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87- 100067 <br />?6,5, C.v`�wonanrs cif Tnisxv with Resfwf W !_easel AilhiM the DiiC, wNfler, COnsent of Ben ek;wy. !!us W shall I)ot cPfe­NY OF indOW fly <br />w4h respeci to any false of specie i", V­e Tres l P?ppoerly. o,' ally Pr�-,Oior, thereof whather sui:h lease IS rx)w ")I PereogTof ire eXWerN,e, <br />fa) Accept of neal any prepayff',eo£, tPSCOUrIf gW advance Dayrrien, or renr hereunder iri excess of one. month, <br />'p, Ca or tem"nale Ttv, same, W accept any cancw avcin. 'efirmnatij)p or surrender thereof, or permit any event to occur which would <br />occur !"C'e id- der ro W"inale or cancel t" sam - , lat of [OW <br />_,e� order man rerminatiur -payment , rani, <br />,'c,j Amend or modOy Me same so as to IeOuce the term thareof rn& rentai payable thereancer, or to change. any reneewal provosicins; <br />Omwein <br />cons d. <br />`d) Warve any de'&M Thereuncer or breach <br />,a) Gw <br />, any consent, weirer C.- aPPrevai 'Pereundeaw or take anv other action In corlrit%�Llon therewith. or wrin a lessee the, ovnt <br />Wou,ld t-,eye ft ~ of mDainng -he value of .1ne iessor's jn rarest rfjeTg <br />&,,jnde, or The pniperty suoifecl ttwetc- or of imparnng the <br />posnian or linterest of Beneheiary therein. cy <br />) Sell, assigrn, Pledge, mongage or amerwise rlfs.riose o?, or encumber ifs inrerestin any said ease or any rents. issues, p-rifirs issuing <br />or ansing Ow ranter. <br />17. Wawer a Suture of iimilatiOns Tier e is o' f the essence in all of 7rusror _,; obitgat-ins and duties hereunder; and ton" exlew permined <br />by Ajw, Trussor warves alf present cu- fiiiare statumsof jimitarrons wilt: respect to any debt, demand or o'Nigation secured hereby and <br />any <br />act s! or Oweecting tar me Purpose of this Deed Of 7r US! or any rights Or remedies Contained herein, <br />18. Assignment of-DepoMs In the event Mistructior, of improvementsrs con'templatecl h;' the loan evidenced by the Note secured <br />Weby. as a"ponal securay therefore. Trustor hereby transfers and assigns to Ben,-hcjarYT all ngm, trtle and interest to any and ail <br />mo"s deposilled by or or beh,%lf of Trustor with any city, county', public body or agency, sanitary district. utility company, and <br />any DIN-er way or agency, 1'rr the insfadaWn or to secure the installation of any utility by Trustor. pertaining to the Trust Property. <br />19. C-cirporavan LIV Part, wrstrip Existence 0 Trustor is 3 corp oration. gerrera)Painersnip, or limited partnership. it will do all things <br />neice&%ary to preserve its corporate Li, Panrrershzo ex'stence as Me ;_­ase !na be. and all right,,; and Privileges under the iaws of the <br />sTare of its incerporattan or orgarlizavon <br />20 Forbearance by Nota Alasvpr Any forbearance by Beneficiary in eyerc;sing any ngntor;emedy hereunder, or ot"rwrse <br />afforded by appAcaDie iaw, snarl 'Tor tae a waiver of or pre­_ Ode the exert e ol ar,.v sucr rig hT o7 remedy. The procurement of <br />instirdore or the payment of ,axes or en- discharge ofifens orchargPs bA, Benef; ary sriafl of he a waiver of Beneficiary's right to <br />accelerate me maturity of the lflloiebreM less, <br />271, Remedies Cumulative All remedies provided i n this [ieed 01 7%,Sr are : "is.