<br />11e•ne. fee•,• S�
<br />8,r--.. 000903
<br />Iry upped :am I+lednt•:., and or tobli4alion secured hcrchy and in wu•h order and amount as ltvtwfiriarp may feet..
<br />nine: (or :Still :urrouiil fly erne portion therr,f nt:ey. ;u the option of the lIvneficiarv. either he used in replacing or restoring the
<br />unpr „l cone.. L< port null)' ,rr N'talk destl'oved touctond!t 1),n d isfactor} to ..aiei Itrnrfici:in'. to� said amount or any portion thert.f
<br />mac iic n•leused to the 1Tnshir. in am such v%vrt neither the Trustee our the kcneficiary shall he obligated to see to the proper
<br />:tpphrat,un thee.:,”: our .,hall the :unnunt nn released to r used ho deern,•ef a payment toil any indebtedness secured hereby. Such
<br />;Ihpliration. rose. nod:nr release shall not curt or waive any deranit "r not ire ofdefault hereto rider or invalidateany setdone• pursu-
<br />ant to .such lltotice. Any unexpired insurance and:dl returnable insurance• prcmiunls shall inure to the benefit 1)4. and pass to, the
<br />pots bast. tor the prvgre"'I euyorcd thereby It any' Trustee's .site held hereunder. I f said property is sill(] pursuant to the power of
<br />s:dc contained herein or pursuant to any decree of foreclosure, all righl. (ill(. and interest of Trustor in and to the priweedsof fire
<br />and fritter insurance policies for damage prior Indic sale, which lenm•eeds are nut received prior tothedxteofsaid sole, shall belong
<br />to Iteneficutry. -
<br />Taxes and Other Sums flue: I'll pay, satisfy and discharge, tat least ten 110) days before delinquency, all general and spe-
<br />cr;el tales and assessments affecting such property, and in nu event later than the !late suell amounts becornedue. (I) all encum-
<br />hrances, charges and liens, with interest, on such property, orally part thereof, which arc. or appear to Beneficiary to tie prior to or
<br />reptile. hereto, 121 all costs, fens and expenses rIf this trust. whether or not described herein. IA) feesor charges for any statement
<br />regarding t he ohligatiun secured hereby in ally arliount demanded by Itrite'flelary, trot vipxcf,ed tile maxlnlulll amount allowed by
<br />law therefor at the lime cyan❑ such request is .nude, ( ;1 such other charges its the Beneficiary nrlty- deem reaonable for services
<br />rendered by Beneficiary soul furnished at the request of Trustor 1)r any successor in interest to ' Trustor, (5) if such property
<br />includes a leasehold estate, all payments and obligations required of the Trustor or his successor in interest under the termsof the
<br />instrument or instruments creating such Icaschuld. Trustor hereby agreeing not to amend, change, or modify his leasehold inter-
<br />est or the lernison which he has such leasehold interest. 1)r to agree ludo so, without the written consent of Beneficiary being first
<br />obtained, and (fi) all payments and monetary obligations required of the owner of such property under any declaration of coven-
<br />ants, conditions and restrictions pertaining It, such property or any modification thereof. Should Trustor fail to make any such
<br />payment. fnpneficiary, w iihnut contest ing tilt' validity or amount, may elect to make or advance such payment together with any
<br />costs, expenses, fees or charges relating thereto, including employing counsel and paying his reasonable fees. Trustor agrees to
<br />notifv Beneficiary immediately ulmm receipt fly Trustor of notice of any increase in the assessed valueofsuch property and agrees
<br />that Beneficiary. in the name of Truster. 'flay ('unrest by appropriate proceedings such increase in assessment.
<br />In the eventof the passageof any law deducting from the value of real property for the purposes of taxation any lien thereon.
