<br />11
<br />85--003540 f I I F_ 7
<br />jar '"'Ale -,hr an rid 111dryagr HM-01 V __Uunj of w2v: 11 M,Ado soon Mal
<br />With I() pal SLIct, PIL'Illjun! to JIC SeclCuc-\ " . - , !__ I"
<br />and qyn"
<br />NUDOAnd Kwswip Ak,'. as arneridejI. and aPPhL:aNv thel-vull Cie] 07
<br />in) if and Sol kmg as swd note of even d,, and
<br />"Url 1140copment, a MC111%, charge 1 in ity, the Se"MrS X ftwo, anti
<br />amount equal io Otwqw,lah (1 ;12, Of Prf'"'itanJ which shall he in all
<br />due on the note COmputed without ta unt; Art of the v_ wtstanding hallarloc taunt; into account delinquencies or pnTayments:
<br />a
<br />(h) A sum equal to the ground runts, 9 any. next &V p, 5,
<br />Policies Of Se and Other hazard insurance covering, . renhurns that will next becOr
<br />We unnymped PFOPCrTy'. plus taxes nie due and payable ()jj
<br />on the MOTtgdged property, (all a,� (..vtjfr1ated h and ag,,C,
<br />SM n
<br />number Of months to elapse before the Afort, e is next dui:
<br />g�eu; less all Rims already paid therefor dikrided bii
<br />when su,
<br />':it gfOUTId rents,
<br />one nxinth prior 10 Tile date v the e
<br />assessments will become delinquent, such sums to he held hY Mortgagee hl !.u,,, I premiums. taxes and
<br />miumS, taxes and special asscsslllvnls: and o pa� said ground rents, pre-
<br />(c) All PHY'llents mentioned in the twc, Preceding subsections
<br />gethei and the a
<br />the note secured hereby shall he added 10: ()i 1111's paragraph and all Pll�`TTICntt; TO he M
<br />each month in a slnoe pa�cmtnl 10 Ibe applied 49rf-�9z;!,, arn, made ,nde!
<br />.Sfiall _t,
<br />�e paid hY Be Mot �ayc)T
<br />d h} the Morl2q, ')Unl Ill'
<br />!he "0111S Ill Ifit, Older WI ioth:
<br />Plerflium 'oharoes under the ,insurance wnh HO Seumlaw to Ho"mp wo t,%,
<br />Or TTIOntidy L:har,7,, li),! jieU
<br />givAund rerim, luxes nla� hc�
<br />interest on ment's- fire and OlheT hazard insurance rit. jur,
<br />I
<br />'fle '"te secured he!t�hy� and
<br />(IV) amortiZZITAt ' 11 oi the principal of ;aid note.
<br />Any deficiency 111 aw arrio"I of
<br />an; , Such a
<br />gagoi prio-, agile -gate IT)olltfll% payment shall, unless nlaic golod, h� life
<br />lc� tilt' W daze of Be rint such PPOW"I. nuMhow an CKIN Ot UJILIC! This Tj)L)j-Tga,2e
<br />Mortgagee may SlieCt ,, "late charge TiOl to eXCeed Rol ants (Q) fur nwh dollar (S 1 1 (if - - Tit,:
<br />than fifteen 5) Oa.%S IT arlears to cover Ow extra expense MV,j each panwIll n1mv
<br />ved in �IaTJL11'112 delinquent payments,
<br />That if the total of the PYWOW mail(, by the klortgrag(Ar under n" of paragraph 2 preceding
<br />Air -,round rf�nj_ jax,� an ;�
<br />the amount Of at- actual 1`11W hy Ill(- Wrigagee fi -;hall exeeed
<br />mium�-. U!� the case ma% be. such cx(:Cs, d the low, is ,lon Of _IJ a- fsmeni_- Or insurance prf,-
<br />'he M --hail be crQ&
<br />the Mloryeagee on subsiqueni Payment, Mortgagor_ , , It <d
<br />I 'A) b` made lJy the klori,,gragoT. or refunded to the jhWq,,,,
<br />monthly payment Mack, by the Mortitaeur under K) 0,
<br />rent, taxes and assessment,?� or insurance f paragraph 2 preceding �hajl] no� Suffjc_iC!nl I() pa�, grou rid
<br />able then the kJortgagor
<br />premium a' the raye MUY he When Be �ame -,hall become du
<br />?hall Pay in the Wtgagpi, any amount nf.,f, e and pay-