*i?,.d,.,umL,�'a*;ve to a^,> other right or remedy under 1his <br />Deed at 'rust or aftnrded by iaw or eqa4rv, and may be exec, iseC ccinrzj, renflv. +ndependen t er successively. <br />2 22. Successors ants Assigns Bouna. 10,nt and Seve, aj brfty, Cap-tjor.,S The <br />l 1 T e C-?ve raris and ,agreements herein <br />contained shall plod. and <br />I e rights hereunder shah ilufe to Pyre respeC6C �_jccessois and a s signs I, gene nary. T, "Stoe, and Trustor. <br />All covenants and <br />agreements or Tustar sriaii be joint and several Tr?e captions and head nos of -Pe 0a'agraot7s of it•,is Deed of Trust are for <br />convenience only and are hot Tn be L'Sea ii - fnrerrlre+ or deNne the Prows !or's.hereol <br />23. Novice. Except tcrr any notice tail ter aride, apphcatiw law to te q ver, ancoher rnanne,, faj: any notice to Trustor provided for in this <br />Deed cif Trust shal, be given by rriaiiing suet; notice by certified aii, retarn raceqo*, recuesred addressed to Trustor atifs mailing <br />address set form above 0- all such cqo,,er f_adess as 7rustormay designare _s . notice ro Berieficia., y as brooded herein. and (b) any <br />notice to Bepehciar.v cir Trustee shall he giver-, by cerrfrf:ed mail, return receipt Tezttjesteo, 'Lq Beneficiary's and Trustees marring <br />as 3pneficiarvc-11- Trustee may designate try ,.,rice !o Trustor as pncmritted here n_ Any <br />7.uSloi, Bemeficiari, or T,ijslee When given In the <br />rV?ce providea for-, thiis i­?eer �1� T!ustsflai • Do ;i, �,.ave Ceer Q i V <br />maninei, desqnated herein?. <br />24, Giwerning Law, Severab;iry T1.6 Deertot 7%,,sr snall be governed o rile iaws 011 t7re Slat• or Necras#(a. In me event any provision or <br />c."aijse of Nuns Deed o- Trus;, con't rs win a «-ahcable fiw such coinflict sha�; ",or artec, Drovisinnsof *his Deed of Trust wtuch Can <br />be given ettect w-ahoUT the -,orj!!ict`Pg Prov'stors ano to n''s en-c! '_ Drovisjons of This Deed cr` T. urt are deciareC to be severable <br />25, Events ofDetaijlt Each of-e fpitow�ng occorences snail convitute an e.eritofdefaoil nereuniJer. 'hereinarter called an Event <br />of Defavit") <br />z a) Truster shalt fat rc,, pay when due any crinci.Pal, -into resr, if prmcibai and, o *he trdi�7btedress, <br />;bl Any warranty Dftitie made pa Tr s7Cr heeiri S1-,ajj l)e ,true, <br />(c i Trustor shat{ 113ji to CILServe, (,r oe!­fi:,!­ a,, agreernents or _-Onci,ticns in 'Plis Deed of Trust, <br />id) Any repireserntarNY7 or warranTv mace by Trisx,,.- ar, anySriar,C.ta! statements or reports submitted to Beneficiary by or on behalf of <br />Trustor shag prove false- or -mateiharily rr-sreaoing, <br />1 el Truster shall tali to peril rm or otservt,- anv of the c.oVenars, �onoytions or agreements contained I;n, or binding upon Trustor under <br />any building iciar, agreement- sec Iiry agre—ement, ioan agree m­e,,t. financsrg srvemenr, or any other agreement. !,7strument or <br />document exacutea by 7 ruSjo, <br />von wahme fors'" evictencec by the Not <br />ifl A trustee, receiver or