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1 <br />K3 901" 1 0-:1-M 5111 , <br />NOTIM THE SWURITY INVIRUMENT SECURES A N= WHICH CON, <br />TAIM A PROVISKIN ALLOWING FOR CUANG98 IN TIM INTMW <br />RATIR. 114C IN THE IMMIM iRATI1 WILL R881ULT IN HIGHIM <br />PAYURNT& DWRVASM IN THE INTMW RATE MAY RIXIULT IN <br />LOWER PAYM <br />(1) Rate Change Dates and Frequency Thereof: Beginning in 19$@._._, the rate of interest I must pay may <br />chow in the day of the month__—O-Qr _._____- -(Month After Closing Month), and on <br />that day every 12 months thereafter. Each date on which the rate of interest could change is called <br />a "Rate Change Date.,, <br />0 The Index: Any changes in the rate of interest will be based on an Index. The "Index" isXX the Monthly <br />Average Yield on United States Treasury securities adjusted to a constant maturity of _ 6 months <br />year ___a years _ . __..:5 years as made available by the Federal Reserve Board, or -D the Na- <br />tional Monthly Median Cost of Funds (annualized) to FSLIC Insured Savings and Loan Associations, as made <br />available by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. (Check only one box.) <br />The first Index figure for this Note is-3-00%. It is called the "Original Index." The most recently available <br />Index figure as of 48 days before each Rate change is called the "Current Index." <br />If the Index is no longer available, the Note Holder will choose a new index which is based upon comparable <br />information. The Note Hokter will give me notice of this choice. <br />(3) Calculates of Changes: Before each Change Date, the Note Holder will determine any change in my <br />rate of interest. The Note Holier will calculate my new interest rate by adding _ 2 percentage points <br />(__2_%) to the Current Index and rounding the result to the nearest one - eighth of one percentage Point <br />10.125 %). This rounded amount will be the new rate of interest I am required to pay. <br />The maximum interest rate I will be required to pay on this loan will be no more than 13 %. The <br />minimum interest rate I wiil be required to pay on this loan will be no less than __8____°10. <br />The Note Holder will then determine the new amount of my monthly payment which would be sufficient to <br />spay the outstanding principal balance in full on the maturity date at my new rate of interest in substantially <br />equal payments. The result of this calculation is called the "Full Payment" and will be the new amount of my <br />monthly payment. <br />[] PROVISION AI4) applicable only if this box is checked. <br />(4) Limit as Interest Rate Increases: The rate of interest I am required to pay shall never be increased or <br />decreased on any single Rate Change Date by more than from the rate of interest I have been paying. <br />(5) Effective Date of : The new rate of interest will become effective on each Rate Change Date. I <br />will pay the new amount of my monthly payment each month beginning on the first monthly payment date <br />after the Rate Change Date until the amount of my monthly payment is again changed, or I have fully repaid <br />the loan. <br />0 : The Note Holder will mail or deliver to me a notice of any changes before each Rate <br />Change Date. The Notice will advise me of the new interest rate on my loan, the amount of my now monthly <br />payments. and any additional matters which the Note Holder is required to disclose. <br />'i:7 Provisions AI71. AW, AM, and A110) applicable only if this box is checked, <br />M 's RightTe Limit Monthly Payment: Unison Sections A(9) and A001 below will not permit me <br />to do so, I may choose to limit the amount of my new monthly payment following a hate Change Date to the <br />amount I have been paying multiplied by the number 1,076. This amount is called the "Limited Payment," If <br />I choose a Limited Payment as my monthly Payment, I must give the Note Holder notice that 1 am doing so <br />at. ham 15 days before my first new monthly payment is due. <br />