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ACKNOWMIGROW OF P99PO48 <br />go 1051 <br />COWILETE ONLY ""M I" prepsrty dow##W a of 1NDIV M"I.Y OWNSD A4111111CM711,114111AL LAND. <br />H ONLY Oft p1HNr A, s, or C: <br />Q A Of R16NT TO DENOdIITE HOMESTEAO: <br />The flgrrowar(s) acknowledge that they are about to a■eculo the following Used of Trust upon the foal estate described therein The Borrowerifo. and each of them if <br />maeo then rte, do hereby dt"llasm their right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto No part of the homestead of either M file Borlower(s) is prasantly Of will in the <br />tutunlibul initialled upon WO ad reel estate The Borrowerlsi understand that it odherestabitshos a Homestead on any pail of said foal estate during the time the Deed of Trust <br />F ItgA and @lien upon said real "late .there %hall be no right to make a designation (it homestead in the@vent of a foreclosure or bust s sale with fospectlo <br />spill Deed of Trust <br />(3 s_ WAMCOI OR RIBNT TO gMSIONATE HOMESTEAD; <br />rhotelarrovessilsi acknowledge that they are Abouttoeiiecuto the following Uabd :)I T rust upon the rent estate descr.bed therein The Borrowar(s). and each of them if <br />mare than ono. da hereby we," their light In designate a homestead pursuant thereto The Borrowarls) understand that they have the 1,9111 In make a designabon of <br />and that try executing this waivor. they ara walving rights otherwise available for the purpose of altording them the opportunity to retain Then homestead In the <br />ftem of a distaull upon the teed of Trust. <br />® c orsitimArtim Of NO111Esylil <br />Pursuant to the Farm "arrlaalead Prolecbon Act f Sectmn 7® -1901 of seq Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraskal, the Borrowerlsl. do hereby designata the real <br />property ribOd in the Designation of Homestead" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference <br />Borrower <br />Borrower <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST .s made a: or the 8 day of SGjA etltber t9 8.7. _.. h•y and among lob Trustor. <br />Bonnie .J.__Aguilar, Husband & Wife P.O. <br />wtwae m n _ <br />alhgaddrassls ., pox 99, Alda, NE 68810 <br />. __. -- -- _._____._.__ <br />(ffafern Borrower I Inn T,uster. Wi 11 Lam G. Blackburn, a member of thr:, Nebraska State Dar Assn. <br />wtWao rtasat,rtg address lS _P.O.. Box 2280, Grand _Island, NE: 68802_. <br />_._ (herein "Trustee'•), <br />and the oerrefictary. . Five Ego f nt s Dank. <br />whose matting addrasa is _.P.O.. PDX 150.7 Grand Island, . NE 66802 (harem "Lender I <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION u,cluding the mdabtednass ufwnidlpd hermn and Irusl herein c rioted Ihb e, eq)t of whien is hereby acknowledged. Borrower <br />y irrevocably grants . panstefs ccmvays —d asslyns to T,ustae INTRUST WIT H POWER OF SAL E for Inphenahiarid security of Lender under and subject to the <br />terms and conditions hereinafter sset lotli . the real property db5(:nbed as rohOW§ <br />The Southerly One-Half of Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Block Nineteen (19) in <br />the Original Town, Now City of Grand Island, Hall. County, Nebraska <br />Together with all buildings. Improvements hvlurws streels alleys passagoWays . easemanis lights pnvaeges and apourtenanc- ;oc:ated Ihr•renn ,, .n anywise <br />pertaining thereto and instants, Issuas and prohrs, ravnrg ; .s anri .c r:• :aln darn tr, .Of ,nciudlnq h I -A I, hp :lhnq and - , wgmpnleni and sun,h parsons! <br />property thaj la atlaGhed to 