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g EMW4M4 . Londe( is homily Assigned All c �fisation sonatas damages and other paynlan i or'el,af iharemanpr Piocends I In'onnect.on vnlh <br />sonclaramairmn or uptar fall, gof the P roparlYar Part thereof,offor ( nnVeyance ill lieu olc ondefnnahnn Lea +der 4laeh GO" nhf15e4 at lls option to commence, appeannsnd <br />prow4ta in is own name any action or procasttinga. and span stsD be enhhad to make any cnmpromrsa or setlamont In connection will, such taking or damage In Ran <br />event any portion of the Property is so taken or damaged. Lender shall have the option- In Its sole and Or) Olute a,6crabon m Apply all such Proceeds, Alter deducting <br />trtaealrgm ea BeataandealAafla�c$ Inchrf�d py It in chnrfatition with slty,h pfopaads. upon any mclobladness so"m"a hooloy and in such order a4 Lender may dater mine. or to <br />seedy 441 such Pry rda. after such deductions. to the restoration of the Property upon such conditions a% 1-an,191 may dotal Any application of Prgcaeds to <br />iftdab shah not eatarrd or postpone the due date at Any payment% undef the Nato, or curd any default thereunder of horaundar <br />IntheoyanlofMgrrower' sfadureloperfonn any oflhecnvornfr shAramoffrfs6llIbly ofdonyactIstahenor <br />I Prrac +n�Gtmtmainced which materially affects Lander'$ interest in the Property. Lender maym Its own discfoboo . but without Onhgatu)n to do so. and without notice <br />toga ONW4 upon Borrower and without raloasing Borrower from any obligation, do any act which the Morrower ties agaeed hul fails to do and may also do any other act it <br />tfatatr+a rtt rsa}ary Fitt prgtept the aecurfly hsraol Borrower shall, immediately upon demand thefelof by Lender.. pay to Lander all COB14 and expenses Incurrod and sums <br />a bpLonfoah, mcgrinshope wnh Fhe Aaarclla by Lander of the foregoing rights togolher wnh Inlaralt thatoon at lne rate provlaed in the Nota. which 411411 boatload to <br />th# OP40 fWastill Warfel hereby- Lenfler shall riot Incur any personal liability because of Anything it may (10 or omit to do hereunder <br />A fe1M11M N Wit. The following shall constitute an event of dolit"d under this Daad of Trust <br />(al Failure to pay anyInstallmanb ofilljpalorforecastoranyothersumsaci+r adhorebywhendue, offailLiretopaywhendust anyotherIn0bladnessof <br />Morfowitr to Lander, <br />(b) A breach of Or default under any proosion contained in the Nrta. this Deer) of Trust any document which secures the Nato. and any other <br />anumbranee upon Me Property. <br />(c) A will of aspic utian of Attachment D, Any Sumlar prof, ass Of all be entered Ag aIn%l tic n ')war which shalt become a lien an the Property or an y portion <br />thera[d Or Inherent therein, <br />Idl There shalt be filed by Or against LtOnowar an action under any present or baits federal stare of olhar %!stub, low or regulation relating to <br />tMnkroptcy, insolvency or other relief for dabtatil or Iha'e shall ba appomted any t ostaa, receiver of liquidator of ftofrovot of of all or any part of tha Property.or <br />IM rents.. issues at profits thoraot. or Borrower shall asks any gonaraf assig'imonl too the hanabl of creditors <br />(e) The sale . fran%lor, assignment, conveyance or bother enctimhrance of all or any part cif or any Intalesf uh tog Purporly. either vohintauly or <br />involuntarily. without the express w Yuen consent of Lander <br />it) It (borrower as.01 an individual . the seta. I'ansfaa assignment conveyancer a,u anr,umtirance of more Irian _. parcanf or lit It corporencnl its <br />issued and Outstanding stock Of fir A pannnr$hip) pierceol of p,uloersh,p mlerebls <br />9 Remedies: AeceMraftaat upon oxeye. In the event of Any E van t of Dohl"It Lander Inay declare all mdebled outS Sac umd hereby io be due and payable and the <br />Santa, final) IfefeupOe "Como due and payable without Any fimsenimenl demand, pfotasl of nonta of any kind Therealtaf Lendr,r may <br />141 Demend pull TrfslaaexafCea the POWER OF SALE granted harem AnU Tru%ten shalitherkallar cause BorfOwer srntnrast in ifle Property to t)a sold <br />And the proceeds t0 be Colhoulod, all •n the manner proVrdad in the Nah,aska Trust Deeds Act <br />(b) Carrier In parson of be agent wnh o, withoul cringing Any nctiou or procacding Df by a f"ceiver appointed by a court and wathoul tgard to She <br />adequacy o} rts iaCUn1Y. enter upon And lake possassuln of lop Prope)r1y. or any part thereof, in its own name or in the name of the To,stee and do any acts which <br />11 deems necessary Dr desnabfe to premarV. the value mmketahitil'y or ronlaballty Lit the Property or pall Ihoo,of or Interest Ihmem. -Crease the income <br />therefromot protect the security hereof antl ann 1,r wilhuut lskrnq possession of inn Prn Pef ly. suklor Dr other wise cpfle<I Morent.