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The T <br />(.teed, wW fw s <br />to lfo TnHNer(s) MNn s . <br />toe bean oad <br />0 <br />a <br />i7) <br />that (a) the smrity docuRwIt MOW fo be is a Try" <br />I aNr1 nest Dead FfroYbdlpF atrbatanlNrlfy AfMsrArtt rlghts and ot:Ii�ationa <br />of s . The Tnreurr(e) fuMnrr ►e� "*M and We" ihel this <br />'Mow fo, IM Tnnhtere' enheoution of to lottowfng Ttuel peeA. <br />t TO />ION Rf1 O� f7I TIIWT. <br />,muff, 1QWMNr off Rom f <br />This Trust pod and Assignment of Rents referred to In the above acknowiedgment Is made this .91.4A day <br />of L , to $7 . by aW mong P <br />as Al R Panowicz) and Evelyn D Panowicz, Husband and Wife <br />"Tnabr(a) ", whoa mtliing address Is ahtl 3 <br />Federal Land Bank of Omaha -Tn ts," whose malMg own" I. <br />206 South 19th Street, Omaha, NE 68102 snd the Federal )_and of QMAhA <br />, of inaft +g address is 20111 south 1" Sint. Orn" Nobreska 00102. In of the advance by sene"Clery to <br />Trh+b el of t a principelaurn speolffed below, to nmW of ~ is Mreby acknowledged. a d any huun, additional or proNCdwadwncae t <br />madate or an behalf of Tnsstor(a) at Deneflciay'e option, Truslor(s) Irrovocebly tranaNre, aomays and see" to TrU$W. IM TRUST, WITH <br />POWIM OF SALE, for the benefit and security of 8eneliciRry, its succ mwn and Resigns. unOW WW sub"O to taterms and conditosof this j <br />Tn* Dead, to real property, taxed in to County of Hall Sty of Nebnaka, and described as follows: <br />gds. TOW1 <br />SW14 and 141� SE;*.(excepting therefrom a rectangular tract of <br />73.5 acres devised under the Will of James B. Lesher, <br />deceased, to Rosa Starr, which 73.5 acres are more <br />particularly described as a rectangular tract with the <br />South line of the SE% and the Wt� SE: as its South <br />boundary line; and except a tract of land more partic- <br />ularly described as follows: Commencing at the North- <br />east corner of the NWT SE; of Section 31 and proceeding <br />in a Westerly direction along and upon the North line <br />of the NW% SEh a distance of 330 feet, thence proceeding <br />South parallel to the West line of Section 31 a distance <br />of 330 feet, thence proceeding Easterly parallel with the <br />South line of Section 31 a distance of 330 feet, thence <br />proceeding North along and upon the Last line of the <br />NVPA SE)A, Section 31, a distance of 333 feet to the <br />point of beginning) ----------------------------- -------- - - - - -- 31 12N 10 Id 6th P.M. <br />and the following- described real estate in Howard County, Nebraska <br />The South 990 feet of Lot 6 located in the SE4 and the South <br />feet of the SE4 SE4 of Section 22 lying South and East <br />of the thread of the channel of the Middle Loup River---- - - - - -- 22 <br />Niiy------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 27 <br />All in ------------------------------------------------------- - - -13N 11 W 6th P.M. <br />Together with all wells, pumps, motors,and equipment located on and used to irrigate <br />said premises, and any additions to or replacements thereof, which items are declared <br />to be a part of the mortgaged premises and appurtenant to said real estate, <br />letpatar w ► afi Truelar(e) ftK oft aW MMMeal M said property. now or heal fter Acquiro0, includ" ale buitdinge, fiuttua, ahS and <br />MWI,eva,ents, eerenorhenMle Vie WuponaaanalpMrw . InoluoVFlosit appurtairwwns, WSW, Irftstwn.aWdrafnagarVft;and <br />ale Hate hews weew Mhnrnw prefiee and rtgMs fo poaNaion: W oil. gas. Wawl. rack or~ minaNs of whshww nwrrs. including <br />geRMOrhttM weeumm and ale pereonhal pnperly that may ins"may bekng to a herndtw become w in"nil pat of said real estate whWw <br />M tlelsehed MMdUOM- wyappwwwwwandaeosummettisof any reaWlence secured Mnby. and all wore wW below ground <br />wvio�pm A+WpaasrK am sec"Morha. and ON vases. plowift Maness or Pow appMterant or norappurtMhaM to said pnmisim now or <br />hrlwilwrtwwe.e wleasdrr«+..altslrTrrew►t� dnrslaw ate.unawaateeoroWdopwbiwd.bwew, aaomRytlmoo. <br />ASof~MhwgumdwoofteOvOy r001 to es 1114 "Teual tom." <br />K w ■tdwrtaaed awd yMd ireesrserh TrtheMr� aced tlehteftefry drag tlNe Trual o..d le gknn a eeewe <br />WAPnWn10WyF4ft0f nM lopow with IrsNtest thween exeaAed by TnOW(s) to Geneffclary and described es follows: <br />M. of Nw PM ON Asaewtt Dale N elm P"MA l Ame" <br />eo -? s._ r % $141,300.00 <br />payable to the firms of as noa(eI. <br />IMMM» In 110 by Trueewlai 614" aM AN tubme ace® advah" wluRh nay be made by OWWftory. m In Yuen. at <br />rMaaMela arMffiesbr dice of npler�). <br />WOW of tom. for ay pwposs, PkA W"~ an IN Out h Advances, ~ any nela(e) Of <br />MWWNsaW MUM in or want or an y fret th~. alt ' <br />to ornhe of said nhole(R) or odw instnraontls); provided, however. that the total prinatpal Indebtedness outstanding <br />el awn stol net "a" to "M of <br />fa ra r t rTV T n DOLLARS (f , that <br />ft �AM IAMAI Anvi,�aw IN sir tV AUM any ATAANV T <br />