<br />'ail.'. FCRQ 6011 7 105'659 7 104908 Pays Rot
<br />(o) The repayment In fult by Trustor(s) of all amounts advanced by flpnafioinry, at Its option, to or on behalf of Trustor(s) as protective
<br />advances Sulborised herein, in the loan agreement (s), of in other instruriant(e) which may be given toavidertde such advances, plus Interest
<br />an Oil Such MdVWldffN, payable as provided to the n/nefe), loan agrament(s) or other Instrument(s).
<br />(d) The payment In full of any and all other post, present or future, direct or contingent, debts and liabilities of Trustor(a) to 10e110f11e40ry of
<br />any nature whtshaeenigr.
<br />This Trust Deed will be due 9 or upon the payment In full of all sums Muted her*ly
<br />Truster(*) Mrreby warrens that may as sMnplsfltN tO1M 51ww proMny. that they hew iood M4 NwIW aumenty to eiard end Mlalnn tFgp lkema.
<br />that Said P iapw" N ins am Slaw of sit Wrls WA aleumbrMals. except encumbrances of record, and dot they will warrant am defend ad property against all
<br />whamaoawr Trustw(SI std hwsby wales and relinquish off rights of 00001'. homestead, dhltfibutWa Men $M*XOMPtkOn in and is ROSDQ e - .
<br />Pnpegr.
<br />TwwlaNl ate eesb W IMaI haNar Sae1aM ate agrees slen dsaSa,' on laasere
<br />11) To pay all ham rudgments do, otheremasomenhosillonst sold Trust fialift. and 90 Pay When duo Sit "WAN, fents, MS or charges upon Sold Trust godiviwofunder
<br />any Nall, permit, license or orivHSsa assigned to BeneNOCmy ss additional Security to this Trust Dead, Including thou On Public domain.
<br />(2) To Insure and keep flAWW buildings had other imp(OOmmahts nary On Or heres/Mr paced on cod TnNt low" to tits 0"00ien of BertMl9lary. Such
<br />Muwwwssf Wl bpgWgved by "d dspaasd with f ies hpory, sne ender*ad with toss than+nder paysblato OwattcNry. Anymore so Metered by MrtNlaary may
<br />be Wed to pay formoMeRaCtWft of thedeeNOyed impro0mems or if not eb applod may, st the option of iM ill"wlary, be applied In pot mnenl of any "W dmoll"
<br />matured or unrestu id SeSund by Nits Trutt Oeod.
<br />(3) To keep all loulkillings, fixtures and otter fmprowments now on Of hereafter Placed on Said Trial Estate occupied and In good repair, mslrttenana and
<br />Condition and to tearer cam" nor permit any sec c waNW any on"ro eni of me value of the Trues am". Berwhoary miy enter upon tea Trues Es" to
<br />Inspect the Same or to pai loo v any acts sup WWW herein or in the loan agreement
<br />14) Inthewenl Trustor(s)fail to pay any lions. judgments, assessments, taxes. faints, to" or Charges or maintain any insurance an ten property. buildings, fixtures
<br />or nnprawmene as provided Main or In the IoM agneenenfis), Beneficiary may. at u4 option. muse Such payments or prov,de fnwrance. maw-anancs or repair.
<br />and any Haunts pets t hereter Mesa become pan of the firms" lniabNdnsss aswmra herby, be imnnsdfaNW dins had payablN had bat fnllrest ham tea daft of
<br />peymsm as provided in tea hafNs) or loft preemsntls). The adlancaheA by Ben@hCW" W any Koch anmpurift MM In he ramnw it" tee right Of Beneficiary to
<br />declare Trlee mar in it~ or eeenles arty Of Beneficiary 's NOW rights and renediw-
<br />(5) MdawaHBensholwyto aponyWMyNtlgwionaNKcturgtMssdunryotMkenofthis TrteeDow, IncludirWMyscumbysenMic +arytosniOroeNWTrust
<br />Deed of any cult In ~ Beneficiary is chconnad a dafMdent (Imatuding condemnation had bankruptcy pnocea0ings) Bprobcoory may Input expenses OW Mona
<br />payments foaoaumtaw, ahorneysNaS4MWtotheexiaitprohlbitadbylaw ),coca,errpenes,pWe"teeswit9"WO rfN OW any Mrburds00 advanced
<br />sheN beans pest at tea principal OW Wednw eesund hereby, be rmmateWy due had payable cold bow OtWW as prdvidad In tea low agrawnenr(e).