<br />the date when payment of,�uch ,_Found rvniz-. text _;`al� LAW make up Ill*, deficiefic) . rA or beforf,
<br />!' &—P-sment.- or in-surance pl-emium, hall be due I . any
<br />tillille the Mortgagor shall tender 1,A) the Nicirtgagee, in ar(yrdan(v mith the Prvi ion:- of the note sf-,cured herfibi
<br />full Payment Of the entire indebtedne�-, repre,onfed there by. the Mortgragef, shall,
<br />iridebEedness. credit ICW the account Of the Mortgag()r such
<br />in (MMPUAT19 the HnHounl Of
<br />hereof' which the Mortgag-pe ha, n(, PiUmems made under It PnWIVAils of is : 4 paraph 2
<br />to the ��per-elar�j Of Hou!-;ing and I r-ban DtNtlopmenT a
<br />-e remaining in the funds aNwrivulawd under Me pmv&k,, par,
<br />and any balance lmw"MP (Alifaled ui pay
<br />-shall life a default under any ill' tilp p,,iq,,, of "F 2 h+
<br />herehl, or if the - if there _N
<br />v Wt9agee acquire- 01• property taht n"Uhmg in a pulpic' -�itlp (of tilt- premi--�e- coxpred I
<br />otherwise after default. Be Mort-,,arpe -41.,iA apply lit 1,fie limp ol
<br />If' commfmcemeni of such pnRoedings, or at the limp the pirnp(my i� whorvii-4o acquired, Lhe ha!ancf-, thfin rpmui
<br />ke in the funds am'Umthaied under r 0 14 puawaph 2 pn"Volly an H
<br />remaining, unpaid under -acid Tlol,e� und ;hall credit a_gajrj��j
<br />of paragruph proporl� adj Illp 111111OU'll of principaj then
<br />Paymoni- vvili
<br />Erase, been made'
<br />4. That The Pytlungaqw will
<br />tie r
<br />chargem lines. tir imp,,h,,, h, rrm4 taxes
<br />m0wh M TO("' has not 'heile n"'N"Immaurnh! �rein al"T and i'thel (n rrwnwwa�
<br />............
<br />paj the same: and that the h3ungamor win hrtnrt� and M j"aul! theTeof the' ty_,jOTjgaget.
<br />the otticla;
<br />,� jhe,,rf(;T Ii; Ana
<br />Tht Mortgago! " ill pj�� it' , tit, M �)T,I'
<br />"k hict) l7la" he lv� Arc
<br />menus, and "tigh rna� be levied LIT101.1 tilt, nl�yrtgjl�,,e Alpon to >9t, 1g , InTeIcs? In
<br />J leall estate and impr� e-
<br />or the dehl sccurn Web,
<br />eel h!y lam and onk' ill tile t%ten! kai such will niq (but "TO to !he cxTuni War such is not prohibb-
<br />Imposed tArl AW "Ar Q- han uNurunni, but rk,h_ldln�f jny int., jijx
<br />gagee. and willhp die M,U ejeral.
<br />taking, or if the Nlortpagor;s PI'Ohibiled f)y .ins lam AWv o, ,Q,t�nj
<br />mini with the `a �,,Tlg the 'Atli i under
<br />said taxes, or upon The court decree Pr(Whing the pakrnr it (it all% T)OT-tiOn Of The jjj�)?t_
<br />or decree proOdes that arri amount mi . Pmd h fit b� tilt k1of-144,A:W7 of al I k such M XeS, tAF if Such lam
<br />the -kltirtg"go' shull he Credned or, he nkingage dehl. the Mortgagee shall hit"t,
<br />the right I) give ninety dot's' written norict jO the owney of "re TTIoTtltU9Cd PT-urniseS rek;U' '
<br />debt- If such notice hr invent the said deh, ,hall hectunt: due. Pavahir and . LANCOhle al Tilt, - iring the pj�yfrjetjt (q, the Fn()TW'gagc
<br />6. That should he fad u, pu% an-v -Apmalwil WA I sw . dnmv%d=A
<br />Tom. may pas (W perforin tile sarit sum tu keen any "ven wO Pnolded f ar in the', NAmIlgage, Then Be kjong,,,,,
<br />As. and all exilenditures so rnadv shall he add
<br />shall he secured herchN, anti shaJ1 hear inieresi al tilt, rare el for,, ridded it' tilt PrinciPal sun) Owing Wn he abiltr note.
