<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this 24th _day of _,1985
<br />_
<br />John P. Meyer and
<br />by and between ... _�2LZ���_� fntstor, and TiGQLTt rl,. In4r,ranr•a _ ,Trustee,
<br />yet � - --
<br />Husband and Wife
<br />and Security - )?acifi� Pjnance Go %ra ion______- __.___�___.__._...___.._____ —�. Beneficiary.
<br />WITNESSETH: That the Truster do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sale
<br />unto the Trustee the following described Real Estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now or
<br />hereafter erected or placed on the real estate, situated in Hal 1_ ___ ______.._____.___ County, in the State of Nebraska:
<br />Lot Nine (9), Block Seven (7), Boggs and Hill's Addition
<br />Property known as: to the city of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Filed for Record at __
<br />In Book
<br />and possession of said premises now delivered unto said lru, ":
<br />of
<br />Page.._—
<br />M.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with all rights, poi UIege,, and appurtenance, thereto belonging unto the Trustee,
<br />his executors, administrators, heir,, and assigns forever 1knd the i imtor hereby expressly wai\e5, releases, and relinquishes
<br />unto the Trustee all right, tale, claim, interest, benefit, and estate whatever. in and to the above- described premises and each
<br />and every part thereof. which is given by or resulls front all laws of the State of Nebraska pertaining to the exemption of
<br />homestead. And the Trustor covenants with the I ructee that he will tore, er warrant and de +end the title to the same against the
<br />lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />IN TRUST HOWEVER, fur the following described pumo,e, \ti HI RLAS, the Trustor did on this date execute a
<br />Promissory Note evidencing a loan for the principal amount (it 'S, 12851.31 _ ind interest thereon
<br />according to the terms of said Prornissorr Note: said Prormssory Note being payable nl nson:ttl} rf, :allmcnt, at such place as
<br />the Beneficiary may designate to wntme front time to time Notwithstanding am pro%!Nion containsd herein or ill said
<br />Promissory Note to the contrary, if not sooner paid, all ,unu due and owing Under tilt crms of said Promissory Note shall be
<br />paid on or before ____ _ January 29, 1990
<br />It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that until thins! of 'Notice of Default, the 1!twor shall: (l) pay all present
<br />and future taxes and assessment,, general and special, against ,art] property betore tine same becomes delinquent or actionable;
<br />(2) keep all improvements erected on the iallu —cured is may be required from time to tirne b% beneficiary against loss by fire
<br />and other hazards, casualties and conlingencles, in such amounts and for ,uch periods as are reasonable and may he required
<br />by beneficiary, and to keep all policies of ,uch insurance in force or eflecl upon the property herein described constantly
<br />assigned and delivered to beneficiary, (3) p::y and comply with all of the terms and conditions of any lien, claim or
<br />indebtedness that Inay be senior to or take precedence to this Trust Deed a, won as any such payment on such lien, claim or
<br />indebtedness shall become due; and upon failure of Trustor to keep any said agreements, beneficiary niay hay such tax, pay for
<br />such insurance or pay oft such liens or claims or indebtedness as the case play tic, and the money so expended together, thereon
<br />as provided by the tenors of the aforementioned Prorni,sory Note, shall he secured by this -Trust Deed, and the Trustor agrees
<br />to repay the same upon demand, anti upon fathtre to do NO file balance• of the anached nose shall hrcumc inunediatrly clue and
<br />payable at the option of the heneficiary; Of specifically confer upon the ilusice the power of sale as provided in Nebraska law;
<br />(5) retails possession of the prcnuscs and collect the rents and revenue, the!cIronr.
<br />Upon payment of ;111 the stuns secured by this 1111s1 Deed, the Benclte Mi, shall reque,l the ifUsIcC to reconvey the
<br />property % and shall strrrcf ;der flit, 1 rust heed and 111 noun e%icicmitig indeNednes, w,:wed by this i rut DkTd to (tie I1usu,r.
<br />'Trustee shall recom" the ill otter I i wuImiji warrants to the person or persons Icl;ally moiled tilt ., -I o; but if del aull he ni.adc In
<br />the payment of ,aid note or any part thereof or any ,it ihr Interest thereon when due or ul the Imilitut pertormanct r,f any or
<br />either o4 said atrrectlienr, as nlc res.11d, 111cil flit whole of ,,nd note shall become due and he paid a, hereutsllrr provided, aml
<br />this deed shall remain to torte, the f tutee or ht, at ltlscy nlay Isrocecd to sell the property it) )IS mutely or In parcels at the
<br />option of the fro,icc he;cinhr.sorc de,.tibcd e1 puhhc .nl,u,,n, 10 the highest bolder, for rdsh however, the powtt 01 sale
<br />herein conterred upon the itnslee ,hall nor he c \ercl,cd until Ulf the Inkier shall titst file tilt iccord, m the ofucc of the
<br />re &aster tit deeds of cu<'If ,t wiry where— the• irn,t i,rri„el i, .,r —me i,.er, ,,, ,, , - ) Ih,•rel,i .,t,,.a seat , iii il„'r „1 ,1,,t 1,
<br />identifying" life Irusice hi, •.tatitip the• Utilise, tit flit, l in,lor 111,.1 rlarlle, tht'reln and 1:1, iii tt till' hook :Ind pare is hl'1t, the Name I,
<br />recorded, if dcscrlfshorl i,t the trust pn+pe,ts, •uid ._olitanunt, d siat,.nrcnl 111x1 a Meath of All ,ibllgannn tot whlrh 01c oust
<br />property was conveyed as ,eaunly has ok, -untd, .iml ,ettinr I tit Ill the nature of ,nth I,i, ;1th and of tits ciccuon to ,ell of tare
<br />to by Nold .uch pr "perry to 11ie "hilpatp,u. and I'1 :Viet the lah,c of nos Ir•.•. 111.111 ,111t month• lilt 1:11,10c ,ft.til bnc
<br />Ittotice of �,dlc sow pr,ivuled I , Nehrnr,aa 1.1,ti \tutr no11,,: of detanit and 1,11',sc W not I.", 111,111011C m ,nth• th I riislt,. ,h.r 1 rtoe
<br />written riotpa o) the !?Inc isid tiiak v 1,t ,alt, Hint - utal tl dcsrribinu Ilse htohrrly to he .old he In1h11. eI • •'I .u, h rnilitr a IC.r,t
<br />fivk"tlrfiC`4, nrh'P ;I werf• ka It4a ,. tin, r, 1u11,c,erck,. (ht' lass tin hll,.aneill fr +ht'it ie:1,l MLLIN I,ut 110I M— l' 'han 111,1,1„ ;11101 h?
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<br />.tilt, ;air,d t I1 _atn, ,t,(' t nr,�cr �.11.11 ind k,h,e= t ,IcrJ , •� , .I„ ." "I "'I" . .
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