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Loan No.....63319-1 -18 <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE LOAN RIDER <br />00226` <br />NOTICE: THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT SECURES A NOTE WHICH CONTAINS <br />A PROVISION ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE. IN- <br />CREASES IN THE INTEREST RATE WILL RESULT IN HIGHER PAYMENTS. <br />DECREASES IN THE INTEREST RATE kVILL RESULT IN LOWER PAYMENTS. <br />This Rider is made this _9t_ .. . . day of - -- --- __...?`?�Y....___ ___ _..., 19._.85, and is incorporated <br />into and shall he deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Deed to Secure Debt <br />(the "Security Instrument ") of the same date given by the undersigned (the "Borrower ") to secure Bor- <br />f�wer's N4 t� .. _._ __ .. _ .... _.... <br />rst a era Savings and L03n Associat iOn of Lincoln, i lliiited States corliorati-oll_ <br />_.- ......_... _....... .__.._._.._ . ...... ...... ....... __..._.. - .- _...__ . _....... ...... ... .... .............. __. ... <br />(the "Lender') of the same date (the `Note ") and covering the ii�roper Security described in the Security Instru- <br />ment and located at . _ 110 East 15 Street Grated Island, Nebraska 681 <br />Property Address <br />MODIFICATIONS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, Bor- <br />rower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. INTEREST RATE AND MONTIMY f'AYNIENT CHANGE DATES <br />The Note has an "Initial Interest Rate" of 10' 150 <br />Interest rate change, arur on the t day of July ]f)86 and o he <br />,,, ovtx� g�i Sanua -ey " <br />day of _�. __ __ April , 19. and on 1st day of _.. 19_ <br />and on the Nt day of , !9 and on those dates of those months in every <br />Year thereafter. Each date on which the rate of interest may change will t,e called a "Rate Change Date ". <br />Changes in principal and inta r(-t ;raynia -nts to adjust amortj7 tion of the loan to grre;pond with <br />interest rate shall be made on the : st day of I Y . .... ... . - _, 19. . and on that <br />(late every yearl s) thereafter. Each date on which the principal and interest payment may <br />Change will tie called a "t'ayment. Change hate." <br />2. INTEREST RATE C IIANGES <br />(A) The Index <br />Beginning with tlu- first r:•ate- (hinge date. my inters t rata will h(c haled on an index. The ..Index.. <br />the: acheck one. box try indicate Index) <br />(1) "Contract Inren -t Rate. Purchase of Previously Occupied Homes, National Average for <br />Al Major Type of L�endem" puhlishe:d by the Federal flome I.�n Bank Board. <br />12) Monthly avera6e yield on t,'.S. Treasury Securities <br />adjusted to a constant maturity of 1 year published by the Federal Reserve Board. <br />The most recent" Index figure available as of the date 1:; days heiore each Rate Change hate and <br />t:i clays before each Payment Change Bate is called the "Current Index ". <br />If the Index in no longer available. the :Vote Holder will choose a new Index which is based u)xrn <br />comparable information. The Note Holder will give me notice of this change. <br />a3) Calculation of Changes <br />Before each Rate (4 Tvv hate or Payrnent Changp y e the 'Vote Holder will calculate nay na�w <br />interest rate by adding purce,ratage points t ' ) to the Current Index. Tho resuli.d <br />of this addition will he my new• interest: rate until the next Rate Change Date or I'ayntent Change hate. <br />On each Payment Change Date, the ;vote Holder will then determine the amount of the monthiv <br />tasyment that would he sufficient to repay the unpaid principal balance of my Dean I am expected to owe on <br />the Payment Change Bate: in full on the maturity date at my new interest rate in substantially colual pay- <br />itientm. The result of this calculation will he the amount of my new principal arid interest payment until <br />my next: Payment. Change Date. <br />(Check box(s)) <br />('1) I t It third box is clter.ketd, there will let. no nlaxinrutn limit on changes i» thv interest rate up <br />or down. The interest rate as calculated under �xtion 2 a 11) will he the llvw interc'sl rate. <br />(Z) ' If this &amts is checked, the inters "Mt rate that I Imy shall nut sarcreasc more than 100 <br />percentage Ixnnts on any I'aytnent Change Date. <br />(3) �` If this Ixax is ehezeEscd, the interest rate that 1 ;>as <heail wit rlo. a;aoec fhan <br />100 <br />ppmentage pornla on any Ilavme -nt Change Date, <br />(I) If thin box in a hawked, the interest raft, that 1 pay 4mll not un,re€ase, more Chian <br />tovv, n1aKo la,ants on any slate Change hate. " <br />