if Ll)"V" a
<br />q „',, 0 ienr.,; ar'i, oyi i:,,r,1wj c-P1,1196S wllarscwver feweu jlno)-,
<br />ti'mile, ; grifOs, upOrl WfMeli r0quosr "Y Seneif"'c!Rry "o. rvornpVv io'v 4,' 'k,, VFxm lor "rie p 4"nol"r of
<br />,iu,c,p c,,parges 'juslor Imewtire agtees ic pay all roues, assessmerlis And ither char es ieviticf ax,ii MOde
<br />agatrisl4 ov meas"o by. Phis Deed or Trust oi, The r6cordatfor, pereof
<br />5 Application of Paymerils AR payments rect-fived by Beneficiary as %; any letir liapory or oviyaf 4i O*tlO P-Cl 3lfri&ftlaj)I by TrUStOr
<br />May be appilled by Beneficiary R., the payniont of the indebtedness of ro any swh nmer illibi liability or otlivaMul, in any Order of
<br />manner ofaripircavoll which Berieforlary, in €Ls abso,'ute discretion, deems appropriate Unless oftlermse electille by Benisficlary, any
<br />Such payment shall be deenteo applied first fro the payment or any debt, liaboily or obligalron other iman the r'"re'
<br />6, Charges Liens. T.,ustor will keep, the Trust Property free tr M. Oilers ano encumbrances which ,in any way may, in rheivagmen? of
<br />wll";. have phortly, over. of finpalrine security of, this Deed of Trust bast Trustor need not discnarge any such ken so ” as
<br />Truster shall agree, in writing, to pay the obligation secured by sact, lies, in a manner acceptable 10 Belie NClary-hrld Shaft in good faith
<br />c such ken by appropriate legal' proceedings affecrive to prevent the enlorcement of the len and the toss of any interest in or
<br />part of the Trust Property
<br />7, Hazard Insurance. Trustor Shall keep the buildings and other iniprovements now exisPng or Hereafter erected on the Trust Property
<br />insured by insurance carriers san-Oactory to Beneficlary against loss by fire. hazards included in the term "extended coverage' and
<br />such other hazards, casualties and contingencies as :may be repaired b. Beneficiary, in such amounts and for such.perrods as may be
<br />required by Beneficiary. The policy of insurance shall be in form acceptable to Beneficiary, provide that the same may not be
<br />cancefted o; modified wi-ttiout fifteen 05) days Prior wnM,,1 notice to Beneficiary, and shalt have iris payable provisions in favor otand
<br />in form acceptable to Beneficiary Ali Prernlurris on insurance policies stall be paid in the manner provided under paragraph 4 hereof
<br />or.d not paid in, such manner. by Trustor making payment at least fifteen. 05.) days prior to the due date, directly to the insurance
<br />carrier. Beneficiary shag have the righn, to raid the policies anaerewais rher&,of and Trustor shalt orL)f7iPj/Y furnish to BenehClaly all
<br />renewal notices and all paid DrelhlUnl FeCelpfS received by it, in ilo evert, shall Benei,ciary or Trustee be field responsible for failure to
<br />pay insurance premiums or for any loss or damage ansing out of a oetect in any policy,,),, ar?sirg out of any failure of any insurance
<br />company to pay for any loss or damage insured against or f- 0, by Tusl effect the insurance required hereunder. ki the event
<br />of lass. 4 i
<br />,a ure or to off
<br />ice lo tie insurance am r and Beneficiary. Beneficlary, may make proof of loss tf not
<br />Trustor shall give prornpl not, -V mail i C e
<br />made promptly or ;n proper form, by . Trusior All pollees olinsurance and any and alfrefunds of unearned premiums are hereby
<br />assigned to Beneficiary' v as additindebtedness. ecuilry for me payment of the indebtedness. �n the even, of Beneficiary's exercise of the power
<br />of sale contained herein. or in the even' of foreciosure. all rignt title and interest of T ustor .;n and to any insurance Policy then in force
<br />shall pass to the purchaser at the trustee's sale or *cic-,cjosLjre sale in Case of any Toss. the insurance Proceeds May, at the option of
