrusae shah apply the
<br />watlaese M IM chi b ptryfl0 of pill will aid aapnteq ef asses
<br />on-gy Mm wmK men bmmomm 0.h_q,1�_u�gNrA�p� yr t MNWM TwIMgb Alum . F.. PSI
<br />"Mw4ITT «eI so fed M t «era 1MM NMy.
<br />lal presir Marl M1s o W #tW 1"ef fwbOrODimaffaph 0`1 It the ebb N try Trusts*, w
<br />ivalCall farasiosafe, ins l*"M arm ash of the ye Is pursuant
<br />n we"S"ef -4-HM
<br />ft'. Ph'7rIMi Of: applNd In ins whir stated
<br />--1 0f wtY erlseMS ef cost Prquted In rr"nactin with ouch MN arm or
<br />MY relnye damps;
<br />All a;.mr Than secured hereby:
<br />(Illy TM+emen7gr, If MY.1DtM pasbn NpmllY Moiled rM+ela.
<br />16. =,* rm AsagNlpna N Trull". 1a) The yNies antl Ob igatiana of Trustee
<br />erm/nW solely DY IM express P +ovlsfona of the Trust Deed and Trustq
<br />Mall MI w liebb except tar the performance of such dutlse arm oWipmitons q as
<br />specifically sat forth herein, and no implied covenants Or eblipatins 6Mn he
<br />A'— upon Trustq: (b) No bra .—. of this True, Dead tMli ra$uue TrualN to
<br />sashes «nsk Ma own tunas, w otMrwiq incur any firshcal oWlpetion , To
<br />fe*lormanw of soy of tts duties herwnw,, or in the "VCiq Of any of Its i right a
<br />Power*. it n atoll nave grounds tar bell* I that Ste 7rpaymMl ot such ryrrya or
<br />Trs Asa (ntlemnny against Such risk W il✓bnlTy N `rot r aymenty assure to n: tOr
<br />cWneel Shall be ttW „antl complge tutnnorWtlon aMSi� and the stlrke of much
<br />MY action tst[On W aV}ierW DY '= Wrhdar U Protection M the reapwc, of
<br />Trust” shall not os tiebh for soy on w n good faith arm -ft— thereon; to)
<br />COliaved ty him to be authorized W within the discretion W she powers
<br />PonNr+f W upon h by this Trust Daeo. hoots o!
<br />17. ApIHeW Steam ft lNfranr$att. 7rustW, afire
<br />to the Trustee, promptly apps:.Tr=1 such apenq, will gOcub ens deliver,
<br />re tuired try Trete, m form and euwtanw gtNlac{ m trwMnts q rAaY Pre
<br />the Property conveyed by IN Trust Dretl, .which dry io Trwty, cavmrl^s any of
<br />addltlonal Security for Trustw's fmitmulper7*A" "bj�tppf �het�te Shall be
<br />and conditions Shia Truer Dgtl, the promltOpry rhDiq aOt•atad n.reoy, •IO try
<br />Other seCUrlly Ins,rumMis sxeoaiW in eannaCtfDn with that irMOattfwh. eJUPh
<br />instrument! Shan he recorded or filed.
<br />and re.raooread and Wiled, at Truaws
<br />7fA bpaeSberteaes.
<br />(a) to the avant any she w more of the PAevNiWe cOrnaned in this Trust Deed a
<br />thisptran� �inailsfWaan y OcuAmV i t avem M connection warm neatest
<br />unanf -Cgbte In an thNO b ism Im'NN, lfkgw or
<br />shell, at the option o} rgpOCt. SUCH inve"diry, nlepalmy, « Yhen }pgeeDitny
<br />Dead, but this Trust �d Shot, a effm ary other provlefpn ot this Trwt
<br />unanloroesDN prprlslonnWaM11 to M &IrU@d y If such Invalid, IMgal. W
<br />never bean contalMd hOrebr or thermin.
<br />(b) This Trust Deed shall be constrwo accordi
<br />Nebraska. rig to the laws of
<br />the State of
<br />(e) This Treat Dead shall Inure to and DIM the hahm,
<br />--comes" and Npatg g
<br />s, deviOa,
<br />aOmihistratpla, exeCUtwa, mmmigma pt the
<br />partNe demo.
<br />Itl) Trustor shah Prey all cosy Iwled UPDA This Trull Dead or the dept ".red
<br />herby, together with any other hu"' or asaaeamans which AMY bit IIVW
<br />apalnsl the Trustq or flareficlary or the Neal holder of said promissory note
<br />on account of !he indebtedness eridencad thereby.
<br />W Whenaver uSW harem, the .,,out., pumper snail Include the plum, DIN
<br />slrhpuar, the use of any pMtler hall w appltcabN to ail pandas, arm !tie Cann
<br />"BSMflcary" Shelf Include any Wye of the indebtednaas tweby several w
<br />any transfer thereof, whether by operation of law W otMrwlq.