- rASiles And proli151heraof, <br />irlctud+ngthOSaPasttluaAndunpaid and apply !ho some TesscDS!% AndnxpensssOlopernhonandcollechon ,nciuoingattorneys lees uponanyendabiedness <br />secured herolay. all In such order as Lender may arlerm,n The entering upon and faking pos5esslon of Inc Propmfy the Cr)IlachOn of such tools. issues antl <br />prof.(%and theappucabon Meteor as atofnsald- shall not cure or wary" any defaull 1,r notice of default hereunder or nwalldam any act don" m'ru ponsoto such <br />default or pursuant to such notice of dolaulf and . notwithstanding trip continuance m possession of the Property or the collecbun, fa'mild and application of <br />fonts, issue+sor profits. Trustee or Linder shall be entibed to"a nciSn nve,y fight provided for in any of the Loan insirumenls or by law upon orcurence of any <br />event of default Including the right to rulerclse the power of sale ann <br />(c) Commence en action to fofacWsa this Deer) of Trust as A mortgage. appoutl it receiver - sperrfically enforce. any of the covenants hereof <br />No remedy heram conferred upon or reterved to Trustee or Londe',$ mtenoed I. be ax uuyivesf any other remedy herein ,.ar by law provided Or permuted, but oaz h shall be <br />Cumulative- Shall bet,, addition toevery Other remedy onion hereunder Or now 1,r nerhatlet e.+51 —; at law „r In ei)i,Ily or by stabile and rna'J rte pxP.rc,sed COnt Urfanlly. <br />"Kkvertdrintdy or succarievely <br />fU Trustee. The Trustee r ray rn 9n at any I— wrthaul cause one) Lender n,ay al any I,— 41,11 —1111 of cause appr),nl a sic <e S9 J1 ru .ubstitute Trustee Trustee <br />shelf not be liable for any loss or damage unless due to Actlnnahle nllgligf!nt_i! or -111:41 misc omlui:l .11111 Shan "!,I bee IvIn-I'd 11, any action 11, ror•nuchOff wilt, the <br />endorcement of thin Deed of T lust unless ndamn,ied 11, writing for an rosls curupenyah Dn or expe, wntcri may fill asso<,ated therewith In addition. Trustee may <br />become a purchaser at any sale of the Property (judicial or under the power of sale granted he fermi poSfp ')ne ln,3 -I+of all or — Vpo,bpn of the p-perly.asp,ovidedby lnw. <br />Or sell the Property as a whole Of in separate parcels or Iola <br />I 1 Fu1ao Adreflees. Upon request of Borrower Lender may al dY oppco make acf dab Oral stud IulurH Ad viln<e6 an<110adva ncPS to BUflOwof Such advances and <br />rlradvanC as. with,ofefest thereon. %hail 1,a secured by this Deed of Trust At no limn shnli Inn linnCrpal amount of the inoebleU na%H secured by Itns Dood of Trust. not in- <br />chAm® sums advanced to protect ins security of this Deed of Tru!pt"nrer +d tnenrigm:.'pOnl ; rpttl : tmpunt 5!atpd herein. nf$,102, 744.33 .._ ...........whichever'$ <br />greater <br />t2 istateasnoon P"Wielene. <br />(al @Off r NO R*%000d. Extenfoon of the rime for i,aymenl o+ mgd,n —1 .:d a , outer o of the lonl, secured try Ibis Deed of Trust granted by - <br />Lender to any successor m Interest of Borrower snail not operate to release. n any mdnn"r the 1- ab,hty of Ina ontpom llorlowe' and Burrower 5 su(cesso"S in <br />interest Lander shall not be required to commenco proceedings .')arms! 