<br />Trustce's title and all right, title, interest and claim of the Trustor and his successors in interest and of all persons claiming by
<br />ur through or under them, in and to the property sold, including aali such right, title, interest and claim in and to such property
<br />acquired by the Trustor or his successors in interest subsequent to the execution of the Trustee. The 'Trustee shall apply the
<br />proceeds of the frustee's sale; first, to the cost and expenses of exercising the power of sale, and of the sale, including the
<br />payment of the Trustee's tees actually incurred not to exceed the amount which may be provided in the Trust recd, second, to
<br />paynlcnt of the obligations secured by the "Trust Deed, and the balance, it any, to the person or persons legaliy entitled thereto.
<br />And the Tnlstee covenants faithfully to perform the trust herein created.
<br />BENEFICIARY may 4ron1 time to time substitute at successor ! successors to any Trustee named herein or acting
<br />hereunder to execute this Trust Deed. Upon such appointment atld Nil u hewl conveyance to the successor Trustee, the latter shall
<br />be vested wtth all title, power%, and duties conferred upon any Trustee herein named or acting hereunder. Each such
<br />appointment and substitution shall be made by written instrument and executed by Beneficiary, containing reference to this
<br />Trost Deed and its place of record, which, when recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the county or counties in
<br />which said properly is situated, shall be conclusi%e proof of proper appointment of the successor Trustee. l he foregoing power
<br />of substitution and the procedure therefore shall not he exclusive of the power and procedure provided for by law for the
<br />substitution of a'Trustee or - Trustees in the place of the Trustee or Trustee. named herein.
<br />The w ai%er b, the Trustee os Bencl iciary of any default of Ti us!or under 111;, I r Deed shall not he or be deemed to be a
<br />waiver of any other or similar detaults subsequently occurring.
<br />This Trust Deed ,hall inure to and bind the heirs, legatees, devisees, administrators, executors, successors and assigns of
<br />the parties hereto.
<br />The Irusi Deed shall be construed a,::ord ;ng to the ld,a, of the titate of Nebraska
<br />The Trustor requests that a cop% rt any notice of do lauh and ill auk noelce of sale hereunder be mailed to hi in b} certified
<br />mail at the address herembefore set forth and e%idcnce of such mailing shall constitute evidence of receipt of such notice.
<br />Tr;ls!m represents and warrants that the abo%c described oral c,!atc i, not used for an agricultural lcto'nN. .
<br />Wherever the context orcquireN. singular words shalt he construed in the phlrai and s ice ,cr,a. and the in as. till; nc l!cnder
<br />shall be construed to include the temlnlnc and Nice versa.
<br />1 "e NiV'ITtiEiSS N.HERFC11, the Iiu,ttx has hereunto,ci hi, hand tltc;ia% and ,car tu,t above s:rt!ten.
<br />STA I L OI, .._....__ _ _-Nebraska
<br />t ti5
<br />COUNTY M _ -Hall t
<br />!s
<br />IRL'A0
<br />i
<br />tR UST( R
<br />Belorc me, it Notary Public, qualified by said county, personally cattle John.. ?._ tiey!I:r _..__ _ ___ ___ __ ____ _ _ - -- arid
<br />Victoria _Me yeT known to nee to be the identcal person(,) who sigaled the foregoing lnstnlnleilt
<br />and acknclwledgccf the execution thcleot to he hiss her or then %olunt,u} act and deed, k\ itness my hand and Notarial Seal oil
<br />y_24,_ 1905
<br />.M1 tonllllission expires:
<br />(seai)
<br />19_
<br />Ntll -1R) Pl1fit IC
<br />Xrt(�t tlptApY- fens ft elf ►ra�N
<br />C. 2 MILLER
<br />Wit tap. June 1l, 19E
<br />G.C.)
<br />Cf] (f)
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