<br />or changing in any way the laws for the taxation nrde•e•dseif trust ordebts secures) by deedsof trust forstateor local purposes, or the
<br />manner of the collection of any such lase., so as to affeel r his Deed of Trust, the holder of this Deed of Trust and of the obi igations
<br />w It tell it secures shall have) ho right Irideclare all sums secured hereby due as of adate to be specified by not less than ;ill days' writ-
<br />ten notice to, hegivell to'TrI st +tr by bencfirinry: proyuded, however. t hat such election shall be ineffective if Trustor is permitted by
<br />haw to pay the whole of such tax in addit ion to all other payments required hereunder and if, prior to such date, does pay
<br />such lax and agrees to pay any sorb tux w hen hereafter levied or assessed against such property, and such agreement shall consti-
<br />tlrte a modificatitn of this Iced if Trust
<br />`unis Advanced to hear Interest: 'I',, p,ty nnmrdi :ut•ly upon demand aqy solos advanced or paid by Beneficiary or Trus-
<br />tee under any clause to1 pruyisiein of this l leotl of'1'rust. A fly such souls, until so repaid. shall be secured hereby and bear interest
<br />from the date i1 was advanced or paid at the same rate as such indebtedness and shall be secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Assignment of I)epeueits: That as further additional security if this !e a construction loan. Trustor hereby transfers and
<br />assigns to Beneficiary during continuative of these 'Trusts. all ngh1, title and interest toany and all monies deposited by Trustoror
<br />del-sited toff behalf of Trustor with any city, county. public I n(Iy or agency. sanitary district, gas and /tor electric company, tele-
<br />to this company and any other Immdy or agency, for the installation or di secure the installation of any utility by Trustor, pertaining
<br />W this property.
<br />Failure of Trustor to Comply %•if h l teed or Trust: Should Trustor fail to make any payment, or to do any act as provided
<br />in this I reed of Trust. 1)r fail to perform any obligation serurcd by this Deed of Trust, or do any act Trustor agreed not todo, Trustor
<br />shall he in default under this Deed of Trust, Beneficiary. but withi,rit obligation so to do and without notice to or demand upon
<br />Trustor and without rcleasing'Trus(or front any obligation herer,f and without contesting the validity or amount of the same, may
<br />tar make or (Ill
<br />iz the same in such manner and 11) such extent iL it may tdeelu necessary to protect the security hereof, Beneficiary
<br />!,ring authorized to enter wpm such property for such purpose•.,. and (b) pay, purchase, euntestor compromise any encumbrance,
<br />charge or lien, which in its,ifldgnrent is r,r appears 11) he prior err superior hereto, and (c) in exercising any such power, pay neces.
<br />sari, txpenses. ernploy counsel and tray his re:tsunabh• fees TrUSter agrees to repay any amount so expended on demand of
<br />Itcnr•fu•iary•.
<br />Litigation: Tru stnr shall defend this'frustinall act noon. prnceedingpur1wrtingtuaffeetsuch property. w•helheror not it
<br />afFeels the security hereof, tir prtrpe,rl ing to affect the rights err powers of Beneficiary or Trustee, and shall file and prosecute all
<br />necessary claims and act ions it) prevent tor recover fur any damage tour destruetionuf such properly: and either Trusleeur Benefi-
<br />ciary is hereby aulhuri'red. without ubligal iton sit to do, tit commence. appear in or defend any such action, whether brought by or
<br />against Trustor. Beneficiary or' Trustee, or with 1)r w it hoot suit, to excrciw•,rr enforce any other right, remedy or po :ver available
<br />,or -Inferred hereunder. whe0rer or trill judgment he entered in any arhnn or lirtn•eeding; and Trusteeor Beneficiary may appear
<br />or interte•tie hl env action or prtoceeding. and retain counsel therein: and take such arhnn therein. as either may be advised and
<br />rosy settle, curnprurni :•e or pay the stun•• tot any other claims and, in thal Ie-haif and for tiny of said purposes, may expend and
<br />advance sorb Burns of ntrute y its Dither may deem uccossary. Whether or not 'I'ruslur so appears or defends. I'ruslur on demand
<br />shall pas all I•rrsls anti expenses of flo-neficiary trill '1'rustce. including cost., )f evidcnceof title and atlorney''s fees in a reasonable
<br />`1)111 In any such artiun or prorcerliny, in w hich Iteneficiary or Trustee nuay appear by virtue of being made a party defend:uu 1)r
<br />of eI jil nv :ltd nurser.:iyr' of %N brother the inlere ^ct of Iteneficiary or •Trusles• in such properly is dirertly questioned fly- such art non.
