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Loan No. <br />............... <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE LOAN RIDER <br />002360 <br />NOTICE: THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT SECURES A NOTE WHICH CONTAINS <br />A PROVISION ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE. IN- <br />CREASES IN THE INTEREST RATE WILL RESULT IN HIGHER PAYMENTS. <br />DECREASES IN THE INTEREST' RATE WILL RESULT IN LOWER PAYMENTS. <br />This Rider is made this ...... day of ................ ..... y. ._. 19 ..8.... <br />?!�L . , 5 <br />. <br />into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or -, and is incorporated <br />Deed to Secure Debt <br />(the "Security Instrument") of the same date given by the undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure Bor- <br />rower's Note to .... <br />Firs; --- Association of Lincoln, a- United .. Staten corporation <br />"Note") and covering the property described in the Security Instru- <br />ment "Lender ") of the date (the ­ ----------- --------------- <br />U -------- * - ­ -, <br />and located at ...16f17. liarrAg;_Qa --- $.Vrggt. --- ... ... ,.Grand Nebraska . Nra.s.ka ... ...... <br />Property Address ...... . .... <br />MODIFICATIONS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument. Bor- <br />rower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />I. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT' CHANGE DATES <br />The Note has an "Initial Interest Rate" of ...10.750 <br />Interest rate changes may occur on the Ist day of. July. 86 <br />st (Jay of ........ October 19 and o e <br />...... 1 79. 8.6. and oil the 1st (Jay of Januiaiy n891 <br />. . ........ <br />and on the Ise day of­. ........... . *'*"A April 19.... <br />........ 19 87 - and on those dates of those months in every <br />Year thereafter. Each date on which the rate of interest may change will be called a "Rate Change Date". <br />Changes in Principal and interest payments to adjust amortization of the loan to correspond with <br />interest rate changes shall be made on the Ist day of.. _J,uly. 86 <br />(late every and on that <br />" " ­ ....... Year(s) thereafter. Each date on which the principal and interest Payment may <br />Change will be called a "Payment Change Date". <br />2. INTEREST RATE CHANGES <br />(A) The Index <br />Beginning with the first rate change date, my interest rate will he based on all index. The "Index" <br />is the: (check one box to indicate Index) <br />all M <br />(1) u "Contract Interest Rate. Purchase of Previously Occupied Homes, National Average for <br />ajor Types of Lenders" published by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. <br />(2) :-2 M94t Y_;kypFagliI, yij@�ld on U.S. Treasury Securities <br />.......... <br />adjusted_, t.9 a­clonst,ant maturity. of published by the Federal Re* <br />................ serve Board. <br />The most recent Index figure available as of the date <br />tS (lays before each Rate Change Date and <br />45 days before each Payment Change Date is called the "Current Index". <br />If the Index is no longer available the Note Holder will choose a new Index which is based upon <br />comparable information. The Note Holder will give me notice of this change. <br />(B) Calculation of Changes <br />Before each Rate Change Date or Payment (liange Data the Not(- Holder will calculate any new <br />interest rate by adding . 245 percentage Points ( 2.450 it) the Current Index. The results <br />I* tage <br />of this addition will be my n I new interest rate until the next Rate Change Date or Payment Change Date. <br />On each Payment Change hange Date, the Note Holder will then determine the amount of the monthly <br />PftYment that would be sufficient to repay the unpaid Principal balance of my loan I am expected to owe on <br />the Payment Change Date in full on the maturity date at my new interest rate in substantially equal 141.v- <br />rnente. The result of this calculation will he the amount of my new principal and intereml payment until <br />MY next. Payment Change Date. <br />(Check box(s)) <br />(1) If this box is chocked. there will <br />'Fr down. Th _�t be 114) "lax'"'U'll limit ')it chnI19M in the interest rate ill) <br />e interest rate RN calculated under Section 2 (B) will he the new irjtere,,,j race. <br />(2) If this box ix checked, the interest rate that I pay shall not increase more thall 100 <br />1-lerct-wage txnnts on any Payment vnient change I)aje. <br />If this ltox iq (,he4-k(- intere-A rat,� that. I I ya� shall 1141( j I 14 rf-�Iqp jjj,n­j, than 100 <br />'d, the <br />3"centage pointm eq, ally l'"vnient Changf, Date. <br />4) If this f)ox is cheeked, the +interersl rare I lint I Pav Aiall not in(ivasi, snore i lijin 1wrientKe jojjj on onv Rate change I)Aje. m <br />