<br />to. blrmaasaw TryNe. Beneficiary may from two to time submtnute a.ucc W
<br />sucowyrs to any Trust" named nerNn a edtklp Inareyfeer ro execute this 7nNt
<br />De d. Upon much appofntmam arm wftZ ponryyp to the texecut f TmNMe,
<br />the Ntalr aN11 " vested with NI it1N, powere, arm su0 th oOmalr'ad upon ark
<br />Tw- harem named or acting harwno. EaOh wth appolnt7Mro arm
<br />rwbStltunon shin W made ey wrIHM blMNmernt h
<br />rterence to this True Deal arm Its Vlaw ot reCDrd, wnigr wheni� POCOrdsid M the
<br />Deice ot The Imgister of DeWa of the carnty ot countlq M wMgn said prdperfy N
<br />Snwala shaft he aonClusfw frrmt of proper mppotntmome ot the suoOeieer Trwae.
<br />The fo spars paww of au"tnuhon arm the Procedure Therefore shoo not W
<br />arquaM ot the t 7n t arm! propedpre proviso for by low for the subaHtytlpn of a
<br />Trustq a TrusNq In the Dlaw of the Trusters.
<br />20. Fslbeareeq by Iterle lift ry « Trusbe east a Malt«. mr, hwasese. by
<br />tbnaflCNry of Trust" In perching any ASIA «remedy itiraaraler Or OfheMq
<br />NMrdW by applicable law, shall not ba a waMr of w preCiuse the egrcea N fury
<br />"nowlift of wof Ia Trrn1 Iea0M1 be 10 y i wh« of �
<br />other or amuaroafeuM subseggmh, occurring
<br />21. Tnteter etch tl$teeeM. Eslaneron or the HAM for payrnerlt « MOEaBgtpn «
<br />8ucc09W In of the awns gcured l plat Tom Deed grapes by BmrrmflClaY b my
<br />sucweew rn IntOrNl of Trusted Matt rhpl opariM b raley$. M
<br />IUWnty of the original Trlrstw w Trust«'i elrO"eeor M ( a9r rrlerlMt, the
<br />not be requMd to oomttNnw nom• By$HpltaY Neil
<br />"land tithe lot Payment w Otherwi � W $for to « tefwe ro
<br />thle Truat Deed by reason of anY came M inert by the prlglmal Trwror ace mamew T y
<br />suewesore in InMrest.
<br />22 DataetL If that. then " •"faun under tins Deed of Tom «under try pith
<br />and
<br />-art on". C"U aMii� ,ray pure such dNaufi. and the amowtM eewn"p by.
<br />MtwM at the default gaiSo Need M fns Nos in tH•
<br />the odraMq a payments shall be adMd to eta IndapNt d , secures by a th" Of
<br />Or Pm ale a d I be f to b ,any iMe aHer the time of such sewn"$
<br />ot DmYmenal oml0 shall q eeerrred b id movio 0 hereby,
<br />23.00"the • LJIM the occurerNe of furl' default h@ro rot«. flaettcWy
<br />the fOre"the ef mortgages foaoiwa this Trust DOW in the mender proylgd by Nw ter
<br />on real property.
<br />21. Treviel$ f Oft Ably- Do— U_ fifes 04", of
<br />In sts"O'" hefefty aybfW «uedll the brafth of oolMnf OOmbiflea,
<br />the Trusl«, M solely Mttl fmMmy wMMty. Sa
<br />Trusf Daq, Beret PrefitsPrONts thoof, Upon ps mom of all swM ayw a by NN
<br />tllfl$mael IIM Trwli DS arm 1 W TTY ro _ bMPatT «a NMn
<br />Trull Owed to TrI Trustee Nell a Split, tWflptt won" vraai�y M10
<br />wlNaut Charge ro the PWOMO legally emmtee Herb. The angmeme M
<br />reparlraYedq hey be aesalbea q °the sera" or 0 , erymmew slon ,", �
<br />the reelWl ttwio al any maflMa er fags ~ M CoMhrMl ~ of the
<br />1ruM1ulMy tferpl. Such person er Peraoie ef%,I say WT obaN M M"rlsng, if tiny.
<br />25. ANMeraMn M the 9-0011 Of Trent«. In the event the title to ail reef estate N
<br />Irererorr d. a curdrectao to SO I'mrs, nee, from
<br />M MY coe method o and 11M Mitre priMipot win Md moorued AMoryl shall N
<br />Mae become aw arm qh ate N the miectiil Of ft f♦yef Sony. Falnpa ro eaaroise
<br />Hds option because of Ir•MIM of Title as anal sped M ore insan" owl not
<br />Wnatnwe • waver Of the right to astrolq the sane M the aryl ef efy etaesauNrI
<br />idiots, pinta tvy SED
<br />X1. TMs Mee« trust is (;t7Ti6
<br />etesuad by Tratlw to Hej IIe
<br />$ylrrulf a PriMlgl not$ fa _. _ $32,500.00
<br />oMar ens fit" for record with the ftefNler of Deets and ian(nled ma apiden, ..__
<br />Document #83- 004767
<br />