<br />nrinI', r but Ive d of Td , ;any action for the cnndt'tnnnthon or purlititon of such property and any suit brought by Iteneficiary' to
<br />f „..ricer this Deed of'!'rnsl
<br />it ondamnation: All suns, fur. I"ll or payMile to Trustor, ur any success rn interest of'1'rustur, whether Iq way ofludg
<br />n+e•nt , rltlenunl1)ro�herwi, r,
<br />fill f,irinilnytordaningelnsnehproperty. 1)rlblincotl nech„ nwnthanyenndenmationforp1)bbcuse
<br />,•r 0pory In surll prupo-rly err any hart (hrretof, nr Irl in connect iun lylth the Iransacliion finnneed by the loan secured hrrehy'. 1r 1st
<br />arr•ing oaf of tall ruusrs.,t ur•Iinn, whether accruing before tor• after (he dale of this Deed of 'Trust, ,uumllng in sort 1)r contract
<br />nrludmK revises err union for fraud tor- concr':aliln'I1l of a ontterial fart tnKetber It ith tilt• settlenents. proceeds. awards:and dam•
<br />•:gear ,literal and enmcipiei+t inl, i1) ell"❑” t iun I hares ill, are heroly nbwolulely and ire e. neahl }• assigned and shall lm• paid 141114,114, .
<br />h,'wrl Ilanrfiriary Shall ht• entitled till i t s apt...n. In r+nnmu"ee 'Ill"' -tit' i n . ulgn i t tit and l,r ossig e• in its d Sera name, any artiun
<br />"r ;,r,4 I'll r'drtitt,irrhlmakeanyrtolnprninlN Ur sett h• inn' tit, in( ' I) f111 PC IIorIItvilhitllyFnc11In kiitRtordaillaai •.'TrIIstorugreysl.. axeeato
<br />1, h hrrthr•r assignment= of env turner.! •tot um. award. d3111agos. rights tof ne'tron and prutevels as lieneficiar'y' stay require
<br />I Io .Inn <nnrl err rcr,l l,r lirnef!r nrl pur,aaol to Ile. I4•c(I of I'ru••t nn Ii r :I tit herof other insurance' liodwi. in rflnnerhon
<br />r it j. ;,,r, , -ondr rillml ion / rpulbl 1) rofelr 11, Ill to sorb pr,v „ell foot "noony',a'dn ncr rt,• Ie,xue'h l,r,rl'r't ly o,r inronn,'r'I I'm x till t he
<br />'ran ar • •.r. (mane, d tr It,, Instil -.trot I h1 I.•tn 'It. 11) he;gyrhe,l at Ito of It. nr(!run'y' upon sell) unlehler
<br />I.1 tit, 'I' Ir ahplo atn.n nsr ,r rrb ❑ .r .hull , bur 1)Y ti any rte f:uill nr floor I".. .,f drl:n:ll horennd, r nr' ,ntabrllt,warn tired her
<br />1 art dr tote
<br />1 ,rill. I av o.,l Ito-, one el unv, . I'Ir
<br />l hill at ;tor, bolt , r fr..m !inn r.• ! nr •.!Ih„ i! I al,rirtt !h•
<br />. � i.- f;,( Itrr
<br />r. rr, r,1) , ar „I u rt hrn+l :effr. !in,: !Ir,. ,r r rL•, nnrl „ it h..ni
<br />. Inr .., u,rl Ito, l.lit, ,rf ;tort pr!',r,n f.rr tr,l? tnrul „I � h.• in.hLl.rl
<br />I.
<br />