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85-- 000010 <br />end. without dainklanii, Stag ply Immediately due and payable by Truster and stall <br />tear interest at the mextmum allowable legal rate. provided, however, that at the <br />kleteon of Beneficiary of Trust" such sums may its added to the principal balance <br />of any indebtedness secured hereby and shall Dear Ind bales Mier "1 as auto <br />Indebtedness and shall be payable ratably over the remaining farm thereof. <br />)A Aselplaneart of Mote. Beneficiary snail have the fight, power and authority <br />during the continuance tot this Trust Deed to collect instants, istiuls and profits of <br />the property a" of any personal property located thereon with or without lasing <br />1 of the property affected hereby, and Truser hereby ss"lutely and <br />u Kona ty aSegne au such rents, issues and profits to Beneficiary. <br />heletyy Consents to the Tfustor's collection and rww+tion of <br />such sales, iasu" and profit$ as they accrue and bacons t payable So long be <br />T is not, at such tunes, in default with respect to payment of any <br />a secured hefty of to the Patofmance of any agreement hereunder. <br />tpan airy Such Cetaut, aeneficiary may at any lima, either in peson. by avant, a fit, <br />• nathaver to to appointed by a Court, without notice and without repard to the <br />or any arty for the Indebtedness hereby secured, (a) enter upfm and <br />tells Possession of rim property or any part thereof, and In its own name a" fx or <br />ovwwtn Collect such rents, i and profits, inciading those p"t due ask <br />wed R@piy the sane. 10" cost$ and expenses of Operation and collection. <br />attorney fees, upon any Indebtedness secured haiby, and In <br />Such " aafetoeary may dwamtra: (b) r «form such acts of repair a <br />PosleitiCh ae may he hSCeSSWv a proper to con"ryo the value of the property; (C) <br />"M Me Sams Or any pat thereof for Saco rental, term, and upon such Conditions, <br />of His Judgement may Oiclate. Unless Trusto and Bensficlary Sgt" olMrwi" In <br />entering, any apph:cahon of rents, issues or profits to any indabfedn"s secured <br />Shat not extww Of postpone the due date of the installment payments " <br />PMVKW in amts PMftMrY note Or change the amount of such iMtagmans. The <br />~ft upon arum taaing ken of the property, the Collection of such rents, <br />$sues and pilaus, and the i ppncation nrer"t as aforesaid, shall not wand a curd <br />Say defawn a notice of default heor —Cer, w Invalidate any act done pursuant to <br />Such notice. Trusts also assigns to Beneficiary, as further socufrty for the <br />e of the OWlWtOh$ secured nateby. all prepaid rents and an monies <br />alien may hate teen a rally hweans, be daposded won said Twator by any toss" <br />Of the Property. to Secure the Paymanl of any rent, and upon default In tea <br />paforthenCif of any of the pfortivar i h onvo' Truato, &gives to Oalvsf such rents <br />and deposits to the Benehcary Delnery —hen nonce of Inc. Be"fictafy a <br />exwcas W the fighls granted hewn, to any Ienani occupying saw premle" SMIl <br />"Sufficient to r*Quire Said tenant to par sa,d Genf to the Beneficiary until funher <br />notice. <br />11. Leased PraaWen. Within ID days also, dsmarid, Tiusar Mail Written to Trustee <br />a to Do true, selling forth aft Nana of space In tia Trust <br />property ton in Sffact, including, so own ca", the name of the teMne and <br />OCGLVSfft a len Of the wads occupied by such tenant and W"Wnt, to <br />rental pervelift for such space and Such other Intormaron and documents with <br />MMO"foswch leassas Red as the Trustee may mousat. <br />Without to ale written consent of Trustee. Tnplor ~ nol. directly a <br />fa@lo"l with MOW to env 1"" of spa In the d" ft" Prone", whether <br />each leiM is now or hwssta in axlwsnu: let accept or pormil any ptperainet: <br />_._ <br />ia:ye- frWWWrrde:: t6a'csencei "or`rorit"niniee the saes». or <br />accept any cancellation. Wnlinsllon or "mater therscd, or Perm" any avant to <br />OMN which "auto $nine to roes" lnaewfvia to termmite or cancel the sarM; (at <br />W"vd a modify the rims 00 to reduce the tam thereof, the rental pay*M <br />. or to chat" any maws provisions therein contatMd; (d) won any <br />at"" "Wowtow a breach tter•of; W phi any consent, walva of approval <br />W tike any Omer action In connection thaMlth, w with a ends <br />urhkXn would ham the ~I of Impairing the valor of e"W-6 intent <br />Oft IM Property subject thereto. of of Impairing the poatcn or IntaNt <br />Of the Tfueta• Of Bsr t#fCI ,, Or (1) sell, aesgn. Pledge, h atp"o or otherwise <br />ot, or encumber. Its intwom in any such loan or any rents. Issue* or profits <br />of tMrauWa. <br />anti ""oevaueeedrrtie{e , y,iaitw s+>iniegglyar,l;HrolVlna•aI <br />19. puts" and Obligations of Trustee. (a) The dull" and obligations of Trw <br />SMfl