<br />r-
<br />This form iS used in connection
<br />MORTGAGE with mortgaites insured under the
<br />One- to four-farniiy provisions of
<br />the National Housing Act.
<br />Tiff MORTGAGF, ma%and-cx ted t 24th July
<br />4
<br />19 oMrcf his. da f
<br />by and between `'Wan and Judy 3I.,. Ivanski, Husband and Wife A.D.
<br />of the County of Hall I and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter called
<br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of The United States of America
<br />party of the second Part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee,
<br />nbV,qN6rtgag0T. for and in consideration j),ple SAND
<br />T"ghi6lk I ,Lim of FIFTY FOUR THOU
<br />!)o1jars(S 54,300.00 ), paid by the Mort -
<br />e. the receipt of •hict, is hereby acknowledged. has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant. Bar-
<br />pin, Sell, Convey and Confirm untc�tbft Mortgagee, its successors arid assigns. forever. the following - described estate, situated in the County of and State
<br />of Nebraska. to wit:
<br />Lot Three (3), Le Heights Fourth Subdivision, comprising a part of the East
<br />Half of the Northwest Quarter (EVM4) of Section Eleven (11) North, Range Ten
<br />(10), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The Addendum to the Mortgage attached hereto is incorporated herein and the
<br />covenants and agreements of the Addendum shall amend and supplement the covenants
<br />and agreements of this mortgage.
<br />k%f Ilk" Sixth PTIMAPal Meridian. ,"ontaininp in all
<br />A"I ell it 1- ,ordlrip w
<br />`Tit HAk+. AND `TO Hof.!) the vrernise,, ahovt! described- with All the !WPUrit"Lance,, thereunto belonging and including
<br />all hCattrig, Plumbing and lighting fixtures and e(juipmeni nov. OT hereafter attach" 0 it-, or used ;it connection with said real estate
<br />unto the Mortgagee, jind it, its successors and assigns, forever. The MortVaRO' I'CrIVesellf, jo, and o-enant" with, the Mortga-
<br />9CV. thdi the MortgagoT has good right to sell and convey -said Premises'.
<br />arrant and defend the same al"ainst the lawful claim- of talc and the Said Mortgagor here-
<br />Mortgagot will warrant That the% AIT free from encumbrance and that the
<br />hN rchilIquit-sheN all riots of tu)"lestead. arid all martial rights. either III !tt" rat III eqtI6 - .and all olhiLl contingent interests of the
<br />MOrtgagm in and It, the above-described Premise,, the Intention being to i:ov%c\ hereh" an abNoltlle title, in fee siniple. includ-
<br />I%, all rights of homestead and offit, right', and iruerest,, as afole',aid
<br />IWOVIDED At W AYS. and these presents are exectileil and delivel-
<br />,(I klpill, file (Ind, I,(,n.
<br />to %kit,
<br />The Mort cts It, Int% It, the Mortgagre, car oidef, the priticipal sum of FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND TMEE
<br />WMAS W'9/100 Dollars IS 54,300.00
<br />with Ifilerest front date it tile rate W NINE AND 80/100 9.8 per annurn of)
<br />the Ufqmd b"Wri" until PAW.Tbe said Principal and interest shiall he Pakahic at file office of NORWEST BANK OMAHA,
<br />AL AS!'))CIATIONP .0. Box 3408, Omaha, Nebraska 68103 , ol ill such other place ak the holder j�j
<br />MTIOr
<br />tW note InO deSignate in writing, in nwrithl, installments of FIVE HUNDRED SIXTEEN AND 83 / 1,00
<br />Dollar'. ("s I, c0r)"IrencuiF on the first dad itt
<br />September 119 85 anti malt TF3t there afler until the principai itild in
<br />terem arc fully Pod, CXCIPI that the fi �%l �avmvni tit Principal and fnlere,�!. 0 neat sooner paid. shall bv dilu a'nd
<br />pavalyk- on the first dav of ugust 1, 2 0 salt ac.cortfing it, the terms cif � �,er,
<br />snare rialte of a: vein date herewith executed by the said MortgagoL proml,
<br />Tfw Mairtgagot In or more (uIlk, 14, project the se.:urjle of thv, Mortgage,
<br />agiet.,
<br />I That tw will pjoy the- jrttebledness, as Privilege I,, reserved lo pit% [tic Licht in of In all
<br />amount equal to (Me 4W truire rw,nthj.} Payments oil the Ptln,:Ipal that div Iwkt iftiv on 111v 11411C im the fjyej cl,t% col sang inot-Ith
<br />prim to maturity: ftovkkv. litovVvel, That written MmIlce of an Intention to V%,CTCI,"V "110i p1witege is g1tvil 11, klasl thirl" a 41h
<br />days Prior to PfrP*Vmen1
<br />racrfr 'Thtal. kWcf with, and in atitfillint 10" Ott- I-norittih t, 4trtlerits of principal tAlld Utlot"O V�t ahjl, w1dr! Ifit, torrn, tit the,
<br />W—v;`of" NCIOVN, OW MMIgagof will rsak to tine Mortgagee, ('11 the hzsl do (0 ra, h "toillh untr Tht, "anti nolv
<br />Anjouna %u! Ik'W'n ( I o Ilia Vick" I I It h tidv i httv, , t W I t i t,
<br />m"Wunwill maj bvc n!41£. &(%"wrd hewhk drr lm%w',vo
<br />Pfau- thr 6 w, im, wl t � ?tti s,, tc id j 4
<br />0-
<br />oil
<br />