U. Box x1768 Gr
<br />and Island, We
<br />WrTMEBMTH: That Trustor, In consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other
<br />valuable consideration -recelpt
<br />Is tweby acknowledged, grants, conveys, Sells and warrants to Trustee, In trust, With POW Of sale, the
<br />kNw&*V defied PMPWtY, situated In Hall
<br />County, Nebrmka-
<br />T'he E—t*r-1Y SixtY (60) feet of Lot One (1), in Block Three (3), in Spaulding and
<br />GreWfil Addition to the MY Of Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />'Ift*4001ftnts" to coinvy lW6bY In absolute title in fee simpkk including all the rights of hornsatsW and
<br />doliall I 1 11 Ir ' all bWWMM fixtum, lmProva"MOnts and aPPurtwWWAW ttwnwnto WIng; and all W the
<br />10iliethm w1th "M property we tmWn refenred to as the -Property.-
<br />its TM MAPOK OFSEMMIDIG WWMWMG of each agree 11 W"nantofTrustorhenmincon%ined
<br />WW1ftp%V�W,6fVWp*WWWMo" NINE �THOUSA�IAND� Wa (S 9,
<br />WiD 49,000.00
<br />48 Mod lie - L
<br />or Odes ,,d,'by apr'o� "0%bsW*n9 even data at the TSUG Of kft1s8t ffwmn which may tmvaftw be paid
<br />"ftrthgow, Of"ftTluWt)@W;bwhpdnclpW,Oumand,nft"M#w being pays a
<br />to Ing, son be ble ocording
<br />PrOWAMMY r*ft 1101191IMMOD to which is tweby rnaft at the office of the q~clary or at
<br />such z"W VNM as 00 holder may demo" in writing, the final PBYnwt Of Principal and Interest,. If not sooner
<br />PO K 0" 110AW 00 payable on the 15th -day of- Anril
<br />md all removal and extensions tbereof. _19 92
<br />TMW and gwwftiwY covenant and agree as follows:
<br />Matta al* mtWtMemmeaNePt M"Wtt" P*"*S, All trypuram, Vothajim, me"sons, puMWWo Me Trust Odes
<br />"Ift"Ver Of fscwd; inel Trumor will warrant am ""O"m TIMM" am OWWhokft m himeaft So their
<br />an Trustee and ft @Pow. am PMVW "at WW0 Man "a Commission
<br />ill am poss, Wirmon mittilication to Trustee am ffiaaMrm In the
<br />V I
<br />,M=s or MtW=
<br />older to
<br />60 from
<br />10"—RYP"Vmwtnoiw.f,
<br />Opy adeem" thWWO .
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<br />in 4 proinaterts of a" ~ impurity
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<br />rstnHM His mem in good orsor am
<br />a" we heremms, F^Wnom"N".
<br />wash. No r prmall esm.
<br />r-slem, mwRRwm Pone tft Tymot phoppyly.
<br />WAWIN�m' or O"Osmsel, T�PMW, of ft I" am and
<br />roblift no sm"
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<br />W"O-ONW,", 14" std prwmm Miller the Uniniot "M 84at" of
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<br />With M*Wf to the unprolImmoil, a" potba", hop@rty
<br />tommwthv no I'Viefewity 4"ftf lose by his. 'W" lownifflo, end other thrill
<br />as'""d by "OffillOnd @#%"dad Covers" I
<br />ow a" hundred owcom .1. in all Or"U"I 94.01 to .1
<br />N Ift lull loplaolumnif Ithre l"'OUC end insurance
<br />SWIM sail" ~ ""*M AM 1" "cj'#"Munl " 19 OW&IOMAIIIY calmed by—we
<br />41-111 *"&to& of inhilly, orowit" 110111 as berethouey n," own, fill, If,
<br />plowtwn. 111.01W .111 comply *an such other,
<br />"orn fill* to I"" '"U'"Of far "" Wais"ron by "iftkifliftle of the Interest of the
<br />Itroat any
<br />sin — hisheased " or boss" mmen days simer to IN*
<br />a"
<br />to sisidol •to we lies" -on" by Mily Treat Dow am ams am sispost at use
<br />of Ma"tHyM raft mraatI "Mel or on MMw« - is = lots, ses"W"d
<br />assm.
<br />am
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<br />lay" or anftftd aP I of aw upon use property, WNW immmisseeT, W4 will
<br />to 0- 111, my ossefte of - 'I - sialwasm of thest Sam pas
<br />as=mwwfttfsmwmi"~S* I" Itf"W ape" "W "ma ~
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<br />to muses' Theme 10 Poll. ft *SM 30 do
<br />throw "
<br />"MMM@Mv, a" tmn, saftm""B of ~ PUW Chasm "@him tho
<br />tTrtauplf "Te ph" sop"nes by *hill Trust OM I of UP" OCODUM 04 VIVO dOW or
<br />Wo DIM seoww
<br />n "ft Tent -Dam mh" e or *WAWR~ N fo r W"WO4" ft hgu" to be
<br />So ympt in
<br />MSPM I"~- LVOa dW4"4 1111, Tt*$W. Trustee OW d I.- to yriess" guo,
<br />owas 40 mm" a we 0 a I to ses" UP a" dolummy 40 the
<br />9 --a"" tool,"If Troops to paysiny at the lonspoing Patna.
<br />11110811111111 Ulft fWar shelf Imply all VSVNW"g 01 omism am phatheal am
<br />P"RMM W a" ~ ltmm f"L Will soe contmem 10 mama to
<br />W" "ON** or "W "nowwrin - I" " Prior Treat Ong
<br />C O"W opose" 89 M 0 ON" hen dM " we ;4 -
<br />and to ii:F"YE
<br />WNW". imetod Tftww laill to mom a" wmom.
<br />N fuagm afaeNamr Or 41 any ball" OR omen amp is
<br />-*WWII allso" ft a ate I-it Wmesm in VA Room*. Motisift but yon
<br />IWOMM so. ew*wm Vismost. & impi V. WWWWW" Of PMOGOOMP lawme" a
<br />bW*"Wh O sasss""' then sft"u"T O ItUMM bi ""W M"ti" to d W Mhdw#W
<br />a" OWWI not" to or mmmms UPC" TNSW. am Without! Wft6k" Trwaltr ft"
<br />" hmf""dw. in" W41be of do the bmwl a" M" P". Won*".
<br />—e
<br />"hw at roam
<br />* liffiect "to property, In le"Maing G"V sun pow" the
<br />I y"'a"s May "ohin My liability " O*PVW WhatirM Oringunts,
<br />nokent doebu�p*wwft of mawnew Imarmy's NNW which in their ~Utsy
<br />I alteration' May be rise&"" In ins ~t that Theme, shall fail 10 ppe.,O
<br />Owanoll . 10 on Is%", 111"a *Wial masos"*"I* Of to RIO" any Payments 1.
<br />relining . pro. 110. hold.1i W bomfl.-Orroo, the 119"aftriart, "Y procure aw,
<br />Rod "WHIP our POYMOntS, All inions fmo"Old or ,wow by Vemilwaff,
<br />TrUlts"M In "0OM31triell with the pimisjons of this y,ug, Chled are Wuloo herby
<br />I
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