be dole—ined solely by the express prcyislone of the Trust Deed and TM <br />Shelf not be liable excePI tof the performance of Ruch dull" and obffgatars" <br />specifically "1 forth heroin, and no Implied comiaos or opllpatlOns sW <br />Imposed upon Trust"; (b) No provision of the Trust OW Meg resquks TruM <br />expand a risk his own funds, M otherwise Incur a" W*MW obligation, M <br />Performance of any or Its Julee hemrKW, or In the uarcl" of Mqf of he PW <br />powws, If tl shall haw grourWS for beilf" tee the fepa M WOh ANq <br />adequate Indolently against such risk of IlaMtty in let aleationsisly adewed 190 <br />Trustees may nonsutt with couneei of his trim Sau We a"" of a <br />counted Shelf be full and COMPete authorization anA palliatives M tin me" <br />sfy action faked Of seffasd by It hareundw M good taint had rMM@aW - Ntwaga <br />Trust" suit not be liable for any action taken by him M good fila and <br />believed by him to be authorised M within the dlscfoum a Pighs, 91 pas <br />conforh d upon It by this Trust Dead, <br />17. MdNk" $9awhp MabowAoft; Trtustnr, at is SaPM", SIMwmwtN MW dN <br />to the Trust ", pMmptty upon danwW, each saWdly Intairleserripalawato <br />IpNied by That", In funs aW RWatancf selessisposely ft <br />the , <br />the Properly cerreated by this TrW D"a,' Which 1tet f <br />toad soowtty for Trustw's WthM of Igaf ft,* Pitta, - <br />and conditions of this Trust Dead, Ma pnmrAomy ness9 <br />other "curtly Inahumente exacwW In connection <br />instruments shall be recorded or mod, wed re4ao~ died refit at' =Tt <br />"Pon". <br />19. WeaeasaSeaS. <br />M In the wirier any one or mere of the provisions, assidgliesp its NMaTaw*"#w <br />the pMffkMy nog M wy 11MM fewtrPY b pplea had SI Mt In eMw4iti(m4 <br />this transtactron rhea for all rellon ss hMd a be MwWt giggip F gr, <br />unwdoMoat* In any respect. sttal hWaftft, ligisipagly, or . <br />shall. at the option of 9wufkiary, act at"t wy COW pressisae of aft TfpM <br />Dead, but this Trust Dead Nut be oomftvd " t M kw&14 . Nb@K or <br />wwmfwr provWmhW ;turwb"oWt>talr1NivereblaMrwM.-- . <br />(b) This Treat Data SMll to eonstrund aeoarNep to Ms e1ra of to titled of <br />(c) This Trust Dead ands inure to and bind Ma Mho, teMte", dwteSm4 <br />atdminetratora, ssecutore, aucca"oa ask an" of ale psfMsratsa, <br />(d) Truster shelf pry, sit tax" eyed upon ties Treat Dud or rte delis trsfmys0 <br />hwaby. together with any ohthe teem or BSMW4Wft which ill" Ite Noted <br />"Burt the Trust" of Banetlolay or the IsW h~ 01 Said pmmWM ness <br />on DOMM1 of the f n"aSVldatwed therapy. <br />(e W?WWW wed herein, the sirgulw n~ M1M Mabee de p1wY, tea <br />sligllw. the use of any 9WKW staff be to at geselse had tl* Wm <br />..BWMktary- shall Include any pay" of the I d ease, 8 haebtf aettdad or <br />any IrsM1a thereof. whsther by operaton of hew or atluWMM <br />19.0lmeneeM Triode•. Benstotary may from thin to than substibele aWOpeeMM <br />succomem to any Trustee named Mhein at sct" sense SAM to oxwt" Oft Them <br />DOW Doak such appMntl ell! and without coftweVeNe to pia M eeomw Thomism, <br />the late set be veered with erg 111114111, I1mm and 0900 cookered Moos &V <br />Trust" heart. named in acting hsfewWa. Each aladt "pOMs,"M al d <br />eu"Mvttan aheil be mods DY written wouw wpd by B <br />marines to ma Trust Dead ask rte piece of ram wmNl when raodh - M tin <br />office of the Register of Deads of the count' M actmttem M Which sold 0 -PININ M <br />Ntusted Net be OanoueNe prod! of wow appolnuffeed of tie sucosmw Tldetee. <br />The tWOOOng power of substitution and the procWas tnMete/b chat no be <br />seclude Of the Postal and procedure Provided for try law fin to SubWtuUm of a <br />Tr "t" W Trusts" to the plKe o1"Trusses. <br />20. FSUasMan" by BwtNlsWy or Trustee Nei a wNwr. Any lignisseessam by <br />IiwNHdWy or Trustee to easreWrg any right or rwnWy hwg~. M IattatateS <br />stforddid by apNdcable law. $hall not be a wNVar of or phaskede the pashidial, all any <br />right of remedy MrwtWer. Llewes. the wane by BWWNQWV M Trine M My <br />cefeuit of Trusterr under this Trust Deed Nell not be depla to be a waNM M mny <br />other a Nmtar del "t• subsesquerviry occurring. <br />21 Traser Net Mteenad. Extenei®n of the th s, fa psymMt W reessiftation M <br />wr4nint)mn of the aaM secured by this Two Dead granted by OwleheMry to any <br />euCCOSM In Inherent of Trusts Nell not operate to rePeMe. M My retemp, de <br />liability of the original Trusty a Tluator's successor in shisaW . Net <br />act be fiRulmd to COfnmwt" PrOW@Wrqs agalml Bush infooppeof M rafgma to <br />eaten® time for psymeni or otheriefes modify $mat of tin muse secured by <br />the Trust Dow by reason of any demand mode by the 0i9 M( TruoM ask TruaWs <br />successors in Intense! <br />alewife a pin topes oof. lU, <br />Mile,a and het for eelnd w,lh Ihe event IV of Dews a:d iP 1,1ey ere fe <br />