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IAWf <br />GRANT <br />Required of AT&T Caswoeleetlene of h Hjtonotg En:. _ <br />P1ve and 00/106 Dollars, In oanatderatlM of whlaM tko <br />undomelgood hereby grant and coeval onto Paid Cantpany, its saenaintad and allied companies, it* and their respective <br />everesaore, asoLgmn, Leonean and agent• a right of way and someweat to oonatroot, operato, notatotn. "raptpe red -womme <br />much communication eystome as the grantees way front time to time require, reentering of underground else, 1191stgw440-e, <br />Views, oomMLts, wanheles, drains, spooning bomee, repeaters, rapmter hswetPge, together with swr(see tenting- tnnRtwnis, <br />Workers, earl other appurtenances, vpcn, ever and under a strip of Land 16.1 toot wide "go" <br />the L&ed which tow undersigned own of in *high the uadoralgned have any Interest to <br />A strip of land across the Southwest Quarter (SWi) Section Two (2), Township <br />Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (4) West of the 6th P.M. As shown on Exhibit 'A' <br />attached hereto and made a part hereof. <br />i <br />Township of wwmhlo ton , County of Nall , and state of N►braoka <br />together with the following rights- Of Ingress and agrees to, from, and along lands adjacent to meld strip for the pnrpssw <br />of constructing and mnlntelnlng aasananlastion Systems within Said stttpr to place surface marbar• beyond said •trip# to <br />comer and aa►p cleared all trees, [rota, brush and other obotructl000 from the sorfaea and anhourfaca of said strip and <br />during construction to cut *LL trees within ton toot thereof# and to Install gates In any fences crossing said strip, <br />The NottharLy boundary of said 16.5 toot strip ahall be s line parallel to <br />and S toot North of the first cable or llghtgulde told, which cable or <br />llghtaulde shall have Its location Indicated upon the surface m&rkarg met at intervals on tits lend of the undersigned or on <br />adjacent Lunde. Tine undersigned for themselves, their hells, successor* and Posigne, hereby covenant that no structure <br />shell be etectet or permitted on amid strip. Tito grantees agree that the Paid cables or llghtguidee oball he burled below <br />plow depth In order not to Interfere with the ordlnaty cultivation of tits strip, and to pay for damages to fences and <br />grovloV or" &rising from the construction and maintenance of the aforesaid systems <br />See Addendum 'A' attached hereto and made a part hereof. <br />Blgnned and Posted this 28th day at September , Ig 87 <br />at Grand Island. Hall County_ Nahratka <br />whams <br />wltmme <br />hat k9h I WAS p9yarrd indoor the wprNtMs N <br />G t. NNIm. MIMeq ha Led#. Nfm /a Nrlknr +dhbal k <br />M Sao t811u Why, cmgft% IIUPs1/ motif <br />Appeogrd <br />CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />STATE OF Nebraska } gg, gouges of Titles noawmnt Number 89- 00(1016 <br />CQUWI!y OF H Doountent Number 77 -005996 <br />11W space Deed Book 161 , page :91 -7 <br />us this 28th day of September , 19�L_, b n Opp" <br />411 <br />as poiso/ly spptad <br />e r <br />�nald E_ Teri , and Char-la$ Lundquigt <br />to me pemsoselly hoowo, who boing by me duly swore, did say that they are the Chairman and Serretary - - - -- <br />----------------------------------------------- --------- - - - - -- 7!!*A'1lliR!!k1<)M9t lA119f1( smymtiveLy <br />of the Nall Cn.nnty dlrr rt Authnritg- (;rand j0andyHall Casuist Nahracka - - - - -- . -- ----------------------------------- and that the Pool Wowed to said instrument Is the corportato east at said <br />assgesatlen, and that sold lsetrwat *Po signed and esaoed In behalf of said gorporstlew by authority of Its based of <br />directors, ed that sold nnna1A r Terry and Charles Q. Lundaujst <br />sciowlsdg,d said Lnatromeat to be Clio ffee Pat of Who dead sold corporation. <br />IV PoonIPoLes anoo1rmW <br />N <br />Bowl MM <br />tern ral,li® <br />