7rfa lmptovamelJt55O a5 tO <, .1,91 :II.tNal�alnrt :­dtogeli'el with the hOrne,tr; :id ormm�l :tl inta•rwsiy �I any Whn:n �nlerw5la wry hereby lwlbalP"d <br />airedwaaA6rL aid df which, including replacemanta and additions thereto, +s hereby daClifed to be a part of the foal aslale secured by the lion of lhis Raod of Trust and all of the <br />forrarg" la" referred to herein as file <br />That. Deed of Trust Shan secure fa) the payment of the pfmGpal sum and inhibit evidenced by Burrowers note and: or credit ag,aament dated <br />having a maturity dale of 9 /-812002 _ . In the onglnai prulr.Ipal an,ounl of $ 102, '744,3 3 and any and au <br />tfieahtffle extensions and renewals thereof or thereto and any and all future advances and raadvances hereunder pureuanl to one or more prnmlssnry iolv5 o, uedst <br />to (herein rafted "Nora I. (b) jha payment of other surha advariced by Lender to Protest the sec111 1,y Of trip Note fG I the perfn,mance ail r;,Grknaftl4 and agrmrimryf5l <br />atSia"Orpar forth harm, and (d) ail Indebtedness and nbbgahons or Borrower to Lender whether, rjnecI Indnrs t absniule %r rummgent and whelhnr ansmg by none <br />war&" farardfaft or ottferwrsa <br />Burrower, to lortoWt the security of this Deed of Truer_ cuvenanls and agrees wdh Lender as („apes <br />1 pt ftlNpMleiyi1MM117Nfeel. Borrower shelf promptly pay when duo the principal of and udalasl oil grid any too.,% hnrgas p,ovute,l n, it,,Not —, —this <br />Deed or Trtlttt <br />R THM. r6Mle1r8 the ownitrof the Property- has firelight and autho illytoconveyiha propnrry rued warrants gnat trio l,ai. craatarl herabY rya hrata jp•unnar .;n <br />we property. 0~ as may othefWlse be eel forth hararn . and bm a ,ocult and dblivery OI II ,% owed ul 1 rust r1Uaq not v�Olatw ar y nnlrel'0 ur niher Ohhgal !• to <br />aawelt ra #Volftf <br />3 Tom, To pay when due all to*", 50OC381 a ssmanfa and all plop, cho,get, agalnsl Ir,e Propmts and upon wrdten daanand by tanile, L, pay h. <br />8„dvssAar a4ssi4r �ffi�fi +vise � nsiay t� f#uaent tty artalirb Nis Lerrt9ar to �y SsKh toree. assessmenle r1, olrrar r.narges as lhny he€ pins drle <br />a To ke 4hA Preparly maurad 4164,191 damage fill ore. haZamir Inch,7nd w lh rJ the Ifs. , b.tenrted t) rap, i 1 "'i I " If w ! alai Ja. as t 1,+A' <br />r , is='- § E m L S U r a N , and wim cof""nms of, Copt able t o t .endsr. and wdrr loss Imyabie to thro 6.ends. In cape 111 Inks umfr ii" st :10 r the t e. fm< . —I I .es I, A L, w; <br />s§Y dam" g€ lG4nP =fiM, an nfafrm4 aasd span rtava the ophon W 9pplymq at; ", Liar, of the nair,xn _e p.,)cne�Jw „Je. ht.�t �N yxe., .nn�l he• 1. I_ -„ <br />4 "�BterRtirie,:i ufr,, >�•r. <br />}' ) 1 h ttftl w @' S@ tla Vp t f <)r Ifs pa r.• rk�fli )Yet fin «SI t r ( YtY 1 i.. fi 1 I f =1 i P. >I �4+ 1 1 9 9 1 t 1 .� la•� <br />fmr ifRa haw "01f Osio•1 "if tfvaf rfif!he 11,01 ai9'rrunl Ref -urp 9 rpe4 tie obi re 9ut1, pay 1 0 r.r er I .r,r j�ty �9 A -, .er : l , . l ,,, r: �..,�e le 1 •.�t„I Ir=a a�A,a ,r�,a : :. <br />�snr aa�rva syr fPtse`.tp tiva dim datA to ar y payfrrents ond�+It� Nola .�;re ai,y r1+!!,s„H €hterbll nrtwi .; w.Ir11 ±s, <br />4Fairairs Cant�9enaa +rreh Laos W r )w1, pr au «Juffii trim Prut�n y n <br />a3u*(4Irc vawi RfA+s. Mtn a -f yptarn Jat waste let .. f1 ,a .p1,. .. tr.. ... r . . <br />s*FY��Me . .�ruvea+sgraR Ur. hoe Prr; €arts Shen )r +,rni dufrar rr, pw lilt any ;r e.! � rim ,9.,r,w �, ,i .a I . i ,I .. I <br />sfiapayR,ar,.�.,, .)i�r+e<c�ath,lerr, wrsl ® vi a ^ieal�ntp su s*a =It e Is 1,+.P:: AI •es pr,�t= x ),- I.,.... 1 ..I .� � ,.. .. .. <br />