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N <br />TRACT NO. 3 -- That certain tract of land consisting of Sixty (60) <br />acres off the South part of Lots seven (7), Nine (9), and Ten <br />(10), in Section Six (G), Township Nine (9), North of Range Ten <br />(10), West of the Sixth P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, bounded on <br />the south by the south channel of the Platte River, and on the <br />North by a straight line run due West to East to a point where it <br />intersects the said Platte River and more fully described as <br />follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section Six <br />(6), which is designated by a mark on the floor of the bridge <br />located at that point, and running North along the West side of <br />Lot Ten (10) a distance of 2592h feet to a point 67 feet 2 inches <br />west of an Iron Pipe; thence running in an easterly direction 3350 <br />feet 4 inches to an iron pipe on the North bank of said Platte <br />River; thence following the North Bank of said Platte River to a <br />point where it intersects the west line of said Lot Ten (10) the <br />intention being to convey that part of the above described premises <br />lying East of the public road, in Hall County, Nebraska. <br />TRACT NO. 4 -- A tract of land comprising 75.0 acres a little more <br />or less, Lets Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), Nine (9), and Ten (10) <br />in Section Six (6), in Township Nine (9), North, Range Ten (10) <br />West of the Sixth P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and lying just North of <br />a certain tract of land deeded to Arthur Smeaton and which tract <br />being conveyed hereby is more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at a point 25925 feet north of the Southwest corner of said <br />Section 6 and 67 feet, 2 inches west of an iron pipe located on <br />the East side of the highway and running thence in a northerly <br />direction along the west line of Lots Ten (10) and Five (5), a <br />distance of 853 feet, 4 inches rinnning thence in an easterly <br />direction through Lots Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), a distance <br />of 3937 feet, 5 inches to an iron pips on the East line of said <br />Lot Seven (7) running thence South along the East line of Lot <br />Seven (7) a distance of 545 feet, 9 inches to an iron pipe on the <br />'North bank of the Platte River, thence following the North bank <br />of said river in a Southwesterly direction to an iron pipe <br />designating the easterly point of that point of Lot Seven (7) <br />deeded to Arthur Smeaton; thence westerly a distance of 3350 feet, <br />4 inches to the point of beginning, the intention being to convey <br />that part of the above described premises, lying east of the public <br />highway, in Hall County, Nebraska. <br />AS TO ALL HALL COUNTY LAND ABOVE DESCRIBED THE ACCRETION THEREUNTO <br />BELONGING. <br />