'n 0l sir less .r or lf—o— fl, a, .rid lmu. fol ,ay,nenl Or otherwise noddy amomeabon <br />Of the sums secured by this Door$ of Trost by r "axon of any demands made by ftn,rowa, and Bor over s 5utce55nr5 in Interest <br />(b) I ~$Po"fs. W,thout alfeU+ng Ice 11a171011 or an f :,thr!r perm. ,ilia I'll ire payma t or Any obl,gahon here n mentioned. n•d Avdil —1 affecting <br />The lion Or Charge Of 101% Dead of Trust upon any polbnn of the P,opa,.rt y „at!har „r •hr alutora .dalaasgd a•.a',I u,Ily for Ilse lull arnouril of all unpaid OUligabeOnS. <br />Lender may, from time to time and without nobre III release any pers,7n so imble (I,j extend th" m9S�n1 y .a AIIP.r any o} the iP,,m. OI any sUCh nbbgAlrOOS. h1,) <br />grant other indulgences, (IV) release of reconveY.rnrause to be raieasado ec unveyi eta allendrn5npt'Dos any parcel, potion or all of the Property. - <br />e) take Of release any other Of additional security for any ohiigation heron nneolf—ed nr r v, I rnjkv, composmnn%or otherafrangemams with deblora In relation <br />thereto <br />(e) FoAsarsaal by Lando Moo a WNrer. Any lortreafance by Loner In <.e,c'slog any n9ht,Ir remedy hereunder. or otherwise afforded by applicable <br />taw, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any sit:: n right, n remedy Tne pra<nell,ol,lol,nsur<tnce or the payment of taxes or other liens or rharges <br />by Lender Shatii not be a waiver of Lender s right to aC.<ele rain the mate It A then :ndt bl -l—s, secured by this Deed of Tra.l <br />fill sYaB>pMs a" AOaFPrH Bow"; Joint and fsevaral Llsanaly: Cappons. Tnn co,enanl, aril agreement, herein contamod shall bind, and the right, <br />hereunder shall inure to the respective successors and Ass-g", u1 Lender and Borrow., sullen! In the provisions of paragraph a (e) hereof All cOYenanls and <br />ag,Arnale isof so"Oveir shall Do joint and%evaral Tne rapnons and naal:-gs�,t ire par Agra pros of Inns Ifeed of T rust are. tor r cirverionvo only and ale not to he <br />used to Interpret of dal+na the provisions hereof <br />la) RegWN Ip Move". Troy parties hefehyneque 5111,31A C0pytal a n ynchce<,f delaull nn rr +.,niter ands c spy elf any oohceol 5alu hereunder hemadod to <br />each party to this Deed of Trust at the address Set torch snove in the manr,nr prhscrmed ry appi,cabin law Er.cepl for any Diner notice inquired under appficable <br />law bo be given in anolner manner. any notice provided for In th,s Drvtd of T,;,51 snail be given fly n,adlog sock 11.1,ce by col lifted mail addressed to Ine other <br />patties. at the address Set tooth above <br />Any notice provided for +o This Deed of Trust shall rte d "med to he- been given to Bnrrowaar of Lender when given in the manner designated herein <br />At frtape6een. Lender may make of cause to ho matle reaslinanle an.b,esopon Ar,.d' "Sim,,' ons d l the Properly. provided that Lender shall give Borrower <br />noil prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor r°iffietl 10 : wndar s Inlets%! m the Property <br />(9) Meenwyntef .Upon payment of all sums sacu,ad be this Doednl Trust Lende,%tuni equest Trustoetorecunvev the Prop -tyand shalt- rend", <br />thla Dood or Trust and all notes av+dancing indebtedness secured by this Deed ill T rust to Trustee Trustee shall feronuny the Proporly walhoul warranty and <br />wcmout charge to "'a person Of persons legally entitled thereto Such person or persons shall pay all costs of recordation, if any <br />(h) Pafeellla FirapattF, 8" wily Ayraengnf. As additional security for the payment of the Note all hetures equ,pmenl, and other personal property used <br />In Coolish: lion with the eta) estate of. m provamonl a Lot: find the r son and llbl Other Wlsa dp,(IArWf)fir deamnU lO hr+a part ill ihP real a5fatp s"r: -rid hereby Khali be <br />"heart to a saeunty, Interest in favor of trio Lander under the Nebraska Uniform Commercmf Gu4e Tlnsini;be,rnnnt ells ❑1,a,ronsinaed as35a?un•ty Agrneraem r--- . - - - - -- <br />o-U, said Gcrda, and it-* Lender $net; have an Iha rights and rein 1,o. of a $enured party under sad t:c +de in addition to file ngh!s and rnmed,rx a: rented „nda,a <br />erred accorded the Lando, pursuant to this Dead of Trust <br />oI . in 1t," event that any pfexiseon of Ih,s Dead of 1 rust eonlhrt with applicable law or era CaelAract invalid m ofhe' -se, unenforceable . such <br />cohftictounvatidoy Shan not alfact the Other p'Ovlseons of this Deed If Trust 4r the Not. wh+ri,ca„ J,oip, neffectwd'lout the c onfhctrng prooll n andtnlh+s <br />end tree prhvrsaof:% of the Otsed of TIUSI and Iha Noto are doctrinal) fit be severable <br />Rc§rrvw%r anso esocut6d3 tb,S fwd it I -Sl the oats+ wnlben above .... '/ -. <br />S � <br />({ 1. Ji �l I.ri� yr' tt +w r, Hat•tla.fn,i) ! B.nrn .00xv A,Io <br />