Rqul�oafor;­t *he 7�usr Pro;r-am or fk? Tr_,isior v7aji be abicointect. or any of the creliflors of T lustoit shah file a <br />oetivonir7 bark. uprCV _ Sfo, ;Jr r,,,Fje 7rUs,1c_;)jrsua,r 1c the �e derai Bantruutc'., Cocla. or any similai <br />lain'. wheMeerfeceiaiorstaTe ismissed 61Wt?i1, Mir?y ; i0) dr ys after the Cale <br />ar wnrcir., such order ci, oeTilrfir-, was ffe,7 <br />Trustor shafifIfe a petition pu!Sudrr jc% the Feoe,a! C,oe r any simaar;aw, federal or staie, oi, it Trustor shall be <br />a C e '-o'credflors. or sit7all adm;r in witting its <br />aaludgea a bank-U.C4. �il- be oeci refj o; stiap!7ake an ',7ebien <br />inability to pav,,rs cte-Its as Mee oticome ouf-, "r Sr alv r,_,j)serT I,, :ne appomrner" or it receive,''cir alt or any Part of the Trust Properry, <br />P"naljiudgment for the oavinent 0? Money S-nal" be. 'enilered agair, r T!-ijS!,_,ijr and Truvor staPnol or charge the same, v�r cause it fo <br />'0. W�VIr, irtv 30i Cays afte, ol, Snaii :io, ai�7,ppal� tl,ec�,rom o, om,­ orde, decree orioracess pon <br />gt �n _�7e <br />which or pU!suam*?,,-j wh'ct7 said 4as gian!ec based. or en!erec. ano secure a stay, of execution ;:,ending such appeal, <br />-tereSf t ere. or snafl ,, mves' L, of,ts rzrle. or any �nteres! <br />shell Seri G-F corivev he Trz�sr ProDerrv. 'c", an} oarr fflereol. f)l �r V !r, e a <br />,neresn, err arvmanner or way, whether Vo iiItaritv ,ter ,!Voqu,?far, Y wO''OUT Me Of Benericla!-v being first nao aind <br />oblf&-Ped, or <br />�jjl It Tustoris a coipoiTafior, or oarrnersnip ar'i� MCiTe Zhari ;h<ii?,s "I bei7,ei, e.nlerests .:,*i SZICP corporation 01 <br />barfriiarstk"C, as the case may be, shav be rfanslerea cr conve'vec, F'VftnoijF !,-e i4.'Iffler �.Cr`,_�;6nf Cif <br />qw—'ericra.-y _--org hrq 'ac', and orj'a,ned. <br />:16 4: celerarion Der,�r FD,recios,ire Ei,­Ir, tic ac-_L ­enre -'any Ev&-c" De,-aiA - �e"eafler. Bever ­-,, -T,� rla� <br />a! 's <br />declare al, mw Iridebredness; secured hereby due w7c oavd-I'le arlo rt=e samz! Shaill bear rr.reresr at 'he defaui,,rafe. <br />s v rr"li, !,, the hinfo -r ntherw€sp a. tne er, rate hier, s rae ae rmi fted Z)v faw, an !esLlec we of whe"Per Beneficiary exercises said „'p r, 11 <br />may, at ,ts oplion a," in 1*s soj• dlscOfon. WiTticiur any runne: not!ce o" Jermanc to &I Jo ;ioe of rnD,e r'T Tr e rrnowfng, <br />'sat' , iii"rer azx_in, take Dossession of, Manage arid �.Pre TruSr r­.,' �eTv Cr Vaj-7 :re.,recf, make epaii`S 5!_10 I <br />affWartops Win oo arry acrS W-NC,- Baretkciary ceenis poper !c *.he sei. ii-ni 'Peeor e!Prle! Witr, C'., W,IhouF aprnry <br />in its ,:Vr, riarrie, sve kir or otherwise cojiec, arj �?• MrNL etirs. ;ssijes ard lrl,_­t�ls, lnose ossr aue and <br />Arid aWtV Me `&`sS_'C`SS and expenses Cif cpe ahor, and --ollecror a"IC! Rej­'efii, ,4,� <br />tIiows, iiPol. L--- MdeCwq-WSS Secuej heletly and �n SjXPi cadet as Senefzcialry mdy <br />,,P,O assiwn4ft wid Sriiiis mai'v evafiacle� lu S'e'le, td!y a'iy, C,! rr'f. P'-1a.-,6'r%, <br />wov T.-issiess-'o- ,if mw 1,41 T'mprif," t-,- Cif anv,itiijr, &ncj <br />e 01 AOVa 9"! v r t t erg, :r ri n, reafre <br />0, of a III, <br />wly -,c'tce Of <br />M !tT4S <br />