<br />7
<br />That he kinch I ahkm. MuWvfm� and sets over to the N h it! tilt, said, trolt" until, paid.
<br />sums, -�Ccured orehs if) "Isr of it default in It peowmanc of ank of note 'Ind all
<br />Mile, all the rents, reverlue I(' be 'IMPlied lom'wd the pet) Inert, All the
<br />,s and the lerm� jind L:Onditi,,�� oI fit,, MOI.lg"gr Or the sald
<br />nOss shall remain unpaid to fir denned from the awrtgagecl premlses of
<br />unpaid: anti he Mortgagee shut! fla�u power I(' appoint am ageril WWI agents
<br />rep i urr'19 such time w, the n?oriA.,.tpv Indebted,
<br />uUm"If said ructills"' and ')t renting he same and usecmW to rents. 31 "1 � desirt, on Be pumon A
<br />comes all ekilensivs of repuldmig said premIsn jmd n,,,nitry irtenues aimi mA:'o"Ic. aria IT mak pit% ow of said in
<br />-
<br />++c UTICtmeo An j,-rj!jnV an(
<br />, j 1,
<br />-orlo: tilt halaricc if An1 To Iant4lr tilt'
<br />sdrrir and (if zWkectirw rentak, torVtT ins and
<br />indrhteolness
<br />bu ar'-Phtd t0m;i7d IS dlwhaTr Q md rrA,Q
<br />T t
<br />1,
<br />Thai ire keep o' Irt"leafirt elected (11 IN, nwrgapeu PhTcmi.. urswed a, nay J-,(�
<br />required fruff, tone I, time f_fe th
<br />,I�Uallles and
<br />klortgi vt and mill piik rmornrilk � Von One, anD prvmllhr?)�, OU "iA,'h
<br />RM(AAMS Anti for such NOW, as nak IV reLnurri! b We and o1fic, h,'e"oCk,
<br />mouranix poienkm h" p"MAcm to Winch on MAI madc. i"I't
<br />�,haH Q hcW tj "flat! A d 1111V
<br />pava-lik " Nil he "a"
<br />ploved lT_N the M-C"gWe anu to lfit)h%�iun 411d TCRCm4flk lelVinhef(IT'
<br />14 am! in for An n, ceptahl me NA Wdilur and hm r
<br />fro "l ") ttw M(w4lagivi'. sk) niq MA, joi,q 9' To the Mortgailigru JU everil (4 hKV AC mgapol 'Ail, g'lkv innnedlalt rloff(
<br />f-friAled "' hef"bN auffitfrIZVO anid durcted � (4 has K WWI nwLIA: ptollop!k ht Mortgagol, 'Ind vach ni"Illar4c, �orllrl�111
<br />MW the Mor4awc jnnatk, and to Pmmwm fm mwh W dirnih to tilt, Insle,
<br />secured "r w Or Tesn" W!"Ir CPA of the r": jwr" jymagco in M ',ere tfK- Irldchtedil
<br />lt� thet real to H ;iari thcre�oj, ji, fit, applied hk Tile mortpagrc, "I All
<br />Moe of tiffs uuwv
<br />,We or otficl IA, tit, InorlAtaged fropvr?i In
<br />All rwill, Art* #W jotcIrsA of to %)Ft"
<br />TOY
<br />71m - uddantna! "d otiiwjj i Insuralt4x polluit's then W 10T, t
<br />;Tj ttpt "emnivyll of !ht, notc di'�'TO"ro and
<br />tivef,'% tilt, Morjgj*t_�
<br />them
<br />Or" ShMN In A !no V�y Qa4�( .1N0 :hl '0;1�
<br />reel XMI "-a an k PW "Wm- a ow aw PM of
<br />niek,,mir Pit& ani;
<br />Y.
<br />•
<br />