<br />(a) Any *words to Truftor(s) Or their Successors, by the ortion:414, 01 *mW*nl "main am hall eby assigned to Illevoliciery: and SonshMwY is hereby sirtharrulad
<br />10 concoct and apply the lame In payment of any Indebtedness. marurod or unmstured, secured by this Trust Dead.
<br />(y) In ten went Trustor(s) deauh in the payment wen due Of any Sum. "cured hereby ( prinCipal. Interest, advencaMnts, or protactwe advances), or Nil to
<br />peAorm or doctor" any Covenants and conditions Contained h"n, in ten nole(el, loan agreament(s), or any other instruments or any proon" s brought by or
<br />against Truetorlsl underorty Bankruptcy laws. Bwefncory ray. at Its option, declare tneMtin indebtedness Secured hereby lobe imnadals yAuaand payable and
<br />bar interest at the default raft as provided In ten Mft(S) or loan agreemanl(s) and SonoftieNry rney nnmedieMy aumatie Tnirelee m okercna On Power Of lisle
<br />Washed me" h In the ~rSf provdes Inge Nebraska Trust Dee(* Ace. or, at the option of"* Beaflciery. may foreclose No Trues Deed in On mannw provided by
<br />law for ten foreclosure Of mOnfle" On rest Property. including ten Appointment of a Regtver upon ex panic application, notice being hereby expressly wSWW,
<br />without regent te the Oka OtiM property wtM aumolancy thereof to dooniNt" eft Indebtedness **cured hereby or In ten IoM agroaressOo1. Dolay by Beneficiary
<br />in exercising ns rights upon default aMti MI be construed es a wader mereOl and any act of Beneficiary waiving any specific default shall not be construed as a
<br />wander of any futureseNtAt. N tea proceeds under S"h sole or torechmWO are KWAICNnt to Pay" WOO indebtedness hereby Secured. Trustor(s) do hor*by agree
<br />t0 be per None V bound to pay me unpaid balance, had senetraary Half be emjNed t0 a deficiency judgment.
<br />(a) Shane a mee toy elact to Nearbae tea Flo neor of Sale granted herein. Bs;w icsry shawl notify ten Trustee who Mall record. puDltsh are Owfver to Trusmr(s)
<br />such Notice of D~ std NoMeol Bel*ss then required by how and OWN In tee masher provided try law awl the Trutt EWM&t tee hwle and pNa of seal fixed In tee
<br />Notice of Bets. eithwss a whale or M separate lots. percale or Ica had in Such orMr as ten Trustee Man dam expedient. Any person may bd M ten ale mcludmg
<br />Truptow(e). Tr utea or Bweholary
<br />(a) TruHa( s) MnbymequewacopYofMYNotice of Defailt or NWtce of SWMnundertobemadWtomemNNaWdeese (selsetWrthh~byCWWJ*dMail.
<br />110) Upon default. BwhMtscry. atfer in person or by pent. with or without bringing any action or proofs" ON with or without regard to the veue Of the
<br />property or"SuNtciwey tarot ndachwge tee indebtedness secured hereby, is sumol=W and antliled to Mar upon and Wes Possession of the Trues Estate in
<br />its own Mme or in the none of ten TfisW ed do any acts orexpend any Sums it deems necessary or deavablete PnMeCt or Pf"wm tee velua oft" Trust Estaa of
<br />My Inft/ee! tflerenn, M mCreaatM hnCOrrhsmerelram; and with or without w*M9 possession of the Trutt Estate s s~tMto sue for a otMnwNe Collecl the rents.