<br />Beneficiary, be applied by Beneficiary upon the Indebtedness. or any par, thereof. and in su =ch order and amount as Beneficiary may
<br />determine: or said insurance proceeds. at ,he option of Beriefl-can, may' either be used in replacing or restoring the Trust Property
<br />pamally or totally destroyed to a condition saristactork to Beneficiary: or said insurance proceeds. or any portion thereof, may be
<br />released to Trustor_ Uness BeneficlaiV and Trustor otherwise agree rr vvnrnilg. ary &;Lih application of insurance proceeds shall not
<br />extend or Postpone the due date of the Note or any!n_stalimeruls called for Me, el.q. or change ttle amount of such installments. if the
<br />Trust Property is acquired by Benefit ary vursuan?!o thii exercise of The oower of sale or other foreclosure: all i!ght title and interest of
<br />c Trust Property prier *o the sale or acquisition shall pass
<br />Trustor in and to any insurance proceeds pa orb as a result !7, 7
<br />I e , i) f .,damage a g e -, �,
<br />to Beneficiary and shall be applied first to The costs and expenses. inclaJoing alornev fees. incurred in collecting such proceeds. then
<br />the manner and in the order provided herein,
<br />8 Preservation and Maintenance of T,.,)s,, P"perry TrEis!c, w;!,' keep the naiijings and other improvements now or hereafter erected on
<br />Pine Trust Property in good repair anc Condtlic and wii - .1 ro' t earn , -t "T per, fl Waste. wlii not aiter the design or structural character
<br />corlswuring any b,Idtng now, or nereater eectec c,r3 and: con:rfotMg
<br />;ihe Tusr Properiv w,- trout the prior written consent of
<br />Beneficiary. weft not Cc, any act or thing which would unholy !rtloair or Li . ePrec!are the value of the Trust Property and will not abandon
<br />the Trust Property. Trustor remove any flxlureS Consrqari,ig tille TqjSt DroDertV arlieSS fne same arc- zrnmediateiy replaced with
<br />N(e property suhiect to the hen, and secuWV,werest of fhhs Deed of TLs+ and of at least equal value and utjljty_ Trustor will Corripiv with
<br />3P presen; and future ordlnar?de'f -eg;_jJ abut ,s, 6TiJ tams enlems -,f any body avhfcfl are applicable to the Trust Property
<br />and to hile )ccaoaricy and use there l� 2, it�,is Deep df "'UST is on a _ ,M*11,i or a ;_,iarin, eo unit development, TLlsfor Sr-;ah
<br />pie, form, at,, o' Trus•ol, s obhga?,ons �jnoe! T-t- C!earino i
<br />gcvernml, !ilp condominium D, the pjan.ne& urp?
<br />-linent
<br />e oianneC ijnit deveio,,mei-,r
<br />eveia� he bylaws ano r g;j'atfo7is C-If the and 'he co,7stfraenl documents.
<br />9 inspection Seneficianj or its agen,,smav 3' iwlil.,easonable rl,-E-s Ljocr; me lrrls Pmoer-ty ror!he Pur�oosp ofinspectfon
<br />Berlphcjary snafi have "To ooty C- MaKe S111C tnsDecr:i)r? arid si7a!l Ije ? Ianse .1_ TrLjs!o 10 ary Person in Dossession it it makes r
<br />falls 'IC maf(e any such nspEecnor
<br />io llnxeclporl Of Secor"T', !f T
<br />rasior laljs ve'-fol-r an,, -.il ,e and acit ements in tris Di�ecfolf T, ust, or if al7V ac, r
<br />& Ir
<br />Prri,�e or Beneficiary tnereirl or
<br />I rr je riterest of Trusio.,
<br />'he I e
<br />i Wk. of Trustor thereto rr7en Benti4 cIanv at il oprforl may perlorm sic- and ag, ements. make such appearances.
<br />defend against arC)nvestlgate such ac ;tin or proceed ing and raze such other action, as Beneficiary deems necessary To protect its
<br />mcluding, but r•r TO. OiSt)u,'Senlen,rol reasa,3at1ie arrorrp4 fees and ent ry upori The Trust Properry to n7ake repairs, Ally
<br />amounts disbursed by Seneficiary pLrSuant!c ..his oaragraph 10 wltr; Tnleres.' .;hereon. shall constitute indebtedness of Trustor
<br />secured by hfs Dead of T-is. Unless 1.%,istor and Beheeflc;aly agree ,q oher terms of payment. such amounts 5ha11 be payable upon.