<br />tw m, em", profits end InCOme VWW. including these pat due and unpaid, and apply Me some upon any indebtedness Secured tWObY or in tee ban
<br />!0reemsnits)
<br />NO rMeey nareIn Conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Beneficiary to Intended to be *xclu anoe of any other remedy nerein or oy dew Pruviaw .,, yarnntte0.
<br />out acn welt a c tentative. Mate be m addnlOn to every Other remedy given' ramxumudw ut now Or Mreafler exi*tirg st ew of in wtugy w uy duawty, MhY tiny w
<br />earcNad concurrently. itldeperdemy or ScceswrMy.
<br />(t 1) Tnstor(s) AcknorvNOge "the dub" and oMtdedoa of True" *Wt be determined Solely by ten express provisions of tea Tnad Deed or tea Nebraska
<br />Trudy Dews Ace ane Trustee am not be I 1e **Opt for the Pwtwrance Of such duties and Obligations as we spoOMCahy set form OW1011, and no 111110M0
<br />cove sm t or ObiigaWa Mall be impssed Wan TrtaNe: Trustee wall not be liable for any action Wan by It In good left and reasonably believed by it to be
<br />auVWMd or woma tee discretion or fights of powers conferred upon it by that Tnlel Deed or sate low.
<br />(12) The Integrity and responsibility atme Trwtor( S) co" Mut es a part of theconet0erwbn forth obtlptbns secured hereby. Should Trnustorls) Wt, tnnsfer or
<br />Convay tee prepMy desorMad heron, without prior written content of goo tc cry. 9eeticlary may. at Its option, declare theethre indebtedness W~Mofy dig
<br />and payable and nay proceed In ten NNOrewant of its rights se on any Omer deNutt.
<br />(131 m M iianc NdgWMe Proceeds of Minaret Loan Truworls) rie*by trw,*W. sal am and convey to Beneficiary of rents, royalties, bonuses and
<br />doNymoneysNofwaftfrombm towitbeeomadhuoadpet %, ufWweery rowewte call or ~any oil. gas oroNormmwaf Vaseof any kind row*xcorg or
<br />that natr heneilsr owe into exists fhas, covering ten above That Eras or any pert thereef. Aft such sums w received by BwMnGsry Moll be apptee to the
<br />indebtedness *course mnereey; or said Beneficiary may. of Its option. turn over fine dOkver to the Tr star(s), or their Successors In IMweM, any or all Of Such sums
<br />wmout pnry044 to enyof BMMxwy's rights to Weed resin future sums, and without prejudice to any of as other rights uxderthts Trust Dead. The transfer Md
<br />6MWywice flereunAer t0
<br />Beneficiary of said rents. royanies. bonuses and deity, moneys shell be coo nod to bee provision lot IM payment Or reduction Of the
<br />dept. su"W to me so efictery's Option ss hersenbelore Provided. independent of the lion On Sad Trust Estate. Upon payment in full of the debt end the
<br />reconvationce M Ilea Trust Dud of record, this conveyance Men become inoperative had of no further force one effect
<br />H .
<br />(14) The covenants contained in this Trust Deed ell to deemed to be Se en Severable: in t event that any portion of this Trust Deed is determined to be void or
<br />unenforceable. that delsrmirellon Moo not Meet the validity W the remaining portions of the Trutt Dead
<br />Aloysius R. Panowicz
<br />r
<br />) N
<br />COL. TY Of �� -- 1
<br />on this day of
<br />Evelyn D. Panowicz
<br />A.O., 1g i_1 , before me. a Notary Public. personally appeared
<br />dad E l l ) F
<br />in f1Q who axecWad the fo i known a
<br />ment and Trust Dd. and acknowledged
<br />am
<br />R
<br />(Type or print nacre under sig cure)
<br />Notary Public In and for aid County and State
<br />tjr�
<br />