<br />-iotrce I
<br />rom Beneficiary to Trustorecuesting payment !neieif, and shall bear interest front the oate of disbursement at the default
<br />;f any. se, forth in the Note, or other-wisc at the highest rate Permitted tv law .Nothing contained in this paragraph, shall require
<br />Beneficiary to incur any expense or take any -action hereunder. Trustor irrevocably aottiorizes and empowers Beneficiary to eltef upon
<br />,he Trust Property as
<br />Trustor 'S age ar3cl. =r i ruvor s na, ry o`tlerwlse to perform any and aY covenants Is anc, agreements to be
<br />performed cy. Trustor as herein oroy!Cea Beneficiary slaii. at its opP.on, be suoragaredro any encumbrance. lien. claim or demand
<br />a, id 20.31,' ms and Fecurifles for the Payment 'nereoii.ra;c or ofscriaged by Beri;efic!ary L;nrie, ill? e Tiroiisions tiereo, a,3d any s,ler;
<br />subrogation i-gms shall tie acoitfo:7a) secui! for trii-, Deed of Trust,
<br />:_,Tdenjnatjor,. The ooCeeds of and award or cair-, for damiages direct or consequental, in connecriari with ant or
<br />other taking LL, the Trust Property. - „, any car! _neeof, or tor conveyance in 1. feu of or in ar..nC'pa,ri-or, Or c✓ndemnar?0n, are !-.eretv
<br />assigned to and shall b Palo to Berefcjare Trioislo! wait fie and prosecute. !r good lath and w.m. oLle diligence, i's claim for any suer;
<br />award or Pa ' and Wd” Cause tn'e carne 10 be Coilecleo' and Paid to BeirieficiarY. and. sr"Dulo' i� Co so. Tustor irrevocably
<br />authorizes and empowers Berteficlary, ;-, .'lie nar,
<br />ri 7F'Lls1c! or otnerwese, to fife. crosecule. settle or i3omoromise any sucr: ciaim and
<br />lo colwil reeilpt ? ©r arid 'elain the Plot; 9s!a7S if +,.,e 7r,js, O!Gzerty is jbarj,
<br />,r: ,_O t)y 7r�,,, t, ), alts, n , 3&.!lefic.ariv to Tnlsro,
<br />1,iiistc.,fatis to rep lid Beneficiary w��, in lhfrly oav-
<br />,hal the --onde-inor offers �c TrIaKe an award al senfe ill clairn 7o� I? � -
<br />after the -dale such notice is tmasied, Berlefir ,ary is 3urh-urized ro I-ojiecr a^cl apoiv he ;D,.o,P&os n 'he mallrer inc,,cateij erej, The
<br />proceeds of ary awaig c,, ciatm may, after oecroi�,Inqg all easoiiati& cosls and I e,,; lenses, :nC.lucing a ey !E-es. wmch mav,'1,7,�_
<br />been incurred by Bensflc2ary ;'i rne coileclor, a, t u Sole ofscretlor of be releaseo 'o Tr.isfor,
<br />f,?Stofapun of T. trSt Property. ad il i 'nt 1---jEss Lin;-
<br />any such appilcavor, of procil*os to f"deltecnt-,�Ils sriail c. exlero u, posrpllne Vie a3re c ••e No 7e the pe.V!re,--,' c'o ai-Y
<br />ifislalinwrits Called for n"Ievilcler
<br />TfWV1fl`r I'Vot Relua-sed Extensizillo of rt,t I'me- of olaymenl or modflica!jo- W d a, he i, :oeU ' tewess
<br />to anv 4iu ccessor in lmerfi:sr s"'I rot opeiart Fr, Telease !,-3 aiiv -&-ner '.ri& dZqjr,, if -i,;_
<br />7,
<br />,"rere"if Benf_fictdry sr:,34, nol ue e OF 'efLSt?
<br />F w I S V " 7.k)' 11 ty af no r1l z a I i if 1 6U'11 _S s q t a -,3 i !feint 71',st'v Ti,, Or S
<br />rift 'Morest.
<br />3
<br />tew C�t 7-105tix, the rX, ,,o ,oqfec piaja,li,ii, J
<br />�qfij 'A W i rf",Ofii W10 Oe,,< w if,i Fw E,Wr d:.
<br />4 lal
<br />